#' @title Construct network for single target gene
#' @inheritParams inferCSN
#' @param matrix An expression matrix.
#' @param target The target gene.
#' @return The weight data table of sub-network
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("example_matrix")
#' head(
#' single_network(
#' example_matrix,
#' regulators = colnames(example_matrix),
#' target = "g1"
#' )
#' )
#' single_network(
#' example_matrix,
#' regulators = "g1",
#' target = "g2"
#' )
single_network <- function(
cross_validation = FALSE,
seed = 1,
penalty = "L0",
algorithm = "CD",
regulators_num = (ncol(matrix) - 1),
n_folds = 10,
percent_samples = 1,
r_threshold = 0,
verbose = FALSE,
...) {
regulators <- setdiff(regulators, target)
x <- matrix[, regulators]
y <- matrix[, target]
if (length(regulators) == 1) {
regulator = regulators,
target = target,
weight = stats::cor(x, y, method = "spearman")
coefficients <- sparse_regression(
x, y,
cross_validation = cross_validation,
seed = seed,
penalty = penalty,
algorithm = algorithm,
regulators_num = regulators_num,
n_folds = n_folds,
percent_samples = percent_samples,
r_threshold = r_threshold,
verbose = verbose,
coefficients <- normalization(
method = "sum"
if (length(coefficients) != ncol(x)) {
coefficients <- rep(0, ncol(x))
regulator = colnames(x),
target = target,
weight = coefficients
#' @title Sparse regression model
#' @inheritParams inferCSN
#' @param x The matrix of regulators.
#' @param y The vector of target.
#' @param computation_method The method used to compute \code{r}.
#' @return Coefficients
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("example_matrix")
#' sparse_regression(
#' example_matrix[, -1],
#' example_matrix[, 1]
#' )
sparse_regression <- function(
x, y,
cross_validation = FALSE,
seed = 1,
penalty = "L0",
algorithm = "CD",
regulators_num = ncol(x),
n_folds = 10,
percent_samples = 1,
r_threshold = 0,
computation_method = "cor",
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
if (percent_samples == 1) {
test_x <- x
test_y <- y
} else {
samples <- sample(
nrow(x), percent_samples * nrow(x)
test_x <- x[-samples, ]
x <- x[samples, ]
test_y <- y[-samples]
y <- y[samples]
if (cross_validation) {
fit <- try(
x, y,
penalty = penalty,
algorithm = algorithm,
regulators_num = regulators_num,
cross_validation = cross_validation,
n_folds = n_folds,
seed = seed,
if (any(class(fit) == "try-error")) {
"cross validation error,
setting `cross_validation` to `FALSE` and re-train model.",
message_type = "warning",
verbose = verbose
fit <- try(
x, y,
penalty = penalty,
algorithm = algorithm,
regulators_num = regulators_num,
cross_validation = FALSE,
if (any(class(fit) == "try-error")) {
return(rep(0, ncol(x)))
fit_inf <- print(fit)
lambda <- fit_inf$lambda[which.max(fit_inf$suppSize)]
gamma <- fit_inf$gamma[which.max(fit_inf$suppSize)]
} else {
gamma <- fit$fit$gamma[which(
fit$cvMeans, min
)) == min(unlist(lapply(fit$cvMeans, min)))
lambda_list <- dplyr::filter(print(fit), gamma == gamma)
if (regulators_num %in% lambda_list$regulators_num) {
lambda <- lambda_list$regulators_num[which(
lambda_list$regulators_num == regulators_num
} else {
lambda <- min(lambda_list$lambda)
} else {
fit <- try(
x, y,
penalty = penalty,
algorithm = algorithm,
regulators_num = regulators_num,
cross_validation = FALSE
if (any(class(fit) == "try-error")) {
return(rep(0, ncol(x)))
fit_inf <- print(fit)
lambda <- fit_inf$lambda[which.max(fit_inf$suppSize)]
gamma <- fit_inf$gamma[which.max(fit_inf$suppSize)]
pred_y <- as.numeric(
newx = test_x,
lambda = lambda,
gamma = gamma
if (length(test_y) == length(pred_y)) {
if (stats::var(test_y) != 0 && stats::var(pred_y) != 0) {
computation_method <- match.arg(computation_method, c("r_square", "cor"))
r <- switch(
EXPR = computation_method,
"cor" = stats::cor(test_y, pred_y),
"r_square" = r_square(test_y, pred_y)
} else {
r <- 0
} else {
return(rep(0, ncol(x)))
if (r >= r_threshold) {
lambda = lambda,
gamma = gamma
} else {
return(rep(0, ncol(x)))
#' @title Fit a sparse regression model
#' @description
#' Computes the regularization path for the specified loss function and penalty function.
#' @inheritParams sparse_regression
#' @param loss The loss function.
#' @param nLambda The number of Lambda values to select.
#' @param nGamma The number of Gamma values to select.
#' @param gammaMax The maximum value of Gamma when using the `L0L2` penalty.
#' For the `L0L1` penalty this is automatically selected.
#' @param gammaMin The minimum value of Gamma when using the `L0L2` penalty.
#' For the `L0L1` penalty, the minimum value of gamma in the grid is set to gammaMin * gammaMax.
#' Note that this should be a strictly positive quantity.
#' @param partialSort If `TRUE`, partial sorting will be used for sorting the coordinates to do greedy cycling.
#' Otherwise, full sorting is used.
#' @param maxIters The maximum number of iterations (full cycles) for `CD` per grid point.
#' @param rtol The relative tolerance which decides when to terminate optimization,
#' based on the relative change in the objective between iterations.
#' @param atol The absolute tolerance which decides when to terminate optimization,
#' based on the absolute L2 norm of the residuals.
#' @param activeSet If `TRUE`, performs active set updates.
#' @param activeSetNum The number of consecutive times a support should appear before declaring support stabilization.
#' @param maxSwaps The maximum number of swaps used by `CDPSI` for each grid point.
#' @param scaleDownFactor This parameter decides how close the selected Lambda values are.
#' @param screenSize The number of coordinates to cycle over when performing initial correlation screening.
#' @param autoLambda Ignored parameter. Kept for backwards compatibility.
#' @param lambdaGrid A grid of Lambda values to use in computing the regularization path.
#' @param excludeFirstK This parameter takes non-negative integers.
#' @param intercept If `FALSE`, no intercept term is included in the model.
#' @param lows Lower bounds for coefficients.
#' @param highs Upper bounds for coefficients.
#' @md
#' @references
#' Hazimeh, Hussein et al.
#' “L0Learn: A Scalable Package for Sparse Learning using L0 Regularization.”
#' J. Mach. Learn. Res. 24 (2022): 205:1-205:8.
#' Hazimeh, Hussein and Rahul Mazumder.
#' “Fast Best Subset Selection: Coordinate Descent and Local Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms.”
#' Oper. Res. 68 (2018): 1517-1537.
#' @return An S3 object describing the regularization path
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("example_matrix")
#' fit <- fit_sparse_regression(
#' example_matrix[, -1],
#' example_matrix[, 1]
#' )
#' head(coef(fit))
fit_sparse_regression <- function(
x, y,
penalty = "L0",
algorithm = "CD",
regulators_num = ncol(x),
cross_validation = FALSE,
n_folds = 10,
seed = 1,
loss = "SquaredError",
nLambda = 100,
nGamma = 5,
gammaMax = 10,
gammaMin = 0.0001,
partialSort = TRUE,
maxIters = 200,
rtol = 1e-6,
atol = 1e-9,
activeSet = TRUE,
activeSetNum = 3,
maxSwaps = 100,
scaleDownFactor = 0.8,
screenSize = 1000,
autoLambda = NULL,
lambdaGrid = list(),
excludeFirstK = 0,
intercept = TRUE,
lows = -Inf,
highs = Inf,
...) {
# Check parameter values
if ((rtol < 0) || (rtol >= 1)) {
stop("The specified rtol parameter must exist in [0, 1).")
if (atol < 0) {
stop("The specified atol parameter must exist in [0, INF).")
if (!(loss %in% c("SquaredError", "Logistic", "SquaredHinge"))) {
stop("The specified loss function is not supported.")
# Check binary classification for logistic and squared hinge loss
if (loss == "Logistic" | loss == "SquaredHinge") {
if (dim(table(y)) != 2) {
stop("Only binary classification is supported. Make sure y has only 2 unique values.")
y <- factor(y, labels = c(-1, 1)) # Returns a vector of strings
y <- as.numeric(levels(y))[y]
# Adjust parameters for L0 penalty
if (penalty == "L0") {
if ((length(lambdaGrid) != 0) && (length(lambdaGrid) != 1)) {
"L0 Penalty requires 'lambdaGrid' to be a list of length 1.
Where lambdaGrid[[1]] is a list or vector of decreasing positive values."
penalty <- "L0L2"
nGamma <- 1
gammaMax <- 1e-7
gammaMin <- 1e-7
# Handle Lambda Grids
if (length(lambdaGrid) != 0) {
if (!is.null(autoLambda) && !autoLambda) {
warning("'autoLambda' is ignored and inferred if 'lambdaGrid' is supplied.")
autoLambda <- FALSE
} else {
autoLambda <- TRUE
lambdaGrid <- list(0)
# Check lambda grid for L0 penalty
if (penalty == "L0" && !autoLambda) {
bad_lambda_grid <- FALSE
if (length(lambdaGrid) != 1) bad_lambda_grid <- TRUE
current <- Inf
for (nxt in lambdaGrid[[1]]) {
if (nxt > current) {
bad_lambda_grid <- TRUE
if (nxt < 0) {
bad_lambda_grid <- TRUE
current <- nxt
if (bad_lambda_grid) {
stop("L0 Penalty requires 'lambdaGrid' to be a list of length 1.
Where 'lambdaGrid[[1]]' is a list or vector of decreasing positive values.")
# Check lambda grid for L0L2 penalties
if (penalty != "L0" && !autoLambda) {
bad_lambda_grid <- FALSE
if (length(lambdaGrid) != nGamma) {
warning("'nGamma' is ignored and replaced with length(lambdaGrid).....")
nGamma <- length(lambdaGrid)
for (i in seq_along(lambdaGrid)) {
current <- Inf
for (nxt in lambdaGrid[[i]]) {
if (nxt > current) {
bad_lambda_grid <- TRUE
if (nxt < 0) {
bad_lambda_grid <- TRUE
current <- nxt
if (bad_lambda_grid) break
if (bad_lambda_grid) {
stop("L0L2 Penalty requires 'lambdaGrid' to be a list of length 'nGamma'.
Where 'lambdaGrid[[i]]' is a list or vector of decreasing positive values.")
p <- dim(x)[[2]]
withBounds <- FALSE
# Check if bounds are specified
if ((!identical(lows, -Inf)) || (!identical(highs, Inf))) {
withBounds <- TRUE
# Check bounds for CDPSI algorithm
if (algorithm == "CDPSI") {
if (any(lows != -Inf) || any(highs != Inf)) {
stop("Bounds are not YET supported for CDPSI algorithm.")
# Adjust lows and highs to vectors if scalar is provided
if (.is_scalar(lows)) {
lows <- lows * rep(1, p)
} else if (!all(sapply(lows, .is_scalar)) || length(lows) != p) {
stop("Lows must be a vector of real values of length p.")
if (.is_scalar(highs)) {
highs <- highs * rep(1, p)
} else if (!all(sapply(highs, .is_scalar)) || length(highs) != p) {
stop("Highs must be a vector of real values of length p.")
# Check bounds conditions
if (any(lows >= highs) || any(lows > 0) || any(highs < 0)) {
stop("Bounds must conform to the following conditions: Lows <= 0, Highs >= 0, Lows < Highs.")
# Call appropriate C++ function based on matrix type
m <- list()
if (!cross_validation) {
if (methods::is(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
m <- .Call(
PACKAGE = "inferCSN",
x, y, loss, penalty, algorithm, regulators_num,
nLambda, nGamma, gammaMax, gammaMin, partialSort,
maxIters, rtol, atol, activeSet, activeSetNum, maxSwaps,
scaleDownFactor, screenSize, !autoLambda, lambdaGrid,
excludeFirstK, intercept, withBounds, lows, highs
} else {
m <- .Call(
PACKAGE = "inferCSN",
x, y, loss, penalty, algorithm, regulators_num,
nLambda, nGamma, gammaMax, gammaMin, partialSort,
maxIters, rtol, atol, activeSet, activeSetNum, maxSwaps,
scaleDownFactor, screenSize, !autoLambda, lambdaGrid,
excludeFirstK, intercept, withBounds, lows, highs
} else {
if (methods::is(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
m <- .Call(
PACKAGE = "inferCSN",
x, y, loss, penalty, algorithm, regulators_num,
nLambda, nGamma, gammaMax, gammaMin, partialSort,
maxIters, rtol, atol, activeSet, activeSetNum, maxSwaps,
scaleDownFactor, screenSize, !autoLambda, lambdaGrid, n_folds,
seed, excludeFirstK, intercept, withBounds, lows, highs
} else {
m <- .Call(
PACKAGE = "inferCSN",
x, y, loss, penalty, algorithm, regulators_num,
nLambda, nGamma, gammaMax, gammaMin, partialSort,
maxIters, rtol, atol, activeSet, activeSetNum, maxSwaps,
scaleDownFactor, screenSize, !autoLambda, lambdaGrid, n_folds,
seed, excludeFirstK, intercept, withBounds, lows, highs
settings <- list()
settings[[1]] <- intercept
names(settings) <- c("intercept")
# Remove potential support sizes exceeding regulators_num
for (i in seq_along(m$SuppSize)) {
last <- length(m$SuppSize[[i]])
if (m$SuppSize[[i]][last] > regulators_num) {
if (last == 1) {
warning("Only 1 element in path with support size > regulators_num.
Try increasing regulators_num to resolve the issue.")
} else {
m$SuppSize[[i]] <- m$SuppSize[[i]][-last]
m$Converged[[i]] <- m$Converged[[i]][-last]
m$lambda[[i]] <- m$lambda[[i]][-last]
m$a0[[i]] <- m$a0[[i]][-last]
m$beta[[i]] <- methods::as(m$beta[[i]][, -last], "sparseMatrix")
if (!cross_validation) {
m$CVMeans[[i]] <- m$CVMeans[[i]][-last]
m$CVSDs[[i]] <- m$CVSDs[[i]][-last]
fit <- list(
beta = m$beta,
lambda = lapply(m$lambda, signif, digits = 6),
a0 = m$a0,
converged = m$Converged,
suppSize = m$SuppSize,
gamma = m$gamma,
penalty = penalty,
loss = loss,
settings = settings
if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
varnames <- seq_len(dim(x)[2])
} else {
varnames <- colnames(x)
fit$varnames <- varnames
class(fit) <- "srm"
fit$n <- dim(x)[1]
fit$p <- dim(x)[2]
if (!cross_validation) {
g <- fit
} else {
g <- list(fit = fit, cvMeans = m$CVMeans, cvSDs = m$CVSDs)
class(g) <- "srm_cv"
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