
Defines functions print.hmr hmr.default hmr

Documented in hmr print.hmr

#' Bayesian meta-analysis to combine aggregated and individual participant data for cross design synthesis.
#' This function performers a Bayesian cross design synthesis. The function fits a
#' hierarchical meta-regression model based on a bivariate random effects model.
#' The number of events in the control and treated group are modeled with two
#' conditional Binomial distributions and the random-effects are based on a
#' bivariate scale mixture of Normals.
#' The individual participant data is modeled as a Bayesian logistic regression for
#' participants in the control group. Coefficients in the regression are modeled as
#' exchangeables.
#' The function calculates the implicit hierarchical meta-regression, where the
#' treatment effect is regressed to the baseline risk (rate of events in the control
#' group). The scale mixture weights are used to adjust for internal validity and
#' structural outliers identification.
#' The implicit hierarchical meta-regression is used to predict the treatment effect
#' for subgroups of individual participant data.
#' Computations are done by calling JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler) to perform
#' MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) sampling and returning an object of the
#' class \emph{mcmc.list}.
#' Installation of JAGS: It is important to note that R 3.3.0 introduced a major change in the
#' use of toolchain for Windows. This new toolchain is incompatible with older packages written in C++.
#' As a consequence, if the installed version of JAGS does not match the R installation, then the rjags
#' package will spontaneously crash. Therefore, if a user works with R version >= 3.3.0, then JAGS must
#' be installed with the installation program JAGS-4.2.0-Rtools33.exe. For users who continue using R 3.2.4 or
#' an earlier version, the installation program for JAGS is the default installer JAGS-4.2.0.exe.
#' @param data            Aggregated data results: a data frame where the first four columns containing the number of events in
#'                        the control group (yc), the number of patients in the control group (nc),
#'                        the number of events in the treatment group (yt) and the number of patients in the
#'                        treatment group (nt). If two.by.two = TRUE a data frame where each line
#'                        contains the trial results with column names: yc, nc, yt, nt.
#' @param two.by.two      If TRUE indicates that the trial results are with names: yc, nc, yt, nt.
#' @param dataIPD         Individual participant data: a data frame where
#'                        the first column is the outcome variable and the
#'                        other columns represent individual participant
#'                        charachteristics.
#' @param re              Random effects distribution for the resulting model. Possible
#'                        values are \emph{normal} for bivariate random effects and \emph{sm}
#'                        for scale mixtures.
#' @param link            The link function used in the model. Possible values are
#'                        \emph{logit}, \emph{cloglog} \emph{probit}.
#' @param mean.mu.1       Prior mean of baseline risk, default value is 0.
#' @param mean.mu.2       Prior mean of treatment effect, default value is 0.
#' @param mean.mu.phi     Prior mean of the bias parameter which measures the difference
#'                        between the baseline mean mu.1 and the intercept parameter of
#'                        the logistic regression of the individual participant data.
#'                        The defalut vaule is 0.
#' @param sd.mu.1         Prior standard deviation of mu.1, default value is 1. The default prior of mu.1 is a
#'                        logistic distribution with mean 0 and dispersion 1. The implicit prior for mu.1 in
#'                        the probability scale is a uniform between 0 and 1.
#' @param sd.mu.2         Prior standard deviation of mu.2, default value is 1. The default prior of mu.2 is a
#'                        logistic distribution with mean 0 and dispersion 1. The implicit prior for mu.2 in
#'                        the probability scale is a uniform between 0 and 1.
#' @param sd.mu.phi       Prior standard deviation of mu.phi, default value is 1.
#' @param sigma.1.upper   Upper bound of the uniform prior of sigma.1, default value is 5.
#' @param sigma.2.upper   Upper bound of the uniform prior of sigma.2, default value is 5.
#' @param sigma.beta.upper  Upper bound of the uniform prior of sigma.beta, default value is 5.
#' @param mean.Fisher.rho Mean of rho in the Fisher scale, default value is 0.
#' @param sd.Fisher.rho   Standard deviation of rho in the Fisher scale, default value is 1/sqrt(2).
#' @param df              If de.estimate = FALSE, then df is the degrees of freedom for the scale mixture distribution, default value is 4.
#' @param df.estimate     Estimate the posterior of df. The default value is FALSE.
#' @param df.lower        Lower bound of the prior of df. The default value is 3.
#' @param df.upper        Upper bound of the prior of df. The default value is 30.
#' @param split.w         Split the w parameter in two independent weights one for each random effect.
#'                        The default value is FALSE.
#' @param nr.chains       Number of chains for the MCMC computations, default 5.
#' @param nr.iterations   Number of iterations after adapting the MCMC, default is 10000. Some models may need more iterations.
#' @param nr.adapt        Number of iterations in the adaptation process, default is 1000. Some models may need more iterations during adptation.
#' @param nr.burnin       Number of iteration discarded for burnin period, default is 1000. Some models may need a longer burnin period.
#' @param nr.thin         Thinning rate, it must be a positive integer, the default value 1.
#' @param be.quiet        Do not print warning message if the model does not adapt default value is FALSE. If you are not sure about the adaptation period choose be.quiet=TRUE.
#' @param r2jags          Which interface is used to link R to JAGS (rjags and R2jags) default value is R2Jags TRUE.
#' @return This function returns an object of the class "hmr". This object contains the MCMC output of
#' each parameter and hyper-parameter in the model, the data frame used for fitting the model, the link function,
#' type of random effects distribution and the splitting information for conflict of evidence analysis.
#' The results of the object of the class metadiag can be extracted with R2jags or with rjags. In addition
#' a summary, a print and a plot function are implemented for this type of object.
#' @references Verde, P.E, Ohmann, C., Icks, A. and Morbach, S. (2016) Bayesian evidence synthesis and combining randomized and nonrandomized results: a case study in diabetes. Statistics in Medicine. Volume 35, Issue 10, 10 May 2016, Pages: 1654 to 1675.
#' @references Verde, P.E. (2017) The hierarchical meta-regression approach and learning from clinical evidence. Submited to the Biometrical Journal.
#' @references Verde, P.E. (2018) The Hierarchical Meta-Regression Approach and Learning from Clinical Evidence. Technical report.
#' @examples
#' data("healing")
#' AD <- healing[, c("y_c", "n_c", "y_t", "n_t")]
#' data("healingipd")
#' IPD <- healingipd[, c("healing.without.amp", "PAD", "neuropathy",
#' "first.ever.lesion", "no.continuous.care", "male", "diab.typ2",
#' "insulin", "HOCHD", "HOS", "CRF", "dialysis", "DNOAP", "smoking.ever",
#' "diabdur", "wagner.class")]
#' mx2 <- hmr(AD, two.by.two = FALSE,
#'            dataIPD = IPD,
#'            re = "sm",
#'            link = "logit",
#'            sd.mu.1 = 2,
#'            sd.mu.2 = 2,
#'            sd.mu.phi = 2,
#'            sigma.1.upper = 5,
#'            sigma.2.upper = 5,
#'            sigma.beta.upper = 5,
#'            sd.Fisher.rho = 1.25,
#'            df.estimate = FALSE,
#'            df.lower = 3,
#'            df.upper = 10,
#'            nr.chains = 1,
#'            nr.iterations = 1500,
#'            nr.adapt = 100,
#'            nr.thin = 1)
#' print(mx2)
#'# This experiment corresponds to Section 4 in Verde (2018).
#'# Experiment: Combining aggretated data from RCTs and a single
#'# observational study with individual participant data.
#'# In this experiment we assess conflict of evidence between the RCTs
#'# and the observational study with a partially identified parameter
#'# mu.phi.
#'# We run two simulated data: 1) mu.phi = 0.5 which is diffucult to
#'# identify. 2) mu.phi = 2 which can be identify. The simulations are
#'# used to see if the hmr() function can recover mu.phi.
#'# Simulation of the IPD data
#'invlogit <- function (x)
#'  1/(1 + exp(-x))
#'# Data set for mu.phi = 0.5 .........................................
#'# Parameters values
#'mu.phi.true <- 0.5
#'beta0 <- mu.1.true + mu.phi.true
#'beta1 <- 2.5
#'beta2 <- 2
#'# Regression variables
#'x1 <- rnorm(200)
#'x2 <- rbinom(200, 1, 0.5)
#'# Binary outcome as a function of "b0 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2"
#'y <- rbinom(200, 1,
#'          invlogit(beta0 + beta1 * x1 + beta2 * x2))
#'# Preparing the plot to visualize the data
#'jitter.binary <- function(a, jitt = 0.05)
#'  ifelse(a==0, runif(length(a), 0, jitt),
#'         runif(length(a), 1-jitt, 1))
#'plot(x1, jitter.binary(y), xlab = "x1",
#'     ylab = "Success probability")
#'curve(invlogit(beta0 + beta1*x),
#'      from = -2.5, to = 2.5, add = TRUE, col ="blue", lwd = 2)
#'curve(invlogit(beta0 + beta1*x + beta2),
#'      from = -2.5, to = 2.5, add = TRUE, col ="red", lwd =2)
#'legend("bottomright", c("b2 = 0", "b2 = 2"),
#'       col = c("blue", "red"), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
#'noise <- rnorm(100*20)
#'dim(noise) <- c(100, 20)
#'n.names <- paste(rep("x", 20), seq(3, 22), sep="")
#'colnames(noise) <- n.names
#'data.IPD <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, noise)
#'# Application of HMR ...........................................
#'res.s2 <- hmr(AD.s1, two.by.two = FALSE,
#'              dataIPD = data.IPD,
#'              sd.mu.1 = 2,
#'              sd.mu.2 = 2,
#'              sd.mu.phi = 2,
#'              sigma.1.upper = 5,
#'              sigma.2.upper = 5,
#'              sd.Fisher.rho = 1.5)
#'# Data set for mu.phi = 2 ......................................
#'# Parameters values
#'mu.phi.true <- 2
#'beta0 <- mu.1.true + mu.phi.true
#'beta1 <- 2.5
#'beta2 <- 2
#'# Regression variables
#'x1 <- rnorm(200)
#'x2 <- rbinom(200, 1, 0.5)
#'# Binary outcome as a function of "b0 + b1 * x1 + b2 * x2"
#'y <- rbinom(200, 1,
#'            invlogit(beta0 + beta1 * x1 + beta2 * x2))
#'# Preparing the plot to visualize the data
#'jitter.binary <- function(a, jitt = 0.05)
#'  ifelse(a==0, runif(length(a), 0, jitt),
#'         runif(length(a), 1-jitt, 1))
#'plot(x1, jitter.binary(y), xlab = "x1",
#'     ylab = "Success probability")
#'curve(invlogit(beta0 + beta1*x),
#'      from = -2.5, to = 2.5, add = TRUE, col ="blue", lwd = 2)
#'curve(invlogit(beta0 + beta1*x + beta2),
#'      from = -2.5, to = 2.5, add = TRUE, col ="red", lwd =2)
#'legend("bottomright", c("b2 = 0", "b2 = 2"),
#'       col = c("blue", "red"), lwd = 2, lty = 1)
#'noise <- rnorm(100*20)
#'dim(noise) <- c(100, 20)
#'n.names <- paste(rep("x", 20), seq(3, 22), sep="")
#'colnames(noise) <- n.names
#'data.IPD <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, noise)
#'# Application of HMR ................................................
#'res.s3 <- hmr(AD.s1, two.by.two = FALSE,
#'              dataIPD = data.IPD,
#'              sd.mu.1 = 2,
#'              sd.mu.2 = 2,
#'              sd.mu.phi = 2,
#'              sigma.1.upper = 5,
#'              sigma.2.upper = 5,
#'              sd.Fisher.rho = 1.5
#'# Posteriors for mu.phi ............................
#'mu.phi.0.5 <- mu.phi
#'df.phi.05 <- data.frame(x = mu.phi.0.5)
#'mu.phi.1 <- mu.phi
#'df.phi.1 <- data.frame(x = mu.phi.1)
#'p1 <- ggplot(df.phi.05, aes(x=x))+
#'  xlab(expression(mu[phi])) +
#'  ylab("Posterior distribution")+
#'  xlim(c(-7,7))+
#'  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),fill = "royalblue",
#'               colour = "black", alpha= 0.4, bins=60) +
#'  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.64, colour = "black", size = 1.7, lty = 2)+
#'  geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5, colour = "black", size = 1.7, lty = 1)+
#'  stat_function(fun = dlogis,
#'                n = 101,
#'                args = list(location = 0, scale = 1), size = 1.5) + theme_bw()
#'p2 <- ggplot(df.phi.1, aes(x=x))+
#'  xlab(expression(mu[phi])) +
#'  ylab("Posterior distribution")+
#'  xlim(c(-7,7))+
#'  geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),fill = "royalblue",
#'                 colour = "black", alpha= 0.4, bins=60) +
#'  geom_vline(xintercept = 2.2, colour = "black", size = 1.7, lty = 2)+
#'  geom_vline(xintercept = 2, colour = "black", size = 1.7, lty = 1)+
#'  stat_function(fun = dlogis,
#'                n = 101,
#'                args = list(location = 0, scale = 1), size = 1.5) + theme_bw()
#'grid.arrange(p1, p2, ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
#' # Cater plots for regression coefficients ...........................
#' var.names <- names(data.IPD[-1])
#' v <- paste("beta", names(data.IPD[-1]), sep = ".")
#' mcmc.x <- as.rjags.mcmc(res.s2$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix)
#' mcmc.x.2 <- as.mcmc.rjags(res.s2)
#' mcmc.x.3 <- as.mcmc.rjags(res.s3)
#' greek.names <- paste(paste("beta[",1:22, sep=""),"]", sep="")
#' par.names <- paste(paste("beta.IPD[",1:22, sep=""),"]", sep="")
#' caterplot(mcmc.x.2,
#'          parms = par.names,
#'          col = "black", lty = 1,
#'          labels = greek.names,
#'          greek = T,
#'          labels.loc="axis", cex =0.7,
#'          style = "plain",reorder = F, denstrip = F)
#'          parms = par.names,
#'          col = "grey", lty = 2,
#'          labels = greek.names,
#'          greek = T,
#'          labels.loc="axis", cex =0.7,
#'          style = "plain",reorder = F, denstrip = F,
#'          add = TRUE,
#'          collapse=TRUE, cat.shift=-0.5)
#'abline(v=0, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
#'abline(v =2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
#'abline(v =2.5, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
#' # End of the examples.
#' }
#' @import R2jags
#' @import rjags
#' @import graphics
#' @import stats
#' @import graphics
#' @export

hmr <- function(data,
                     two.by.two = TRUE,
                     # Arguments for the model:
                     re              = "normal",
                     link            = "logit",
                     # Hyperpriors parameters............................................
                     mean.mu.1       = 0,
                     mean.mu.2       = 0,
                     mean.mu.phi     = 0,
                     sd.mu.1         = 1,
                     sd.mu.2         = 1,
                     sd.mu.phi       = 1,
                     sigma.1.upper   = 5,
                     sigma.2.upper   = 5,
                    sigma.beta.upper = 5,
                     mean.Fisher.rho = 0,
                     sd.Fisher.rho   = 1/sqrt(2),
                     df              = 4,
                     df.estimate     = FALSE,
                     df.lower        = 3,
                     df.upper        = 20,
                     # Split weights
                     split.w         = FALSE,
                     # MCMC setup........................................................
                     nr.chains       = 2,
                     nr.iterations   = 10000,
                     nr.adapt        = 1000,
                     nr.burnin       = 1000,
                     nr.thin         = 1,
                     # Further options to link jags and R ...............................
                     be.quiet        = FALSE,
                     r2jags          = TRUE

#' @export
hmr.default <- function(
  two.by.two = TRUE,
  # Arguments for the model:
  re              = "normal",
  link            = "logit",
  # Hyperpriors parameters............................................
  mean.mu.1       = 0,
  mean.mu.2       = 0,
  mean.mu.phi     = 0,
  sd.mu.1         = 1,
  sd.mu.2         = 1,
  sd.mu.phi       = 1,
  sigma.1.upper   = 5,
  sigma.2.upper   = 5,
  sigma.beta.upper = 5,
  mean.Fisher.rho = 0,
  sd.Fisher.rho   = 1/sqrt(2),
  df              = 4,
  df.estimate     = FALSE,
  df.lower        = 3,
  df.upper        = 20,
  # Split weights
  split.w         = FALSE,
  # MCMC setup........................................................
  nr.chains       = 2,
  nr.iterations   = 10000,
  nr.adapt        = 1000,
  nr.burnin       = 1000,
  nr.thin         = 1,
  # Further options to link jags and R ...............................
  be.quiet        = FALSE,
  r2jags          = TRUE

  # Model errors checking-----

  if(re=="normal" & split.w==TRUE)stop("Normal random effects and splitting weights are not compatible options")

  re.test <- re %in% c("normal", "sm")

  if(!re.test)stop("This random effects distribution is not implemented")

  link.test <- link %in% c("logit", "cloglog", "probit")

  if(!link.test)stop("This link function is not implemented")

  # Setting up hyperparameters ...
  pre.mu.1 <- 1/(sd.mu.1*sd.mu.1)
  pre.mu.2 <- 1/(sd.mu.2*sd.mu.2)
  pre.mu.phi <- 1/ (sd.mu.phi * sd.mu.phi)
  pre.Fisher.rho <- 1/(sd.Fisher.rho * sd.Fisher.rho)

  # Setting up data nodes ...

  if(two.by.two == FALSE)
    yc <- data[,1]
    nc <- data[,2]
    yt <- data[,3]
    nt <- data[,4]
  } else
    yc <- data$yc
    nc <- data$nc
    yt <- data$yt
    nt <- data$nt

  N <- length(nc)
  # Increase N for one observacional study

  N <- N + 1

  # Data errors
  #if(yc>nc || yt>nt)stop("the data is inconsistent")
  #if(missing(data))stop("NAs are not allowed in this function")

  # Setup IPD data for regression ................................................
  dataIPD$y <- dataIPD[,1]
  dataIPD <- dataIPD[,-1]       # <- corregido! Se generó un bug version > 1.7.0

  model.1 <- model.frame(y ~ ., data = dataIPD)
  X.IPD <- model.matrix(model.1, data = dataIPD)
  X.IPD <- X.IPD[ , dimnames(X.IPD)[[2]] != "(Intercept)", drop=FALSE]
  y.0.IPD <- model.response(model.1)

  if(is.factor(y.0.IPD)){y.0.IPD <- unclass(y.0.IPD) - 1}

  K <- dim(X.IPD)[2]
  M <- dim(X.IPD)[1]

  # Data, initial values and parameters  .......................................
  data.model <-
    list(M = M,
         K = K,
         X.IPD = X.IPD,
         y.0.IPD = y.0.IPD,
         N = N,
         yc = yc,
         nc = nc,
         yt = yt,
         nt = nt,
         mean.mu.1 = mean.mu.1,
         mean.mu.2 = mean.mu.2,
         mean.mu.phi = mean.mu.phi,
         pre.mu.1 = pre.mu.1,
         pre.mu.2 = pre.mu.2,
         pre.mu.phi = pre.mu.phi,
         sigma.1.upper = sigma.1.upper,
         sigma.2.upper = sigma.2.upper,
         sigma.beta.upper = sigma.beta.upper,
         mean.Fisher.rho = mean.Fisher.rho,
         pre.Fisher.rho = pre.Fisher.rho

  if(re == "sm" & df.estimate == TRUE){data.model$df.lower <- df.lower
  data.model$df.upper <- df.upper}
  if(re == "sm" & df.estimate == FALSE){data.model$df <- df}

  # Parameters to monitor ....................................................................
  parameters.model <-
  #    "Odds.new",
  #    "P_control.new",
      "eta.subgroup" # Verde's formula ....

  # This take the weights for the scale mixture random effects model, etc...

  if(re == "sm" & split.w == TRUE & df.estimate == TRUE)
    parameters.model <- c(parameters.model, "w1", "w2", "p.w1", "p.w2", "df")
    if(re == "sm" & split.w == TRUE & df.estimate == FALSE)
      parameters.model <- c(parameters.model, "w1", "w2", "p.w1", "p.w2")
    if(re=="sm" & split.w == FALSE & df.estimate == TRUE)
      parameters.model <- c(parameters.model, "w", "p.w", "df")
    if(re=="sm" & split.w == FALSE & df.estimate == FALSE)
      parameters.model <- c(parameters.model, "w", "p.w")

  # Model BUGS script

  blueprint <- function(link = "logit", re = "normal", split.w = FALSE, df.estimate = FALSE)

    if(split.w == FALSE & df.estimate == TRUE ) re <- "sm.df"
    if(split.w == TRUE  & df.estimate == FALSE) re <- "sm.split"
    if(split.w == TRUE  & df.estimate == TRUE ) re <- "sm.split.df"

    # Block for data model ......................................................................
    dm <-
    for(i in 1:(N-1))
    yc[i] ~ dbin(pc[i], nc[i])
    yt[i] ~ dbin(pt[i], nt[i])

    # Block for the link function................................................................
    link.logit <-
    # Random effects model
    logit(pc[i]) <- theta.1[i]
    logit(pt[i]) <- theta.2[i] + logit(pc[i])

    link.cloglog <-
    # Random effects model
    cloglog(pc[i]) <- theta.1[i]
    cloglog(pt[i]) <- theta.2[i] + cloglog(pc[i])

    link.probit <-
    # Random effects model
    probit(pc[i]) <- theta.1[i]
    probit(pt[i]) <- theta.2[i] + probit(pc[i])

    # Block for structural distribution .........................................................
    re.normal <-
    theta.1[i] ~ dnorm(mu.1, pre.theta.1)
    theta.2[i] ~ dnorm(mu.2.1[i], pre.theta.2.1)

    #Conditional mean
    mu.2.1[i] <- mu.2 + rho * sigma.2 / sigma.1 * (theta.1[i] - mu.1)


    # Hyper priors
    mu.1 ~  dlogis(mean.mu.1, pre.mu.1)
    mu.2 ~  dlogis(mean.mu.2, pre.mu.2)

    # Dispersion parameters
    sigma.1 ~ dunif(0, sigma.1.upper)
    sigma.2 ~ dunif(0, sigma.2.upper)
    pre.theta.1 <- 1/(sigma.1*sigma.1)
    pre.theta.2 <- 1/(sigma.2*sigma.2)

    # Conditional precision
    pre.theta.2.1 <- pre.theta.2 / (1 - rho*rho)

    # Correlation
    z ~ dnorm(mean.Fisher.rho, pre.Fisher.rho)
    rho <- 2*exp(z)/(1+exp(z)) - 1

    # Predictions ...
    mu.new[1] <- mu.1
    mu.new[2] <- mu.2

    Sigma.new[1, 1] <- pow(sigma.1, 2)
    Sigma.new[2, 2] <- pow(sigma.2, 2)
    Sigma.new[1, 2] <- rho * sigma.1 * sigma.2
    Sigma.new[2, 1] <- Sigma.new[1, 2]

    Omega.new[1:2, 1:2] <- inverse(Sigma.new[1:2, 1:2])
    theta.new[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu.new[1:2], Omega.new[1:2 ,1:2])

    # Functional parameters
    alpha.0 <- (mu.2 - alpha.1 * mu.1)
    alpha.1 <- rho * sigma.2/sigma.1

    # Block for: link = logistic, re = normal and split.w = FALSE
    # Model for individual data ..................................................
    # Random effect for the observational study ..................................

    # Introduced mu.phi...........................................................
    mu.phi  ~ dlogis(mean.mu.phi, pre.mu.phi) # non-informative

    mu.obs <- mu.1 + mu.phi

    # Change mu.1 to mu.obs = mu.1 + mu.phi .......................................
    mu.2.1[N] <- mu.2 + rho * sigma.2 / sigma.1 * (theta.1[N] - mu.obs)
    theta.1[N] ~ dnorm(mu.obs, pre.theta.1)
    theta.2[N] ~ dnorm(mu.2.1[N], pre.theta.2.1)

    # Priors for beta.IPD .........................................................
    for( i in 1:K)
    beta.IPD[i] ~ dnorm(0, pre.beta.IPD)

    pre.beta.IPD <- 1/(sigma.beta*sigma.beta)
    sigma.beta ~ dunif(0, sigma.beta.upper)


    re.sm <-
    theta.1[i] ~ dnorm(mu.1, pre.theta.1[i])
    theta.2[i] ~ dnorm(mu.2.1[i], pre.theta.2.1[i])

    #Conditional mean
    mu.2.1[i] <- mu.2 + rho * sigma.2 / sigma.1 * (theta.1[i] - mu.1)

    # Conditional precision
    pre.theta.2.1[i] <- pre.theta.2[i] / (1 - rho * rho)

    lambda[i] ~ dchisqr(df)
    w[i] <- df/lambda[i]

    pre.theta.1[i] <- pre.1 / w[i]
    pre.theta.2[i] <- pre.2 / w[i]

    # Probability of outlier
    p.w[i] <- step(w[i]-0.99)

    # Hyper priors
    mu.1 ~  dlogis(mean.mu.1, pre.mu.1)
    mu.2 ~  dlogis(mean.mu.2, pre.mu.2)

    # Dispersion parameters
    sigma.1 ~ dunif(0, sigma.1.upper)
    sigma.2 ~ dunif(0, sigma.2.upper)
    pre.1 <- 1/(sigma.1*sigma.1)
    pre.2 <- 1/(sigma.2*sigma.2)

    # Correlation
    z ~ dnorm(mean.Fisher.rho, pre.Fisher.rho)
    rho <- 2*exp(z)/(1+exp(z)) - 1

    # Predictions ...
    mu.new[1] <- mu.1
    mu.new[2] <- mu.2

    Sigma.new[1, 1] <- pow(sigma.1, 2)
    Sigma.new[2, 2] <- pow(sigma.2, 2)
    Sigma.new[1, 2] <- rho * sigma.1 * sigma.2
    Sigma.new[2, 1] <- Sigma.new[1, 2]

    lambda.new ~ dchisqr(df)
    w.new <- df/lambda.new
    Omega.new[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(Sigma.new[1:2, 1:2]) / w.new

    theta.new[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu.new[1:2], Omega.new[1:2 ,1:2])

    # Functional parameters
    alpha.0 <- (mu.2 - alpha.1 * mu.1)
    alpha.1 <- rho * sigma.2/sigma.1

# Block for: link = logistic, re = sm and split.w = FALSE
# Model for individual data ..................................................
    # Random effect for the observational study ..................................

    # Introduced mu.phi...........................................................
    mu.phi  ~ dlogis(mean.mu.phi, pre.mu.phi) # non-informative

    mu.obs <- mu.1 + mu.phi

    # Structure of w[N]...........................................................
    # Case: random weight same as RCTs
    lambda[N] ~ dchisqr(df)
    w[N] <- df/lambda[N]

    pre.theta.1[N] <- pre.1 / w[N]
    pre.theta.2[N] <- pre.2 / w[N]
    pre.theta.2.1[N] <- pre.theta.2[N] / (1-rho*rho)

    # Probability of outlier.......................................................
    p.w[N] <- step(w[N]-0.99)

    # Change mu.1 to mu.obs = mu.1 + mu.phi .......................................
    mu.2.1[N] <- mu.2 + rho * sigma.2 / sigma.1 * (theta.1[N] - mu.obs)
    theta.1[N] ~ dnorm(mu.obs, pre.theta.1[N])
    theta.2[N] ~ dnorm(mu.2.1[N], pre.theta.2.1[N])

    # Priors for beta.IPD .........................................................
    for( i in 1:K)
    beta.IPD[i] ~ dnorm(0, pre.beta.IPD)

    pre.beta.IPD <- 1/(sigma.beta*sigma.beta)
    sigma.beta ~ dunif(0, sigma.beta.upper)


    re.sm.split <-
    theta.1[i] ~ dnorm(mu.1, pre.theta.1[i])
    theta.2[i] ~ dnorm(mu.2.1[i], pre.theta.2.1[i])

    #Conditional mean
    mu.2.1[i] <- mu.2 + rho * sigma.2 / sigma.1 * (theta.1[i] - mu.1)

    # Conditional precision
    pre.theta.2.1[i] <- pre.theta.2[i] / (1 - rho * rho)

    pre.theta.1[i] <- pre.1 / w1[i]
    pre.theta.2[i] <- pre.2 / w2[i]

    lambda1[i] ~ dchisqr(df)
    w1[i] <- df/lambda1[i]

    lambda2[i] ~ dchisqr(df)
    w2[i] <- df/lambda2[i]

    # Probability of outlier
    p.w1[i] <- step(w1[i]-0.99)
    p.w2[i] <- step(w2[i]-0.99)

    # Hyper priors
    mu.1 ~  dlogis(mean.mu.1, pre.mu.1)
    mu.2 ~  dlogis(mean.mu.2, pre.mu.2)

    # Dispersion parameters
    sigma.1 ~ dunif(0, sigma.1.upper)
    sigma.2 ~ dunif(0, sigma.2.upper)
    pre.1 <- 1/(sigma.1*sigma.1)
    pre.2 <- 1/(sigma.2*sigma.2)

    # Correlation
    z ~ dnorm(mean.Fisher.rho, pre.Fisher.rho)
    rho <- 2*exp(z)/(1+exp(z)) - 1

    # Predictions ...
    mu.new[1] <- mu.1
    mu.new[2] <- mu.2

    lambda1.new ~ dchisqr(df)
    lambda2.new ~ dchisqr(df)

    w1.new <- df/lambda1.new
    w2.new <- df/lambda2.new

    Sigma.new[1, 1] <- pow(sigma.1, 2)/w1.new
    Sigma.new[2, 2] <- pow(sigma.2, 2)/w2.new
    Sigma.new[1, 2] <- rho * sigma.1 * sigma.2 / sqrt(w1.new*w2.new)
    Sigma.new[2, 1] <- Sigma.new[1, 2]
    Omega.new[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(Sigma.new[1:2, 1:2])

    theta.new[1:2] ~ dmnorm(mu.new[1:2], Omega.new[1:2 ,1:2])

    # Functional parameters
    alpha.0 <- (mu.2 - alpha.1 * mu.1)
    alpha.1 <- rho * sigma.2/sigma.1

    # Introduced mu.phi...........................................................
    mu.phi  ~ dlogis(mean.mu.phi, pre.mu.phi) # non-informative

    mu.obs <- mu.1 + mu.phi

    # Structure of w[N]...........................................................
    # Case: random weight same as RCTs
    lambda1[N] ~ dchisqr(df)
    w1[N] <- df/lambda1[N]

    lambda2[N] ~ dchisqr(df)
    w2[N] <- df/lambda2[N]

    pre.theta.1[N] <- pre.1 / w1[N]
    pre.theta.2[N] <- pre.2 / w2[N]
    pre.theta.2.1[N] <- pre.theta.2[N] / (1-rho*rho)

    # Probability of outlier.......................................................
    p.w1[N] <- step(w1[N]-0.99)

    # Change mu.1 to mu.obs = mu.1 + mu.phi .......................................
    mu.2.1[N] <- mu.2 + rho * sigma.2 / sigma.1 * (theta.1[N] - mu.obs)
    theta.1[N] ~ dnorm(mu.obs, pre.theta.1[N])
    theta.2[N] ~ dnorm(mu.2.1[N], pre.theta.2.1[N])

    # Priors for beta.IPD .........................................................
    for( i in 1:K)
    beta.IPD[i] ~ dnorm(0, pre.beta.IPD)

    pre.beta.IPD <- 1/(sigma.beta*sigma.beta)
    sigma.beta ~ dunif(0, sigma.beta.upper)


    prior.of.df <- "
    # Degrees of freedom
    a <- 1/df.upper
    b <- 1/df.lower
    df <- 1/U
    U ~ dunif(a, b)

    re.sm.df <- paste(re.sm, prior.of.df)


    re.sm.split.df <- paste(re.sm.split, prior.of.df)

    # Block of parameters of interest depending on the links ......................
    par.logit <- "
for(i in 1:M){
    y.0.IPD[i] ~ dbern(p0.IPD[i])
    logit(p0.IPD[i]) <- theta.1[N] + inprod(beta.IPD[1:K], X.IPD[i,1:K])

# Verde's formula to estimate relative treatment effect in a subgroup .........
for(i in 1:K){
   x.subgroup[i] = mean(mu.phi + beta.IPD[i])
eta.subgroup[i]  = alpha.0 + alpha.1*(x.subgroup[i] - mu.1)

  # Parameters of interest
  # Pooled summaries ...
       Odds.pool <- exp(alpha.0)      # Here was a bug in version < 2.0.0
  P_control.pool <- ilogit(mu.1)

  # Predictive summaries ...
  #      Odds.new <- exp(theta.new[2]) # Here was a bug in version < 2.0.0
  # P_control.new <- ilogit(theta.new[1])

    par.cloglog <- "

for( i in 1:M){
    y.0.IPD[i] ~ dbern(p0.IPD[i])
    cloglog(p0.IPD[i]) <- theta.1[N] + inprod(beta.IPD[1:K], X.IPD[i,1:K])

# Verde's formula to estimate relative treatment effect in a subgroup .........
for(i in 1:K){
   x.subgroup[i] = mean(mu.phi + beta.IPD[i])
eta.subgroup[i]  = alpha.0 + alpha.1*(x.subgroup[i] - mu.1)

  # Parameters of interest
  # Pooled summaries ...
  # F(x) = exp(-exp(x)) this is the quantile function of the Gumbel distribution
  # F(mu.1) = p.0
  # F(alpha.0 + alpha.1) = p.1
  # OR = p.1/(1-p.1) / p.0/(1-p.1)

  p.0 = icloglog(mu.1)
  p.1 = icloglog(mu.1 + alpha.0)

       Odds.pool = p.1/(1-p.1)/(p.0/(1-p.0))
  P_control.pool = p.1

  # Predictive summaries ...

  # p.new.0 = icloglog(theta.new[1])
  # p.new.1 = icloglog(theta.new[1]+theta.new[2])
  #      Odds.new = p.new.1/(1-p.new.1)/(p.new.0/(1-p.new.0))
  # P_control.new = p.new.0


    par.probit <-
for( i in 1:M){
    y.0.IPD[i] ~ dbern(p0.IPD[i])
    probit(p0.IPD[i]) <- theta.1[N] + inprod(beta.IPD[1:K], X.IPD[i,1:K])

# Verde's formula to estimate relative treatment effect in a subgroup .........
for(i in 1:K){
   x.subgroup[i] = mean(mu.phi + beta.IPD[i])
eta.subgroup[i]  = alpha.0 + alpha.1*(x.subgroup[i] - mu.1)

  # Parameters of interest
  # Pooled summaries ...
  # F(x) = phi(x) this is the quantile function of Standized Normal
  # F(mu.1) = p.0
  # F(alpha.0 + alpha.1) = p.1
  # OR = p.1/(1-p.1) / p.0/(1-p.1)

  p.0 = phi(mu.1)
  p.1 = phi(mu. 1 + alpha.0)

       Odds.pool = p.1/(1-p.1)/(p.0/(1-p.0))
  P_control.pool = p.1

  # Predictive summaries ...

  # p.new.0 = phi(theta.new[1])
  # p.new.1 = phi(theta.new[1]+theta.new[2])
  #      Odds.new = p.new.1/(1-p.new.1)/(p.new.0/(1-p.new.0))
  # P_control.new = p.new.0


    # List of possible models ...

    # normal random effects
    m1 <- paste(dm, link.logit,   re.normal, par.logit)
    m2 <- paste(dm, link.cloglog, re.normal, par.cloglog)
    m3 <- paste(dm, link.probit,  re.normal, par.probit)

    # sm random effects
    m4 <- paste(dm, link.logit,   re.sm, par.logit)
    m5 <- paste(dm, link.cloglog, re.sm, par.cloglog)
    m6 <- paste(dm, link.probit,  re.sm, par.probit)

    # sm random effects with two t-distributions one for each random effect
    m7 <- paste(dm, link.logit,   re.sm.split,  par.logit)
    m8 <- paste(dm, link.cloglog, re.sm.split,  par.cloglog)
    m9 <- paste(dm, link.probit,  re.sm.split,  par.probit)

    # sm random effects
    m10 <- paste(dm, link.logit,   re.sm.df, par.logit)
    m11 <- paste(dm, link.cloglog, re.sm.df, par.cloglog)
    m12 <- paste(dm, link.probit,  re.sm.df, par.probit)

    # sm random effects with two t-distributions one for each random effect
    m13 <- paste(dm, link.logit,   re.sm.split.df,  par.logit)
    m14 <- paste(dm, link.cloglog, re.sm.split.df,  par.cloglog)
    m15 <- paste(dm, link.probit,  re.sm.split.df,  par.probit)

           normal = switch(link,
                           logit = return(m1),
                           cloglog = return(m2),
                           probit = return(m3),
                           stop("The model you requested is not implemented.")
           sm = switch(link,
                       logit = return(m4),
                       cloglog = return(m5),
                       probit = return(m6),
                       stop("The model you requested is not implemented.")
           sm.split = switch(link,
                             logit = return(m7),
                             cloglog = return(m8),
                             probit = return(m9),
                             stop("The model you requested is not implemented.")
           sm.df = switch(link,
                          logit = return(m10),
                          cloglog = return(m11),
                          probit = return(m12),
                          stop("The model you requested is not implemented.")
           sm.split.df = switch(link,
                                logit = return(m13),
                                cloglog = return(m14),
                                probit = return(m15),
                                stop("The model you requested is not implemented.")
           stop("The model you requested is not implemented.")

  model.bugs <- blueprint(link, re, split.w, df.estimate)
  model.bugs.connection <- textConnection(model.bugs)

  if(r2jags == TRUE){
    # Use R2jags as interface for JAGS ...
    results <- jags(              data = data.model,
                                  parameters.to.save = parameters.model,
                                  model.file = model.bugs.connection,
                                  n.chains = nr.chains,
                                  n.iter = nr.iterations,
                                  n.burnin = nr.burnin,
                                  n.thin = nr.thin)
  else {
    # Use rjags as interface for JAGS ...
    # Send the model to JAGS, check syntax, run ...
    jm <- jags.model(file     = model.bugs.connection,
                     data     = data.model,
                     #  inits    = inits.model,
                     n.chains = nr.chains,
                     n.adapt  = nr.adapt,
                     quiet    = be.quiet)

    results <- coda.samples(jm,
                            variable.names = parameters.model,
                            n.iter         = nr.iterations)

  if(r2jags == FALSE)
  {cat("You are using the package rjags as interface to JAGS.", "\n")
    cat("The plot functions for output analysis are not implemented in this jarbes version", "\n")

  # Close text conecction

  # Extra outputs that are linked with other functions ...
  IPD.names <- names(dataIPD)
  IPD.names <- IPD.names[IPD.names!="y"]
  results$beta.names <- paste("beta.", IPD.names, sep = "")

  results$link <- link
  results$re <- re
  results$data <- data
  results$two.by.two <- two.by.two
  results$r2jags <- r2jags
  results$split.w <- split.w
  results$df.estimate <- df.estimate

  # Priors ...

  results$prior$mean.mu.1       = mean.mu.1
  results$prior$mean.mu.1       = mean.mu.1
  results$prior$mean.mu.phi     = mean.mu.phi
  results$prior$sd.mu.1         = sd.mu.1
  results$prior$sd.mu.2         = sd.mu.2
  results$prior$sd.mu.phi       = sd.mu.phi
  results$prior$sigma.1.upper   = sigma.1.upper
  results$prior$sigma.2.upper   = sigma.2.upper
  results$prior$mean.Fisher.rho = mean.Fisher.rho
  results$prior$sd.Fisher.rho   = sd.Fisher.rho
  results$prior$df              = df
  results$prior$df.estimate     = df.estimate
  results$prior$df.lower        = df.lower
  results$prior$df.upper        = df.upper

  class(results) <- c("hmr")


#' Generic print function for hmr object in jarbes.
#' @param x The object generated by the function hmr.
#' @param digits The number of significant digits printed. The default value is 3.
#' @param intervals A numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1]. The default value is
#'                  intervals = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975).
#' @param ... \dots
#' @export

print.hmr <- function(x, digits = 3,
                        intervals = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), ...)
  m <- x
  x <- x$BUGSoutput
  sims.matrix <- x$sims.matrix
  mu.vect <- apply(sims.matrix, 2, mean)
  sd.vect <- apply(sims.matrix, 2, sd)
  int.matrix <- apply(sims.matrix, 2, quantile, intervals)
  if (x$n.chains>1) {
    n.eff <- x$summary[,"n.eff"]
    Rhat <- x$summary[,"Rhat"]
  } else {
    n.eff <- Rhat <- NULL
  summaryMatrix <- t(rbind(mu.vect, sd.vect, int.matrix, Rhat, n.eff))
  rownameMatrix <- rownames(summaryMatrix)

  # Names of the regression coefficients ...
  ind.names <- grep("beta.IPD", rownameMatrix)
  rownameMatrix[ind.names] <- m$beta.names

  rownames(summaryMatrix) <- rownameMatrix

  dev.idx <- match("deviance", rownameMatrix)
    summaryMatrix <- rbind(summaryMatrix[-dev.idx,], summaryMatrix[dev.idx,])
    rownames(summaryMatrix) <- c(rownameMatrix[-dev.idx], rownameMatrix[dev.idx])

  if (!is.null(m$model.file))
    cat("Inference for Bugs model at \"", m$model.file, "\", ",
        sep = "")
  if (!is.null(m$program))
    cat("fit using ", m$program, ",", sep = "")
  cat("\n ", m$n.chains, " chains, each with ", m$n.iter, " iterations (first ",
      x$n.burnin, " discarded)", sep = "")
  if (x$n.thin > 1)
    cat(", n.thin =", x$n.thin)
  cat("\n n.sims =", x$n.sims, "iterations saved\n")
  print(round(summaryMatrix, digits), ...)
  if (x$n.chains > 1) {
    cat("\nFor each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,")
    cat("\nand Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).\n")
  if (x$isDIC) {
    msgDICRule <- ifelse(x$DICbyR, "(using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)",
                         "(using the rule, pD = Dbar-Dhat)")
    cat(paste("\nDIC info ", msgDICRule, "\n", sep = ""))
    if (length(x$DIC) == 1) {
      cat("pD =", fround(x$pD, 1), "and DIC =", fround(x$DIC,
    else if (length(x$DIC) > 1) {
      print(round(x$DIC, 1))
    cat("\nDIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).\n")


fround <- function (x, digits) {
  format (round (x, digits), nsmall=digits)

pfround <- function (x, digits) {
  print (fround (x, digits), quote=FALSE)

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