
Defines functions makeContrMat

Documented in makeContrMat

##' Make Contrast Matrix
##' Construct a list of contrast matrices for block for treatment effects.
##' The main purpose of this function is to compute a list of C matrices
##' described by John and Williams (1987). These C matrices are used for the
##' information decomposition for every treatment effect in every stratum of
##' the experiment.
##' If the user input their own defined contrasts for each treatment effects.
##' This function will then transform the input contrasts to the C matrices for
##' the treatment effects.
##' For the two-phase experiments, the same method of information decomposition
##' is used for the block effects of Phase 1 experiment in the stratum defined
##' from the block structure of the Phase 2 experiment. Hence, the C matrices
##' for the block effects of Phase 1 experiment can also be constructed using
##' this function.
##' @param design.df a data frame containing the experimental design. Requires
##' every column be a \code{\link{factor}}.
##' @param effectNames a vector of character containing the labels of the
##' treatment or block terms in the model generated by the \code{\link{terms}}.
##' @param effectsMatrix a matrix of variables by terms showing which variables
##' appear in which terms generated by the \code{\link{terms}}.
##' @param contr.vec a list of contrast vectors, this allows the user to
##' specify the contrasts for each treatment or block factor. Note that if this
##' argument is used, it is necessary to specify the contrasts for every
##' treatment or block factor with the same order as \code{effectNames}.
##' Default is \code{NA}, and the function output the C matrices described by
##' John and Williams (1987).
##' @return A list of contrast matrices.
##' @author Kevin Chang
##' @references John J, Williams E (1987). \emph{Cyclic and computer generated
##' Designs}. Second edition. Chapman & Hall.
##' @examples
##' design1 <- local({ 
##'   Ani = as.factor(LETTERS[c(1,2,3,4,
##'                             5,6,7,8)])
##'   Trt = as.factor(letters[c(1,1,1,1,
##'                             2,2,2,2)])
##'   data.frame(Ani, Trt, stringsAsFactors = TRUE )
##' })
##' trt.str = "Trt"              
##' fT <- terms(as.formula(paste("~", trt.str, sep = "")), keep.order = TRUE)  #fixed terms
##' trtTerm <- attr(fT, "term.labels")
##' effectsMatrix <- attr(fT, "factor")        
##' T <- makeContrMat(design1, trtTerm, effectsMatrix, contr.vec = NA)
##' #Fit each treatment contrasts as a vector seperately
##' Trt1 <- rep(c(1,-1), each = 4)
##' Trt2 <-  rep(c(1,-1), time = 4)
##' Trt3 <- Trt1*Trt2
##' T <- makeContrMat(design1, trtTerm, effectsMatrix, 
##'       contr.vec =list(Trt = list(Trt1 = Trt1, Trt2 = Trt2, Trt3 = Trt3)))
##' @export makeContrMat
makeContrMat <- function(design.df, effectNames, effectsMatrix, contr.vec) {
    # Square contrast matrix with the specific contrast (trtContr)
    indMatrix1 <- function(x, n, trtContr) {
        if (x == 1) 
            X <- trtContr 
        else if (x == 2) 
            X <- identityMat(n) else X <- K(n)
    # Square contrast matrix without defining the specific contrast
    indMatrix <- function(x, n) {
        if (x == 1) 
            X <- J(n) 
        else if (x == 2) 
            X <- identityMat(n) else X <- K(n)
    # transform each treatment contrast matrix to C matrix
    transContrToT <- function(fact, contr) {
        T <- matrix(0, nrow = nlevels(fact), ncol = nlevels(fact))
        if (is.matrix(contr)) {
            rownames(contr) <- fact
            for (i in 1:ncol(contr)) {
                x <- contr[levels(fact), i]
                T <- T + (x %*% t(x))/as.numeric(t(x) %*% x)
        } else {
            names(contr) <- fact
            x <- contr[levels(fact)]
            T <- T + (x %*% t(x))/as.numeric(t(x) %*% x)
    # obtaining the numbers of the levels from the design
    if (any(grepl("[[:punct:]]", effectNames))) {
        uniqueTrtCols <- unique(unlist(strsplit(effectNames, "[[:punct:]]+")))
        nLevels <- sapply(design.df[, uniqueTrtCols], function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
    } else if (length(effectNames) == 1) {
        uniqueTrtCols = effectNames
        nLevels <- nlevels(design.df[, effectNames])
        names(nLevels) <- effectNames
    } else {
        uniqueTrtCols = effectNames
        nLevels <- sapply(design.df[, effectNames], function(x) nlevels(as.factor(x)))
    nLevels <- nLevels[rownames(effectsMatrix)]
    nEffects <- ncol(effectsMatrix)
    # Without the contrasts specifically defined
    if (all(is.na(contr.vec))) {
        X <- as.list(rep(1, nEffects))
        names(X) <- effectNames
        for (i in 1:nrow(effectsMatrix)) {
            matList <- lapply(effectsMatrix[i, ], function(y) indMatrix(y, nLevels[i]))
            for (j in 1:nEffects) X[[j]] <- X[[j]] %x% matList[[j]]
    } else {
        new.contr.vec <- vector(length = length(uniqueTrtCols), mode = "list")
        names(new.contr.vec) <- uniqueTrtCols
        for (i in 1:length(new.contr.vec)) {
            new.contr.vec[i] <- ifelse(is.null(contr.vec[[names(new.contr.vec)[i]]]), 
                NA, contr.vec[names(new.contr.vec)[i]])
        X <- list()
        count <- 1
        contr.vec <- new.contr.vec
		effectList =  vector(length = length(effectNames), mode = "list")
		names(effectList) = effectNames
		 # Construct the interactions based on the contrasts
        #if (any(grepl("[[:punct:]]", effectNames))) {
        #    interTerms <- grep("[[:punct:]]", effectNames)
            for (i in effectNames) {
                mainTerms <- unlist(strsplit(i, "[[:punct:]]"))
                mainTerms.list <- vector(length = length(mainTerms), mode = "list")
                names(mainTerms.list) <- mainTerms
                for (j in 1:length(mainTerms)) {
					if (is.null(names(contr.vec[[mainTerms[j]]]))) 
						mainTerms.list[[j]] <- 0 
						mainTerms.list[[j]] <- names(contr.vec[[mainTerms[j]]])
                effectList[[i]] <- vector(length = nlevels(interaction(mainTerms.list)), 
                  mode = "list")
                # names(contr.vec)[[i]] = effectNames[i]
                names(effectList[[i]]) <- levels(interaction(mainTerms.list))
		totalLength <- length(effectList[sapply(effectList, class) != "list"])
		if(any(sapply(effectList, class) == "list")){
			 totalLength = totalLength + 
			   sum(sapply(effectList[which(sapply(effectList, class) == "list")], length))
        newEffectsMatrix <- matrix(0, ncol = totalLength, nrow = nrow(effectsMatrix))
        rownames(newEffectsMatrix) <- rownames(effectsMatrix)
        # construct a new effects matrix to use for the Kronecker products
        for (i in 1:length(effectList)) {
            if (is.list(effectList[[i]])) {
                tmpX <- rep(1, length(effectList[[i]]))
                names(tmpX) <- paste(names(effectList[i]), names(effectList[[i]]), sep = ".")
                tmpCounter <- count:(count + length(effectList[[i]]) - 1)
                X <- c(X, tmpX)
                rowNames <- unlist(strsplit(names(effectList[i]), "[[:punct:]]"))
                newEffectsMatrix[rowNames, tmpCounter] <- 1
                count <- count + length(effectList[[i]])
            } else {
                tmpX <- 1
                names(tmpX) <- names(effectList[i])
                X <- c(X, tmpX)
                newEffectsMatrix[, count] <- effectsMatrix[, i]
                tmpCounter <- count <- count + 1
        colnames(newEffectsMatrix) <- names(X)

        for (i in 1:nrow(newEffectsMatrix)) {
            if (is.list(contr.vec[[rownames(effectsMatrix)[i]]])) {
                trtContr <- lapply(contr.vec[[rownames(effectsMatrix)[i]]], 
                                   function(x) transContrToT(design.df[, 
                  rownames(effectsMatrix)[i]], x))
                matList <- vector(mode = "list", length = totalLength)
                for (j in 1:ncol(newEffectsMatrix)) {
                  if (newEffectsMatrix[i, j] == 1) {
                    trtNames <- match(unlist(strsplit(colnames(newEffectsMatrix)[j], 
                      "\\.")), names(trtContr))
                    matList[[j]] <- trtContr[[trtNames[!(is.na(trtNames))]]]
                  } else if (newEffectsMatrix[i, j] == 2) {
                    matList[[j]] <- identityMat(nLevels[i])
                  } else {
                    matList[[j]] <- K(nLevels[i])
            } else {
                if (all(is.na(contr.vec[[i]]))) {
                  matList <- lapply(newEffectsMatrix[i, ], function(y) indMatrix(y, 
                } else {
                  trtContr <- transContrToT(design.df[, rownames(effectsMatrix)[i]], 
                  matList <- lapply(newEffectsMatrix[i, ], function(y) indMatrix1(y, 
                    nLevels[i], trtContr))
            for (j in 1:length(X)) X[[j]] <- X[[j]] %x% matList[[j]]
    names(X) <- gsub("\\.0", "", names(X))

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