
Defines functions modelCosts

Documented in modelCosts

#' Model the trend of invasive alien species costs over time
#' This function fits different models on 'InvaCost' data expressed per year 
#' in order to estimate and predict the trend of invasive alien Species costs 
#' over time.
#' @param costdb The \bold{expanded 'InvaCost' database} output from 
#' \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}},
#' where costs occurring over several years are expanded over each year of 
#' impact
#' @param cost.column Name of the cost column to use in \code{costdb} (usually, 
#' choose between the exchange rate (default) or Purchase Power Parity 
#' cost per year)
#' @param year.column Name of the year column to use in \code{costdb}
#' @param cost.transf Type of transformation you want to apply on cost values.
#' The default is a log10 transformation, which is commonly applied in 
#' economics,
#' allows to fit linear regression with a normal distribution of residuals, 
#' and makes plots easier to read. You can apply another transformation by 
#' specifying the name of the transformation function (e.g., natural
#' logarithm, {\code{"log"}}). Specify \code{NA} or \code{NULL} to avoid any 
#' transformation
#' @param in.millions If \code{TRUE}, cost values are transformed in 
#' millions (to make graphs easier to read), else if \code{}, cost values are
#' not transformed
#' @param confidence.interval A numeric value between 0 and 1, corresponding
#' to the desired confidence interval around model predictions
#' @param minimum.year The starting year of this analysis. By default, 
#' 1960 was chosen because it marks the period from which world bank data is 
#' available for exchange rates and inflation values
#' @param maximum.year The ending year for this analysis. By default, the last
#' year of \code{costdb} is chosen
#' @param final.year The year for which the costs predicted by models is
#' printed in the output. Default is the last year of \code{costdb}. Note that 
#' this is only for convenience, since predictions for all years are available
#' in the \code{estimated.annual.costs} element of the output object
#' @param incomplete.year.threshold Estimated threshold for incomplete cost 
#' data. All years above or equal to this threshold will be excluded from 
#' model calibration, because of the time-lag between economic impacts of
#' invasive alien species and the documentation and publication of these impacts
#' @param incomplete.year.weights A named vector containing weights of years
#' for the regressions. Useful to decrease the weights of incomplete years
#' in regressions. Names of this vector must correspond to years
#' @param gam.k The smoothing factor of GAM; default value of -1 lets the
#' GAM find the smoothing factor automatically. Provide a manual value if you 
#' have expectations about the shape of the curve and want to avoid overfitting
#' because of interannual variations
#' @param mars.nprune The maximum number of model terms in the MARS model. 
#' Lowering this value reduces the number of terms in the MARS model, which
#' can be useful if you have expectations about the shape of the curve and want
#' to reduce the impact of interannual variations
#' @param ... Other arguments (you do not need them!) 
#' @return A \code{list} with 3 to 6 elements (only the first three are
#' provided if you selected a cost transformation different from log10):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{input.data}: the input cost data, for reproducibility of 
#' analyses}
#' \item{\code{cost.data}: the costs of invasions per year, as sums of all 
#' costs for each year}
#' \item{\code{parameters}: parameters used to run the function. The 
#' \code{minimum.year} and \code{maximum.year} are based on the input data
#' (i.e., the user may specify \code{minimum.year = 1960} but the input data may
#' only have data starting from 1970, hence the \code{minimum.year} will be
#'  1970)}
#' \item{\code{fitted.models}: a list of objects containing the fitted models. 
#' They can be extracted individually for refining analyses or making new
#' predictions}
#' \item{\code{estimated.annual.costs}: a data.frame containing the predicted 
#' cost values for each year for all the fitted models}
#' \item{\code{RMSE}: an array containing RMSE of models for the calibration 
#' data and for all data. \bold{NOTE: the RMSE for Quantile Regressions is not a 
#' relevant metric, IGNORE it unless you know what you are doing!}}
#' \item{\code{final.year.cost}: a vector containing the estimated annual
#' costs of invasive alien species based on all models for \code{final.year}.}
#' }
#' The structure of this object can be seen using \code{str()}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{expandYearlyCosts}} to get the database in appropriate format.
#' @references \url{https://github.com/Farewe/invacost}
#' Leroy Boris, Kramer Andrew M, Vaissière Anne-Charlotte, Kourantidou Melina,
#' Courchamp Franck & Diagne Christophe (2022). Analysing economic costs 
#' of invasive alien species with the invacost R package. Methods in Ecology
#' and Evolution. \doi{10.1111/2041-210X.13929}
#' @importFrom stats lm predict qt residuals
#' @export
#' @author
#' Boris Leroy \email{leroy.boris@@gmail.com}, Andrew Kramer, Anne-Charlotte
#' Vaissière, Christophe Diagne
#' @examples
#' data(invacost)
#' ### Cleaning steps
#' # Eliminating data with no information on starting and ending years
#' invacost <- invacost[-which(is.na(invacost$Probable_starting_year_adjusted)), ]
#' invacost <- invacost[-which(is.na(invacost$Probable_ending_year_adjusted)), ]
#' # Keeping only observed and reliable costs
#' invacost <- invacost[invacost$Implementation == "Observed", ]
#' invacost <- invacost[which(invacost$Method_reliability == "High"), ]
#' # Eliminating data with no usable cost value
#' invacost <- invacost[-which(is.na(invacost$Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate)), ]
#' ### Expansion
#' \donttest{
#' db.over.time <- expandYearlyCosts(invacost,
#'                                   startcolumn = "Probable_starting_year_adjusted",
#'                                   endcolumn = "Probable_ending_year_adjusted")
#' ### Analysis
#' res <- modelCosts(db.over.time)
#' res}

modelCosts <- function(costdb,
                       cost.column = "Cost_estimate_per_year_2017_USD_exchange_rate",
                       year.column = "Impact_year",
                       cost.transf = "log10",
                       in.millions = TRUE,
                       confidence.interval = 0.95,
                       minimum.year = 1960, 
                       maximum.year = max(costdb[, year.column]), 
                       final.year = max(costdb[, year.column]), 
                       # models = c("ols.linear", 
                       #            "ols.quadratic",
                       #            "robust.linear",
                       #            "robust.quadratic",
                       #            "gam",
                       #            "mars",
                       #            "quantile"),
                       incomplete.year.threshold = NULL, # Changed default behaviour 2020.11.18
                       incomplete.year.weights = NULL,
                       gam.k = -1,
                       mars.nprune = NULL,
  # Argument checking -------------------------------------------------------
  if(nrow(costdb) == 0)
    stop("costdb is an empty table.\n")
  dots <- list(...)
  # Checking if deprecated mars.nk argument was provided
  if("mars.nk" %in% names(dots))
    stop("Argument mars.nk was specified. If you are looking to reduce model size, please use mars.nprune instead of mars.nk.")
  if(any(is.na(costdb[, cost.column])))
    warning("There were NA values in the cost column, they have been removed.\n")
    costdb <- costdb[-which(is.na(costdb[, cost.column])), ]
  # if(any(!(models %in% c("ols.linear", 
  #                        "ols.quadratic", 
  #                        "gam",
  #                        "mars",
  #                        "quantile",
  #                        "robust.linear",
  #                        "robust.quadratic"))))
  # {
  #   stop(paste0("Inadequate model(s) specified:'",
  #               paste(models[which(!(models %in% c("ols.linear", 
  #                                                  "ols.quadratic", 
  #                                                  "gam",
  #                                                  "mars",
  #                                                  "quantile",
  #                                                  "robust.linear",
  #                                                  "robust.quadratic")))],
  #                     collapse = "', '"),
  #               "', please choose among 'ols.linear', 'ols.quadratic', 'robust.linear', 'robust.quadratic', 'gam', 'mars' and 'quantile'"))
  # }
  if(maximum.year < minimum.year)
    stop("maximum.year is lower than minimum.year.\n")
    incomplete.year.threshold <- maximum.year + 1
    cost.transf <- "none"
  if(any(costdb[, year.column] < minimum.year))
    warning(paste0("There are ",  length(unique(costdb$Cost_ID[which(costdb[, year.column] < minimum.year)])),
                   " cost values for periods earlier than ",
                   minimum.year, ", which will be removed.\n"))
    costdb <- costdb[-which(costdb[, year.column] < minimum.year), ]
  if(any(costdb[, year.column] > maximum.year))
    warning(paste0("There are cost values for periods later than ",
                   maximum.year, ": ",
                   length(unique(costdb$Cost_ID[which(costdb[, year.column] > maximum.year)])),
                   " different cost estimate(s).\nTheir values later than ",
                   " will be removed.\n"))
    costdb <- costdb[-which(costdb[, year.column] > maximum.year), ]
  if(nrow(costdb) == 0)
    stop("There are no costs in the database that are between minimum.year and maximum.year")
  if(final.year > maximum.year |
     final.year > max(costdb[, year.column], na.rm = TRUE))
    warning(paste0("The final year is beyond the range of data,
    which creates an extrapolation situation. Be careful, the models included 
    here may not be realistic for extrapolations, because they do not include
    underlying drivers which my result in non-linearities over time."))
  parameters <- list(cost.transformation = cost.transf,
                     incomplete.year.threshold = incomplete.year.threshold,
                     in.millions = in.millions,
                     confidence.interval = confidence.interval,
                     minimum.year = min(costdb[, year.column], na.rm = TRUE), 
                     maximum.year = max(costdb[, year.column], na.rm = TRUE), 
                     final.year = final.year,
                     gam.k = gam.k)
  yeargroups <- dplyr::group_by(costdb,
  yearly.cost <- dplyr::summarise(yeargroups, 
                                  Annual.cost = sum(get(cost.column)))
  names(yearly.cost)[1] <- "Year"
    if(!all(yearly.cost$Year %in% names(incomplete.year.weights)))
      stop("The vector provided in incomplete.year.weights does not have all the
           years in the range of data.")
    } else
      incomplete.year.weights <- incomplete.year.weights[names(incomplete.year.weights) %in%
      incomplete.year.weights <- incomplete.year.weights[match(yearly.cost$Year,
    yearly.cost$Annual.cost <- yearly.cost$Annual.cost / 1e6
  if(cost.transf != "none")
    yearly.cost$transf.cost <- do.call(cost.transf, list(yearly.cost$Annual.cost))
  } else
    yearly.cost$transf.cost <- yearly.cost$Annual.cost
  if(any(yearly.cost[, "Year"] >= incomplete.year.threshold))
    message(paste0(length(which(yearly.cost[, "Year"] >= incomplete.year.threshold)),
                   " years will not be included in model calibrations because\n",
                   "they occurred later than incomplete.year.threshold (", incomplete.year.threshold,
    yearly.cost$Calibration <- ifelse(yearly.cost$Year < incomplete.year.threshold,
                                      "Included", "Excluded")
    yearly.cost.calibration <- yearly.cost[-which(yearly.cost[, "Year"] >= incomplete.year.threshold), ]
      incomplete.year.weights <- incomplete.year.weights[-which(names(incomplete.year.weights) >= incomplete.year.threshold)]
  } else
    yearly.cost$Calibration <- "Included"
    yearly.cost.calibration <- yearly.cost
  # For nicer graphs
  yearly.cost$Calibration <- factor(yearly.cost$Calibration, levels = c("Excluded",
    yearly.cost.calibration <- data.frame(yearly.cost.calibration,
                                          incomplete.year.weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  model.RMSE <- array(NA, dim = c(9, 2),
                      dimnames = list(c("ols.linear",
  # Prediction years correspond to the entire range provided by the user
  prediction.years <- data.frame(Year = minimum.year:maximum.year)
  # Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression ----------------------------------
  message("\n --- Computing OLS regressions\n")
  # Ordinary least square - linear effect
  ols.linear <- lm(transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                   weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  pred.ols.linear <- predict(ols.linear, 
                             interval = "confidence",
                             level = confidence.interval)
  rownames(pred.ols.linear) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["ols.linear", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(ols.linear)^2))
  model.RMSE["ols.linear", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.ols.linear[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.ols.linear)), "fit"] -
  # Calculation of heteroscedastic- and autocorrelation-robust variance covariance matrix of estimators for errors
  vcov.HAC.linear <- sandwich::vcovHAC(ols.linear)
  # Calculating 95% confidence intervals based on robust variance covariance matrix
  modelmatrix.linear <- stats::model.matrix(~ Year,
                                            data = prediction.years)
  # Variance of prediction years
  var.years.linear <- modelmatrix.linear %*% vcov.HAC.linear %*% t(modelmatrix.linear)
  # Standard errors
  se.years.linear <- sqrt(diag(var.years.linear))
  # Confidence intervals
  pred.ols.linear[, "lwr"] <-  pred.ols.linear[, "fit"] -
    se.years.linear * qt(confidence.interval + 
                           (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                         df = ols.linear$df.residual)
  pred.ols.linear[, "upr"] <-  pred.ols.linear[, "fit"] +
    se.years.linear * qt(confidence.interval + 
                           (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                         df = ols.linear$df.residual)
  # OLS - quadratic effect
  ols.quadratic <- lm(transf.cost ~ Year + I(Year^2), data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                      weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  pred.ols.quadratic <- predict(ols.quadratic, 
                                interval = "confidence",
                                level = confidence.interval)
  rownames(pred.ols.quadratic) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["ols.quadratic", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(ols.quadratic)^2))
  model.RMSE["ols.quadratic", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.ols.quadratic[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.ols.quadratic)), "fit"] -
  # Calculation of heteroscedastic- and autocorrelation-robust variance covariance matrix of estimators for errors
  vcov.HAC.quadratic <- sandwich::vcovHAC(ols.quadratic)
  # Calculating 95% confidence intervals based on robust variance covariance matrix
  modelmatrix.quadric <- stats::model.matrix(~ Year + I(Year^2),
                                             data = prediction.years)
  # Variance of prediction years
  var.years.quadratic <- modelmatrix.quadric %*% vcov.HAC.quadratic %*% t(modelmatrix.quadric)
  # Standard errors
  se.years.quadratic <- sqrt(diag(var.years.quadratic))
  # Confidence intervals
  pred.ols.quadratic[, "lwr"] <-  pred.ols.quadratic[, "fit"] -
    se.years.quadratic * qt(confidence.interval + 
                              (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                            df = ols.quadratic$df.residual)
  pred.ols.linear[, "upr"] <-  pred.ols.linear[, "fit"] +
    se.years.quadratic * qt(confidence.interval + 
                              (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                            df = ols.quadratic$df.residual)
  # Robust regression -------------------------------------------------------
  # Robust regression - Linear effect
  message("\n --- Computing robust regressions\n")
  robust.linear <- robustbase::lmrob(transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
                                     weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  pred.robust.linear <- try(predict(robust.linear, 
                                    interval = "confidence", 
                                    level = confidence.interval),
                            silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(pred.robust.linear)) 
    warning("Could not estimate confidence interval for robust linear regression")
    pred.robust.linear <- data.frame(
      fit = predict(robust.linear,
                    newdata = prediction.years),
      lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  rownames(pred.robust.linear) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["robust.linear", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(robust.linear)^2))
  model.RMSE["robust.linear", "RMSE.alldata"] <- 
    sqrt(mean((pred.robust.linear[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.robust.linear)), 
                                  "fit"] - yearly.cost$transf.cost)^2))
  # Robust regression - quadratic effect
  robust.quadratic <- robustbase::lmrob(transf.cost ~ Year + I(Year^2), data = yearly.cost.calibration, 
                                        weights = incomplete.year.weights,
                                        cov = ".vcov.w") # Covariance matrix estimated using asymptotic normality of the coefficients 
  # See ?lmrob and Koller & Stahel 2011 
  pred.robust.quadratic <- try(predict(robust.quadratic,
                                       interval = "confidence", 
                                       level = confidence.interval),
                               silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(pred.robust.quadratic)) 
    warning("Could not estimate confidence interval for robust quadratic regression")
    pred.robust.quadratic <- data.frame(
      fit = predict(robust.quadratic,
                    newdata = prediction.years),
      lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  rownames(pred.robust.quadratic) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["robust.quadratic", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(robust.quadratic)^2))
  model.RMSE["robust.quadratic", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.robust.quadratic[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.robust.quadratic)), 
                                "fit"] - yearly.cost$transf.cost)^2))
  # Multiple Adapative Regression Splines -----------------------------------
  message("\n --- Computing MARS\n")
  mars <- earth::earth(transf.cost ~ Year, data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                       varmod.method = "lm",
                       # nk = mars.nk,
                       nprune = mars.nprune,
                       nfold = 5, 
                       ncross = 30, 
                       pmethod = "backward", # Would probably be better to use cross-validation but it does not work currently (I contacted the package author to fix this issue)
                       weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  pred.mars <- predict(mars,
                       interval = "pint",
                       level = confidence.interval)
  rownames(pred.mars) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["mars", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(mars)^2))
  model.RMSE["mars", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.mars[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.mars)), "fit"] -
  # Generalized Additive Models ---------------------------------------------
  message("\n --- Computing GAM\n")
    igam <- mgcv::gam(list(transf.cost ~ s(Year, k = gam.k),
                           ~ s(Year, k = gam.k)), 
                      data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                      weights = incomplete.year.weights,
                      family = mgcv::gaulss())
  } else
    igam <- mgcv::gam(list(transf.cost ~ s(Year, k = gam.k),
                           ~ s(Year, k = gam.k)), 
                      data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                      family = mgcv::gaulss())
  # Should consider using other distributions than the gaussian one, because
  # the residuals do not seem adequately distributed.
  # see gamlss::wp(igam)
  # Investigate the GAMLSS package in the future
  # Additional note: probalby not enough data for such models. Having only 1 
  # value per year results in a too small sample size.
  pred.gam <- predict(igam,
                      newdata = prediction.years,
                      se.fit = TRUE)
  # Code for Gaussian location-scale family (advised in case of heteroscedasticity)
  pred.gam.variance <- data.frame(fit = pred.gam$fit[, 2],
                                  lwr = pred.gam$fit[, 2] -
                                    pred.gam$se.fit[, 2] * qt(confidence.interval + 
                                                                (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                                                              df = nrow(yearly.cost) - 1),
                                  upr = pred.gam$fit[, 2] +
                                    pred.gam$se.fit[, 2] * qt(confidence.interval + 
                                                                (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                                                              df = nrow(yearly.cost) - 1)) 
  pred.gam <- data.frame(fit = pred.gam$fit[, 1],
                         lwr = pred.gam$fit[, 1] -
                           pred.gam$se.fit[, 1] * qt(confidence.interval + 
                                                       (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                                                     df = nrow(yearly.cost) - 1),
                         upr = pred.gam$fit[, 1] +
                           pred.gam$se.fit[, 1] * qt(confidence.interval + 
                                                       (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
                                                     df = nrow(yearly.cost) - 1))
  # Code for gaussian family
  # pred.gam <- data.frame(fit = pred.gam$fit,
  #                        lwr = pred.gam$fit -
  #                          pred.gam$se * qt(confidence.interval +
  #                                             (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
  #                                           df = nrow(yearly.cost) - 1),
  #                        upr = pred.gam$fit +
  #                          pred.gam$se * qt(confidence.interval +
  #                                             (1 - confidence.interval) / 2,
  #                                           df = nrow(yearly.cost) - 1))
  rownames(pred.gam) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["gam", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(igam, # Change residual type to be comparable to other models
                                                               type = "response")^2))
  model.RMSE["gam", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.gam[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.gam)), "fit"] -
  # Quantile regression -----------------------------------------------------
  message("\n --- Computing quantile regressions\n")
  qt0.1 <- quantreg::rq(transf.cost ~ Year, 
                        data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                        tau = 0.1,
                        weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  qt0.5 <- quantreg::rq(transf.cost ~ Year, 
                        data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                        tau = 0.5,
                        weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  qt0.9 <- quantreg::rq(transf.cost ~ Year, 
                        data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                        tau = 0.9,
                        weights = incomplete.year.weights)
  # quantreg sometimes throws errors in the prediction of confidence intervals
  # so we need to adapt the code
  pred.qt0.1 <- try(predict(qt0.1,
                            newdata = prediction.years,
                            interval = "confidence"),
                    silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(pred.qt0.1)) 
    warning("Could not estimate confidence interval for quantile 0.1 regression")
    pred.qt0.1 <- data.frame(
      fit = predict(qt0.1,
                    newdata = prediction.years),
      lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  pred.qt0.5 <- try(predict(qt0.5,
                            newdata = prediction.years,
                            interval = "confidence"),
                    silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(pred.qt0.5)) 
    warning("Could not estimate confidence interval for quantile 0.5 regression")
    pred.qt0.5 <- data.frame(
      fit = predict(qt0.5,
                    newdata = prediction.years),
      lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  pred.qt0.9 <- try(predict(qt0.9,
                            newdata = prediction.years,
                            interval = "confidence"),
                    silent = TRUE)
  if("try-error" %in% class(pred.qt0.9)) 
    warning("Could not estimate confidence interval for quantile 0.9 regression")
    pred.qt0.9 <- data.frame(
      fit = predict(qt0.9,
                    newdata = prediction.years),
      lwr = NA, upr = NA)
  colnames(pred.qt0.9) <- colnames(pred.qt0.5) <- colnames(pred.qt0.1) <- colnames(pred.ols.linear)
  rownames(pred.qt0.9) <- rownames(pred.qt0.5) <- rownames(pred.qt0.1) <- prediction.years[, 1]
  model.RMSE["qt0.1", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(qt0.1)^2))
  model.RMSE["qt0.1", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.qt0.1[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.qt0.1)), "fit"] -
  model.RMSE["qt0.5", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(qt0.5)^2))
  model.RMSE["qt0.5", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.qt0.5[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.qt0.5)), "fit"] -
  model.RMSE["qt0.9", "RMSE.calibration"] <- sqrt(mean(residuals(qt0.9)^2))
  model.RMSE["qt0.9", "RMSE.alldata"] <- sqrt(
    mean((pred.qt0.9[match(yearly.cost$Year, rownames(pred.qt0.9)), "fit"] -
  # Assembling predictions --------------------------------------------------
  message("\n --- Preparing the output objects\n")
  model.preds <- rbind.data.frame(data.frame(model = "OLS regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Linear",
                                  data.frame(model = "OLS regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Quadratic",
                                  data.frame(model = "Robust regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Linear",
                                  data.frame(model = "Robust regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Quadratic",
                                  data.frame(model = "MARS",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "",
                                  data.frame(model = "GAM",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "",
                                  data.frame(model = "Quantile regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Quantile 0.1",
                                  data.frame(model = "Quantile regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Quantile 0.5",
                                  data.frame(model = "Quantile regression",
                                             Year = prediction.years$Year,
                                             Details = "Quantile 0.9",
  # Model Summaries ---------------------------------------------------------
  # Creating the list containing the summary of model results
  testsummary <- list()
  # OLS
  testsummary$ols.linear$coeftest <- lmtest::coeftest(ols.linear, df = ols.linear$df.residual, vcov = vcov.HAC.linear)
  testsummary$ols.linear$r.squared <- summary(ols.linear)$r.squared
  testsummary$ols.linear$adjusted.r.squared <- summary(ols.linear)$adj.r.squared
  testsummary$ols.quadratic$coeftest <- lmtest::coeftest(ols.quadratic, df = ols.quadratic$df.residual, vcov = vcov.HAC.quadratic)
  testsummary$ols.quadratic$r.squared <- summary(ols.quadratic)$r.squared
  testsummary$ols.quadratic$adjusted.r.squared <- summary(ols.quadratic)$adj.r.squared
  # Robust
  testsummary$robust.linear <- summary(robust.linear)
  testsummary$robust.quadratic <- summary(robust.quadratic)
  # MARS
  testsummary$mars <- summary(mars)
  # GAM
  testsummary$gam <- summary(igam)
  # Quantile
  testsummary$qt0.1 <- summary(qt0.1)
  testsummary$qt0.5 <- summary(qt0.5)
  testsummary$qt0.9 <- summary(qt0.9)
  class(testsummary) <- append("invacost.modelsummary", class(testsummary))
  # Preparing outputs -------------------------------------------------------
  # Formatting results for output object
  if(cost.transf == "log10")
    # Transform log10 values back to actual US$
    model.preds[, c("fit", "lwr", "upr")] <- 
      apply(model.preds[, c("fit", "lwr", "upr")] ,
            function(x) 10^x)
    results <- list(cost.data = yearly.cost,
                    parameters = parameters, 
                    calibration.data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                    fitted.models = list(ols.linear = ols.linear,
                                         ols.quadratic = ols.quadratic,
                                         robust.linear = robust.linear,
                                         robust.quadratic = robust.quadratic,
                                         mars = mars,
                                         gam = igam,
                                         quantile = list(qt0.1 = qt0.1,
                                                         qt0.5 = qt0.5,
                                                         qt0.9 = qt0.9)),
                    estimated.annual.costs = model.preds,
                    gam.predicted.variance = pred.gam.variance,
                    model.summary = testsummary,
                    RMSE = model.RMSE,
                    final.year.cost = c(ols.linear = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        ols.quadratic =  
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        robust.linear = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        robust.quadratic = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        mars = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        gam = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))[1, 1]),
                                        quantile.0.1 = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        quantile.0.5 = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        quantile.0.9 = 
                                                            newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year)))))
  } else if(cost.transf == "none")
    results <- list(cost.data = yearly.cost,
                    parameters = parameters, 
                    calibration.data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                    fitted.models = list(linear = ols.linear, 
                                         quadratic = ols.quadratic, 
                                         robust.linear = robust.linear,
                                         robust.quadratic = robust.quadratic,
                                         mars = mars,
                                         gam = igam,
                                         quantile = list(qt0.1 = qt0.1,
                                                         qt0.5 = qt0.5,
                                                         qt0.9 = qt0.9)),
                    estimated.annual.costs = model.preds,
                    model.summary = testsummary,
                    RMSE = model.RMSE,
                    final.year.cost = c(ols.linear =  
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        ols.quadratic =  
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        robust.linear = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        robust.quadratic = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        mars = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        gam = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))[1, 1]),
                                        quantile.0.1 = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        quantile.0.5 = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year))),
                                        quantile.0.9 = 
                                                         newdata = data.frame(Year = final.year)))))
  } else
    results <- list(input.data = costdb,
                    cost.data = yearly.cost,
                    parameters = parameters, 
                    calibration.data = yearly.cost.calibration,
                    fitted.models = list(linear = ols.linear, # Inconsistent name, should be corrected (but need to check generic functions)
                                         quadratic = ols.quadratic, # Inconsistent name, should be corrected (but need to check generic functions)
                                         robust.linear = robust.linear,
                                         robust.quadratic = robust.quadratic,
                                         mars = mars,
                                         gam = igam,
                                         quantile = list(qt0.1 = qt0.1,
                                                         qt0.5 = qt0.5,
                                                         qt0.9 = qt0.9)),
                    model.summary = testsummary,
                    RMSE = model.RMSE)
  class(results) <- append("invacost.costmodel", class(results))

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invacost documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.