#' @export
#' @method print invacost.costmodel
print.invacost.costmodel <- function(x, ...)
cat("\nEstimation of annual cost values of invasive alien species over time\n")
cat(paste0("\n- Temporal interval of data: [",
", ",
x$parameters$maximum.year, "]"))
cat(paste0("\n- Temporal interval used for model calibration: [",
", ",
min((x$parameters$incomplete.year.threshold - 1),
x$parameters$maximum.year), "]"))
cat(paste0("\n- Cost transformation: ",
cat(paste0("\n- Values transformed in US$ million: ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "Yes", "No")))
cat(paste0("\n- Estimated average annual cost of invasive alien species in ",
x$parameters$final.year, ":\n",
"\n o Linear regression: ",
"\n . Linear: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["ols.linear"], accuracy = .01),
"\n . Quadratic: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["ols.quadratic"], accuracy = .01),
"\n o Robust regression: ",
"\n . Linear: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["robust.linear"], accuracy = .01),
"\n . Quadratic: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["robust.quadratic"], accuracy = .01),
"\n o Multiple Adapative Regression Splines: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["mars"], accuracy = .01),
"\n o Generalized Additive Model: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["gam"], accuracy = .01),
"\n o Quantile regression: ",
"\n . Quantile 0.1: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["quantile.0.1"], accuracy = .01),
"\n . Quantile 0.5: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["quantile.0.5"], accuracy = .01),
"\n . Quantile 0.9: US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "million ", ""),
scales::comma(x$final.year.cost["quantile.0.9"], accuracy = .01),
cat(paste0("\nYou can inspect the summary of each fitted model with summary(object)\n"))
#' @export
#' @method print invacost.costsummary
print.invacost.costsummary <- function(x, ...)
cat("\nAverage annual cost of invasive species over time periods\n")
cat(paste0("\n- Temporal interval of data : [",
", ",
x$parameters$maximum.year, "]"))
cat(paste0("\n- Values transformed in US$ million: ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "Yes", "No")))
cat(paste0("\n- Number of cost estimates: ",
x$parameters$number.of.estimates, " (number of individual year values: ",
x$parameters$number.of.year.values, ")"))
cat(paste0("\n- Cost values in US$ ",
ifelse(x$parameters$in.millions, "millions", ""),
cat(paste0("\n o Total cost over the entire period ",
scales::comma(x$$total_cost, accuracy = .01)))
cat(paste0("\n o Average annual cost over the entire period ",
scales::comma(x$$annual_cost, accuracy = .01)))
cat(paste0("\n o Average annual cost over each period\n\n"))
x2 <- x$average.cost.per.period
x2$total_cost <- scales::comma(x2$total_cost, accuracy = .01)
x2$annual_cost <- scales::comma(x2$annual_cost, accuracy = .01)
#' @export
#' @method print invacost.modelsummary
print.invacost.modelsummary <- function(x, ...)
cat("\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of model fits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n\n\n")
cat("______________________________ Ordinary Least Square regression models _______________________________\n\n\n")
cat(">>>>>>>> Linear regression\n\n")
cat("R squared: ", x$ols.linear$r.squared, " - Adjusted R squared: ", x$ols.linear$r.squared)
cat("\n\n>>>>>>>> Quadratic regression\n\n")
cat("R squared: ", x$ols.quadratic$r.squared, " - Adjusted R squared: ", x$ols.quadratic$r.squared)
cat("______________________________ Robust regression models _______________________________\n\n\n")
cat(">>>>>>>> Linear regression\n\n")
cat("\n\n>>>>>>>> Quadratic regression\n\n")
cat("______________________________ Generalized Additive Models _______________________________\n\n\n")
cat("______________________________ Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines _______________________________\n\n\n")
cat("______________________________ Quantile regressions _______________________________\n\n\n")
cat(">>>>>>>> 0.1 quantile \n\n")
cat(">>>>>>>> 0.5 quantile \n\n")
cat(">>>>>>>> 0.9 quantile \n\n")
#' @export
#' @method str invacost.costmodel
str.invacost.costmodel <- function(object, ...)
args <- list(...)
args$max.level <- 2
NextMethod("str", object = object, max.level = args$max.level)
#' @export
#' @method str invacost.costsummary
str.invacost.costsummary <- function(object, ...)
args <- list(...)
args$max.level <- 2
NextMethod("str", object = object, max.level = args$max.level)
#' Plot model predictions of cost trends over time
#' This function provides different plotting methods for the estimated annual
#' cost of invasive species based on the temporal trend of costs.
#' @param x The output object from \code{\link{modelCosts}}
#' @param plot.type \code{"single"} or \code{"facets"}. Defines the type of plot
#' you want to make: a single facet with all models (\code{"single"}), or a
#' facet per category of model (\code{"facets"})
#' @param plot.breaks a vector of numeric values indicating the plot breaks
#' for the Y axis (cost values)
#' @param models the models the user would like to appear in the plots. Can be
#' any subset of the models included in 'modelCosts'. Default is all models.
#' @param evaluation.metric \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the
#' Root Mean Square Error evaluation metric will be displayed on bottom right of
#' the graph (except for quantile regressions, for which it not relevant). The
#' displayed RMSE is the one based on calibration data only (see the slot
#' \code{RMSE} in your \code{\link{modelCosts}} object)
#' @param graphical.parameters set this to \code{"manual"} if you want to
#' customise \code{ggplot2} parameters.
#' By default, the following layers are configured: \code{ylab}, \code{xlab},
#' \code{scale_x_continuous},
#' \code{theme_bw} and, if \code{cost.transf = "log10"}, \code{scale_y_log10} and
#' \code{annotation_logticks}. If you specify \code{grahical.parameters = "manual"},
#' all defaults will be ignored.
#' @param ... additional arguments, none implemented for now
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices grey rgb
#' @references \url{}
#' Leroy Boris, Kramer Andrew M, Vaissière Anne-Charlotte, Kourantidou Melina,
#' Courchamp Franck & Diagne Christophe (2022). Analysing economic costs
#' of invasive alien species with the invacost R package. Methods in Ecology
#' and Evolution. \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13929}
#' @note
#' Error bands represent 95% confidence intervals for OLS regression, robust
#' regression, GAM and quantile regression. We cannot construct confidence
#' intervals around the mean for MARS techniques. However, we can estimate
#' prediction intervals by fitting a variance model to MARS residuals. Hence,
#' the error bands for MARS model represent 95% prediction intervals estimated
#' by fitting a linear model to the residuals of the MARS model. To learn more
#' about this, see \code{\link[earth]{varmod}}
#' If the legend appears empty (no colours) on your computer screen, try to
#' zoom in the plot, or to write to a file. There is a rare bug where under
#' certain conditions you cannot see the colours in the legend, because of their
#' transparency; zooming in or writing to a file are the best workarounds.
#' @examples
#' data(invacost)
#' ### Cleaning steps
#' # Eliminating data with no information on starting and ending years
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_starting_year_adjusted)), ]
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_ending_year_adjusted)), ]
#' # Keeping only observed and reliable costs
#' invacost <- invacost[invacost$Implementation == "Observed", ]
#' invacost <- invacost[which(invacost$Method_reliability == "High"), ]
#' # Eliminating data with no usable cost value
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate)), ]
#' ### Expansion
#' \donttest{
#' db.over.time <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
#' startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_adjusted",
#' endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_adjusted")
#' ### Analysis
#' res <- modelCosts(db.over.time,
#' minimum.year = 1970,
#' maximum.year = 2020)
#' ### Visualisation
#' plot(res)
#' plot(res, plot.type = "single")}
#' @export
#' @method plot invacost.costmodel
plot.invacost.costmodel <- function(x,
plot.breaks = 10^(-15:15),
plot.type = "facets",
models = c("ols.linear",
evaluation.metric = FALSE,
graphical.parameters = NULL,
# 1. We create the ggplot here ---------------
p <- ggplot()
# Setting up graphical.parameters
# 2a. If users do not specify graphical parameters we create them here ---------------
p <- p +
ylab(paste0("Annual cost in US$ ",
""))) +
xlab("Year") +
if(x$parameters$cost.transformation == "log10")
# 3a. We define axes here for log-transformed data ---------------
p <- p +
scale_y_log10(breaks = plot.breaks,
labels = scales::comma) +
annotation_logticks(sides = "l")
} else if(x$parameters$cost.transformation == "none")
# 3b. We define axes here for untransformed data ---------------
p <- p +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)
} else
stop("If you made a manual transformation (other than log10), then you
will have to make the plot by yourself.")
} else
# Workaround for retrocompatibility
if(graphical.parameters == "manual")
graphical.parameters <- NULL
# 4. Adding user-defined parameters to the plot ---------------
p <- p + graphical.parameters
# Changing order of factors for points
x$$Calibration <- factor(x$$Calibration,
levels = c("Included", "Excluded"))
# Preparing model predictions for plots
model.preds <- x$estimated.annual.costs
model.preds$Model <- as.character(model.preds$model)
model.preds$Model[model.preds$model == "OLS regression" &
model.preds$Details == "Linear"] <- "OLS linear regression"
model.preds$Model[model.preds$model == "OLS regression"
& model.preds$Details == "Quadratic"] <- "OLS quadratic regression"
model.preds$Model[model.preds$model == "Robust regression" &
model.preds$Details == "Linear"] <- "Robust linear regression"
model.preds$Model[model.preds$model == "Robust regression" &
model.preds$Details == "Quadratic"] <- "Robust quadratic regression"
model.preds$Model[model.preds$model == "Quantile regression"] <-
paste0(model.preds$Details[model.preds$model == "Quantile regression"],
" regression")
# Ordering model names
model.preds$Model <- factor(model.preds$Model,
levels = c("OLS linear regression",
"OLS quadratic regression",
"Robust linear regression",
"Robust quadratic regression",
paste("Quantile", c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9), "regression")))
model.preds$model <- factor(model.preds$model,
levels = c("OLS regression", "Robust regression",
"GAM", "MARS", "Quantile regression"))
# Limiting plots to user selected
#Relabel models parameter to match plot labeling from above
models[models=="ols.linear"] <- "OLS linear regression"
models[models=="ols.quadratic"] <- "OLS quadratic regression"
models[models=="gam"] <- "GAM"
models[models=="mars"] <- "MARS"
models <- rep(models,1+2*(models=="quantile"))
models[models=="quantile"] <- c("Quantile 0.1 regression","Quantile 0.5 regression","Quantile 0.9 regression")
models[models=="robust.linear"] <- "Robust linear regression"
models[models=="robust.quadratic"] <- "Robust quadratic regression"
model.preds <- model.preds[model.preds$Model %in% models,]
# Creating a colourblind palette (Wong 2011)
# to best distinguish models
alpha <- round(.8 * 255)
cols <- c(`OLS linear regression` = rgb(86, 180, 233, alpha = alpha,
maxColorValue = 255), # Sky blue
`OLS quadratic regression` = rgb(230, 159, 0, alpha = alpha,
maxColorValue = 255), # Orange
`Robust linear regression` = rgb(0, 114, 178, alpha = alpha,
maxColorValue = 255), # Blue
`Robust quadratic regression` = rgb(213, 94, 0, alpha = alpha,
maxColorValue = 255), # Vermillion
`MARS` = rgb(204, 121, 167, alpha = alpha,
maxColorValue = 255), # Reddish purple
`GAM` = rgb(0, 158, 115, alpha = alpha,
maxColorValue = 255), # Bluish green
`Quantile 0.5 regression` = grey(0.5, alpha = alpha / 255),
`Quantile 0.1 regression` = grey(0.25, alpha = alpha / 255),
`Quantile 0.9 regression` = grey(0, alpha = alpha / 255)
model.rmse <- x$RMSE[, 1]
#Relabel models parameter to match plot labeling from above
names(model.rmse)[names(model.rmse) == "ols.linear"] <- "OLS linear"
names(model.rmse)[names(model.rmse) == "ols.quadratic"] <- "OLS quadratic"
names(model.rmse)[names(model.rmse) == "gam"] <- "GAM"
names(model.rmse)[names(model.rmse) == "mars"] <- "MARS"
names(model.rmse)[names(model.rmse) == "robust.linear"] <- "Robust linear"
names(model.rmse)[names(model.rmse) == "robust.quadratic"] <- "Robust quadratic"
model.rmse <- model.rmse[-grep("qt", names(model.rmse))]
if(plot.type == "single")
# 5. Single plot --------------------
p <-
p +
geom_point(data = x$,
aes_string(x = "Year",
y = "Annual.cost",
shape = "Calibration"),
col = grey(.4)) +
geom_line(data = model.preds,
aes_string(x = "Year",
y = "fit",
col = "Model"),
size = 1) +
scale_discrete_manual(aesthetics = "col",
values = cols)
p <-
p + labs(tag = paste0("RMSE\n",
paste(names(model.rmse), "/", round(model.rmse, 3), collapse = "\n"))) +
theme(plot.tag = element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0),
plot.tag.position = c(1, 0.05))
} else if(plot.type == "facets")
# 6. Facet plot --------------------
p <-
p +
geom_point(data = x$,
aes_string(x = "Year",
y = "Annual.cost",
shape = "Calibration"),
col = grey(.4)) +
geom_line(data = model.preds,
aes_string(x = "Year",
y = "fit",
col = "Model"),
size = 1) +
geom_ribbon(data = model.preds,
aes_string(x = "Year",
ymin = "lwr",
ymax = "upr",
group = "Details"),
alpha = .1) +
facet_wrap (~ model,
scales = "free_y") +
scale_discrete_manual(aesthetics = "col",
values = cols)
message("Note that MARS error bands are prediction intervals and not confidence interval (see ?plot.invacost.costmodel)\n")
p <-
p + labs(tag = paste0("RMSE\n",
paste(names(model.rmse), "/", round(model.rmse, 3), collapse = "\n"))) +
theme(plot.tag = element_text(hjust = 1, vjust = 0),
plot.tag.position = c(0.95, 0.05))
#' Plot raw cumulated cost of invasive species over different periods of time
#' This function provides different plotting methods for the raw average annual
#' cost of invasive species over different periods of time
#' @param x The output object from \code{\link{summarizeCosts}}
#' @param plot.type \code{"points"} or \code{"bars"}. Defines the type of plot
#' you want to make; bars are not advised in log scale because the base value (0)
#' is infinite in log-scale.
#' @param plot.breaks a vector of numeric values indicating the plot breaks
#' for the Y axis (cost values)
#' @param average.annual.values if \code{TRUE}, the plot will represent average
#' annual values rather than cumulative values over the entire period
#' @param cost.transf Type of transformation you want to apply on cost values.
#' Specify \code{NULL} to avoid any transformation. Only useful
#' for graphical representation.
#' @param graphical.parameters set this to \code{"manual"} if you want to
#' customise \code{ggplot2} parameters.
#' By default, the following layers are configured: \code{ylab}, \code{xlab},
#' \code{scale_x_continuous},
#' \code{theme_bw} and, if \code{cost.transf = "log10"}, \code{scale_y_log10} and
#' \code{annotation_logticks}. If you specify \code{grahical.parameters = "manual"},
#' all defaults will be ignored.
#' @param ... additional arguments, none implemented for now
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @references \url{}
#' Leroy Boris, Kramer Andrew M, Vaissière Anne-Charlotte, Kourantidou Melina,
#' Courchamp Franck & Diagne Christophe (2022). Analysing economic costs
#' of invasive alien species with the invacost R package. Methods in Ecology
#' and Evolution. \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13929}
#' @examples
#' data(invacost)
#' ### Cleaning steps
#' # Eliminating data with no information on starting and ending years
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_starting_year_adjusted)), ]
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Probable_ending_year_adjusted)), ]
#' # Keeping only observed and reliable costs
#' invacost <- invacost[invacost$Implementation == "Observed", ]
#' invacost <- invacost[which(invacost$Method_reliability == "High"), ]
#' # Eliminating data with no usable cost value
#' invacost <- invacost[-which($Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate)), ]
#' ### Expansion
#' \donttest{
#' db.over.time <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
#' startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_adjusted",
#' endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_adjusted")
#' ### Analysis
#' res <- summarizeCosts(db.over.time,
#' minimum.year = 1970,
#' maximum.year = 2020)
#' ### Visualisation
#' plot(res)
#' plot(res, plot.type = "bars")
#' }
#' @method plot invacost.costsummary
plot.invacost.costsummary <- function(x,
plot.breaks = 10^(-15:15),
plot.type = "points",
average.annual.values = TRUE,
cost.transf = "log10",
graphical.parameters = NULL,
cost.transf <- "none"
costperiod <- x$average.cost.per.period
costperiod$middle.years <- costperiod$initial_year +
(costperiod$final_year -
costperiod$initial_year) / 2
ggtext <- data.frame(x = x$parameters$minimum.year,
y = x$$annual_cost,
text = paste0("Average ",
" - ", x$parameters$maximum.year, "\n",
accuracy = .01)))
# In case we don't plot average annual values, then we change 'annual_cost'
# to plot the total cost of the period rather than the average annual cost
costperiod$annual_cost <- costperiod$total_cost
# 1. We create the ggplot here ---------------
p <- ggplot(costperiod)
# Setting up graphical.parameters
# 2a. If user do not specify graphical parameters we create them here ---------------
p <- p +
"Average annual",
" cost per period in US$ ",
""))) +
xlab("Year") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = x$year.breaks) +
if(cost.transf == "log10")
if(plot.type == "bars")
# Because we are in log, we need to find a proper start for the barplots
# If all cost values are above 1, we will set the base value to 1
# Otherwise we take the lower multiple of 10 that is closest to the minimum
# value
base.val <- ifelse(min(costperiod$annual_cost) > 1,
10^0, # or this: floor(log10(min(costperiod$annual_cost) - 1)), (change above to min(costperiod$annual_cost) > 2)
perl = TRUE),
"match.length") + 1))
# 3a. We define axes here for log-scale bars ---------------
p <-
p +
scale_y_log10(breaks = plot.breaks,
labels = scales::comma,
limits = c(base.val, NA)) +
annotation_logticks(sides = "l")
} else
# 3b. We define axes here for log-scale points ---------------
p <-
p +
scale_y_log10(breaks = plot.breaks,
labels = scales::comma) +
annotation_logticks(sides = "l")
} else
base.val <- 0
# 3c. We define axes here for non-log plots ---------------
p <- p + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma)
} else
# Workaround for retrocompatibility
if(graphical.parameters == "manual")
graphical.parameters <- NULL
# 4. Adding user-defined graphical parameters to the plot ---------------
p <- p + graphical.parameters
if(plot.type == "bars")
##### 5a. BARPLOTS -------------------------------------------------------------
p <- p +
# Bars
geom_rect(aes_string(xmin = "initial_year",
xmax = "final_year",
ymin = "base.val",
ymax = "annual_cost"),
col = "black",
fill = "white") +
# Lines between points
geom_line(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
y = "annual_cost"),
linetype = 2)
} else if(plot.type == "points")
##### 5b. POINT PLOTS ----------------------------------------------------------
p <- p +
# Points
geom_point(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
y = "annual_cost")) +
# Lines between points
geom_line(aes_string(x = "middle.years",
y = "annual_cost"),
linetype = 2) +
# Horizontal bars (year span)
geom_segment(aes_string(x = "initial_year",
xend = "final_year",
y = "annual_cost",
yend = "annual_cost"))
# In case we plot the average annual values, we will add individual years .
# We prepare the ggplot layer here, called 'individualyears'
# We add them last to show them on top of everything else.
yeargroups <- dplyr::group_by(x$,
yearly.cost <- dplyr::summarise(yeargroups,
Annual.cost = sum(get(x$parameters$cost.column)))
names(yearly.cost)[1] <- "Year"
# 6. Individual years and average over entire period --------------
p <- p +
# Points
geom_point(data = yearly.cost,
mapping = aes_string(x = "Year",
y = "Annual.cost"),
alpha = .2) +
# Text of average annual cost
geom_text(data = ggtext,
hjust = 0,
aes_string(x = "x", y = "y", label = "text")) +
# Horizontal line for average annual cost
geom_hline(data = x$,
aes_string(yintercept = "annual_cost"),
linetype = 3)
#' @export
#' @method summary invacost.costmodel
summary.invacost.costmodel <- function(object, ...)
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