
Defines functions segment cutl cutw engine_cut

Documented in segment

#' Chinese text segmentation function
#' The function uses initialized engines for words segmentation. You 
#' can initialize multiple engines simultaneously using \code{worker()}.
#' Public settings of workers can be got and modified using \code{$}, 
#' such as \code{ WorkerName$symbol = T }. Some private settings are fixed 
#' when engine is initialized, and you can get then by 
#' \code{WorkerName$PrivateVarible}.
#' There are four kinds of models:
#' Maximum probability segmentation model uses Trie tree to construct
#' a directed acyclic graph and uses dynamic programming algorithm. It
#' is the core segmentation algorithm. \code{dict} and \code{user}
#' should be provided when initializing jiebaR worker.
#' Hidden Markov Model uses HMM model to determine status set and 
#' observed set of words. The default HMM model is based on People's Daily 
#' language library. \code{hmm} should be provided when initializing 
#' jiebaR worker.
#' MixSegment model uses both Maximum probability segmentation model 
#' and Hidden Markov Model to construct segmentation.  \code{dict}, 
#' \code{hmm} and \code{user} should be provided when initializing 
#' jiebaR worker.
#' QuerySegment model uses MixSegment to construct segmentation and then 
#' enumerates all the possible long words in the dictionary.  \code{dict}, 
#' \code{hmm} and \code{qmax} should be provided when initializing 
#' jiebaR worker.
#' There is a symbol \code{<=} for this function.
#' @param code A Chinese sentence or the path of a text file. 
#' @param jiebar jiebaR Worker.
#' @param mod change default result type, value can be "mix","hmm","query","full" or "mp"
#' @seealso  \code{\link{<=.segment}} \code{\link{worker}} 
#' @export
segment <- function(code, jiebar,mod = NULL) {
  stopifnot("segment" %in% class(jiebar))

  if ( jiebar$default == "tag" || identical(mod, "tag"))  return( tagging(code, jiebar) )
  if ( jiebar$PrivateVarible$timestamp != TIMESTAMP) {
    stop("Please create a new worker after jiebaR is reloaded.")
  if (!is.character(code))
    stop("Argument 'code' must be an string.")
  if (file.exists(code[1]) && jiebar$write != "NOFILE"){
    if(length(code) > 1){
      warning("In file mode, only the first element will be processed.")
      basenames <- gsub("\\.[^\\.]*$", "", code[1])
      extnames  <- gsub(basenames, "", code[1], fixed = TRUE)
      times_char = gsub(" |:","_",as.character(Sys.time()))
      output    <- paste(basenames, ".segment.", times_char, extnames, sep = "")
    } else {
    if(jiebar$detect==T)  encoding<-file_coding(code[1])
    res = cutl(code = code[1], jiebar=jiebar,symbol = jiebar$symbol, lines = jiebar$lines, 
         output = output, encoding = encoding, write_file= jiebar$write,FILESMODE = FILESMODE, mod = mod)
    if(jiebar$write == TRUE) {
    } else{
  } else {
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    cutw(code = code, jiebar=jiebar,symbol=jiebar$symbol, 
         FILESMODE = FILESMODE, mod = mod)

cutl <- function(code, jiebar, symbol, lines, output, encoding, write_file,FILESMODE, mod) {
  nlines <- lines
  input.r <- file(code, open = "r")
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      output.w <- file(output, open = "ab", encoding = "UTF-8")
    } else {
      output.w <- file(output, open = "a", encoding = "UTF-8")
    OUT <- FALSE
      while (nlines == lines) {
        tmp.lines <- readLines(input.r, n = lines, encoding = encoding)
        nlines <- length(tmp.lines)
        if(jiebar$bylines == FALSE){
          tmp.lines <- paste(tmp.lines, collapse = " ")
        if (nlines > 0) {
          if (encoding != "UTF-8") {
            tmp.lines <- iconv(tmp.lines,encoding , "UTF-8")
          out.lines <- cutw(code = tmp.lines, jiebar = jiebar, 
                            symbol = symbol, FILESMODE = FILESMODE, mod = mod)
          if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
            if(jiebar$bylines == TRUE){
              lines_of_output <- length(out.lines)
              for(num in 1:lines_of_output){
                writeBin(charToRaw(paste(out.lines[[num]], collapse = " ")), output.w)
                writeBin(charToRaw("\n"), output.w)
            } else {
              writeBin(charToRaw(paste(out.lines, collapse = " ")), output.w)
          } else {
            if(jiebar$bylines == TRUE){
              lines_of_output <- length(out.lines)
              for(num in 1:lines_of_output){
                writeLines(paste(out.lines[[num]], collapse = " "), output.w)
                # writeLines("\n", output.w)
            } else {
              writeLines(paste(out.lines, collapse = " "), output.w)
    , finally = {
      try(close(input.r), silent = TRUE)
      try(close(output.w), silent = TRUE)
    OUT <- TRUE
    # cat(paste("Output file: ", output, "\n"))
  } else{
      while (nlines == lines) {
        tmp.lines <- readLines(input.r, n = lines, encoding = encoding)
        nlines <- length(tmp.lines)
        if(jiebar$bylines == FALSE){
          tmp.lines <- paste(tmp.lines, collapse = " ")
        if (nlines > 0) {
          if (encoding != "UTF-8") {
            tmp.lines <- iconv(tmp.lines,encoding , "UTF-8")
          out.lines <- cutw(code = tmp.lines, jiebar = jiebar, 
                            symbol = symbol, FILESMODE = FILESMODE, mod = mod)
    , finally = {
      try(close(input.r), silent = TRUE)

cutw <- function(code, jiebar,  symbol, FILESMODE, mod) {

  if(jiebar$bylines == FALSE){
    result = engine_cut(code,jiebar,mod)
    if (symbol == F) {
      result = result[ result != " "]
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    if (symbol == F) {
      result <- grep("(*UCP)^[^\u2e80-\u3000\u3021-\ufe4fa-zA-Z0-9]*$", result, perl = TRUE,value = TRUE,invert = T)
  } else {

    length_of_input = length(code)
    result = vector("list", length_of_input)
    for( num in 1:length_of_input){
      tmp_result = engine_cut(code[num],jiebar,mod)
      if (symbol == F) {
        tmp_result = tmp_result[ tmp_result != " "]
      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      if (symbol == F) {
        tmp_result <- grep("(*UCP)^[^\u2e80-\u3000\u3021-\ufe4fa-zA-Z0-9]*$", tmp_result, perl = TRUE,value = TRUE,invert = T)
      #  code <- gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", gsub("\\s+", " ", code))
      result[[num]] = tmp_result


engine_cut <- function(code,jiebar, mod){
  if(length(code) > 1){
    code <- paste(code, collapse = " ")
  ty = c("mix","hmm","query","full","mp")
  if(!(jiebar$default %in% ty) ||
      (!is.null(mod) && !(mod %in% ty) ) 
    stop(paste("cutter default should be one of these:",paste(ty,collapse = " ")))
  if (is.null(mod)) types = jiebar$default
  else types = mod
  result <- switch(types,
                     mix = jiebaclass_mix_cut(code, jiebar$worker),
                     mp  = jiebaclass_mp_cut(code,jiebar$max_word_length,jiebar$worker),
                     hmm = jiebaclass_hmm_cut(code,jiebar$worker),
                     query = jiebaclass_query_cut(code,jiebar$worker),
                     full  = jiebaclass_full_cut(code,jiebar$worker)

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jiebaR documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:19 a.m.