
#' @title Automated scoring of incubation
#' @description This is the core algorithm of \code{incR} and classifies time points as 1's or 0's depending on
#' whether or not the incubating individual is considered to be on the eggs. 
#' The algorithm
#' uses night variation to daily calibrate itself to temperature variation when the incubating
#' individual is assumed to be on the eggs. 
#' A major assumption of this algorithm is that
#' there is a period of time in which temperature can be assumed to be constant or
#' representative of time windows of constant incubation. This time window is defined by
#' two arguments: \code{lower.time} and \code{upper.time}. The function is optimised to work using
#' a data frame produced by \code{\link{incRprep}}.
#' @param data data frame for analysis. It must contained four columns named as follow:
#' \code{date}, \code{temp1}, \code{dec_time} and \code{index}, where \code{temp1} is the difference between
#' the \emph{ith} and  \emph{i-1th} temperature recordings; \code{dec_time} is time in
#' decimal hours; and \code{index} is a running number from 1 to \emph{N}, \emph{N} being the 
#' total number of observations. \code{\link{incRprep}} returns a data frame with
#' these variables and the correct names, ready to be passed through \code{incRscan}.
#' @param lower.time lower limit of time window for calibration (numeric).
#' @param upper.time upper limit of time window for calibration (numeric).
#' @param temp.name (character object) name of the column containing temperature data 
#' in \code{data}. 
#' @param sensitivity ratio of reduction in temperature threshold. When nest temperature
#' does not drop close to environmental temperatures, this value can be kept to 1. If 
#' nest temperature follows environmental temperature at any point, 
#' then adjustment of this value may
#' be required to detect short on/off-bouts at lower nest temperatures (see details).
#' @param temp.diff.threshold threshold for temperature difference between \code{env.temp} and an observation which
#' triggers the sensitivity parameter. 
#' @param temp.diff deprecated. Use temp.diff.threshold.
#' @param maxNightVariation maximum temperature variation between two consecutive points
#' within the calibrating window that is considered normal of this period. 
#' If this variation value is surpassed, the
#' calibrating window is discarded and a previous night is used for calibration.
#' @param env.temp name of a column containing environmental temperatures.
#' @return The function returns a list with two objects. The first object, named \code{incRscan_data}, is the original
#' data frame with an extra column named 'incR_score'. This variable is formed by 1's and 0's,
#' representing whether the incubating individual is inside (1) or outside the nest (0).
#' The second object, named \code{incRscan_threshold}, is a data frame with one day per row. Four columns tell the user
#' the thresholds employed to calculate the 'incR_score' column. A fifth column accounts
#' for the ratio between temperature variation in the calibrating window and the variation in temperature 
#' between 11am and 3pm for each day morning. The lower this value the more clear the pattern between night 
#' and day variation and, therefore, stronger the signal in the data. 
#' This value may serve the user as an indication of the signal / noise ratio in the analysed
#' data set.
#' @section Details:
#' For further details about the calculation performed by \code{\link{incRscan}}, consult the package vignettes and
#' the associated publications.
#' @author Pablo Capilla-Lasheras
#' @examples
#' # incR_procdata is a dataframe processed by incRprep and incRenv.
#' # it contains suitable information to run incRscan
#' data(incR_procdata)
#' incubation.analysis <- incRscan (data=incR_procdata, 
#'                                   temp.name="temperature",
#'                                   lower.time=22,
#'                                   upper.time=3,
#'                                   sensitivity=0.15,
#'                                   temp.diff.threshold=5,
#'                                   maxNightVariation=2,
#'                                   env.temp="env_temp")
#' inc.data <- incubation.analysis[[1]]
#' inc.thresholds <- incubation.analysis[[2]]
#' @seealso \code{\link{incRprep}} \code{\link{incRenv}} 
#' @export 
incRscan <- function (data, 
                      env.temp) {
  # warnings if arguments are missing
  if (!missing("temp.diff")) {
    warning("argument deprecated. Use temp.diff.threshold instead")
  if (base::is.null(data$date) || base::is.null(data$dec_time) || 
      base::is.null(data$temp1) || base::is.null(data$index)) {
    stop("Please, check that the columns 'date', 'dec_time', 'temp1' and 'index' exist in your data frame")
  # set up list to store results
  incubation.list <- base::as.list(NA)
  threshold.list <- base::as.list(NA)
  vector.days <- base::as.vector(NA)
  list.day <- base::split(data, data$date)
  incubation.final <- base::as.list(NA)
  # find time windows for calibration
  if (lower.time < 24 && lower.time < upper.time) {
    subset.data <- data[data$dec_time > lower.time & data$dec_time < upper.time, ]
    subset.list <- base::split(subset.data, subset.data$date)
  } else {
    if (lower.time < 24 && lower.time > upper.time) {
      subset.nightBefore <- data[data$dec_time > lower.time & data$dec_time < 24, ]
      subset.nightBefore$effec.date <- subset.nightBefore$date + 1
      subset.morning <- data[data$dec_time > 0 & data$dec_time < upper.time, ]
      subset.morning$effec.date <- subset.morning$date
      subset.data <- base::rbind(subset.nightBefore, subset.morning)
      subset.list <- base::split(subset.data, subset.data$effec.date)
  # loop over each day
  for (d in 1:base::length(list.day)) {
    data.day <- list.day[[d]]
    # checking that there is calibration data for a given day
    if (base::sort(base::names(subset.list) == base::as.character(base::unique(data.day$date)), 
                   decreasing = TRUE)[1] == TRUE) {
      subset.night <- subset.list[[base::as.character(base::unique(data.day$date))]]
      if(nrow(subset.night) == 0){
        print(base::paste("No night reference period for ", 
                          base::as.character(unique(data.day$date)), " - day skipped"))
        first.maxDrop <- NA
        first.maxIncrease <- NA
        final.maxDrop <- NA
        final.maxIncrease <- NA
        night_day_varRatio <- NA
        threshold.list[[d]] <- c(as.character(unique(data.day$date)), 
    } else {
      print(base::paste("No night reference period for ", 
                        base::as.character(unique(data.day$date)), " - day skipped"))
      first.maxDrop <- NA
      first.maxIncrease <- NA
      final.maxDrop <- NA
      final.maxIncrease <- NA
      night_day_varRatio <- NA
      threshold.list[[d]] <- c(as.character(unique(data.day$date)), 
    # calculating temperature thresholds
    night.drop <- base::min(subset.night$temp1, na.rm = TRUE)
    night.raise <- base::max(subset.night$temp1, na.rm = TRUE)
    if (night.drop <= -maxNightVariation || night.raise >=  +maxNightVariation) {
      print(base::paste("Night variation on ", base::paste(base::as.character(unique(subset.night$date)[1]), 
                                                           sep = "/"), " has passed set limit"))
      if (d == 1) {
        print(base::paste("Night drop limit exit on ", 
                                      sep = "/"), " and no previous night as reference. Day not analysed."))
        first.maxIncrease <- NA
        first.maxDrop <- NA
        final.maxIncrease <- NA
        final.maxDrop <- NA
        night_day_varRatio <- NA
        threshold.list[[d]] <- c(base::as.character(base::unique(data.day$date)), 
      }else {
        first.maxIncrease <- base::round(base::max(subset.night$temp1, 
                                                   na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
        first.maxDrop <- base::round(base::min(subset.night$temp1, 
                                               na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
        if (base::is.na(threshold.list[[d - 1]][3]) || 
            base::is.na(threshold.list[[d - 1]][5])) {
          print(base::paste("Night drop limit exit on ", 
                                        sep = "/"), " and no previous night as reference. Day not analysed."))
          final.maxIncrease <- NA
          final.maxDrop <- NA
          night_day_varRatio <- base::round(stats::var(subset.night$temp1, 
                                                       na.rm = TRUE)/stats::var(data.day$temp1[data.day$dec_time > 
                                                                                                 11 & data.day$dec_time < 15], na.rm = TRUE), 
                                            digits = 3)
          threshold.list[[d]] <- base::c(base::as.character(base::unique(data.day$date)), 
        } else {
          final.maxIncrease <- base::round(base::as.numeric(threshold.list[[d - 1]][3]), digits = 3)
          final.maxDrop <- base::round(base::as.numeric(threshold.list[[d - 1]][5]), digits = 3)
          night_day_varRatio <- base::round(stats::var(subset.night$temp1, 
                                                       na.rm = TRUE)/stats::var(data.day$temp1[data.day$dec_time > 11 & data.day$dec_time < 15], 
                                                                                na.rm = TRUE), 
                                            digits = 3)
    } else {
      first.maxIncrease <- NA
      first.maxDrop <- NA
      final.maxIncrease <- base::round(base::max(subset.night$temp1,  na.rm = TRUE), 
                                       digits = 3)
      final.maxDrop <- base::round(base::min(subset.night$temp1, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 3)
      night_day_varRatio <- base::round(stats::var(subset.night$temp1, 
                                                   na.rm = TRUE)/stats::var(data.day$temp1[data.day$dec_time > 11 & data.day$dec_time < 15], 
                                                                            na.rm = TRUE), 
                                        digits = 3)
    threshold.list[[d]] <- base::c(base::as.character(base::unique(data.day$date)), 
    data.day$leaving <- NA
    data.day$entering <- NA
    data.day <- data.day[order(data.day$dec_time),]
     for (i in 2:base::length(data.day$temp1)) {
      data.day$leaving[1] <- 0
      data.day$entering[1] <- 1
      if (base::is.na(data.day[[temp.name]][i])) {
      if (is.null(env.temp)) {
        stop("Provide the name of the column with environmental temperatures")
      statement <- base::abs((data.day[[temp.name]][i] - 
                                data.day[[env.temp]][i])) < temp.diff.threshold
      if (statement) {
        correction.min <- sensitivity
        correction.max <- 1
      } else {
        correction.min <- 1
        correction.max <- 0
      if (base::is.na(data.day$temp1[i])) {
      if (data.day$temp1[i] < final.maxDrop * correction.min) {
        data.day$leaving[i] <- 1
      }else {
        data.day$leaving[i] <- 0
      if (data.day$temp1[i] > (final.maxIncrease * correction.max)) {
        data.day$entering[i] <- 1
      }else {
        data.day$entering[i] <- 0
    data.day$incR_score <- NA
    seq.loop <- 1
    data.leaving <- data.day[data.day$leaving == 1, ]
    data.entering <- data.day[data.day$entering == 1, ]
    if (base::nrow(data.leaving) == 0) {
      data.day$incR_score <- 1
      incubation.list[[d]] <- data.day
    } else {
      for (j in 1:base::length(data.day$entering)) {
        if (j != utils::tail(seq.loop, 1)) {
        if (data.day$entering[j] == 1) {
          index.dif <- data.leaving$index - data.day$index[j]
          if (base::max(index.dif) <= 0) {
            data.day$incR_score[j:base::length(data.day$entering)] <- 1
          addition <- base::min(index.dif[index.dif > 0])
          new.index <- j + addition
          data.day$incR_score[(j):(new.index - 1)] <- 1
          seq.loop <- base::c(seq.loop, utils::tail(seq.loop,  1) + addition)
        }else {
          if (data.day$leaving[j] == 1) {
            index.dif <- data.entering$index - data.day$index[j]
            if (base::max(index.dif) <= 0) {
              data.day$incR_score[j:base::length(data.day$entering)] <- 0
            addition <- base::min(index.dif[index.dif > 
            new.index <- j + addition
            data.day$incR_score[j:(new.index - 1)] <- 0
            seq.loop <- base::c(seq.loop, utils::tail(seq.loop, 1) + addition)
          } else {
      if (night.drop > -maxNightVariation || night.raise < +maxNightVariation) {
        data.day$incR_score[data.day$dec_time < upper.time] <- 1
        data.day$incR_score[data.day$dec_time > lower.time] <- 1
      incubation.list[[d]] <- data.day
  final.data <- base::do.call("rbind", incubation.list)
  final.data$entering <- NULL
  final.data$leaving <- NULL
  incubation.final[[1]] <- final.data
  final.threshold <- base::as.data.frame(base::do.call("rbind", 
  base::names(final.threshold) <- c("date", "first.maxIncrease", 
  incubation.final[[2]] <- final.threshold[stats::complete.cases(final.threshold$date),]
  names(incubation.final) <- c("incRscan_data", "incRscan_threshold")

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incR documentation built on April 19, 2023, 1:07 a.m.