
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# evaluate bootstrap confidence intervals for one-group situation
# either MPSE or MLE based fits

# init -----
incubate_ver <- toString(packageVersion('incubate'))
cat('incubate version ', incubate_ver, '\n')
# mkuhn, 2021-12-09: v0.7.2 is needed for new name of bs_data: 'ordinary' instead of 'simple' and boot-package implementation
# mkuhn, 2021-12-15: v0.7.3 is needed for bs_infer = 't'
# mkuhn, 2022-03-17: v0.9 is needed for 2-step confint
# mkuhn, 2022-03-18: v0.9.1 is needed for bs_infer=lognormal & logquantile
# mkuhn, 2022-03-22: v0.9.4 is needed for bs_infer=lognormal & logquantile with log-shift parameter
# mkuhn, 2022-03-24: v0.9.5 logshift internally redefined (should not have impact here, though)
# mkuhn, 2022-03-31: v0.9.6 is needed for smoothing for delay
# mkuhn, 2022-06-??: v1.1.9 new meaning for SMD_factor
# mkuhn, 2022-07-02: v1.1.9.9001 is first to have name-change MPSE
# mkuhn, 2022-07-13: v1.1.9.9010 sets ties='density' as new default for single group fits
stopifnot( utils::compareVersion(incubate_ver, '') >= 0L )

library('dplyr', warn.conflicts = FALSE)

TODAY <- Sys.Date()

# command line arguments -----
cmdArgs <- R.utils::commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE,
                                asValues = TRUE,
                                excludeReserved = FALSE, excludeEnvVars = TRUE,
                                defaults = list(resultsDir=getwd(),
                                                dist='exponential', method='MPSE', seed=as.integer(TODAY), bs_data='parametric', smd_factor='all', bs_infer='all',
                                                implement='own', slice=0, chnkSize=0, workers=6, R=150, mcnrep=100))

if (any(c('help', 'h') %in% names(cmdArgs))){
  cat('Run Monte-Carlo simulations with delayed Exponential or Weibull data for a single group setting.\n')
  cat('A confidence interval is constructed for all involved parameters and its properties "width" and "coverage" are calculated.\n')
  cat('Sample size, delay, scale and scale ratio (between the two groups) and shape use different fixed values that are specified within the script.\n')
  cat('Parameter options are:\n')
  cat('  --help\t print this help\n')
  cat('  --resultsDir=\t specify the directory where to put the result files. Defaults to the directory where Rscript is executed.\n')
  cat('  --single/--1\t flag to use only single scenario: n=10, delay=5, shape=.5 for Weibull, scale=5, level=.95\n')
  cat('  --dist=\t specify underlying distribution. It can be either exponential (default) or Weibull (but not both at the same time).\n')
  cat('  --method=\t specify the estimation method that underlies the confidence interval. MPSE (default) or MLE0 or all.\n')
  cat('  --seed=\t if given, set random seed at the start of the script. Default is date-dependent. In the past, we used a fixed seed of 12. \n')
  cat('  --bs_data=\t with respect to bootstrap data options, choose a scenario\n')
  cat('  --smd_factor=\t factor for smoothing of delay\n')
  cat('  --bs_infer=\t with respect to bootstrap inference options, choose a scenario\n')
  cat('  --implement=\t which implementation: own, boot, all\n')
  cat('  --slice=\t if given, pick only this number of scenarios for the simulation. Or drop the absolute number from tail if negative. It uses base::head\n')
  cat('  --chnkSize=\t chunk size to write out results having processed so many scenarios\n')
  cat('  --workers=\t number of parallel computations using future.callr and future.apply\n')
  cat('  --R=\t\t number of bootstrap samples for the confidence interval: it determines the reliabiltiy of the CI, e.g., R=1000 will start to be stable\n')
  cat('  --mcnrep=\t number of replicated bootstrap data sets to build confidence intervals for: it determines the precision of coverage/width mean value.\n')
  cat('  --print\t show scenarios to simulate and exit.\n')
  quit(save = 'no')

myResultsDir <- cmdArgs[["resultsDir"]]
stopifnot( is.character(myResultsDir), dir.exists(myResultsDir),
           # check read & write permission (first octal information)
           (file.mode(myResultsDir) %>% as.character() %>% substr(1,1) %>% as.octmode() & 6) == '6')

myDist <- cmdArgs[["dist"]]
stopifnot( is.character(myDist), length(myDist) == 1L )
myDist <- match.arg(arg = tolower(myDist), choices = c("exponential", "weibull"))

myMethod <- cmdArgs[["method"]]
stopifnot( is.character(myMethod), length(myMethod) == 1L )
myMethod <- match.arg(arg = toupper(myMethod), choices = c('MPSE', 'MLE0', 'ALL'))

myWorkers <- cmdArgs[["workers"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(myWorkers), length(myWorkers) == 1L, myWorkers >= 1L )

myChnkSize <- cmdArgs[["chnkSize"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(myChnkSize), length(myChnkSize) == 1L )

myR <- cmdArgs[["R"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(myR), length(myR) == 1L, myR >= 1L )

myMCNrep <- cmdArgs[["mcnrep"]]
stopifnot( is.numeric(myMCNrep), length(myMCNrep) == 1L, myMCNrep >= 1L )

mySlice <- cmdArgs[["slice"]]
stopifnot( ! is.null(mySlice), is.numeric(mySlice), is.finite(mySlice), length(mySlice) == 1L )
mySlice <- round(mySlice)

myBS_data <- cmdArgs[["bs_data"]]
stopifnot( ! is.null(myBS_data), is.character(myBS_data), length(myBS_data) == 1L )
myBS_data <- match.arg(arg = tolower(myBS_data), choices = c('ordinary', 'parametric', 'all'))

mySMD_factor <- cmdArgs[["smd_factor"]]
stopifnot( is.character(mySMD_factor), length(mySMD_factor) == 1L )
mySMD_factor <- tolower(mySMD_factor)

myBS_infer <- cmdArgs[["bs_infer"]]
stopifnot( ! is.null(myBS_infer), is.character(myBS_infer), length(myBS_infer) == 1L )
myBS_infer <- match.arg(arg = tolower(myBS_infer), choices = c('normal', 'normal0', 'lognormal', 'quantile', 'quantile0', 'logquantile', 't0', 't', 'all'))

myImpl <- cmdArgs[["implement"]]
stopifnot( ! is.null(myImpl), is.character(myImpl), length(myImpl) == 1L )
myImpl <- match.arg(arg = tolower(myImpl), choices = c('own', 'boot', 'all'))

mySeed <- cmdArgs[['seed']]
stopifnot( is.numeric(mySeed), length(mySeed) == 1L, mySeed >= 0L )

myPrint <- isTRUE(any(c('print', 'p') %in% tolower(names(cmdArgs))))

mySingle <- isTRUE(any(c('single', '1') %in% tolower(names(cmdArgs))))

# set up simulation setting -----

if (mySeed > 0L){
  set.seed(mySeed) ##used to be: 12

simSetting <- tidyr::expand_grid(n = c(5, 8, 10, 12, 20), #, 50, 100), # low n most interesting
                                 delay = 5, #c(5, 10),
                                 scale = c(1, 2, 5),
                                 shape = unique(case_when(
                                   myDist == 'exponential' ~ 1,
                                   myDist == 'weibull' ~ c(.5, 2))),
                                 method = c('MPSE', 'MLE0'),
                                 bs_data = c('parametric', 'ordinary'),
                                 smd_factor = c(0, .1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2),
                                 implement = c('own', 'boot'),
                                 # bootstrap inference propoerties come last
                                 bs_infer = c('quantile0', 'quantile', 'logquantile_.00001', 'logquantile_.001', 'logquantile_.1', 'logquantile_.25', 'logquantile_.5', 'logquantile_1', 'logquantile_2', 'logquantile_3', 'logquantile_5', 'logquantile_10', 'logquantile_15', 'logquantile_20', 'logquantile_25',
                                              'normal0', 'normal', 'lognormal_.00001', 'lognormal_.001', 'lognormal_.1', 'lognormal_.25', 'lognormal_.5', 'lognormal_1', 'lognormal_2', 'lognormal_3', 'lognormal_5', 'lognormal_10', 'lognormal_15', 'lognormal_20', 'lognormal_25'), #, 't0', 't'),
                                 level = c(.9, .95, .99)) %>%
  # boot package offers no CIs based on t-quantiles
  dplyr::filter(! (bs_infer %in% c('t', 't0', 'normal0') & implement == 'boot'))
# mkuhn, quick filter
# dplyr::filter(method == 'MPSE', ! bs_infer %in% c('quantile0', 'normal0', 't0'))

if (myMethod != 'ALL') {
  simSetting <- simSetting %>%
    dplyr::filter(method == myMethod)

# first select the inference methods
if (myBS_infer != 'all') {
  simSetting <- simSetting %>%
    dplyr::filter(bs_infer == myBS_infer)

# nest simSetting: pack all bs_infer together
simSetting <- simSetting %>%
  dplyr::nest_by(n, delay, scale, shape, method, bs_data, smd_factor, implement, .key = 'bs_infer')

if (myBS_data != 'all') {
  simSetting <- simSetting %>%
    dplyr::filter(bs_data == myBS_data)

if (mySMD_factor != 'all') {
  mySMD_factor <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(mySMD_factor))
  if (is.finite(mySMD_factor)){
    simSetting <- simSetting %>%
      dplyr::mutate(smd_factor = mySMD_factor) %>%
  } else stop('Could not parse the value given for smd_factor=')

if (myImpl != 'all') {
  simSetting <- simSetting %>%
    dplyr::filter(implement == myImpl)

if (mySingle) {
  # scenario does not involve level and bs_infer
  simSetting <- simSetting %>%
    #n=10, delay=5, shape=.5 for Weibull, scale=5
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::near(n, 12L), dplyr::near(delay, 5L),
                  dplyr::near(shape, case_when(myDist == 'exponential' ~ 1,
                                               myDist == 'weibull' ~ .5,
                                               TRUE ~ 99)),
                  dplyr::near(scale, 5L), method == 'MPSE')

if (! dplyr::near(mySlice, 0L)) {
  # use base::head to ignore rowwise()
  simSetting <- head(simSetting, n = mySlice)


if (NROW(simSetting) == 0L){
  cat('No scenarios selected for simulation.\n')
  quit(save = 'no')

if (myPrint) {
  print(knitr::kable(dplyr::select(simSetting, !bs_infer), format = 'pipe', digits = 2))
  cat('\nIn total,', NROW(simSetting), 'simulation scenarios.\nEach scenario is covered by ', myMCNrep, 'data replications.\n')
  cat('A confidence interval has R=', myR, 'parametric bootstrap samples.\n')
  cat('Results directory is set to ', myResultsDir, '\n')
  quit(save = 'no')

# set up parallel computing ----
if (myWorkers > 1L){

  future::plan(strategy = future.callr::callr, workers = myWorkers)

# functions -----

#' Monte-Carlo simulation for a single simulation setting.
#' Uses parallel computation (using `future_replicate`) to go through the MC-simulations. This is the first level of parallelisation.
#' Each bootstrap test is also future-aware (which listens on the 2nd layer of future topology).
#' @param dist character. delay-distribution to simulate data from
#' @param bs_data character. data generation in bootstrap
#' @param implement character. flag to choose between implementation via boot-package or own future-aware code
#' @param bsInferDF dataframe. inference scenarios to build confidence interval for, defined by bs_infer & level
#' @param agg flag. Aggregate values over runs
#' @return dataframe. coverage and width in the different Monte-Carlo runs.
simfun <- function(dist, n, delay, scale, shape, method, bs_data, smd_factor, implement, bsInferDF, agg = TRUE){
  stopifnot(, 'level' %in% names(bsInferDF),
            is.numeric(bsInferDF$level), all(bsInferDF$level > 0L & bsInferDF$level < 1L))

  bsInferDF$ID <- seq_len(NROW(bsInferDF))
  agg <- isTRUE(agg)

  paramDF <- tibble::enframe(if (myDist == 'exponential')
    c(delay = delay, rate = 1/scale) else
      c(delay = delay, scale = scale, shape = shape),
    name = 'param', value = 'truth')

  ciList <- future.apply::future_replicate(n = myMCNrep, expr = {
    # generate data
    x <- if (myDist == 'exponential') {
      stopifnot( dplyr::near(shape, 1L) )
      rexp_delayed(n = n, delay = delay, rate = 1/scale)
    } else {
      stopifnot( myDist == 'weibull')
      rweib_delayed(n = n, delay = delay, scale = scale, shape = shape)

    ciObj <- NULL
    try(expr = {
      # fitting a delay model assuming the correct underlying model
      dm <- delay_model(x=x, distribution = myDist, method = method)

      # confint's bsDataStep is future-aware and can use parallelization
      bsDatObj <- incubate:::bsDataStep(dm, bs_data = bs_data, R = myR, useBoot = implement == 'boot', smd_factor = smd_factor)

      # bootstrap inference
      ciObj <- purrr::map_dfr(.x = bsInferDF$ID,
                              .f = ~ {
                                # hack: have different options for log-shift (in case of log-transformation)
                                bs_inf <- bsInferDF$bs_infer[.x]
                                log_shift <- NA_real_
                                if (startsWith(bs_inf, 'log')){
                                  bs_inf_split <- stringr::str_split(bs_inf, pattern = stringr::fixed('_'))[[1L]]
                                  bs_inf <- bs_inf_split[[1L]]
                                  if (length(bs_inf_split) == 2L) log_shift <- as.numeric(bs_inf_split[[2L]])
                                confint(dm, level = bsInferDF$level[.x], bs_data = bsDatObj,
                                            bs_infer = bs_inf, logshift_delay = log_shift,
                                            useBoot = implement == 'boot')} %>%
                                tibble::as_tibble(rownames = 'param') %>% purrr::set_names(nm = c('param', 'lower', 'upper')) %>%
                                dplyr::inner_join(x = paramDF, y = ., by = 'param') %>%
                                dplyr::mutate(width = upper - lower) %>%
                                dplyr::rowwise(param) %>%
                                dplyr::mutate(covered = dplyr::between(truth, left = lower, right = upper)) %>%
                                dplyr::ungroup() %>%
                                dplyr::select(param, width, covered) %>%
                                tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(width, covered), names_to = 'quality', values_to = 'value'),
                              .id = 'bsInferDFRow') %>%
        dplyr::mutate(bsInferDFRow = as.numeric(bsInferDFRow)) %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(y = bsInferDF, by = c(bsInferDFRow = 'ID')) %>%
    }, silent = TRUE)

  }, simplify = FALSE, future.seed = TRUE)

  ciList <- ciList %>%
    # drop NULLs
    purrr::compact() %>%
    # bind results together
    dplyr::bind_rows(.id = 'run') %>%
    # mkuhn, 2022-07-13: check for finite value

  if (agg){
    ciList <- ciList %>%
      group_by(param, quality, bs_infer, level) %>%
      summarize(nagg = n(), meanv = mean(value, na.rm = TRUE), medianv = median(value, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = 'drop') %>%
      # mean of coverage, median of width
      mutate(mv = if_else(quality == 'covered', true = meanv, false = medianv)) %>%
      dplyr::select(!c(meanv, medianv))


#' run MC-simulations for each scenario sequentially (row-by-row)
#' @param agg flag. Aggregate values over runs
#' @return extended tibble with results and environment meta information
applySimFun <- function(simSetDF, agg=TRUE){
  stopifnot( length(dplyr::groups(simSetDF)) > 0L )

  simSetDF %>%
    #rowwise() %>%
    # encapsulate with list(..) to get a list column (and not a complaint)
    mutate(ci_res = list(simfun(dist = myDist, n=n, delay=delay, scale = scale, shape = shape,
                                method = method, bs_data = bs_data, smd_factor = smd_factor, implement = implement, bsInferDF = bs_infer,
                                agg = agg)),
           # drop bs_infer (as it is fused into ci_res)
           bs_infer = NULL) %>%
    # mutate(incubate = as.character(packageVersion('incubate')),
    #        Rversion = R.version.string,
    #        Host =[["nodename"]],
    #        Time = format(Sys.time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d_%Hh%M"))

# run & save ----

addMetaData <- function(da, timeTag) {
  comment(da) <- list(seed = mySeed, R = myR, mcnrep = myMCNrep, workers = myWorkers, chnkSize = myChnkSize,
                      host =[["nodename"]],
                      rversion = R.version.string,
                      incubate = as.character(packageVersion('incubate')),
                      date = TODAY,
                      time = timeTag) %>%
    #paste(names(.), ., sep = '=', collapse = ',')

DATETIME_TAG <- format(Sys.time(), format = "%Y-%m-%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss")
rdsBaseName <- paste0("simRes_confint_", DATETIME_TAG, "_agg"[AGG])
rdsName <- file.path(myResultsDir, paste0(rdsBaseName, ".rds"))

if (myChnkSize < 1L || NROW(simSetting) <= myChnkSize){
  # no chunking
  simSetting <- applySimFun(simSetDF = simSetting, agg = AGG) %>%
    addMetaData(timeTag = DATETIME_TAG)
  saveRDS(simSetting, file = rdsName)
} else {
  # work in chunks
  rowIdx <- seq_len(NROW(simSetting))
  chunk_nbr <- (length(rowIdx) %/% myChnkSize)+1L
  stopifnot( chunk_nbr > 1L, chunk_nbr <= 999999L )
  # stripe over the scenarios
  rowIdxLst <- split(rowIdx, f = rep_len(x=seq_len(chunk_nbr), length.out = length(rowIdx)))
  stopifnot( length(rowIdxLst) == chunk_nbr )
  for (i in seq_along(rowIdxLst)){
    #slice does not work on rowwise tibbles (as it works *per group*)
    simSetting_chk <- applySimFun(simSetDF = simSetting[rowIdxLst[[i]],], agg = AGG)
    rdsChkName <- file.path(myResultsDir, paste0(rdsBaseName, "_", sprintf("%06d", i), ".rds"))
    cat("Write out chunk ", i, "\n")
    saveRDS(simSetting_chk %>% addMetaData(timeTag = DATETIME_TAG),
            file = rdsChkName)

  # merge chunked output!
  chkFileNames <- list.files(path = myResultsDir, pattern = paste0('^', rdsBaseName, '_[[:digit:]]+[.]rds$'),
                             full.names = TRUE)
  if ( length(chkFileNames) ){
    chkFiles <- purrr::map(.x = chkFileNames, .f = readRDS)

    saveRDS(chkFiles %>%
              dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
              addMetaData(timeTag = DATETIME_TAG),
            file = rdsName)

    if ( file.exists(rdsName) && (! exists('infoRDS') || ! inherits( try(infoRDS(rdsName), silent = TRUE), "try-error")) ){
      message("Removing ", length(chkFileNames), " intermediate chunked RDS-files!")
    } #fi remove chk RDS files

  } else {
    warning("Failed to find chunked RDS-output.")

} #esle chunking

# teardown ----

# output the latest warnings:
cat("\n+++\nThese are warnings from the script:\n+++\n")

if (myWorkers > 1L) future::plan(strategy = future::sequential)


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incubate documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:11 p.m.