
Defines functions future_worldclim2

Documented in future_worldclim2

#' A function to parse the future climate from worldclim version 2.1.
#' @description This function allows you to parse worldclim version 2.1
#' future climatic files with a setting of boundary and a few other options.
#' @param var (\code{character}) The option for the variable to download.
#' Should be one of tmin, tmax, prec, bioc.
#' The default is tmin.
#' @param res (\code{numeric}) The option for the resolution of image to
#' download. Should be one of 0.5, 2.5, 5, 10. The default is 10.
#' @param gcm (\code{character}) The option for global climate models.
#' Check https://www.worldclim.org for all available GCM.
#' @param ssp (\code{character}) The option for Shared Socio-economic Pathways.
#' Should be one of "ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585".
#' The default is "ssp585".
#' @param interval (\code{character}) The option for time interval.
#' Should be one of "2021-2040", "2041-2060", "2061-2080", "2081-2100".
#' The default is "2021-2040".
#' @param bry (\code{\link{sf}} or \code{sp}) The boundary to mask the
#' downloaded original data. If \code{NULL}, it would get global map.
#' If not \code{NULL}, it can take \code{\link{sf}},  \code{\link{sfc}},
#' \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}, \code{SpatialPolygons}, etc.
#' The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param path (\code{character}) The path to save the downloaded imagery.
#' If \code{NULL}, it would use the current working directory.
#' The default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param nm_mark (\code{character}) the name mark of clipped images.
#' The default is "clip". It would be ignored if \code{bry} is \code{NULL}.
#' @param return_stack (\code{logical}) if \code{TRUE}, stack the imagery
#' together and return.
#' If the area is large and resolution is high, it is better not to stack them.
#' The default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @return if \code{return_stack} is \code{TRUE}, the images would be
#' returned as a \code{stars}. Otherwise, nothing to return, but the user
#' would receive a message of where the images are.
#' @references
#' Fick, Stephen E., and Robert J.
#' Hijmans. "WorldClim 2: new 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for
#' global land areas." \emph{International journal of climatology}
#' 37.12 (2017): 4302-4315.\doi{10.1002/joc.5086}
#' @details
#' \href{https://worldclim.org/data/index.html}{Web page page for this dataset}
#' @note
#' If it fails due to slow internet, try to set a larger timeout option,
#' e.g., using `options(timeout = 1e3)`.
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_make_valid st_crop
#' @importFrom stars read_stars write_stars st_set_dimensions
#' @importFrom utils tail download.file
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' future_worldclim2("tmin", 10, "BCC-CSM2-MR",
#'   "ssp585", "2021-2040",
#'   path = tempdir(), return_stack = FALSE)
future_worldclim2 <- function(var = "tmin",
                              res = 10,
                              gcm = "BCC-CSM2-MR",
                              ssp = "ssp585",
                              interval = "2021-2040",
                              bry = NULL,
                              path = NULL,
                              nm_mark = "clip",
                              return_stack = TRUE) {
    ## Check the inputs
    stopifnot(res %in% c(0.5, 2.5, 5, 10))
    stopifnot(var %in% c('tmin', 'tmax', 'prec', 'bioc'))
    gcms <- c("ACCESS-CM2", "ACCESS-ESM1-5", "BCC-CSM2-MR", "CanESM5",
              "CanESM5-CanOE", "CMCC-ESM2", "CNRM-CM6-1", "CNRM-CM6-1-HR",
              "CNRM-ESM2-1", "EC-Earth3-Veg", "EC-Earth3-Veg-LR", "FIO-ESM-2-0",
              "GISS-E2-1-G", "GISS-E2-1-H", "HadGEM3-GC31-LL", "INM-CM4-8",
              "INM-CM5-0", "IPSL-CM6A-LR", "MIROC-ES2L", "MIROC6",
              "MPI-ESM1-2-HR", "MPI-ESM1-2-LR", "MRI-ESM2-0", "UKESM1-0-LL")
    stopifnot(gcm %in% gcms)
    stopifnot(ssp %in% c("ssp126", "ssp245",
                         "ssp370", "ssp585"))
    stopifnot(interval %in% c("2021-2040", "2041-2060",
                              "2061-2080", "2081-2100"))
    if(gcm == "GFDL-ESM4" & ssp == "ssp245"){
        stop("There is no any var to download.")}
    if (gcm == "GFDL-ESM4" & ssp == "ssp585" &
        var != "prec"){
        stop("There is no such var to download.")}
    if(gcm == "FIO-ESM-2-0" & ssp == "ssp370"){
      stop("There is no any var to download.")}
    if(gcm == "HadGEM3-GC31-LL" & ssp == "ssp370"){
      stop("There is no any var to download.")}

    if (is.null(bry)) {
      nm_mark <- "global"
        message("No bry set, download global map...")
    } else{
        if (!(is(bry, "sf") | is(bry, 'sfc') |
              is(bry, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") |
              is(bry, 'SpatialPolygons'))) {
            stop("Only support sf or sp.")
    if (is.null(path)) {
        path <- getwd()
    } else {
        if (!dir.exists(path)) {
            stop("Path does not exist!")

    ## Set up
    path <- file.path(path, "wc2.1")
    dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE)

    ## Prepare url and file name
    if (res == 0.5) {
      res <- "30s"
    } else {
      res <- sprintf("%sm", res)
    url_base <- "https://geodata.ucdavis.edu/cmip6"
    zip_name <- sprintf("%s/%s/%s/wc2.1_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.tif",
                        res, gcm, ssp, res, var, gcm, ssp, interval)
    url <- file.path(url_base, zip_name)

    ## Download to local
    if (is.null(bry)) {
      fname <- sprintf("wc2.1_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.tif",
                       res, var, gcm, ssp, interval)
      fpath <- file.path(path, fname)

      dl <- try(download.file(url, fpath))
      if (inherits(dl, "try-error")) {
        download.file(url, fpath)

      ## Read imgs as stars
      if (return_stack == TRUE) clip_imgs <- read_stars(fpath)
    } else {
      # Define file number
      n <- ifelse(var == "bioc", 19, 12)

      temp_path <- file.path(path, "global")
      dir.create(temp_path, showWarnings = FALSE)

      ## Download
      fname <- sprintf("wc2.1_%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.tif",
                       res, var, gcm, ssp, interval)
      fpath <- file.path(temp_path, fname)
      dl <- try(download.file(url, fpath))
      if (inherits(dl, "try-error")) {
        download.file(url, fpath)

      ## Read imgs as stars and clip
      clip_imgs <- read_stars(fpath, RasterIO = list(bands = c(1:n)))
      bry <- st_as_sf(bry) %>% st_make_valid()
      clip_imgs <- st_crop(clip_imgs, bry)
      if (inherits(clip_imgs, "stars_proxy")) {
        clip_imgs <- st_as_stars(clip_imgs)}

      ## Save out
      ### No 30s resolution, so stacking them together is fine.
      rst_name <- paste(nm_mark, names(clip_imgs), sep = "_")
      rst_path <- file.path(path, rst_name)
      write_stars(clip_imgs, rst_path)

      ## Clean the temp folder
      unlink(temp_path, recursive = TRUE)

      if (return_stack != TRUE) rm(clip_imgs)

    if (return_stack == TRUE) {
      clip_imgs <- st_set_dimensions(
        clip_imgs, 'band', values = paste0(var, 1:n))
    } else {
      message(sprintf("Files are written to %s.", path))

# future_worldclim2 end

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