# A few internal functions used in this package
# Calculate the mean of absolute values in a vector
.abs_mean <- function(v) mean(abs(v))
# Get spatial resolution of stars
#' @importFrom stars st_dimensions
.res_stars <- function(s){
x <- abs(st_dimensions(s)$x$delta)
y <- abs(st_dimensions(s)$y$delta)
list(x = x,
y = y)
# Get ROC_ratio
.roc_ratio <- function(occ, full) {
roc_r <- lapply(seq(0, 1, 0.01), function(t){
ratio_test <- sum(occ >= t) / length(occ)
ratio_all <- sum(full >= t) / length(full)
data.frame(presence = ratio_test,
cell = ratio_all)
}), roc_r)
# Approximately calculate AUC_ratio
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
.auc_ratio <- function(occ, full) {
roc_r <- .roc_ratio(occ, full)
roc_r <- roc_r %>% arrange(.data$cell)
sum(sapply(2:nrow(roc_r), function(n){
(roc_r$cell[n] - roc_r$cell[n - 1]) * roc_r$presence[n - 1] +
(roc_r$cell[n] - roc_r$cell[n - 1]) *
(roc_r$presence[n] - roc_r$presence[n - 1]) / 2
# A norm function
.norm <- function(val) {
min <- min(val)
max <- max(val)
(val - min) / (max - min)
# Logistic transfer function
.logistic <- function(orig_values,
beta = 0.5,
alpha = 0.05) {
1 / (1 + exp((orig_values - beta) / alpha))
# Functions to get min max, mean and std values of a single band stars
.min_value <- function(x) min(x[[1]], na.rm = T)
.max_value <- function(x) max(x[[1]], na.rm = T)
.mean_value <- function(x) mean(x[[1]], na.rm = T)
# Function to get sd
#' @importFrom stats sd
.std_value <- function(x) sd(x[[1]], na.rm = T)
# Function to get erf of a single band stars
.erf_stars <- function(x) {
vals <- x[[1]]
vals <- 2 * stats::pnorm(vals * sqrt(2)) - 1
x[[1]] <- vals
# Linear stretch of single-band stars
#' @importFrom stats quantile
.stars_stretch <- function(x, # stars
new_values = NULL,
minv = 0,
maxv = 1,
minq = 0, # 0.5
maxq = 1) {
# Check inputs
checkmate::assert_class(x, 'stars')
new_values, c('numeric', 'RasterLayer', 'stars'),
null.ok = T)
stopifnot(maxv > minv)
stopifnot(maxq > minq)
# Convert values
minq <- max(0, minq)
maxq <- min(1, maxq)
stopifnot(minq < maxq)
if (minq == 0 & maxq == 1) {
q <- cbind(.min_value(x), .max_value(x))
} else {
q <- quantile(x[[1]], c(minq, maxq), na.rm = TRUE)
# Stretch values
if (is.null(new_values)) {
x_strech <- x
} else {
x_strech <- new_values
mult <- maxv / (q[2] - q[1])
x_strech <- mult * (x_strech - q[1])
x_strech[x_strech < minv] <- minv
x_strech[x_strech > maxv] <- maxv
# Linear stretch of a vector, paralleling to .stars_stretch
#' @importFrom stats quantile
.stretch <- function(x,
new_values = NULL,
minv = 0,
maxv = 1,
minq = 0.5,
maxq = 1) {
# Convert values
minq <- max(0, minq)
maxq <- min(1, maxq)
stopifnot(minq < maxq)
if (minq == 0 & maxq == 1) {
q <- cbind(min(x), max(x))
} else {
q <- quantile(x, c(minq, maxq), na.rm = TRUE)
# Stretch values
if (is.null(new_values)) {
x_strech <- x
} else {
x_strech <- new_values
mult <- maxv / (q[2] - q[1])
x_strech <- mult * (x_strech - q[1])
x_strech[x_strech < minv] <- minv
x_strech[x_strech > maxv] <- maxv
# Predict_wrapper for SHAP
#' @importFrom stats predict
.pfun_shap <- function(X.model, newdata) {
pred <- 1 - predict(X.model, newdata)
# Functions related to convert_to_pa
# Calculate quantile of stars
#' @importFrom stats quantile
.quantile_stars <- function(x, # stars with one band
na.rm = TRUE) {
v <- try(as.vector(x[[1]]))
return(quantile(v, ..., na.rm = na.rm))
# Functions to find linear conversion
# Reference:
# Get line coefficients from two points
.abcoefs <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
list(b = y1 - x1 * (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2),
a = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2))
# Function for a line with intercept (b) and slope (a)
.lab <- function(x, b, a) a * x + b
# Function to convert
.binary_convert <- function(prob_of_occurrence,
threshold = 0.5,
...) {
# Make binary
prob_of_occurrence >= threshold
.find_linear_conversion <- function(suitability,
threshold = 0.5) {
suit_max <- .max_value(suitability)
suit_mean <- .mean_value(suitability)
suit_min <- .min_value(suitability)
xs <- c(suit_min, suit_max)
ys <- c(0, 1)
# Only include (0, 0) case if suitability >= 0
if (suit_min >= 0) {
xs <- c(0, xs)
ys <- c(0, ys)
AB <- .abcoefs(suit_mean,
ymn <- .lab(suit_min, AB$a, AB$b)
ymx <- .lab(suit_max, AB$a, AB$b)
# Round to avoid very small floating point calculation errors
ymn <- round(ymn, 6)
ymx <- round(ymx, 6)
I <- min(which(ymn >= 0 & ymx <= 1)) # Find first one that works
# Calculate the resulting prevalence:
new_suit <- AB$a[I] * suitability + AB$b[I]
distr <- .binary_convert(new_suit, threshold = threshold)
prev <- .mean_value(distr)
return(list(a = AB$a[I],
b = AB$b[I],
prevalence = prev,
prob_of_occurrence = new_suit,
distribution = distr))
# Linear transfer
.linear_convert <- function(x, coefs) {
x <- x * coefs[1] + coefs[2]
if(.min_value(x) < 0 | .max_value(x) > 1) {
if(.min_value(x) < 0 & .max_value(x) > 1) {
message(paste0('The linear transformation resulted in probability values ',
'below 0 and above 1, so these were respectively truncated to 0 and 1.\n'))
} else if(.min_value(x) < 0) {
message(paste0('The linear transformation resulted in probability values',
' below 0 so these were truncated to 0\n'))
} else {
message(paste0('The linear transformation resulted in probability values',
' above 1 so these were truncated to 1\n'))
x[x < 0] <- 0
x[x > 1] <- 1
# kruskal.test between RasterStack and RasterLayer
## Return the p values
# .kruskal.test.raster <- function(rst_stack,
# cat_rst){
# # Convert data
# cats <- getValues(cat_rst)
# cors <- sapply(1:nlayers(rst_stack), function(n) {
# vals <- getValues(subset(rst_stack, n))
# # Calculate
# kruskal.test(x = vals, g = cats, na.action = 'na.omit')[['p.value']]
# })
# data.frame(cors) %>% setNames(names(cat_rst))
# }
# Convert categorical variables to numeric in RasterStack
#' @importFrom raster deratify
.remove_cats <- function(rst_stack){
# Check
categ_vars <- names(rst_stack)[is.factor(rst_stack)]
if (length(categ_vars) == 0) {
} else {
for (nm in categ_vars) {
rst_stack[[nm]] <- deratify(rst_stack[[nm]], complete = TRUE)
## Get the mode of categorical integerish vector
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
.mode <- function(v) {
# Get mode
summary(v) %>% sort(decreasing = T) %>%
`[`(1) %>% names() %>% as.factor()
# Get the intersects of fitted curve and y = 0
.find_intersects <- function(fun, values, bins = 100) {
vals_start <- seq(min(values), max(values),
ceiling((max(values) - min(values)) / bins))
vals_end <- c(vals_start[-1], max(values))
roots <- lapply(1:length(vals_start), function(i){
inv <- c(vals_start[i], vals_end[i])
if (!inherits(try(rt <- uniroot(fun, inv)$root, silent = TRUE),
"try-error")) rt
## A simple function to calculate Boyce Index in Hirzel et al. 2006
## The objective of this code chunk is to avoid import heavy package
## the interested users can directly use their packages.
## Reference from
## and
## License: GNU General Public License v3.0
#' @importFrom stats cor
.cont_boyce <- function(obs, fit,
num_bins = 101,
bin_width = 0.1,
auto_window = TRUE,
method = 'spearman', = TRUE,
na.rm = FALSE) {
# Check inputs
choices = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"))
# if all NAs
if (all( | all( return(NA)
# [val1, val2) (assumes max value is > 0)
residual <- .Machine$double.eps
lowest <- ifelse(auto_window, min(c(obs, fit), na.rm = na.rm), 0)
highest <- ifelse(auto_window,
max(c(obs, fit), na.rm = na.rm) + residual,
1 + residual)
window_width <- bin_width * (highest - lowest)
lows <- seq(lowest, highest - window_width, length.out = num_bins)
highs <- seq(lowest + window_width + residual,
highest, length.out = num_bins)
### tally proportion of test presences/background sites in each class
freq_obs_bg <-, lapply(1:num_bins, function(count_class) {
# number of presence predictions in this class
obs_in <- obs >= lows[count_class] & obs < highs[count_class]
freq_obs <- sum(obs_in, na.rm = na.rm)
# number of background predictions in this class
bg_in <- fit >= lows[count_class] & fit < highs[count_class]
freq_bg <- sum(bg_in, na.rm = na.rm)
data.frame(freq_obs = freq_obs, freq_bg = freq_bg)
freq_obs <- freq_obs_bg$freq_obs
freq_bg <- freq_obs_bg$freq_bg
# mean bin prediction
mean_pred <- rowMeans(cbind(lows, highs))
# Store original values for return
HS <- mean_pred
F.ratio <- (freq_obs / length(obs)) / (freq_bg / length(fit))
# add small number to each bin that has 0 background frequency
# but does have a presence frequency > 0
if (any(freq_obs > 0 & freq_bg == 0)) {
freq_bg[freq_obs > 0 & freq_bg == 0] <- 0.1
# remove classes with 0 presence frequency
if ( && (0 %in% freq_obs)) {
zeros <- which(freq_obs == 0)
mean_pred[zeros] <- NA
freq_obs[zeros] <- NA
freq_bg[zeros] <- NA
# remove classes with 0 background frequency
if (any(0 %in% freq_bg)) {
zeros <- which(freq_bg == 0)
mean_pred[zeros] <- NA
freq_obs[zeros] <- NA
freq_bg[zeros] <- NA
P <- freq_obs / length(obs)
E <- freq_bg / length(fit)
PE <- P / E
# remove NAs
ids <- !( |
mean_pred <- mean_pred[ids]
PE <- PE[ids]
# calculate continuous Boyce index (cbi)
cbi <- cor(x = mean_pred, y = PE, method = method)
return(list(F.ratio = F.ratio, cor = round(cbi, 3), HS = HS))
# A function to thin points to plot shap dependence
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr slice_sample ungroup
.shap_plot_thin <- function(x_trans,
category = FALSE) {
if (category) {
# Resample within each category
x_trans %>%
group_by(.data$variable, .data$x) %>%
slice_sample(prop = sample_prop) %>%
} else {
# Resample within bins
x_trans_bins <-
rbind, lapply(unique(x_trans$variable), function(var_select) {
x_trans_sub <- x_trans %>% filter(.data$variable == var_select)
width <- (max(x_trans_sub$x) - min(x_trans_sub$x)) / sample_bin
x_trans_sub %>%
mutate(bin = cut_width(.data$x, width = width, boundary = 0))
x_trans_bins %>%
group_by(.data$variable, .data$bin) %>%
slice_sample(prop = sample_prop) %>%
# Function to sample background
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate sample_n
#' @importFrom stars st_rasterize
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf
#' @importFrom stars st_xy2sfc
.bg_sampling <- function(rst_template, obs, seed, num) {
if (is.null(obs)) {
bg_samples <- rst_template
} else {
# Remove observations from background
bg_samples <- obs %>% select() %>%
mutate(value = 0) %>%
bg_samples[bg_samples == 0] <- NA
# Sampling
bg_samples %>%
st_xy2sfc(as_points = T) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
sample_n(min(num, nrow(.))) %>%
# TODO: let the model have high flexibility to take care of the
# input dataset.
# Function to mode the observations
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate sample_n filter
.obs_moding <- function(mode, obs_mode, rst_template,
obs, seed, contamination) {
# Sampling
if (mode == "normal") {
if (obs_mode == "perfect_presence") {
# Sample background
obs <- .bg_sampling(
rst_template, obs, seed, nrow(obs) * contamination) %>%
mutate("observation" = 0) %>%
contamination <- sum(obs$observation == 0) /
sum(obs$observation == 1)
} else if (obs_mode == "presence_absence") {
# Sample absence
obs_frd <- obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 1)
obs_frd <- obs_frd %>%
rbind(obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 0) %>%
sample_n(min((nrow(obs_frd) * contamination),
obs <- obs_frd; rm(obs_frd)
contamination <- sum(obs$observation == 0) /
sum(obs$observation == 1)
} else {
contamination <- 0.001
} else if (mode == "reverse") {
# Extract presences
obs <- obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 1)
# Sample background
obs <- .bg_sampling(
rst_template, obs, seed, nrow(obs) * (1 / contamination)) %>%
mutate("observation" = 0) %>%
# Double check the contamination
if (sum(obs$observation == 1) /
sum(obs$observation == 0) > 0.3) {
# Sample absence
obs_frd <- obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 1)
obs_frd <- obs_frd %>%
rbind(obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 0) %>%
sample_n((nrow(obs_frd) * 0.3)))
obs <- obs_frd; rm(obs_frd)
contamination <- 0.3
} else {
contamination <- sum(obs$observation == 1) /
sum(obs$observation == 0)
} else { # joint
if (obs_mode == "presence_absence") {
## For forward
obs_frd <- obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 1)
obs_frd <- obs_frd %>%
rbind(obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 0) %>%
sample_n((nrow(obs_frd) * contamination)))
contamination_frd <- sum(obs_frd$observation == 0) /
sum(obs_frd$observation == 1)
## For reverse
obs_rev <- obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 0)
obs_rev <- obs_rev %>%
rbind(obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 1) %>%
sample_n((nrow(obs_rev) * contamination)))
contamination_rev <- sum(obs_rev$observation == 1) /
sum(obs_rev$observation == 0)
} else {
# For forward, use presence
if (obs_mode == "perfect_presence") {
# Sample background
obs_frd <- .bg_sampling(
rst_template, obs, seed, nrow(obs) * contamination) %>%
mutate("observation" = 0) %>%
contamination_frd <- sum(obs_frd$observation == 0) /
sum(obs_frd$observation == 1)
} else {
obs_frd <- obs
contamination_frd <- 0.001
# For reserve, use background
# Extract presences
obs <- obs %>% filter(.data$observation == 1)
# Sample background
obs_rev <- .bg_sampling(
rst_template, obs, seed, nrow(obs) * (1 / contamination)) %>%
mutate("observation" = 0) %>%
# Double check the contamination
if (sum(obs_rev$observation == 1) /
sum(obs_rev$observation == 0) > 0.3) {
# Sample absence
obs_rev_frd <- obs_rev %>% filter(.data$observation == 1)
obs_rev_frd <- obs_rev_frd %>%
rbind(obs_rev %>% filter(.data$observation == 0) %>%
sample_n((nrow(obs_rev_frd) * 0.3)))
obs_rev <- obs_rev_frd; rm(obs_rev_frd)
contamination <- rev <- 0.3
} else {
contamination_rev <- sum(obs_rev$observation == 1) /
sum(obs_rev$observation == 0)
# Return the result according to mode
if (mode == "joint") {
return(list("obs_frd" = obs_frd,
"obs_rev" = obs_rev,
"contamination_frd" = contamination_frd,
"contamination_rev" = contamination_rev))
} else {
return(list("obs" = obs,
"contamination" = contamination))
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