
Defines functions excludeUnavailFounders excludeStrayMarryin findUnavailable

Documented in excludeStrayMarryin excludeUnavailFounders findUnavailable

# Automatically generated from all.nw using noweb

findUnavailable <-function(ped, avail) {

  ## find id within pedigree anyone who is not available and
  ## does not have an available descendant

  ## avail = TRUE/1 if available, FALSE/0 if not

  ## will do this iteratively by successively removing unavailable
  ## terminal nodes
  ## Steve Iturria, PhD, modified by Dan Schaid

cont <- TRUE                  # flag for whether to keep iterating

is.terminal <- (is.parent(ped$id, ped$findex, ped$mindex) == FALSE)
  ## JPS 3/10/14 add strings check in case of char ids
pedData <- data.frame(id=ped$id, father=ped$findex, mother=ped$mindex,
sex=ped$sex, avail, is.terminal, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)  
iter <- 1

while(cont)  {
  ##print(paste("Working on iter", iter))

num.found <- 0
idx.to.remove <- NULL

for(i in 1:nrow(pedData))
  if( pedData$avail[i] == FALSE )   # if not genotyped         
  idx.to.remove <- c(idx.to.remove, i)
  num.found <- num.found + 1
  ## print(paste("  removing", num.found, "of", nrow(pedData)))

if(num.found > 0) {

pedData <- pedData[-idx.to.remove, ]
  ## re-index parents, which varies depending on if the removed indx is
  ## prior to parent index
for(k in 1:nrow(pedData)){
if(pedData$father[k] > 0) {
pedData$father[k] <- pedData$father[k] -
sum(idx.to.remove < pedData$father[k])
if(pedData$mother[k]+0) {
pedData$mother[k] <- pedData$mother[k] -
sum(idx.to.remove < pedData$mother[k])
pedData$is.terminal <-
(is.parent(pedData$id, pedData$father, pedData$mother) == FALSE)

else {
cont <- FALSE
iter <- iter + 1   


  ## A few more clean up steps

  ## remove unavailable founders
tmpPed <- excludeUnavailFounders(pedData$id, 
pedData$father, pedData$mother, pedData$avail)

tmpPed <- excludeStrayMarryin(tmpPed$id, tmpPed$father, tmpPed$mother)

id.remove <- ped$id[is.na(match(ped$id, tmpPed$id))]



excludeStrayMarryin <- function(id, father, mother){
  # get rid of founders who are not parents (stray available marryins
  # who are isolated after trimming their unavailable offspring)
  ## JPS 3/10/14 add strings check in case of char ids
trio <- data.frame(id=id, father=father, mother=mother, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
parent <- is.parent(id, father, mother)
founder <- is.founder(father, mother)

exclude <- !parent & founder
trio <- trio[!exclude,,drop=FALSE]


excludeUnavailFounders <- function(id, father, mother, avail)
  nOriginal <- length(id)
  idOriginal <- id   
  zed <- father!=0 & mother !=0
  ## concat ids to represent marriages. 
  ## Bug if there is ":" in char subj ids
  marriage <- paste(id[father[zed]], id[mother[zed]], sep=":" )
  sibship <- tapply(marriage, marriage, length)
  nm <- names(sibship)
  splitPos <- regexpr(":",nm)
  dad <- substring(nm, 1, splitPos-1)
  mom <- substring(nm, splitPos+1,  nchar(nm))
  ##  Want to look at parents with only one child.
  ##  Look for parents with > 1 marriage.  If any
  ##  marriage has > 1 child then skip this mom/dad pair.
  nmarr.dad <- table(dad)
  nmarr.mom <- table(mom)
  skip <- NULL
  if(any(nmarr.dad > 1)) {
  ## Dads in >1 marriage
  ckdad <- which(as.logical(match(dad,
  names(nmarr.dad)[which(nmarr.dad > 1)],nomatch=FALSE)))
  skip <- unique(c(skip, ckdad))
  if(any(nmarr.mom > 1)) {
  ## Moms in >1 marriage
  ckmom <- which(as.logical(match(mom,
  names(nmarr.mom)[which(nmarr.mom > 1)],nomatch=FALSE)))
  skip <- unique(c(skip, ckmom))
  if(length(skip) > 0) {
  dad <- dad[-skip]
  mom <- mom[-skip]
  zed <- (sibship[-skip]==1) 
  } else {
  zed <- (sibship==1)
  n <- sum(zed)
  idTrimmed <- NULL
  # dad and mom are the parents of sibships of size 1
  dad <- dad[zed]
  mom <- mom[zed]
  for(i in 1:n){
  ## check if mom and dad are founders (where their parents = 0)
  dad.founder <- (father[id==dad[i]] == 0) & (mother[id==dad[i]] == 0)
  mom.founder <- (father[id==mom[i]] == 0) & (mother[id==mom[i]] == 0)
  both.founder <- dad.founder & mom.founder
  ## check if mom and dad have avail
  dad.avail <- avail[id==dad[i]]
  mom.avail <- avail[id==mom[i]]
  ## define not.avail = T if both mom & dad not avail
  not.avail <- (dad.avail==FALSE & mom.avail==FALSE)
  if(both.founder & not.avail)   {
  ## remove mom and dad from ped, and zero-out parent 
  ## ids of their child
  child <- which(father==which(id==dad[i]))          
  father[child] <- 0
  mother[child] <- 0
  idTrimmed <- c(idTrimmed, dad[i], mom[i])
  excludeParents <- (id!=dad[i]) & (id!=mom[i])
  id <- id[excludeParents]
  father <- father[excludeParents]
  mother <- mother[excludeParents]
  ## re-index father and mother, assume len(excludeParents)==2
  father <- father - 1*(father > which(!excludeParents)[1]) -
  1*(father > which(!excludeParents)[2])
  mother <- mother - 1*(mother > which(!excludeParents)[1]) -
  1*(mother > which(!excludeParents)[2])
  avail <- avail[excludeParents]
  nFinal <- length(id)
  nTrimmed = nOriginal - nFinal 
  return(list(nTrimmed = nTrimmed, idTrimmed=idTrimmed,
  id=id, father=father, mother=mother))

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kinship2 documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:14 a.m.