
Defines functions print.pedigreeList print.pedigree pedigree

Documented in pedigree print.pedigree print.pedigreeList

#' Create a pedigree or pedigreeList object
#' Create a pedigree or pedigreeList object
#' @param id Identification variable for individual
#' @param dadid Identification variable for father. Founders' parents should be coded
#' to NA, or another value specified by missid.
#' @param momid Identification variable for mother. Founders' parents should be coded
#' to NA, or another value specified by missid. 
#' @param sex Gender of individual noted in `id'. Either character ("male","female",
#' "unknown","terminated") or numeric (1="male", 2="female", 3="unknown", 4="terminated")
#' data is allowed.  For character data the string may be truncated, and of arbitrary case.
#' @param affected A variable indicating affection status.  A multi-column matrix
#' can be used to give the status with respect to multiple traits. Logical, factor, and 
#' integer types are converted to 0/1 representing unaffected and affected, respectively. 
#' NAs are considered missing.
#' @param status Censor/Vital status (0="censored", 1="dead")
#' @param relation A matrix with 3 required columns (id1, id2, code) specifying special 
#' relationship between pairs of individuals. Codes: 1=Monozygotic twin,  2=Dizygotic twin, 
#' 3=Twin of unknown zygosity, 4=Spouse. (The last is necessary in order to place a marriage 
#' with no children into the plot.) If famid is given in the call to create pedigrees, then
#' famid needs to be in the last column of the relation matrix. Note for tuples of >= 3 with 
#' a mixture of zygosities, the plotting is limited to showing pairwise zygosity of adjacent 
#' subjects, so it is only necessary to specify the pairwise zygosity, in the order the subjects 
#' are given or appear on the plot.
#' @param famid An optional vector of family identifiers.  If it is present the result will 
#' contain individual pedigrees for each family in the set, which can be extacted using 
#' subscripts. Individuals need to have a unique id \emph{within} family.
#' @param missid The founders are those with no father or mother in the pedigree. The dadid
#' and momid values for these subjects will either be NA or the value of this variable. The 
#' default for missid is 0 if the id variable is numeric, and "" (empty string) otherwise.
#' @param x pedigree object in print and subset methods
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to internal functions
#' @param drop logical, used in subset function for dropping dimensionanlity
#' @return An object of class \code{pedigree} or \code{pedigreeList} Containing the following items:
#'  famid id findex mindex sex  affected status relation
#'  @examples
#'    data(minnbreast)
#'    bpeds <- with(minnbreast,
#'    pedigree(id, fatherid, motherid, sex, affected=proband, famid=famid))
#'    bped.id8 <- bpeds['8']
#'    print(bped.id8)
#'    ## show this pedigree with mixed zygosity quadruplets
#'    rel8 <- data.frame(id1=c(137,138,139), id2=c(138,139,140), code=c(1,2,2))
#'    bped.id8 <- with(minnbreast[minnbreast$famid==8,],
#'         pedigree(id, fatherid, motherid, sex, affected=proband, relation=rel8))
#'    print(bped.id8)
#' @author Terry Therneau
#' @seealso \code{\link{kinship}}, \code{\link{plot.pedigree}}, \code{\link{autohint}}
#' @name pedigree

#' @rdname pedigree
#' @export
pedigree <- function(id, dadid, momid, sex, affected, status, relation,
                     famid, missid) {
    n <- length(id)
    ## Code transferred from noweb to markdown vignette.
    ## Sections from the noweb/vignettes are noted here with
    ## Doc: Error and Data Checks
    ## Doc: Errors1
    if (length(momid) != n) stop("Mismatched lengths, id and momid")
    if (length(dadid) != n) stop("Mismatched lengths, id and momid")
    if (length(sex  ) != n) stop("Mismatched lengths, id and sex")

    # Don't allow missing id values
    if (any(is.na(id))) stop("Missing value for the id variable")
    if (!is.numeric(id)) {
        id <- as.character(id)
        if (length(grep('^ *$', id)) > 0)
        stop("A blank or empty string is not allowed as the id variable")

    # Allow for character/numeric/factor in the sex variable
            sex <- as.character(sex)
    codes <- c("male","female", "unknown", "terminated")
    if(is.character(sex)) sex<- charmatch(casefold(sex, upper = FALSE), codes, 
                                          nomatch = 3)        

    # assume either 0/1/2/4 =  female/male/unknown/term, or 1/2/3/4
    #  if only 1/2 assume no unknowns
    if(min(sex) == 0)
            sex <- sex + 1
    sex <- ifelse(sex < 1 | sex > 4, 3, sex)
    if(all(sex > 2))
            stop("Invalid values for 'sex'")
        else if(mean(sex == 3) > 0.25)
                warning("More than 25% of the gender values are 'unknown'")
    sex <- factor(sex, 1:4, labels = codes)

    ## Doc:  Errors2    
    if (missing(missid)) {
        if (is.numeric(id)) missid <- 0
        else missid <- ""

    nofather <- (is.na(dadid) | dadid==missid)
    nomother <- (is.na(momid) | momid==missid)

    if (!missing(famid)) {
        if (any(is.na(famid))) stop("The family id cannot contain missing values")
        if (is.factor(famid) || is.character(famid)) {
            if (length(grep('^ *$', famid)) > 0)
                stop("The family id cannot be a blank or empty string")
        #Make a temporary new id from the family and subject pair
        oldid <-id
        id <- paste(as.character(famid), as.character(id), sep='/')
        dadid <- paste(as.character(famid), as.character(dadid), sep='/')
        momid <- paste(as.character(famid), as.character(momid), sep='/')

    if (any(duplicated(id))) {
        duplist <- id[duplicated(id)]
        msg.n <- min(length(duplist), 6)
        stop(paste("Duplicate subject id:", duplist[1:msg.n]))
    findex <- match(dadid, id, nomatch = 0)
    if(any(sex[findex] != "male")) {
        who <- unique((id[findex])[sex[findex] != "male"])
        msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))  #Don't list a zillion
        stop(paste("Id not male, but is a father:", 
                   paste(who[msg.n], collapse= " ")))

    if (any(findex==0 & !nofather)) {
        who <- dadid[which(findex==0 & !nofather)]
        msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))  #Don't list a zillion
        stop(paste("Value of 'dadid' not found in the id list", 
                   paste(who[msg.n], collapse= " ")))
    mindex <- match(momid, id, nomatch = 0)
    if(any(sex[mindex] != "female")) {
        who <- unique((id[mindex])[sex[mindex] != "female"])
        msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))
        stop(paste("Id not female, but is a mother:", 
                   paste(who[msg.n], collapse = " ")))

    if (any(mindex==0 & !nomother)) {
        who <- momid[which(mindex==0 & !nomother)]
        msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))  #Don't list a zillion
        stop(paste("Value of 'momid' not found in the id list", 
                   paste(who[msg.n], collapse= " ")))

    if (any(mindex==0 & findex!=0) || any(mindex!=0 & findex==0)) {
        who <- id[which((mindex==0 & findex!=0) |(mindex!=0 & findex==0))] 
        msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))  #Don't list a zillion
        stop(paste("Subjects must have both a father and mother, or have neither",
                   paste(who[msg.n], collapse= " ")))
    if (!missing(famid)) {
        if (any(famid[mindex] != famid[mindex>0])) {
            who <- (id[mindex>0])[famid[mindex] != famid[mindex>0]]
            msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))
            stop(paste("Mother's family != subject's family", 
                       paste(who[msg.n], collapse=" ")))
        if (any(famid[findex] != famid[findex>0])) {
            who <- (id[findex>0])[famid[findex] != famid[findex>0]]
            msg.n <- 1:min(5, length(who))
            stop(paste("Father's family != subject's family", 
                       paste(who[msg.n], collapse=" ")))
    ## Doc: Creation of Pedigrees
    if (missing(famid))
        temp <- list(id = id, findex=findex, mindex=mindex, sex=sex)
    else temp<- list(famid=famid, id=oldid, findex=findex, mindex=mindex, 
    if (!missing(affected)) {
        if (is.matrix(affected)){
            if (nrow(affected) != n) stop("Wrong number of rows in affected")
            if (is.logical(affected)) affected <- 1* affected
        else {
            if (length(affected) != n)
                stop("Wrong length for affected")

            if (is.logical(affected)) affected <- as.numeric(affected)
            if (is.factor(affected))  affected <- as.numeric(affected) -1
        if(max(affected, na.rm=TRUE) > min(affected, na.rm=TRUE)) 
          affected <- affected - min(affected, na.rm=TRUE)
        if (!all(affected==0 | affected==1 | is.na(affected)))
                    stop("Invalid code for affected status")
        temp$affected <- affected

    if(!missing(status)) {
        if(length(status) != n)
            stop("Wrong length for affected")
        if (is.logical(status)) status <- as.integer(status)
        if(any(status != 0 & status != 1))
            stop("Invalid status code")
        temp$status <- status

    if (!missing(relation)) {
        if (!missing(famid)) {
            if (is.matrix(relation)) {
                if (ncol(relation) != 4) 
                    stop("Relation matrix must have 3 columns + famid")
                id1 <- relation[,1]
                id2 <- relation[,2]
                code <- relation[,3]
                famid <- relation[,4]
            else if (is.data.frame(relation)) {
                id1 <- relation$id1
                id2 <- relation$id2
                code <- relation$code
                famid <- relation$famid
                if (is.null(id1) || is.null(id2) || is.null(code) ||is.null(famid)) 
                stop("Relation data must have id1, id2, code, and family id")
            else stop("Relation argument must be a matrix or a dataframe")
        else {
            if (is.matrix(relation)) {
                if (ncol(relation) != 3) 
                    stop("Relation matrix must have 3 columns: id1, id2, code")
                id1 <- relation[,1]
                id2 <- relation[,2]
                code <- relation[,3]
            else if (is.data.frame(relation)) {
                id1 <- relation$id1
                id2 <- relation$id2
                code <- relation$code
                if (is.null(id1) || is.null(id2) || is.null(code)) 
                    stop("Relation data frame must have id1, id2, and code")
            else stop("Relation argument must be a matrix or a list")
        if (!is.numeric(code))
            code <- match(code, c("MZ twin", "DZ twin", "UZ twin", "spouse"))
        else code <- factor(code, levels=1:4,
                            labels=c("MZ twin", "DZ twin", "UZ twin", "spouse"))
        if (any(is.na(code)))
            stop("Invalid relationship code")
        # Is everyone in this relationship in the pedigree?
        if (!missing(famid)) {
            temp1 <- match(paste(as.character(famid), as.character(id1), sep='/'), 
                           id, nomatch=0)
            temp2 <- match(paste(as.character(famid), as.character(id2), sep='/'),
                           id, nomatch=0)
        else {
            temp1 <- match(id1, id, nomatch=0)
            temp2 <- match(id2, id, nomatch=0)
        if (any(temp1==0 | temp2==0))
            stop("Subjects in relationships that are not in the pedigree")
        if (any(temp1==temp2)) {
            who <- temp1[temp1==temp2]
            stop(paste("Subject", id[who], "is their own spouse or twin"))

        # Check, are the twins really twins?
        ncode <- as.numeric(code)
        if (any(ncode<3)) {
            twins <- (ncode<3)
            if (any(momid[temp1[twins]] != momid[temp2[twins]]))
                stop("Twins found with different mothers")
            if (any(dadid[temp1[twins]] != dadid[temp2[twins]]))
                stop("Twins found with different fathers")
        # Check, are the monozygote twins the same gender?
        if (any(code=="MZ twin")) {
            mztwins <- (code=="MZ twin")
            if (any(sex[temp1[mztwins]] != sex[temp2[mztwins]]))
                stop("MZ Twins with different genders")

        ##Use id index as indx1 and indx2
        if (!missing(famid)) {
            temp$relation <- data.frame(famid=famid, indx1=temp1, indx2=temp2, code=code)
        else temp$relation <- data.frame(indx1=temp1, indx2=temp2, code=code)
    ## Doc: Finish
    if (missing(famid)) class(temp) <- 'pedigree'
    else class(temp) <- 'pedigreeList'

## Doc: Subscripting a pedigree
#' @rdname pedigree
#' @export
"[.pedigreeList" <- function(x, ..., drop=FALSE) {
    if (length(list(...)) != 1) stop ("Only 1 subscript allowed")
    ufam <- unique(x$famid)
    if (is.factor(..1) || is.character(..1)) indx <- ufam[match(..1, ufam)]
    else indx <- ufam[..1]
    if (any(is.na(indx))) 
            stop(paste("Familiy", (..1[is.na(indx)])[1], "not found"))

    keep <- which(x$famid %in% indx)  #which rows to keep
    for (i in c('id', 'famid', 'sex'))
        x[[i]] <- (x[[i]])[keep]
    kept.rows <- (1:length(x$findex))[keep]
    x$findex <- match(x$findex[keep], kept.rows, nomatch=0)
    x$mindex <- match(x$mindex[keep], kept.rows, nomatch=0)
    #optional components
    if (!is.null(x$status)) x$status <- x$status[keep]
    if (!is.null(x$affected)) {
        if (is.matrix(x$affected)) x$affected <- x$affected[keep,,drop=FALSE]
        else x$affected <- x$affected[keep]
    if (!is.null(x$relation)) {
        keep <- !is.na(match(x$relation$famid, indx))
       if (any(keep)) {
            x$relation <- x$relation[keep,,drop=FALSE]
            ##Update twin id indexes
            x$relation$indx1 <- match(x$relation$indx1, kept.rows, nomatch=0)
            x$relation$indx2 <- match(x$relation$indx2, kept.rows, nomatch=0)
            ##If only one family chosen, remove famid
            if (length(indx)==1) {x$relation$famid <- NULL}
        else x$relation <- NULL  # No relations matrix elements for this family
    if (length(indx)==1)  class(x) <- 'pedigree'  #only one family chosen
    else class(x) <- 'pedigreeList'

#' @rdname pedigree
#' @export
"[.pedigree" <- function(x, ..., drop=FALSE) {
    if (length(list(...)) != 1) stop ("Only 1 subscript allowed")
    if (is.character(..1) || is.factor(..1)) i <- match(..1, x$id)
    else i <- (1:length(x$id))[..1]
    if (any(is.na(i))) paste("Subject", ..1[which(is.na(i))][1], "not found")

    z <- list(id=x$id[i],findex=match(x$findex[i], i, nomatch=0),
              mindex=match(x$mindex[i], i, nomatch=0),
    if (!is.null(x$affected)) {
        if (is.matrix(x$affected)) z$affected <- x$affected[i,, drop=F]
        else z$affected <- x$affected[i]
    if (!is.null(x$famid)) z$famid <- x$famid[i]

    if (!is.null(x$relation)) {
      indx1 <- match(x$relation$indx1, i, nomatch=0)
      indx2 <- match(x$relation$indx2, i, nomatch=0)
      keep <- (indx1 >0 & indx2 >0)  #keep only if both id's are kept
      if (any(keep)) {
        z$relation <- x$relation[keep,,drop=FALSE]
        z$relation$indx1 <- indx1[keep]
        z$relation$indx2 <- indx2[keep]
    if (!is.null(x$hints)) {
        temp <- list(order= x$hints$order[i])
        if (!is.null(x$hints$spouse)) {
            indx1 <- match(x$hints$spouse[,1], i, nomatch=0)
            indx2 <- match(x$hints$spouse[,2], i, nomatch=0)
            keep <- (indx1 >0 & indx2 >0)  #keep only if both id's are kept
            if (any(keep))
                temp$spouse <- cbind(indx1[keep], indx2[keep],
        z$hints <- temp

    if (any(z$findex==0 & z$mindex>0) | any(z$findex>0 & z$mindex==0))
        stop("A subpedigree cannot choose only one parent of a subject")
    class(z) <- 'pedigree'

#' @rdname pedigree
#' @method print pedigree
#' @export
print.pedigree <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("Pedigree object with", length(x$id), "subjects")
    if (!is.null(x$famid)) cat(", family id=", x$famid[1], "\n")
    else cat("\n")
    cat("Bit size=", bitSize(x)$bitSize, "\n")

#' @rdname pedigree
#' @method print pedigreeList
#' @export
print.pedigreeList <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("Pedigree list with", length(x$id), "total subjects in",
        length(unique(x$famid)), "families\n")

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