#' @title forestcoxUI:shiny module UI for forestcox
#' @description Shiny module UI for forestcox
#' @param id id
#' @param label label, Default: 'forestplot'
#' @return Shinymodule UI
#' @details Shinymodule UI for forestcox
#' @examples
#' library(shiny)
#' library(DT)
#' mtcars$vs <- factor(mtcars$vs)
#' mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am)
#' mtcars$kk <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 150))
#' mtcars$kk1 <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 200))
#' library(shiny)
#' library(DT)
#' mtcars$vs <- factor(mtcars$vs)
#' mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am)
#' mtcars$kk <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 150))
#' mtcars$kk1 <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 200))
#' out <- mtcars
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#' sidebarLayout(
#' sidebarPanel(
#' forestcoxUI("Forest")
#' ),
#' mainPanel(
#' tabsetPanel(
#' type = "pills",
#' tabPanel(
#' title = "Data",
#' DTOutput("tablesub")
#' ),
#' tabPanel(
#' title = "figure",
#' plotOutput("forestplot", width = "100%"),
#' ggplotdownUI("Forest")
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#' data <- reactive(out)
#' label <- reactive(jstable::mk.lev(out))
#' outtable <- forestcoxServer("Forest", data = data, data_label = label)
#' output$tablesub <- renderDT({
#' outtable()[[1]]
#' })
#' output$forestplot <- renderPlot({
#' outtable()[[2]]
#' })
#' }
#' @rdname forestcoxUI
#' @export
forestcoxUI <- function(id, label = "forestplot") {
ns <- NS(id)
#' @title forestcoxServer:shiny module server for forestcox
#' @description Shiny module server for forestcox
#' @param id id
#' @param data Reactive data
#' @param data_label Reactive data label
#' @param data_varStruct Reactive List of variable structure, Default: NULL
#' @param nfactor.limit nlevels limit in factor variable, Default: 10
#' @param design.survey reactive survey data. default: NULL
#' @return Shiny module server for forestcox
#' @details Shiny module server for forestcox
#' @examples
#' library(shiny)
#' library(DT)
#' mtcars$vs <- factor(mtcars$vs)
#' mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am)
#' mtcars$kk <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 150))
#' mtcars$kk1 <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 200))
#' library(shiny)
#' library(DT)
#' mtcars$vs <- factor(mtcars$vs)
#' mtcars$am <- factor(mtcars$am)
#' mtcars$kk <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 150))
#' mtcars$kk1 <- factor(as.integer(mtcars$disp >= 200))
#' out <- mtcars
#' ui <- fluidPage(
#' sidebarLayout(
#' sidebarPanel(
#' forestcoxUI("Forest")
#' ),
#' mainPanel(
#' tabsetPanel(
#' type = "pills",
#' tabPanel(
#' title = "Data",
#' DTOutput("tablesub"),
#' ),
#' tabPanel(
#' title = "figure",
#' plotOutput("forestplot", width = "100%"),
#' ggplotdownUI("Forest")
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' )
#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
#' data <- reactive(out)
#' label <- reactive(jstable::mk.lev(out))
#' outtable <- forestcoxServer("Forest", data = data, data_label = label)
#' output$tablesub <- renderDT({
#' outtable()[[1]]
#' })
#' output$forestplot <- renderPlot({
#' a
#' outtable()[[2]]
#' })
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[data.table]{data.table-package}}, \code{\link[data.table]{setDT}}, \code{\link[data.table]{setattr}}
#' \code{\link[jstable]{TableSubgroupMultiCox}}
#' \code{\link[forestploter]{forest_theme}}, \code{\link[forestploter]{forest}}
#' \code{\link[rvg]{dml}}
#' \code{\link[officer]{read_pptx}}, \code{\link[officer]{add_slide}}, \code{\link[officer]{ph_with}}, \code{\link[officer]{ph_location}}
#' @rdname forestcoxServer
#' @export
#' @importFrom data.table data.table setDT setnames
#' @importFrom jstable TableSubgroupMultiCox
#' @importFrom forestploter forest_theme forest
#' @importFrom rvg dml
#' @importFrom officer read_pptx add_slide ph_with ph_location
forestcoxServer <- function(id, data, data_label, data_varStruct = NULL, nfactor.limit = 10, design.survey = NULL) {
function(input, output, session) {
N <- V1 <- V2 <- .N <- HR <- Lower <- Upper <- level <- val_label <- variable <- NULL
if (is.null(data_varStruct)) {
data_varStruct <- reactive(list(variable = names(data())))
vlist <- reactive({
label <- data.table::data.table(data_label(), stringsAsFactors = T)
data <- data.table::data.table(data(), stringsAsFactors = T)
mklist <- function(varlist, vars) {
function(x) {
inter <- intersect(x, vars)
if (length(inter) == 1) {
inter <- c(inter, "")
factor_vars <- names(data)[data[, lapply(.SD, class) %in% c("factor", "character")]]
# data[, (factor_vars) := lapply(.SD, as.factor), .SDcols= factor_vars]
factor_list <- mklist(data_varStruct(), factor_vars)
conti_vars <- setdiff(names(data()), factor_vars)
if (!is.null(design.survey)) {
conti_vars <- setdiff(conti_vars, c(names(design.survey()$allprob), names(design.survey()$strata), names(design.survey()$cluster)))
conti_vars_positive <- conti_vars[unlist(data[, lapply(.SD, function(x) {
min(x, na.rm = T) >= 0
}), .SDcols = conti_vars])]
conti_list <- mklist(data_varStruct(), conti_vars)
nclass_factor <- unlist(data[, lapply(.SD, function(x) {
}), .SDcols = factor_vars])
# nclass_factor <- sapply(factor_vars, function(x){length(unique(data()[[x]]))})
class01_factor <- unlist(data[, lapply(.SD, function(x) {
identical(levels(x), c("0", "1"))
}), .SDcols = factor_vars])
need(length(class01_factor) >= 1, "No categorical variables coded as 0, 1 in data")
factor_01vars <- factor_vars[class01_factor]
factor_01_list <- mklist(data_varStruct(), factor_01vars)
group_vars <- factor_vars[nclass_factor >= 2 & nclass_factor <= nfactor.limit & nclass_factor < nrow(data())]
group_list <- mklist(data_varStruct(), group_vars)
except_vars <- factor_vars[nclass_factor > nfactor.limit | nclass_factor == 1 | nclass_factor == nrow(data())]
group2_vars <- factor_vars[nclass_factor == 2]
factor_vars = factor_vars, factor_list = factor_list, conti_vars = conti_vars, conti_list = conti_list, conti_vars_positive = conti_vars_positive,
group2_vars = group2_vars,
factor_01vars = factor_01vars, factor_01_list = factor_01_list, group_vars = group_vars, group_list = group_list, except_vars = except_vars
output$group_tbsub <- renderUI({
selectInput(session$ns("group"), "Group", choices = setdiff(c(vlist()$group2_vars, vlist()$conti_vars), input$dep), selected = setdiff(c(vlist()$group2_vars, vlist()$conti_vars), c(input$dep, vlist()$factor_01vars[1]))[1])
output$dep_tbsub <- renderUI({
selectInput(session$ns("dep"), "Outcome", choices = vlist()$factor_01vars, selected = vlist()$factor_01vars[1])
output$subvar_tbsub <- renderUI({
selectInput(session$ns("subvar"), "Subgroup to include", choices = setdiff(vlist()$group_vars, c(input$group, input$dep)), selected = NULL, multiple = T)
output$cov_tbsub <- renderUI({
selectInput(session$ns("cov"), "Addtional covariates", choices = vlist()$group_vars, selected = NULL, multiple = T)
output$day_tbsub <- renderUI({
selectInput(session$ns("day"), "Time", choices = vlist()$conti_vars_positive, selected = vlist()$conti_vars_positive[1])
output$time_tbsub <- renderUI({
day <- input$day
sliderInput(session$ns("time"), "Select time range", min = min(data()[[day]], na.rm = TRUE), max = max(data()[[day]], na.rm = TRUE), value = c(min(data()[[day]], na.rm = TRUE), max(data()[[day]], na.rm = TRUE)))
output$xlim_forest <- renderUI({
data <- tbsub()
data <- data[!(HR == 0 | Lower == 0)]$Upper
numericInput(session$ns("xMax"), "max HR for forestplot", value = round(max(as.numeric(data[data != "Inf"]), na.rm = TRUE), 2))
tbsub <- reactive({
label <- data_label()
if (is.null(design.survey)) {
data <- data()
} else {
data <- design.survey()$variables
req(input$group, input$dep, input$day)
group.tbsub <- input$group
var.event <- input$dep <- input$day
vs <- input$subvar
var.time <- input$time
isgroup <- ifelse(group.tbsub %in% vlist()$group_vars, 1, 0)
# data[[var.event]] <- as.numeric(as.vector(data[[var.event]]))
data <- data[!( < var.time[1])]
data[[var.event]] <- ifelse(data[[]] >= var.time[2] & data[[var.event]] == "1", 0, as.numeric(as.vector(data[[var.event]])))
data[[]] <- ifelse(data[[]] >= var.time[2], var.time[2], data[[]])
if (is.null(design.survey)) {
coxdata <- data
} else {
coxdata <- design.survey()
coxdata$variables <- data
form <- as.formula(paste("Surv(",, ",", var.event, ") ~ ", group.tbsub, sep = ""))
tbsub <- TableSubgroupMultiCox(form, var_subgroups = vs, var_cov = setdiff(input$cov, vs), data = coxdata, time_eventrate = var.time[2], line = F, = 3, decimal.percent = 1)
# data[[var.event]] <- ifelse(data[[]] > 365 * 5 & data[[var.event]] == 1, 0, as.numeric(as.vector(data[[var.event]])))
# tbsub<-TableSubgroupMultiCox(as.formula('Surv(mpg,vs)~am'), var_subgroups = 'kk', data=out, time_eventrate = 365 , line = F, = 3, decimal.percent = 1)
len <- nrow(label[variable == group.tbsub])
data <- data.table::setDT(data)
if (!isgroup) {
tbsub <- data.table::setnames(tbsub, "Point Estimate", "HR")
tbsub <- tbsub[, c(1, 4:8)]
if (is.null(design.survey)) {
ev.ov <- data[!, sum(as.numeric(as.vector(get(var.event))), na.rm = TRUE), keyby = get(group.tbsub)][, V1]
nn.ov <- data[!, .N, keyby = get(group.tbsub)][, N]
} else {
ev.ov <- round(svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", var.event, "+", group.tbsub)), design = coxdata)[2, ], 2)
nn.ov <- round(svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", group.tbsub)), design = coxdata), 2)
ov <- data.table::data.table(t(c("OverAll", paste0(ev.ov, "/", nn.ov, " (", round(ev.ov / nn.ov * 100, 2), "%)"))))
if (!is.null(vs)) {
function(x) {
cc <- data.table::data.table(matrix(ncol = len + 1))
cc[[1]] <- x
dd.bind <- " "
getlev <- data.table::data.table(get = levels(data[[x]]))
for (y in levels(data[[group.tbsub]])) {
if (is.null(design.survey)) {
ev <- data[! & get(group.tbsub) == y, sum(as.numeric(as.vector(get(var.event))), na.rm = TRUE), keyby = get(x)]
nn <- data[! & get(group.tbsub) == y, .N, keyby = get(x)]
vv <- data.table::data.table(get = ev[, get], paste0(ev[, V1], "/", nn[, N], " (", round(ev[, V1] / nn[, N] * 100, 1), "%)"))
ee <- merge(data.table::data.table(get = levels(ev[, get])), vv, all.x = TRUE)
dd.bind <- cbind(dd.bind, ee[, V2])
} else {
svy <- svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", var.event, "+", x)), design = subset(coxdata, ! & get(group.tbsub) == y))
ev <- round(svy[2, ], 2)
nn <- round(svytable(as.formula(paste0("~", x)), design = subset(coxdata, ! & get(group.tbsub) == y)), 2)
vv <- data.table::data.table(get = colnames(svy), paste0(ev, "/", nn, " (", round(ev / nn * 100, 2), "%)"))
ee <- merge(getlev, vv, all.x = TRUE)
dd.bind <- cbind(dd.bind, ee[, V2])
names(cc) <- names(dd.bind)
rbind(cc, dd.bind)
)) -> ll
names(ov) <- names(ll)
cn <- rbind(ov, ll)
names(cn)[-1] <- label[variable == group.tbsub, val_label]
tbsub <- cbind(Variable = tbsub[, 1], cn[, -1], tbsub[, c(paste0(group.tbsub, "=", label[variable == group.tbsub, level]), names(tbsub)[4:6], "P value", "P for interaction")])
tbsub[-(len - 1), 1] <- unlist(lapply(vs, function(x) {
c(label[variable == x, var_label][1], paste0(" ", label[variable == x, val_label]))
colnames(tbsub)[1:(2 + 2 * len)] <- c("Subgroup", paste0("N(%): ", label[variable == group.tbsub, val_label]), paste0(var.time[2], "-", input$day, "\n", " KM rate(%): ", label[variable == group.tbsub, val_label]), "HR")
} else {
cn <- ov
names(cn)[-1] <- label[variable == group.tbsub, val_label]
tbsub <- cbind(Variable = tbsub[, 1], cn[, -1], tbsub[, c(paste0(group.tbsub, "=", label[variable == group.tbsub, level]), names(tbsub)[4:6], "P value", "P for interaction")])
colnames(tbsub)[1:(2 + 2 * nrow(label[variable == group.tbsub]))] <- c("Subgroup", paste0("N(%): ", label[variable == group.tbsub, val_label]), paste0(var.time[2], "-", input$day, "\n", " KM rate(%): ", label[variable == group.tbsub, val_label]), "HR")
figure <- reactive({
group.tbsub <- input$group
label <- data_label()
data <- data.table::setDT(tbsub())
len <- ncol(data)
ll <- ifelse(group.tbsub %in% vlist()$group_vars, nrow(label[variable == group.tbsub]), 0)
data[HR == 0 | Lower == 0, ":="(HR = NA, Lower = NA, Upper = NA)]
data_est <- data$`HR`
data[] <- " "
data$HR <- ifelse(data$HR == " ", " ", paste0(data$HR, " (", data$Lower, "-", data$Upper, ")"))
data.table::setnames(data, "HR", "HR (95% CI)")
data$` ` <- paste(rep(" ", 20), collapse = " ")
tm <- forestploter::forest_theme(base_size = input$font, ci_Theight = 0.2)
selected_columns <- c(c(1:(2 + 2 * ll)), len + 1, (len - 1):(len))
xlim <- c(1 / input$xMax, input$xMax)
xlim <- round(xlim[order(xlim)], 2)
if (is.null(input$xMax) || any( {
xlim <- c(0, 2)
forestploter::forest(data[, .SD, .SDcols = selected_columns],
lower = as.numeric(data$Lower),
upper = as.numeric(data$Upper),
ci_column = 3 + 2 * ll,
est = as.numeric(data_est),
ref_line = 1,
ticks_digits = 1,
x_trans = "log",
xlim = xlim,
arrow_lab = c(input$arrow_left, input$arrow_right),
theme = tm
) -> zz
l <- dim(zz)
h <- zz$height[(l[1] - 2):(l[1] - 1)]
zz <- print(zz[, 2:(l[2] - 1)], autofit = TRUE)
zz$heights[(l[1] - 2):(l[1] - 1)] <- h
res <- reactive({
caption = paste0(input$dep, " subgroup analysis"), rownames = F, extensions = "Buttons",
options = c(
opt.tb1(paste0("tbsub_", input$dep)),
list(scrollX = TRUE, columnDefs = list(list(className = "dt-right", targets = 0)))
output$downloadControls <- renderUI({
), column(
numericInput(session$ns("font"), "font-size", value = 12)
textInput(session$ns("arrow_left"), "arrow left", value = "Better")
textInput(session$ns("arrow_right"), "arrow right", value = "Worse")
sliderInput(session$ns("width_forest"), "Plot width(inch)", min = 1, max = 30, value = 16)
sliderInput(session$ns("height_forest"), "Plot height(inch)", min = 1, max = 30, value = 3)
output$downloadButton <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
paste(input$dep, "_forestplot.pptx", sep = "")
# content is a function with argument file. content writes the plot to the device
content = function(file) {
message = "Download in progress",
detail = "This may take a while...",
value = 0,
for (i in 1:15) {
incProgress(1 / 15)
zz <- figure()
my_vec_graph <- rvg::dml(code = print(zz))
doc <- officer::read_pptx()
doc <- officer::add_slide(doc, layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
doc <- officer::ph_with(doc, my_vec_graph, location = officer::ph_location(width = input$width_forest, height = input$height_forest, top = 0, left = 0))
print(doc, target = file)
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