
Defines functions lav_model_dmmdpar lav_model_x2GLIST lav_model_set_parameters lav_model_get_parameters

Documented in lav_model_get_parameters lav_model_set_parameters

# lav_model utility functions

# initial version: YR 25/03/2009: `methods' for the Model class
# - YR 14 Jan 2014: rename object -> lavmodel, all functions as lav_model_*
# - YR 20 Nov 2021: add lav_model_dmmdpar

lav_model_get_parameters <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL,
                                     type = "free", extra = TRUE) {
  # type == "free": only non-redundant free parameters (x)
  # type == "user": all parameters listed in User model

  # state or final?
  if (is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST # if this changes, tag @TDJorgensen in commit message

  if (type == "free") {
    N <- lavmodel@nx.free
    # } else if(type == "unco") {
    #    N <- lavmodel@nx.unco
  } else if (type == "user") {
    N <- lavmodel@nx.user
  x <- numeric(N)

  for (mm in 1:length(lavmodel@GLIST)) {
    if (type == "free") {
      m.idx <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
      x.idx <- lavmodel@x.free.idx[[mm]]
      # } else if(type == "unco") {
      #    m.idx <- lavmodel@m.unco.idx[[mm]]
      #    x.idx <- lavmodel@x.unco.idx[[mm]]
    } else if (type == "user") {
      m.idx <- lavmodel@m.user.idx[[mm]]
      x.idx <- lavmodel@x.user.idx[[mm]]
    x[x.idx] <- GLIST[[mm]][m.idx]

  if (type == "user" && extra && sum(
  ) > 0L) {
    # we need 'free' x
    x.free <- lav_model_get_parameters(
      lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
      type = "free"
    if (length(lavmodel@x.def.idx) > 0L) {
      x[lavmodel@x.def.idx] <- lavmodel@def.function(x.free)
    if (length(lavmodel@x.ceq.idx) > 0L) {
      x[lavmodel@x.ceq.idx] <- lavmodel@ceq.function(x.free)
    if (length(lavmodel@x.cin.idx) > 0L) {
      x[lavmodel@x.cin.idx] <- lavmodel@cin.function(x.free)


# warning: this will make a copy of lavmodel
lav_model_set_parameters <- function(lavmodel = NULL, x = NULL) {
  tmp <- lavmodel@GLIST
  for (mm in 1:length(lavmodel@GLIST)) {
    m.free.idx <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
    x.free.idx <- lavmodel@x.free.idx[[mm]]
    tmp[[mm]][m.free.idx] <- x[x.free.idx]

  if (.hasSlot(lavmodel, "correlation")) {
    correlation <- lavmodel@correlation
  } else {
    correlation <- FALSE

  # categorical? set categorical theta elements (if any)
  if (lavmodel@categorical || correlation) {
    nmat <- lavmodel@nmat
    if (lavmodel@representation == "LISREL") {
      for (g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0L, nmat))[g]

        if (lavmodel@estimator %in% c(
          "ML", "WLS", "GLS", "DWLS", "ULS", "PML",
        )) {
          if (lavmodel@parameterization == "delta") {
            tmp[mm.in.group] <-
                MLIST = tmp[mm.in.group],
                num.idx = lavmodel@num.idx[[g]],
                ov.y.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                ov.y.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]]
          } else if (lavmodel@parameterization == "theta") {
            tmp[mm.in.group] <-
                MLIST = tmp[mm.in.group],
                num.idx = lavmodel@num.idx[[g]]
        } else if (lavmodel@estimator %in% c("MML", "FML")) {
          #  ttt <- diag(tmp[mm.in.group]$theta)
          #  diag(tmp[mm.in.group]$theta) <- as.numeric(NA)
          #  if(length(lavmodel@num.idx[[g]]) > 0L) {
          #      diag(tmp[mm.in.group]$theta)[ lavmodel@num.idx[[g]] ] <-
          #          ttt[ lavmodel@num.idx[[g]] ]
          #  }
    } else {
      cat("FIXME: deal with theta elements in the categorical case (RAM)")

  lavmodel@GLIST <- tmp


# create a standalone GLIST, filled with (new) x values
# (avoiding a copy of lavmodel)
lav_model_x2GLIST <- function(lavmodel = NULL, x = NULL,
                              type = "free", setDelta = TRUE,
                              m.el.idx = NULL, x.el.idx = NULL) {
  if (.hasSlot(lavmodel, "correlation")) {
    correlation <- lavmodel@correlation
  } else {
    correlation <- FALSE

  GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST
  for (mm in 1:length(GLIST)) {
    # skip empty matrix
    if (nrow(GLIST[[mm]]) == 0L) {
    if (type == "free") {
      M.EL.IDX <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
      X.EL.IDX <- lavmodel@x.free.idx[[mm]]
    } else if (type == "unco") {
      M.EL.IDX <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
      X.EL.IDX <- lavmodel@x.unco.idx[[mm]]
    } else if (type == "full") {
      if (lavmodel@isSymmetric[mm]) {
        N <- ncol(GLIST[[mm]])
        M.EL.IDX <- lav_matrix_vech_idx(N)
      } else {
        M.EL.IDX <- seq_len(length(GLIST[[mm]]))
      X.EL.IDX <- seq_len(length(m.el.idx))
      if (mm > 1) X.EL.IDX <- X.EL.IDX + sum(lavmodel@mmSize[1:(mm - 1)])
    } else if (type == "custom") {
      # nothing to do, m.el.idx and x.el.idx should be given
      M.EL.IDX <- m.el.idx[[mm]]
      X.EL.IDX <- x.el.idx[[mm]]

    # assign
    GLIST[[mm]][M.EL.IDX] <- x[X.EL.IDX]

    # make symmetric (if full)
    if (type == "full" && lavmodel@isSymmetric[mm]) {
      T <- t(GLIST[[mm]])
      GLIST[[mm]][upper.tri(GLIST[[mm]])] <- T[upper.tri(T)]

  #    # theta parameterization: delta must be reset!
  #    if((lavmodel@categorical || correlation) && setDelta &&
  #       lavmodel@parameterization == "theta") {
  #        nmat <- lavmodel@nmat
  #        for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
  #            # which mm belong to group g?
  #            mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0L,nmat))[g]
  #            GLIST[mm.in.group] <-
  #                setDeltaElements.LISREL(MLIST = GLIST[mm.in.group],
  #                    num.idx = lavmodel@num.idx[[g]])
  #        }
  #    }

  # in 0.6-13: we always set theta/delta
  if ((lavmodel@categorical || correlation) && setDelta) {
    nmat <- lavmodel@nmat
    if (lavmodel@representation == "LISREL") {
      for (g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0L, nmat))[g]

        if (lavmodel@parameterization == "delta") {
          GLIST[mm.in.group] <-
              MLIST = GLIST[mm.in.group],
              num.idx = lavmodel@num.idx[[g]],
              ov.y.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
              ov.y.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]]
        } else if (lavmodel@parameterization == "theta") {
          GLIST[mm.in.group] <-
              MLIST = GLIST[mm.in.group],
              num.idx = lavmodel@num.idx[[g]]
      } # blocks
    } else {
      cat("FIXME: deal with theta elements in the categorical case (RAM)")


# derivative of model matrix (say, Psi, Theta) wrt the free elements
# in that model matrix
# returns a matrix with 0/1 entries
# - rows are the nrow*ncol elements of the full matrix
# - cols are the free parameters
# TOdo: use sparse matrices
lav_model_dmmdpar <- function(lavmodel, target = "theta", group = 1L) {
  stopifnot(group <= lavmodel@ngroups)

  # MLIST for this group
  nmat <- lavmodel@nmat
  # which mm belong to group g?
  mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[group] + cumsum(c(0L, nmat))[group]
  MLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST[mm.in.group]

  # find target model matrix
  mlist.idx <- which(names(MLIST) == target)
  if (length(mlist.idx) == 0L) {
      "model matrix \"%s\" not found. Available model matrices are:", target),
      paste(names(MLIST), collapse = " "))

  # target idx in GLIST
  target.idx <- cumsum(c(0L, nmat))[group] + mlist.idx

  # symmetric matrices (eg Psi, Theta)
  if (lavmodel@isSymmetric[[target.idx]]) {
    TARGET <- lavmodel@GLIST[[target.idx]]
    P <- nrow(TARGET)

    unique.idx <- unique(lavmodel@x.free.idx[[target.idx]])
    row.idx <- match(lavmodel@x.free.idx[[target.idx]], unique.idx)
    out <- matrix(0L, nrow = P * P, ncol = length(unique.idx))
    IDX <- cbind(lavmodel@m.free.idx[[target.idx]], row.idx)
    out[IDX] <- 1L

    # non-symmetric matrices (eg Lambda, Beta)
  } else {
    TARGET <- lavmodel@GLIST[[target.idx]]
    P <- nrow(TARGET)
    M <- ncol(TARGET)

    row.idx <- seq_len(length(lavmodel@x.free.idx[[target.idx]]))
    out <- matrix(0L, nrow = P * M, ncol = length(row.idx))
    IDX <- cbind(lavmodel@m.free.idx[[target.idx]], row.idx)
    out[IDX] <- 1L


# backwards compatibility
# getModelParameters <- lav_model_get_parameters
# setModelParameters <- lav_model_set_parameters
# x2GLIST            <- lav_model_x2GLIST

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