# a partial implementation of the Bentler (1982) non-iterative method for CFA
# Bentler, P. M. (1982). Confirmatory factor-analysis via noniterative
# estimation - a fast, inexpensive method. Journal of Marketing Research,
# 19(4), 417-424.
# YR 03 Feb 2023: - first version in lavaan: simple setting only,
# no constraints, no 'fixed' (but nonzero) values,
# no correlated residuals (ie diagonal-theta only!)
# YR 23 Apr 2023: - quadprog is not needed if we have no (in)equality
# constraints
lav_cfa_bentler1982 <- function(S,
marker.idx = NULL,
lambda.nonzero.idx = NULL,
bounds = TRUE,
min.reliability.marker = 0.1,
quadprog = FALSE,
nobs = 20L) { # for cutoff
# dimensions
nvar <- ncol(S)
nfac <- length(marker.idx)
# lambda structure
B <- matrix(0, nvar, nfac)
lambda.marker.idx <- (seq_len(nfac) - 1L) * nvar + marker.idx
B[lambda.marker.idx] <- 1L
B[lambda.nonzero.idx] <- 1L
# partition sample covariance matrix: marker vs non-marker
S.xx <- S[marker.idx, marker.idx, drop = FALSE]
S.yx <- S[-marker.idx, marker.idx, drop = FALSE]
S.xy <- S[marker.idx, -marker.idx, drop = FALSE]
S.yy <- S[-marker.idx, -marker.idx, drop = FALSE]
p <- nvar - nfac
B.y <- B[-marker.idx, , drop = FALSE]
# check for p = 0?
# phase 1: initial estimate for Sigma.yx
Sigma.yx.hat <- S.yx
# phase 2: using GLS/ULS to obtain PSI and Theta
if (GLS) {
W <- try(solve(S.yy), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(W, "try-error")) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("could not inverte S.yy; switching to ULS"))
W <- diag(p)
WS.yx <- W %*% S.yx
xy.SWS.yx <- crossprod(S.yx, WS.yx)
G <- WS.yx %*% solve(xy.SWS.yx) %*% t(WS.yx)
} else {
Ip <- diag(p)
xy.SS.yx <- crossprod(S.yx)
G <- S.yx %*% solve(xy.SS.yx) %*% t(S.yx)
# only needed if theta.y is not diagonal:
# q <- 6 # all free
# # dimension P: q x p*p where q is the number of free elements theta.y
# theta.fy <- function(x) {
# theta.y <- matrix(0, p, p)
# # insert 'free' parameters only
# diag(theta.y) <- x
# lav_matrix_vec(theta.y)
# }
# P <- t(numDeriv::jacobian(func = theta.fy, x = rep(1, q)))
# tmp1 <- P %*% ((W %x% W) - (G %x% G)) %*% t(P)
# if only the 'diagonal' element of Theta are free (as usual), then we
# can write tmp1 as
if (GLS) {
tmp1 <- W * W - G * G
} else {
tmp1 <- Ip - G * G
# only needed if fixed values
# Theta.F <- matrix(0, p, p) # all free
# tmp2 <- W %*% (S.yy - Theta.F) %*% W - G %*% (S.yy - Theta.F) %*% G
if (GLS) {
tmp2 <- W %*% S.yy %*% W - G %*% S.yy %*% G
} else {
tmp2 <- S.yy - G %*% S.yy %*% G
# Theta.f <- as.numeric(solve(tmp1) %*% P %*% lav_matrix_vec(tmp2))
# Note:
# if only the 'diagonal' element of Theta are free (as usual), then we
# can write Theta.f as
Theta.f <- solve(tmp1, diag(tmp2))
Theta.f.nobounds <- Theta.f # store unbounded Theta.f values
# ALWAYS apply standard bounds to proceed
too.small.idx <- which(Theta.f < 0)
if (length(too.small.idx) > 0L) {
Theta.f[too.small.idx] <- 0
too.large.idx <- which(Theta.f > diag(S.yy))
if (length(too.large.idx) > 0L) {
Theta.f[too.large.idx] <- diag(S.yy)[too.large.idx] * 1
# create diagonal matrix with Theta.f elements on diagonal
Theta.yhat <- diag(Theta.f, p)
# force (S.yy - Theta.yhat) to be positive definite
lambda <- try(lav_matrix_symmetric_diff_smallest_root(S.yy, Theta.yhat),
silent = TRUE
if (inherits(lambda, "try-error")) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("failed to compute lambda"))
SminTheta <- S.yy - Theta.yhat # and hope for the best
} else {
cutoff <- 1 + 1 / (nobs - 1)
if (lambda < cutoff) { <- lambda - 1 / (nobs - 1)
SminTheta <- S.yy - * Theta.yhat
} else {
SminTheta <- S.yy - Theta.yhat
# estimate Phi
if (GLS) {
tmp1 <- xy.SWS.yx
tmp2 <- t(WS.yx) %*% SminTheta %*% WS.yx
} else {
tmp1 <- xy.SS.yx
tmp2 <- t(S.yx) %*% SminTheta %*% S.yx
PSI <- tmp1 %*% solve(tmp2, tmp1)
PSI.nobounds <- PSI
# ALWAYS apply bounds to proceed
lower.bounds.psi <- diag(S.xx) - (1 - min.reliability.marker) * diag(S.xx)
toolow.idx <- which(diag(PSI) < lower.bounds.psi)
if (length(toolow.idx) > 0L) {
diag(PSI)[toolow.idx] <- lower.bounds.psi[toolow.idx]
too.large.idx <- which(diag(PSI) > diag(S.xx))
if (length(too.large.idx) > 0L) {
diag(PSI)[too.large.idx] <- diag(S.xx)[too.large.idx] * 1
# in addition, force PSI to be PD
PSI <- lav_matrix_symmetric_force_pd(PSI, tol = 1e-04)
# residual variances markers
Theta.x <- diag(S.xx - PSI)
# create theta vector
theta.nobounds <- numeric(nvar)
theta.nobounds[marker.idx] <- Theta.x
theta.nobounds[-marker.idx] <- Theta.f.nobounds
# compute LAMBDA for non-marker items
if (quadprog) {
# only really needed if we need to impose (in)equality constraints
# (TODO)
Dmat <- lav_matrix_bdiag(rep(list(PSI), p))
dvec <- as.vector(t(S.yx))
eq.idx <- which(t(B.y) != 1) # these must be zero (row-wise!)
Rmat <- diag(nrow(Dmat))[eq.idx, , drop = FALSE]
bvec <- rep(0, length(eq.idx)) # optional, 0=default
out <- try(quadprog::solve.QP(
Dmat = Dmat, dvec = dvec, Amat = t(Rmat),
meq = length(eq.idx), bvec = bvec
), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(out, "try-error")) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("solve.QP failed to find a solution"))
Lambda <- matrix(0, nvar, nfac)
Lambda[marker.idx, ] <- diag(nfac)
Lambda[lambda.nonzero.idx] <- as.numeric(NA)
Theta <- numeric(nvar)
Theta[marker.idx] <- Theta.x
Theta[-marker.idx] <- Theta.f
Psi <- PSI
lambda = Lambda, theta = theta.nobounds,
psi = PSI.nobounds
} else {
LAMBDA.y <- matrix(out$solution,
nrow = p, ncol = nfac,
byrow = TRUE
# zap almost zero elements
LAMBDA.y[abs(LAMBDA.y) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)] <- 0
} else {
# simple version
LAMBDA.y <- t(t(S.yx) / diag(PSI)) * B.y
# assemble matrices
LAMBDA <- matrix(0, nvar, nfac)
LAMBDA[marker.idx, ] <- diag(nfac)
LAMBDA[-marker.idx, ] <- LAMBDA.y
list(lambda = LAMBDA, theta = theta.nobounds, psi = PSI.nobounds)
# internal function to be used inside lav_optim_noniter
# return 'x', the estimated vector of free parameters
lav_cfa_bentler1982_internal <- function(lavobject = NULL, # convenience
# internal slot
lavmodel = NULL,
lavsamplestats = NULL,
lavpartable = NULL,
lavdata = NULL,
lavoptions = NULL,
min.reliability.marker = 0.1,
quadprog = FALSE,
nobs = 20L) {
lavpta <- NULL
if (!is.null(lavobject)) {
stopifnot(inherits(lavobject, "lavaan"))
# extract slots
lavmodel <- lavobject@Model
lavsamplestats <- lavobject@SampleStats
lavpartable <- lav_partable_set_cache(lavobject@ParTable, lavobject@pta)
lavpta <- lavobject@pta
lavdata <- lavobject@Data
lavoptions <- lavobject@Options
if (is.null(lavpta)) {
lavpta <- lav_partable_attributes(lavpartable)
lavpartable <- lav_partable_set_cache(lavpartable, lavpta)
# no structural part!
if (any(lavpartable$op == "~")) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("bentler1982 estimator only available for CFA models"))
# no BETA matrix! (i.e., no higher-order factors)
if (!is.null(lavmodel@GLIST$beta)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("bentler1982 estimator not available
for models that require a BETA matrix"))
# no = TRUE for now
if (lavoptions$ {
"bentler1982 estimator not available if = TRUE"))
nblocks <- lav_partable_nblocks(lavpartable)
stopifnot(nblocks == 1L) # for now
b <- 1L
sample.cov <- lavsamplestats@cov[[b]]
nvar <- nrow(sample.cov)
lv.names <- lavpta$vnames$lv.regular[[b]]
nfac <- length(lv.names)
marker.idx <- lavpta$vidx$lv.marker[[b]]
lambda.idx <- which(names(lavmodel@GLIST) == "lambda")
lambda.nonzero.idx <-[[lambda.idx]]
# only diagonal THETA for now...
# because if we have correlated residuals, we should remove the
# corresponding variables as instruments before we estimate lambda...
# (see MIIV)
theta.idx <- which(names(lavmodel@GLIST) == "theta") # usually '2'
m.theta <-[[theta.idx]]
nondiag.idx <- m.theta[!m.theta %in% lav_matrix_diag_idx(nvar)]
if (length(nondiag.idx) > 0L) {
"this implementation of FABIN does not handle correlated residuals yet!"))
if (!missing(GLS)) {
GLS.flag <- GLS
} else {
GLS.flag <- FALSE
if (!is.null(lavoptions$estimator.args$GLS) &&
lavoptions$estimator.args$GLS) {
GLS.flag <- TRUE
if (missing(quadprog) &&
!is.null(lavoptions$estimator.args$quadprog)) {
quadprog <- lavoptions$estimator.args$quadprog
# run bentler1982 non-iterative CFA algorithm
out <- lav_cfa_bentler1982(
S = sample.cov, marker.idx = marker.idx,
lambda.nonzero.idx = lambda.nonzero.idx,
GLS = GLS.flag,
min.reliability.marker = 0.1,
quadprog = quadprog,
nobs = lavsamplestats@ntotal
LAMBDA <- out$lambda
THETA <- diag(out$theta, nvar)
PSI <- out$psi
# store matrices in lavmodel@GLIST
lavmodel@GLIST$lambda <- LAMBDA
lavmodel@GLIST$theta <- THETA
lavmodel@GLIST$psi <- PSI
# extract free parameters only
x <- lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel)
# apply bounds (if any)
if (!is.null(lavpartable$lower)) {
lower.x <- lavpartable$lower[lavpartable$free > 0]
too.small.idx <- which(x < lower.x)
if (length(too.small.idx) > 0L) {
x[too.small.idx] <- lower.x[too.small.idx]
if (!is.null(lavpartable$upper)) {
upper.x <- lavpartable$upper[lavpartable$free > 0]
too.large.idx <- which(x > upper.x)
if (length(too.large.idx) > 0L) {
x[too.large.idx] <- upper.x[too.large.idx]
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