
Defines functions und

Documented in und

#' Undocumented functions
#' A collection of miscellaneous functions lacking documentations
#' @param fn name of the function
#' @param ... arguments for the function
#' @return the output will vary by function
#' @examples
#' # correlation
#' und(corr_text, x = 1:5, y = c(1, 2, 2, 2, 3))
#' # mean center
#' und(mean_center, 1:10)
#' # compare results with base function
#' scale(1:10, scale = TRUE)
#' # find the modes
#' und(mode, c(3, 3, 3, 1, 2, 2))
#' # return values that are not outliers
#' und(outlier_rm, c(12:18, 100))
#' kim::outlier(c(1:10, 100))
#' @export
#' @import data.table
und <- function(fn, ...) {
  # list of arguments entered
  # al stands for argument list
  al <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
  # if no argument is given, run the default function.
  # the default function for now is list_functions
  if (length(al) == 1) {
    if (is.symbol(al[[1]]) == TRUE) {
      if (al[[1]] == "und") {
        # set the default function
        fn <- "list_functions"
  } else {
    # change function name to a character
    fn <- as.character(al$fn)
    # the code above returns the function name, e.g., "corr_text"
    # remove the first two elements as we probably will not need them
    al[1:2] <- NULL
    # the code above returns a list of inputs,
    # e.g., [[1]]1:10, if the input was 1:10
    # environment for evaluating language
    focal_environment <- new.env(parent = parent.frame())
    # evaluate languages
    # ae stands for arguments evaluated
    ae <- lapply(al, eval, envir = focal_environment)
  # the code above returns the following list:
  # [[1]]und, $fn [function name], [[3]] [vector input etc]
  # list all subfunctions
  if (fn == "list_functions") {
    list_of_subfunctions <- sort(c(
      "list_functions", "corr_text", "round_trail_0", "outlier_rm",
      "convert_from_unicode", "compare_strings",
      "mean_center", "mode", "mad_rm"))
      "The following ", length(list_of_subfunctions),
      " undocumented functions are contained in the 'und' function:")
    return(paste0(list_of_subfunctions, collapse = ", "))
  # corr text
  if (fn == "corr_text") {
    if (all(c("x", "y") %in% names(ae))) {
      cr <- stats::cor.test(x = ae$x, y = ae$y)
      # round r
      if (!"round_r" %in% names(ae)) {
        ae$round_r <- 2
      r <- kim::pretty_round_r(
        cr$estimate, round_digits_after_decimal = ae$round_r)
      # df
      df <- cr$parameter[["df"]]
      # round p
      if (!"round_p" %in% names(ae)) {
        ae$round_p <- 3
      p <- kim::pretty_round_p_value(
        cr$p.value, round_digits_after_decimal = ae$round_p,
        include_p_equals = TRUE)
      # output
      output <- paste0("r(", df, ") = ", r, ", ", p)
    } else {
      stop("Please provide arguments for the function `cor.test`")
  # round including trailing 0s
  if (fn == "round_trail_0") {
    # get the vector
    if ("x" %in% names(ae)) {
      x <- ae[["x"]]
    } else {
      x <- ae[[1]]
    # set default values
    if (!"digits" %in% names(ae)) {
      ae$digits <- 2
    output <- sprintf(
      fmt = paste0("%.", ae$digits, "f"), round(
        x, ae$digits))
  # remove outliers
  if (fn == "outlier_rm") {
    # get the vector
    if ("x" %in% names(ae)) {
      x <- ae[["x"]]
    } else {
      x <- ae[[1]]
    # ensure the vector is numeric
    if (is.numeric(x) == FALSE) {
      stop("The input x must be a numeric vector.")
    # set default values
    if (!"iqr" %in% names(ae)) {
      ae$iqr <- 1.5
    outliers <- kim::outlier(x, iqr = ae$iqr)
    # needs work: the code below can probably be updated
    # for faster execution
    non_outlier_values <- x[which(!x %in% outliers)]
  # remove outliers using the mad method
  # see Leys et al. (2013)
  if (fn == "mad_rm") {
    # get the vector
    if ("x" %in% names(ae)) {
      x <- ae[["x"]]
    } else {
      x <- ae[[1]]
    # ensure the vector is numeric
    if (is.numeric(x) == FALSE) {
      stop("The input x must be a numeric vector.")
    # remove na values
    if (!"na.rm" %in% names(ae)) {
      ae$na.rm <- TRUE
    # find mad
    if ("constant" %in% names(ae)) {
      mad <- stats::mad(x, constant = ae$constant, na.rm = ae$na.rm)
    } else {
      mad <- stats::mad(x, na.rm = ae$na.rm)
    # threshold
    if ("threshold" %in% names(ae)) {
      threshold <- ae$threshold
    } else {
      threshold <- 2.5
    # median
    median <- median(x, na.rm = ae$na.rm)
    # cutoff values
    cutoff_low <- median - threshold * mad
    cutoff_high <- median + threshold * mad
    cutoff_values <- c(cutoff_low, cutoff_high)
    # return cutoff values
    if ("return_cutoff" %in% names(ae)) {
      if (ae$return_cutoff == TRUE) {
    # switch outliers to na
    if ("switch_outlier_to" %in% names(ae)) {
      x[x < cutoff_low | x > cutoff_high] <- ae$switch_outlier_to
    # values to keep
    non_outlier_values <- x[which(x >= cutoff_low & x <= cutoff_high)]
  # the functions below take an input of length = 1
  # confirm that the input has a length of 1
  if (length(ae) == 1) {
    x <- ae[[1]]
  } else if ("x" %in% names(ae)) {
    x <- ae[["x"]]
  } else {
      "There must be only one input, or the input must be entered ",
      "as follows: x = [input]"))
  # atomic vector --------------------------------------------------------
  # check whether the input is character
  if (is.atomic(x) == FALSE) {
    stop("The input must be an atomic vector.")
  # character vector --------------------------------------------------------
  # convert substrings from unicode
  if (fn == "convert_from_unicode") {
    # conversions
    Encoding(x) <- "UTF-8"
    # double quotation marks
    x <- gsub("[\u201C\u201D]", '"', x)
    # single quotation marks
    x <- gsub("[\u2018\u2019\u201B]", "'", x)
    # prime and reverse prime
    x <- gsub("[\u2032\u2035]", "'", x)
    # space
    x <- gsub("\u00A0", " ", x)
    # ellipsis
    x <- gsub("\u2026", "...", x)
    # return output
  # compare strings
  if (fn == "compare_strings") {
    # check whether the vector is character
    if (is.character(x) == FALSE) {
      stop("The input must be a character vector.")
    # check whether the vector has a length greater than 1
    if (length(x) <= 1) {
      stop("The input vector must have more than one element.")
    # check whether elements are identical
    identical_to_element_1 <- vapply(2:length(x), function(i) {
      identical(x[1], x[i])
    }, logical(1L))
    if (all(identical_to_element_1) == TRUE) {
      message("All elements of the input vector are identical.")
      return("all identical")
    # print if lengths are all 80 or less
    string_lengths <- vapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
    }, numeric(1L))
    # get the maximum length
    max_string_legnth <- max(string_lengths)
    if (max_string_legnth <= 80) {
      cat(x, sep = "\n")
    # find the position where the elements differ
    for (i in seq_len(max(string_lengths))) {
      character_at_one_position <- vapply(seq_along(x), function(j) {
        substr(x[j], i, i)
      }, character(1L))
      identical_to_character_1 <- vapply(2:length(
        character_at_one_position), function(k) {
          identical(character_at_one_position[1], character_at_one_position[k])
        }, logical(1L))
      if (any(identical_to_character_1 == FALSE)) {
        position_of_difference <- i
    if (max_string_legnth <= 80) {
        rep("_", position_of_difference - 1),
        " (Position ", i, ")\n"), collapse = ""))
    # return the position of difference
    output <- list("position_of_difference" = i)
  # mean center, standardize, z_score
  if (fn == "mean_center") {
    output <- scale(x = x, scale = FALSE)
    # if the output is a vector, return the vector
    if (dim(output)[2] == 1) {
      output <- as.vector(output)
  if (fn %in% c("standardize", "z_score")) {
    output <- scale(x = x, scale = TRUE)
    # if the output is a vector, return the vector
    if (dim(output)[2] == 1) {
      output <- as.vector(output)
  # mode
  if (fn == "mode") {
    # the input x must be a numeric vector
    if (is.numeric(x) == FALSE) {
      stop("Please enter a numeric vector as an input.")
    unique_values <- unique(x)
    counts <- vapply(unique_values, function(value) {
      sum(x == value, na.rm = TRUE)
    }, numeric(1L))
    max_count <- max(counts, na.rm = TRUE)
    modes <- unique_values[which(counts == max_count)]
  # if nothing was returned by this point, the function must have been
  # incorrectly entered
    "The function `", fn, "` is not one of the undocumented functions."))

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