
#' Recursive Binary Segmentation (low-level)
#' Low-level function for multivariate Recursive Binary Segmentation (RBS)
#' This function recrusively looks for the best candidate change point
#' according to binary segmentation. This is the low-level function. It is
#' generally advised to use the wrapper \code{\link{doRBS}} which also works on
#' data frames and has a convenient argument \code{stat}.
#' See \code{\link{jointSeg}} for combining recursive binary segmentation with
#' pruning by dynamic programming (\code{\link{pruneByDP}}).
#' See \code{\link{PSSeg}} for segmenting genomic signals from SNP arrays.
#' Each dimension of the original signal is scaled before segmentation, using
#' \code{\link{estimateSd}}.
#' @param Y A \code{n*p} signal to be segmented
#' @param K The number of change points to find
#' @param minRegionSize Regions with less than \code{minRegionSize} are not
#' split
#' @param verbose A \code{logical} value: should extra information be output ?
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return A list with elements: \item{bkp}{A \code{vector} of \code{K}
#' estimated breakpoint positions, sorted by order of appearance}
#' \item{rse}{the residual squared error (RSE) for the successive
#' segmentations} \item{gain}{The gain provided by each breakpoints in terms of
#' difference between RSE }
#' @author Morgane Pierre-Jean and Pierre Neuvial
#' @seealso \code{\link{PSSeg}}, \code{\link{jointSeg}}, \code{\link{doRBS}},
#' \code{\link{pruneByDP}}
#' @references Gey, S., & Lebarbier, E. (2008). Using CART to Detect Multiple
#' Change Points in the Mean for Large Sample.
#' http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00327146/
#' @examples
#' p <- 2
#' trueK <- 10
#' len <- 1e4
#' sim <- randomProfile(len, trueK, 1, p)
#' Y <- sim$profile
#' K <- 2*trueK
#' res <- segmentByRBS(Y, K)
#' getTpFp(res$bkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax = -1)   ## true and false positives
#' cols <- rep(2, K)
#' cols[1:trueK] <- 3
#' par(mfrow=c(p,1))
#' for (ii in 1:p) {
#'     plot(Y[, ii], pch=19, cex=0.2)
#'     abline(v=res$bkp[1:trueK], col= cols)
#'     abline(v=sim$bkp, col=8, lty=2)
#' }
#' ## NA:s in one dimension at a true breakpoint
#' jj <- sim$bkp[1]
#' Y[jj-seq(-10, 10), p] <- NA
#' res2 <- segmentByRBS(Y, K)
#' getTpFp(res2$bkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax = -1)   ## true and false positives
#' ## NA:s in both dimensions at a true breakpoint
#' Y[jj-seq(-10, 10), ] <- NA
#' res3 <- segmentByRBS(Y, K)
#' getTpFp(res3$bkp, sim$bkp, tol=10, relax = -1)   ## true and false positives
#' @export segmentByRBS
segmentByRBS <- function(Y, K, minRegionSize=2, verbose=FALSE) {
    if (!is.matrix(Y) || !is.numeric(Y)){
        stop("Argument 'Y' should be a numeric matrix.\nPlease see 'doRBS' for using RBS directly on a data.frame or a numeric vector")

    rownames(Y) <- NULL
    n <- as.numeric(nrow(Y))
    p <- dim(Y)[2]

    ##details<< Each dimension of the original signal is scaled before
    ##segmentation, using \code{\link{estimateSd}}.
    Y <- sweep(Y, MARGIN=2, STATS=estimateSd(Y), FUN="/")

    if (missing(K)) {
        stop("Please provide argument 'K'")
    if (K>=n) {
        stop("Too many breakpoints are required")

    getRSE <- function(interval) {
        idxs <- seq(from=interval[1], to=interval[2], by=1)
        ZZ <- Y[idxs,, drop=FALSE]
        ZZ <- sweep(ZZ, 2, colMeans(ZZ, na.rm=TRUE))
        rse <- sum(colSums(ZZ^2, na.rm=TRUE))

    getSplit <- function(interval, allowNA=TRUE) {
        left <- interval[1]
        right <- interval[2]
        idxs <- seq(from=left, to=right, by=1)
        ZZ <- Y[idxs,, drop=FALSE]
        ZZ <- sweep(ZZ, 2, colMeans(ZZ, na.rm=TRUE))
        cand <- anotherBkp(ZZ)+left-1
        int1 <- c(left, cand)
        int2 <- c(cand+1, right)
        rseL <- getRSE(int1)
        rseR <- getRSE(int2)
        if (cand %in% interval) {
            ## Nothing to do.
        c(cand=cand, left=left, right=right, rseL=rseL, rseR=rseR)

    activeSet <- NULL

    for (kk in seq(length=K)) {
        if (kk==1) { ## First split
            interval <- c(1, n)
            res <- getSplit(interval)
            rse <- getRSE(interval)
            res[["gain"]] <- rse-(res[["rseL"]]+res[["rseR"]])
            split <- res  ## the only candidate split at this stage
            candSplits <- NULL
            activeSet <- rbind(activeSet, res)
        } else {  ## Next splits
            if (FALSE && verbose) {
            pos <- split[["cand"]]
            ## left interval
            leftInt <- c(split[["left"]], pos)
            if (diff(leftInt)>minRegionSize) {
                ## interval length is not too small: split !
                res <- getSplit(leftInt)
                res[["gain"]] <- split[["rseL"]]-(res[["rseL"]]+res[["rseR"]])
                candSplits <- rbind(candSplits, res)  ## add splits to candidates
            ## right interval
            rightInt <- c(pos+1, split[["right"]])
            if (diff(rightInt)>minRegionSize) {
                ## interval length is not too small: split !
                res <- getSplit(rightInt)
                res[["gain"]] <- split[["rseR"]]-(res[["rseL"]]+res[["rseR"]])
                candSplits <- rbind(candSplits, res)  ## add splits to candidates
            nCand <- length(candSplits)
            if (nCand==0) {
                warning("No more candidate splits for the desired 'minRegionSize': returning with only ", nrow(activeSet), " breakpoints")
            wBest <- which.max(candSplits[, "gain"])
            split <- candSplits[wBest, ]
            candSplits <- candSplits[-wBest,, drop=FALSE]
            activeSet <- rbind(activeSet, split)
        } ## if (kk==1)
    } ## for (kk ...
    rownames(activeSet) <- NULL
        bkp=activeSet[, "cand"],
        rse = rse-cumsum(c(0,activeSet[, "gain"])),
        gain=activeSet[, "gain"]) 

## 2014-05-15
## o Renamed back to 'segmentByRBS', so that 'doRBS' is a *wrapper*
## around the core segmentation function.
## 2013-12-09
## o Renamed to 'doRBS'
## 2013-12-05
## o Now dropping row names of 'Y'.
## 2013-03-07
## o Add return parameter RSE to compute model selection on 'jointSeg'
## 2013-01-23
## o BUG FIX: Empty candidate list would give an error.  Now returning
## early when 'minRegionSize' is too large for 'K'.
## o Replace all jumps by bkp
## 2013-01-09
## o Replace all jumps by bkp
## 2012-12-31
## o Now using 'anotherBkp' instead of 'oneBkp' in order for missing
## values to be handled.
## 2012-12-30
## o Now properly dealing with the special case K=0.
## 2012-12-27
## o Renamed to 'segmentByRBS'.
## o Some code and doc cleanups.
## 2012-12-23
## o SPEEDUP: removed redundant calls to 'getRSE'.
## 2012-12-07
## o BUG FIX: index shift in correspondence b/w breakpoint position and interval.
## 2012-12-05
## o Created.

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jointseg documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 a.m.