#' @title Print summary information from variable importance object
#' (`VariableAnalysis`).
#' @description Display non-visualized information of a `VariableAnalysis`
#' object returned by function \code{\link{variable_analysis}}.
#' @param x (`VariableAnalysis`) A variable importance object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{variable_analysis}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull across summarise
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{variable_analysis}}, \code{\link{plot.VariableAnalysis}}
#' @details
#' For Jackknife test, if the value is positive, print as "/".
#' If the value is negative, then print as "\". For Shapley values based test,
#' print as "#" since there is no negative value and in order to distinguish
#' this characteristic with Jackknife test.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using a pseudo presence-only occurrence dataset of
#' # virtual species provided in this package
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' # Prepare data
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' # Format the observations
#' obs_train_eval <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = "presence_only")
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12, 16))
#' # With imperfect_presence mode,
#' mod <- isotree_po(
#' obs_mode = "imperfect_presence",
#' obs = obs_train_eval$obs,
#' obs_ind_eval = obs_train_eval$eval,
#' variables = env_vars, ntrees = 20,
#' sample_size = 0.8, ndim = 2L,
#' seed = 123L, response = FALSE,
#' spatial_response = FALSE,
#' check_variable = FALSE)
#' var_analysis <- variable_analysis(
#' model = mod$model,
#' pts_occ = mod$observation,
#' pts_occ_test = mod$independent_test,
#' variables = mod$variables)
#' print(var_analysis)
print.VariableAnalysis <- function(x, ...){
cat('Relative variable importance\n')
cat(paste0(c(rep('=', 35), '\n'), collapse = ''))
cat('Methods: Jackknife test and SHAP\n')
cat(sprintf('Numer of variables: %d\n', length(x$variables)))
cat(paste0(c(rep('=', 35), '\n'), collapse = ''))
# Pearson correlation
cat('Jackknife test\n')
cat('Based on Pearson correlation (Max value is 1)\n')
cor_x <- x$pearson_correlation
cat('[Training dataset]:\n')
cor_x_train <- cor_x %>%
filter(.data$usage == 'Train') %>%
n_max <- max(nchar(unique(cor_x_train$variable)))
invisible(lapply(unique(cor_x_train %>%
filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>%
pull(.data$variable)), function(var){
this_var <- cor_x_train %>% filter(.data$variable == var)
only <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>% pull(.data$value)
without <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Without') %>% pull(.data$value)
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
char_use <- ifelse(only >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(only * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' With only: ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(only, 3))))
char_use <- ifelse(without >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(without * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad('', n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '), ' Without : ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(without, 3))))
cat('[Test dataset]:\n')
cor_x_test <- cor_x %>%
filter(.data$usage == 'Test') %>%
invisible(lapply(unique(cor_x_test %>%
filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>%
pull(.data$variable)), function(var){
this_var <- cor_x_test %>% filter(.data$variable == var)
only <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>% pull(.data$value)
without <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Without') %>% pull(.data$value)
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
char_use <- ifelse(only >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(only * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' With only: ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(only, 3))))
char_use <- ifelse(without >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(without * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad('', n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '), ' Without : ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(without, 3))))
cat(paste0(c(rep('=', 70), '\n'), collapse = ''))
# AUC ratio
auc_x <- x$AUC_ratio
full_auc_x <- x$full_AUC_ratio
cat('Jackknife test\n')
cat(sprintf('Based on AUC ratio (Max value of traing and test are %.3f and %.3f)\n',
full_auc_x$full_auc_train, full_auc_x$full_auc_test))
cat('[Training dataset]:\n')
auc_x_train <- auc_x %>%
filter(.data$usage == 'Train') %>%
n_max <- max(nchar(unique(auc_x_train$variable)))
invisible(lapply(unique(auc_x_train %>%
filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>%
pull(.data$variable)), function(var){
this_var <- auc_x_train %>% filter(.data$variable == var)
only <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>% pull(.data$value)
without <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Without') %>% pull(.data$value)
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
char_use <- ifelse(only >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(only * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' With only: ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(only, 3))))
char_use <- ifelse(without >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(without * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad('', n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '), ' Without : ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(without, 3))))
cat('[Test dataset]:\n')
auc_x_test <- auc_x %>%
filter(.data$usage == 'Test') %>%
invisible(lapply(unique(auc_x_test %>%
filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>%
pull(.data$variable)), function(var){
this_var <- auc_x_test %>% filter(.data$variable == var)
only <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Only') %>% pull(.data$value)
without <- this_var %>% filter(.data$method == 'Without') %>% pull(.data$value)
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
char_use <- ifelse(only >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(only * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' With only: ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(only, 3))))
char_use <- ifelse(without >= 0, "/", "\\")
char_len <- abs(round(without * 45))
cat(paste0(str_pad('', n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '), ' Without : ',
paste(rep(char_use, char_len), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(without, 3))))
cat(paste0(c(rep('=', 70), '\n'), collapse = ''))
## Subset
cat('SHAP (mean(|Shapley value|))\n')
shap_x <- x$SHAP
shap_x_train <- shap_x$train %>%
summarise(across(all_of(names(.)), .abs_mean))
shap_x_train <- t(
apply(shap_x_train, 1,
function(x) sort(x, decreasing = T))) %>%
shap_x_test <- shap_x$test %>%
summarise(across(all_of(names(.)), .abs_mean))
shap_x_test <- t(
apply(shap_x_test, 1,
function(x) sort(x, decreasing = T))) %>%
## Training
cat('[Training dataset]:\n')
n_max <- max(nchar(names(shap_x_train)))
val_max <- max(max(shap_x_train), max(shap_x_test))
invisible(lapply(names(shap_x_train), function(var){
val <- shap_x_train %>% pull(all_of(var))
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
# The values here must be non-negative
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' : ',
paste(rep('#', round(val / val_max * 45)), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(val, 3))))
## Test
cat('[Test dataset]:\n')
invisible(lapply(names(shap_x_test), function(var){
val <- shap_x_test %>% pull(all_of(var))
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
# The values here must be non-negative
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' : ',
paste(rep('#', round(val / val_max * 45)), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(val, 3))))
#' @title Print summary information from model evaluation object (`POEvaluation`).
#' @description Display the most general and informative characteristics of
#' a model evaluation object.
#' @param x (`POEvaluation`) A presence-only evaluation object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{evaluate_po}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{evaluate_po}}, \code{\link{plot.POEvaluation}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using a pseudo presence-only occurrence dataset of
#' # virtual species provided in this package
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' # Prepare data
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' # Format the observations
#' obs_train_eval <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = "presence_only")
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12, 16))
#' # With imperfect_presence mode,
#' mod <- isotree_po(
#' obs_mode = "imperfect_presence",
#' obs = obs_train_eval$obs,
#' obs_ind_eval = obs_train_eval$eval,
#' variables = env_vars, ntrees = 20,
#' sample_size = 0.8, ndim = 2L,
#' seed = 123L, response = FALSE,
#' spatial_response = FALSE,
#' check_variable = FALSE)
#' eval_train <- evaluate_po(mod$model,
#' occ_pred = mod$pred_train$prediction,
#' var_pred = na.omit(as.vector(mod$prediction[[1]])))
#' print(eval_train)
print.POEvaluation <- function(x, ...){
# Presence-only
po_eval <- x$po_evaluation
cvi25 <- po_eval$cvi$`cvi with 0.25`
cvi05 <- po_eval$cvi$`cvi with 0.5`
cvi75 <- po_eval$cvi$`cvi with 0.75`
# CBI with 100 moving windows
cbi <- po_eval$boyce$cor
# AUC_ratio
auc_r <- po_eval$roc_ratio$auc_ratio
# print
cat(paste0(paste(rep('=', 35), collapse = ''), '\n'))
cat('Presence-only evaluation:\n')
cat(paste0(str_pad('CVI with 0.25 threshold:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', cvi25)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('CVI with 0.5 threshold:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', cvi05)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('CVI with 0.75 threshold:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', cvi75)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('CBI:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', cbi)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('AUC (ratio)',
30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', auc_r)))
if (!is.null(x$pb_evaluation)) {
cat(paste0(paste(rep('=', 35), collapse = ''), '\n'))
cat('Presence-background evaluation:\n')
pb_eval <- x$pb_evaluation
cat(paste0(str_pad('Sensitivity:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$sensitivity)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('Specificity:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$specificity)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('TSS:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$TSS$`Optimal TSS`)))
cat(paste0(str_pad('AUC:', 30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$roc$auc)))
cat('Similarity indices:\n')
cat(paste0(str_pad("Jaccard's similarity index:",
30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$`Jaccard's similarity index`)))
cat(paste0(str_pad("S\u00F8rensen's similarity index:",
30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$`f-measure`)))
cat(paste0(str_pad("Overprediction rate:",
30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$`Overprediction rate`)))
cat(paste0(str_pad("Underprediction rate:",
30, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
sprintf('%.3f\n', pb_eval$`Underprediction rate`)))
# return
#' @title Print summary information from `ReducedImageStack` object.
#' @description Display the most general and informative characteristics of
#' a ReducedImageStack object, including the set threshold, original variables,
#' and the selected variables and the correlations between them.
#' @param x (`ReducedImageStack`) A `ReducedImageStack` object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{dim_reduce}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @importFrom stars st_get_dimension_values
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{dim_reduce}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(itsdm)
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(stars)
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars()
#' img_reduced <- dim_reduce(env_vars, threshold = 0.7,
#' preferred_vars = c('bio1', 'bio12'))
#' print(img_reduced)
print.ReducedImageStack <- function(x, ...) {
cat('Dimension reduction\n')
cat(sprintf('Correlation threshold: %s\n', x$threshold))
msg <- sprintf(
'Original variables: %s\n',
paste0(names(x$cors_original$mean), collapse = ', '))
msg <- paste(strwrap(msg, width = 80), collapse = '\n')
cat(paste0(msg, "\n"))
msg <- sprintf(
'Variables after dimension reduction: %s\n',
paste0(st_get_dimension_values(x$img_reduced, 'band'), collapse = ', '))
msg <- paste(strwrap(msg, width = 80), collapse = '\n')
cat(paste0(msg, "\n"))
cat(paste0(paste(rep('=', 80), collapse = ''), "\n"))
cat('Reduced correlations:\n')
print(round(x$cors_reduced, 2))
# Return
#' @title Print summary information from `PAConversion` object.
#' @description Display the equation and parameters of a `PAConversion` object.
#' @param x (`PAConversion`) A PAConversion object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{convert_to_pa}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{convert_to_pa}}, \code{\link{plot.PAConversion}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using a pseudo presence-only occurrence dataset of
#' # virtual species provided in this package
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' # Prepare data
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' # Format the observations
#' obs_train_eval <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = "presence_only")
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12, 16))
#' # With imperfect_presence mode,
#' mod <- isotree_po(
#' obs_mode = "imperfect_presence",
#' obs = obs_train_eval$obs,
#' obs_ind_eval = obs_train_eval$eval,
#' variables = env_vars, ntrees = 20,
#' sample_size = 0.8, ndim = 2L,
#' seed = 123L, response = FALSE,
#' spatial_response = FALSE,
#' check_variable = FALSE)
#' # Threshold conversion
#' pa_thred <- convert_to_pa(mod$prediction, method = 'threshold', beta = 0.5)
#' print(pa_thred)
print.PAConversion <- function(x, ...) {
# threshold
if (x$pa_conversion$conversion_method == 'threshold') {
cat('Threshold conversion\n')
cat(sprintf('cutoff = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$beta))
cat(sprintf('species prevalence = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$species_prevalence))
# logistic
} else if (x$pa_conversion$conversion_method == 'logistic') {
cat('Logistic conversion\n')
cat(sprintf('beta = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$beta))
cat(sprintf('alpha = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$alpha))
cat(sprintf('species prevalence = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$species_prevalence))
# linear
} else if (x$pa_conversion$conversion_method == 'linear') {
cat('Linear conversion\n')
cat(sprintf('slope = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$a))
cat(sprintf('intercept = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$b))
cat(sprintf('species prevalence = %s\n', x$pa_conversion$species_prevalence))
# return
#' @title Print summary information from `EnvironmentalOutlier` object.
#' @description Display the environmental variable values comparing to the mean
#' values of the detected environmental outliers in observations.
#' @param x (`EnvironmentalOutlier`) A `EnvironmentalOutlier` object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{suspicious_env_outliers}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @import outliertree
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{suspicious_env_outliers}}, \code{\link{plot.EnvironmentalOutlier}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12, 16))
#' occ_outliers <- suspicious_env_outliers(
#' occ = occ_virtual_species, variables = env_vars,
#' z_outlier = 5, outliers_print = 4L)
#' print(occ_outliers)
print.EnvironmentalOutlier <- function(x, ...) {
# Return
#' @title Print summary information from `POIsotree` object.
#' @description Display the most general and informative characteristics of
#' a fitted POIsotree object. It includes the model information,
#' model evaluation, variable analysis, etc.
#' @param x (`POIsotree`) The POIsotree object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{isotree_po}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{isotree_po}}
#' @importFrom stringr str_pad
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
#' @importFrom dplyr filter pull across summarise
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using a pseudo presence-only occurrence dataset of
#' # virtual species provided in this package
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' # Prepare data
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' # Format the observations
#' obs_train_eval <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = "presence_only")
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12, 16))
#' # With imperfect_presence mode,
#' mod <- isotree_po(
#' obs_mode = "imperfect_presence",
#' obs = obs_train_eval$obs,
#' obs_ind_eval = obs_train_eval$eval,
#' variables = env_vars, ntrees = 20,
#' sample_size = 0.8, ndim = 2L,
#' seed = 123L, response = FALSE,
#' spatial_response = FALSE,
#' check_variable = FALSE)
#' print(mod)
print.POIsotree <- function(x, ...){
# Model itself
cat(paste0(paste(rep('=', 60), collapse = ''), '\n'))
cat('Species distribution model:\n')
cat(sprintf('Variables are: %s.\n',
paste(names(x$variables), collapse = ', ')))
cat(sprintf('Number of training records: %s.\n',
cat(sprintf('Use independent test? %s.\n',
if (!is.null(x$pts_occ_test)) {
cat(sprintf('Number of test records: %s.\n',
cat(sprintf('Has marginal responses? %s.\n',
cat(sprintf('Has independent responses? %s.\n',
cat(sprintf('Has Shapley value based responses? %s.\n',
cat(sprintf('Has spatial responses? %s.\n',
cat(sprintf('Has variable analysis? %s.\n',
# Evaluation
cat(paste0(paste(rep('=', 60), collapse = ''), '\n'))
cat('Model evaluation:\n')
cat('[Training dataset]:\n')
if (!is.null(x$eval_test)) {
cat('[Test dataset]:\n')
# Variable importance
if (!is.null(x$variable_analysis)) {
cat(paste0(paste(rep('=', 60), collapse = ''), '\n'))
cat('Variable importance:\n')
cat('Just show SHAP result, use print or plot of variable_analysis to see all.\n')
## Subset
cat('SHAP (mean(|Shapley value|))\n')
shap_x <- x$variable_analysis$SHAP
shap_x_train <- shap_x$train %>%
summarise(across(all_of(names(.)), .abs_mean))
shap_x_train <- t(
apply(shap_x_train, 1,
function(x) sort(x, decreasing = T))) %>%
shap_x_test <- shap_x$test %>%
summarise(across(all_of(names(.)), .abs_mean))
shap_x_test <- t(
apply(shap_x_test, 1,
function(x) sort(x, decreasing = T))) %>%
## Training
cat('[Training dataset]:\n')
n_max <- max(nchar(names(shap_x_train)))
val_max <- max(max(shap_x_train), max(shap_x_test))
invisible(lapply(names(shap_x_train), function(var){
val <- shap_x_train %>% pull(all_of(var))
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' : ',
paste(rep('#', round(val / val_max * 45)), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(val, 3))))
## Test
cat('[Test dataset]:\n')
invisible(lapply(names(shap_x_test), function(var){
val <- shap_x_test %>% pull(all_of(var))
# print
var <- ifelse(length(var) >= 20, var[1:20], var)
n_space <- min(n_max, 20)
cat(paste0(str_pad(var, n_space, side = 'right', pad = ' '),
' : ',
paste(rep('#', round(val / val_max * 45)), collapse = ''),
sprintf(' %s\n', round(val, 3))))
# Return
#' @title Print summary information from `FormatOccurrence` object.
#' @description Display the type and number of training and evaluation dataset
#' in the formatted observations obtained by
#' function \code{\link{format_observation}}.
#' @param x (`FormatOccurrence`) A `FormatOccurrence` object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{format_observation}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{format_observation}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(itsdm)
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' # obs + eval, presence-absence
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' obs_type <- "presence_absence"
#' obs_formatted <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = obs_type)
#' print(obs_formatted)
print.FormatOccurrence <- function(x, ...) {
cat('Formatted occurrence observations\n')
# Training
cat(' Training observations: \n')
cat(sprintf(" Type: %s\n", x$obs_type))
cat(sprintf(" No. of observations: %s\n", nrow(x$obs)))
# eval
if (isTRUE(x$has_eval)) {
cat(' Evaluation observations: \n')
cat(sprintf(" Type: %s\n", x$eval_type))
cat(sprintf(" No. of observations: %s\n", nrow(x$eval)))
} else {
cat(' No observations for evaluation.')
# Return
#' @title Print summary information from `EnviChange` object.
#' @description Display the detected tipping points and percentage of affected
#' areas due to a changing variable from function
#' \code{\link{detect_envi_change}}.
#' @param x (`EnviChange`) A `EnviChange` object to be messaged.
#' It could be the return of function \code{\link{detect_envi_change}}.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return The same object that was passed as input.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{detect_envi_change}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Using a pseudo presence-only occurrence dataset of
#' # virtual species provided in this package
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(sf)
#' library(stars)
#' library(itsdm)
#' #'
#' # Prepare data
#' data("occ_virtual_species")
#' obs_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "train")
#' eval_df <- occ_virtual_species %>% filter(usage == "eval")
#' x_col <- "x"
#' y_col <- "y"
#' obs_col <- "observation"
#' #'
#' # Format the observations
#' obs_train_eval <- format_observation(
#' obs_df = obs_df, eval_df = eval_df,
#' x_col = x_col, y_col = y_col, obs_col = obs_col,
#' obs_type = "presence_only")
#' #'
#' env_vars <- system.file(
#' 'extdata/bioclim_tanzania_10min.tif',
#' package = 'itsdm') %>% read_stars() %>%
#' slice('band', c(1, 5, 12))
#' #'
#' # With imperfect_presence mode,
#' mod <- isotree_po(
#' obs_mode = "imperfect_presence",
#' obs = obs_train_eval$obs,
#' obs_ind_eval = obs_train_eval$eval,
#' variables = env_vars, ntrees = 10,
#' sample_size = 0.8, ndim = 1L,
#' seed = 123L, response = FALSE,
#' spatial_response = FALSE,
#' check_variable = FALSE)
#' # Use a fixed value
#' bio1_changes <- detect_envi_change(
#' model = mod$model,
#' var_occ = mod$vars_train,
#' variables = mod$variables,
#' shap_nsim = 1,
#' target_var = "bio1",
#' var_future = 5)
print.EnviChange <- function(x, ...) {
# Tipping points
cat(sprintf("%s tipping point(s) detected: %s.\n\n",
paste(round(x$Tipping_points, 2), collapse = ", ")))
# Percentage of affected areas
change_map <- x$variable_contribution_change$change
change_map <- change_map[!]
tb <- data.frame(
"Contibuion change" = levels(change_map),
"Percentage" = sprintf("%.2f %%", tabulate(change_map) /
length(change_map) * 100))
# Return
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