# the multivariate normal distribution
# 1) loglikelihood (from raw data, or sample statistics)
# 2) derivatives with respect to mu, Sigma, vech(Sigma)
# 3) casewise scores with respect to mu, vech(Sigma), mu + vech(Sigma)
# 4) hessian mu + vech(Sigma)
# 5) information h0 mu + vech(Sigma)
# 5a: (unit) expected information
# 5b: (unit) observed information
# 5c: (unit) first.order information
# 6) inverted information h0 mu + vech(Sigma)
# 6a: (unit) inverted expected information
# 6b: /
# 6c: /
# 7) ACOV h0 mu + vech(Sigma)
# 7a: 1/N * inverted expected information
# 7b: 1/N * inverted observed information
# 7c: 1/N * inverted first-order information
# 7d: sandwich acov
# YR 07 Feb 2016: first version
# YR 24 Mar 2016: added firstorder information, hessian logl
# YR 19 Jan 2017: added lav_mvnorm_inverted_information_expected
# YR 04 Okt 2018: adding wt= argument, and missing meanstructure=
# YR 27 Jun 2018: adding cluster.idx= argument for information_firstorder
# YR 24 Jul 2022: adding correlation= argument for information_expected
# (only for catml; not for correlation = TRUE!)
# 0. densities
lav_mvnorm_dmvnorm <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
Sigma.inv = NULL,
Sinv.method = "eigen",
x.idx = integer(0L),
x.mean = NULL,
x.cov = NULL,
log = TRUE) {
if (is.matrix(Y)) {
if (is.null(Mu) && is.null(Sigma) && is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
out <- lav_mvnorm_loglik_data_z(Y = Y, casewise = TRUE)
} else {
out <- lav_mvnorm_loglik_data(
Y = Y, Mu = Mu, Sigma = Sigma,
casewise = TRUE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
} else {
# just one
P <- length(Y)
LOG.2PI <- log(2 * pi)
if (is.null(Mu) && is.null(Sigma) && is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# mahalanobis distance
DIST <- sum(Y * Y)
out <- -(P * LOG.2PI + DIST) / 2
} else {
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma,
logdet = TRUE, Sinv.method = Sinv.method
logdet <- attr(Sigma.inv, "logdet")
} else {
logdet <- attr(Sigma.inv, "logdet")
if (is.null(logdet)) {
# compute - ln|Sigma.inv|
ev <- eigen(Sigma.inv, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
logdet <- -1 * sum(log(ev$values))
# mahalanobis distance
Yc <- Y - Mu
DIST <- sum(Yc %*% Sigma.inv * Yc)
out <- -(P * LOG.2PI + logdet + DIST) / 2
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- out * wt
# x.idx?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
if (is.null(Sigma) && is.null(x.cov)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("when x.idx is not empty, we need Sigma or x.cov"))
if (is.matrix(Y)) {
X <- Y[, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
} else {
X <- Y[x.idx]
Mu.X <- x.mean
Sigma.X <- x.cov
if (is.null(x.mean)) {
Mu.X <- as.numeric(Mu)[x.idx]
if (is.null(x.cov)) {
Sigma.X <- Sigma[x.idx, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
logl.X <- lav_mvnorm_dmvnorm(
Y = X, wt = wt, Mu = Mu.X, Sigma = Sigma.X,
Sigma.inv = NULL,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method,
x.idx = integer(0L), log = TRUE
# subtract logl.X
out <- out - logl.X
if (!log) {
out <- exp(out)
# 1. likelihood
# 1a: input is raw data
# (note casewise = TRUE same as: dmvnorm(Y, mean, sigma, log = TRUE))
lav_mvnorm_loglik_data <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
x.mean = NULL,
x.cov = NULL,
casewise = FALSE,
Sinv.method = "eigen") {
# Y must be a matrix (use lav_mvnorm_dmvnorm() for non-matrix input)
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
P <- NCOL(Y)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (casewise) {
LOG.2PI <- log(2 * pi)
# invert Sigma
if (Sinv.method == "chol") {
cS <- chol(Sigma)
icS <- backsolve(cS, diag(P))
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
DIST <- rowSums((Yc %*% icS)^2)
logdet <- -2 * sum(log(diag(icS)))
} else {
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = TRUE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
logdet <- attr(Sigma.inv, "logdet")
# mahalanobis distance
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
DIST <- rowSums(Yc %*% Sigma.inv * Yc)
loglik <- -(P * LOG.2PI + logdet + DIST) / 2
# weights
if (!is.null(wt)) {
loglik <- loglik * wt
} else {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = TRUE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- stats::cov.wt(Y, wt = wt, method = "ML")
sample.mean <- out$center
sample.cov <- out$cov
} else {
sample.mean <- base::.colMeans(Y, m = N, n = P)
sample.cov <- lav_matrix_cov(Y)
loglik <- lav_mvnorm_loglik_samplestats(
sample.mean = sample.mean,
sample.cov = sample.cov,
sample.nobs = N,
Mu = Mu,
Sigma.inv = Sigma.inv
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
Mu.X <- x.mean
Sigma.X <- x.cov
if (is.null(x.mean)) {
Mu.X <- as.numeric(Mu)[x.idx]
if (is.null(x.cov)) {
Sigma.X <- Sigma[x.idx, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
loglik.x <- lav_mvnorm_loglik_data(
Y = Y[, x.idx, drop = FALSE],
wt = wt, Mu = Mu.X, Sigma = Sigma.X,
x.idx = integer(0L), casewise = casewise,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# subtract logl.X
loglik <- loglik - loglik.x
# 1b: input are sample statistics (mean, cov, N) only
lav_mvnorm_loglik_samplestats <- function(sample.mean = NULL,
sample.cov = NULL,
sample.nobs = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
x.mean = NULL,
x.cov = NULL,
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
P <- length(sample.mean)
N <- sample.nobs
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
sample.mean <- as.numeric(sample.mean)
LOG.2PI <- log(2 * pi)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = TRUE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
logdet <- attr(Sigma.inv, "logdet")
} else {
logdet <- attr(Sigma.inv, "logdet")
if (is.null(logdet)) {
# compute - ln|Sigma.inv|
ev <- eigen(Sigma.inv, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
logdet <- -1 * sum(log(ev$values))
# tr(Sigma^{-1} %*% S)
DIST1 <- sum(Sigma.inv * sample.cov)
# (ybar - mu)^T %*% Sigma.inv %*% (ybar - mu)
Diff <- as.numeric(sample.mean - Mu)
DIST2 <- sum(as.numeric(crossprod(Diff, Sigma.inv)) * Diff)
loglik <- -N / 2 * (P * LOG.2PI + logdet + DIST1 + DIST2)
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
Mu.X <- x.mean
Sigma.X <- x.cov
if (is.null(x.mean)) {
Mu.X <- Mu[x.idx]
if (is.null(x.cov)) {
Sigma.X <- Sigma[x.idx, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
sample.mean.x <- sample.mean[x.idx]
sample.cov.x <- sample.cov[x.idx, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
loglik.x <-
sample.mean = sample.mean.x,
sample.cov = sample.cov.x,
sample.nobs = sample.nobs,
Mu = Mu.X, Sigma = Sigma.X,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# subtract logl.X
loglik <- loglik - loglik.x
# 1c special case: Mu = 0, Sigma = I
lav_mvnorm_loglik_data_z <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
casewise = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
P <- NCOL(Y)
LOG.2PI <- log(2 * pi)
if (casewise) {
DIST <- rowSums(Y * Y)
loglik <- -(P * LOG.2PI + DIST) / 2
if (!is.null(wt)) {
loglik <- loglik * wt
} else {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- stats::cov.wt(Y, wt = wt, method = "ML")
sample.mean <- out$center
sample.cov <- out$cov
} else {
sample.mean <- base::.colMeans(Y, m = N, n = P)
sample.cov <- lav_matrix_cov(Y)
DIST1 <- sum(diag(sample.cov))
DIST2 <- sum(sample.mean * sample.mean)
loglik <- -N / 2 * (P * LOG.2PI + DIST1 + DIST2)
# 2. Derivatives
# 2a: derivative logl with respect to mu
lav_mvnorm_dlogl_dmu <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# substract 'Mu' from Y
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
# weights
if (!is.null(wt)) {
Yc <- Yc * wt
# derivative
dmu <- as.numeric(Sigma.inv %*% colSums(Yc))
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
dmu[x.idx] <- 0
# 2b: derivative logl with respect to Sigma (full matrix, ignoring symmetry)
lav_mvnorm_dlogl_dSigma <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# W.tilde
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- stats::cov.wt(Y, wt = wt, method = "ML")
SY <- out$cov
MY <- out$center
W.tilde <- SY + tcrossprod(MY - Mu)
} else {
# substract 'Mu' from Y
# Yc <- t( t(Y) - Mu )
# W.tilde <- crossprod(Yc) / N
W.tilde <- lav_matrix_cov(Y, Mu = Mu)
# derivative
dSigma <- -(N / 2) * (Sigma.inv - (Sigma.inv %*% W.tilde %*% Sigma.inv))
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
dSigma[x.idx, x.idx] <- 0
# 2c: derivative logl with respect to vech(Sigma)
lav_mvnorm_dlogl_dvechSigma <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# W.tilde
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- stats::cov.wt(Y, wt = wt, method = "ML")
SY <- out$cov
MY <- out$center
W.tilde <- SY + tcrossprod(MY - Mu)
} else {
W.tilde <- lav_matrix_cov(Y, Mu = Mu)
# derivative (avoiding kronecker product)
dSigma <- -(N / 2) * (Sigma.inv - (Sigma.inv %*% W.tilde %*% Sigma.inv))
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
dSigma[x.idx, x.idx] <- 0
# vech
dvechSigma <- as.numeric(lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
# 2d: : derivative logl with respect to Mu and vech(Sigma)
lav_mvnorm_dlogl_dmu_dvechSigma <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# substract Mu
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
# W.tilde
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- stats::cov.wt(Y, wt = wt, method = "ML")
SY <- out$cov
MY <- out$center
W.tilde <- SY + tcrossprod(MY - Mu)
dmu <- as.numeric(Sigma.inv %*% colSums(Yc * wt))
} else {
W.tilde <- lav_matrix_cov(Y, Mu = Mu)
dmu <- as.numeric(Sigma.inv %*% colSums(Yc))
# derivative (avoiding kronecker product)
dSigma <- -(N / 2) * (Sigma.inv - (Sigma.inv %*% W.tilde %*% Sigma.inv))
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
dSigma[x.idx, x.idx] <- 0
dmu[x.idx] <- 0
# vech
dvechSigma <- as.numeric(lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
c(dmu, dvechSigma)
# 3. Casewise scores
# 3a: casewise scores with respect to mu
lav_mvnorm_scores_mu <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sigma = NULL,
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# substract Mu
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
# postmultiply with Sigma.inv
SC <- Yc %*% Sigma.inv
# weights
if (!is.null(wt)) {
SC <- SC * wt
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
SC[, x.idx] <- 0
# 3b: casewise scores with respect to vech(Sigma)
lav_mvnorm_scores_vech_sigma <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
P <- NCOL(Y)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# vech(Sigma.inv)
isigma <- lav_matrix_vech(Sigma.inv)
# substract Mu
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
# postmultiply with Sigma.inv
Yc <- Yc %*% Sigma.inv
# tcrossprod
idx1 <- lav_matrix_vech_col_idx(P)
idx2 <- lav_matrix_vech_row_idx(P)
Z <- Yc[, idx1] * Yc[, idx2]
# substract isigma from each row
SC <- t(t(Z) - isigma)
# adjust for vech
SC[, lav_matrix_diagh_idx(P)] <- SC[, lav_matrix_diagh_idx(P)] / 2
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
SC[, lav_matrix_vech_which_idx(n = P, idx = x.idx)] <- 0
# weights
if (!is.null(wt)) {
SC <- SC * wt
# 3c: casewise scores with respect to mu + vech(Sigma)
lav_mvnorm_scores_mu_vech_sigma <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL) {
P <- NCOL(Y)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
# vech(Sigma.inv)
isigma <- lav_matrix_vech(Sigma.inv)
# substract Mu
Yc <- t(t(Y) - Mu)
# postmultiply with Sigma.inv
Yc <- Yc %*% Sigma.inv
# tcrossprod
idx1 <- lav_matrix_vech_col_idx(P)
idx2 <- lav_matrix_vech_row_idx(P)
Z <- Yc[, idx1] * Yc[, idx2]
# substract isigma from each row
SC <- t(t(Z) - isigma)
# adjust for lav_matrix_duplication_pre (not vech!)
SC[, lav_matrix_diagh_idx(P)] <- SC[, lav_matrix_diagh_idx(P)] / 2
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
Yc[, x.idx] <- 0
SC[, lav_matrix_vech_which_idx(n = P, idx = x.idx)] <- 0
out <- cbind(Yc, SC)
# weights
if (!is.null(wt)) {
out <- out * wt
# 4. hessian of logl
# 4a: hessian logl Mu and vech(Sigma) from raw data
lav_mvnorm_logl_hessian_data <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL,
meanstructure = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
# observed information
observed <- lav_mvnorm_information_observed_data(
Y = Y, wt = wt, Mu = Mu,
Sigma = Sigma, x.idx = x.idx,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method, Sigma.inv = Sigma.inv,
meanstructure = meanstructure
-N * observed
# 4b: hessian Mu and vech(Sigma) from samplestats
lav_mvnorm_logl_hessian_samplestats <-
function(sample.mean = NULL,
sample.cov = NULL,
sample.nobs = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL,
meanstructure = TRUE) {
N <- sample.nobs
# observed information
observed <- lav_mvnorm_information_observed_samplestats(
sample.mean = sample.mean, sample.cov = sample.cov,
Mu = Mu, Sigma = Sigma,
x.idx = x.idx, Sinv.method = Sinv.method, Sigma.inv = Sigma.inv,
meanstructure = meanstructure
-N * observed
# 5) Information h0
# 5a: unit expected information h0 Mu and vech(Sigma)
lav_mvnorm_information_expected <- function(Y = NULL, # unused!
wt = NULL, # unused!
Mu = NULL, # unused!
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL,
meanstructure = TRUE,
correlation = FALSE) {
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
if(correlation) {
I22 <- 0.5 * lav_matrix_duplication_cor_pre_post(Sigma.inv %x%
} else {
I22 <- 0.5 * lav_matrix_duplication_pre_post(Sigma.inv %x% Sigma.inv)
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
pstar.x <- lav_matrix_vech_which_idx(
n = NCOL(Sigma.inv), idx = x.idx
I22[pstar.x, ] <- 0
I22[, pstar.x] <- 0
if (meanstructure) {
I11 <- Sigma.inv
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
I11[x.idx, ] <- 0
I11[, x.idx] <- 0
out <- lav_matrix_bdiag(I11, I22)
} else {
out <- I22
# 5b: unit observed information h0
lav_mvnorm_information_observed_data <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL,
meanstructure = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
out <- stats::cov.wt(Y, wt = wt, method = "ML")
sample.cov <- out$cov
sample.mean <- out$center
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
# sample statistics
sample.mean <- colMeans(Y)
sample.cov <- lav_matrix_cov(Y)
sample.mean = sample.mean,
sample.cov = sample.cov, Mu = Mu, Sigma = Sigma,
x.idx = x.idx, Sinv.method = Sinv.method, Sigma.inv = Sigma.inv,
meanstructure = meanstructure
# 5b-bis: observed information h0 from sample statistics
lav_mvnorm_information_observed_samplestats <- function(
sample.mean = NULL,
sample.cov = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL,
meanstructure = TRUE) {
sample.mean <- as.numeric(sample.mean)
Mu <- as.numeric(Mu)
if (is.null(Sigma.inv)) {
# invert Sigma
Sigma.inv <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(
S = Sigma, logdet = FALSE,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method
W.tilde <- sample.cov + tcrossprod(sample.mean - Mu)
if (meanstructure) {
I11 <- Sigma.inv
I21 <- lav_matrix_duplication_pre((Sigma.inv %*%
(sample.mean - Mu)) %x% Sigma.inv)
I12 <- t(I21)
AAA <- Sigma.inv %*% (2 * W.tilde - Sigma) %*% Sigma.inv
I22 <- (1 / 2) * lav_matrix_duplication_pre_post(Sigma.inv %x% AAA)
if (meanstructure) {
out <- rbind(
cbind(I11, I12),
cbind(I21, I22)
} else {
out <- I22
# fixed.x?
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
not.x <- lav_matrix_vech_which_idx(
n = NCOL(Sigma.inv), idx = x.idx, = meanstructure
out[, not.x] <- 0
out[not.x, ] <- 0
# 5c: unit first-order information h0
lav_mvnorm_information_firstorder <- function(Y = NULL,
wt = NULL,
cluster.idx = NULL,
Mu = NULL,
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
Sinv.method = "eigen",
Sigma.inv = NULL,
meanstructure = TRUE) {
if (!is.null(wt)) {
N <- sum(wt)
} else {
N <- NROW(Y)
if (meanstructure) {
SC <- lav_mvnorm_scores_mu_vech_sigma(
Y = Y, wt = wt,
Mu = Mu, Sigma = Sigma, x.idx = x.idx,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method, Sigma.inv = Sigma.inv
} else {
# the caller should use Mu = sample.mean
SC <- lav_mvnorm_scores_vech_sigma(
Y = Y, wt = wt,
Mu = Mu, Sigma = Sigma,
Sinv.method = Sinv.method, Sigma.inv = Sigma.inv
# handle clustering
if (!is.null(cluster.idx)) {
# take the sum within each cluster
SC <- rowsum(SC, group = cluster.idx, reorder = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
# lower bias if number of clusters is not very high
# FIXME: reference?
nC <- nrow(SC)
correction.factor <- nC / (nC - 1)
SC <- SC * sqrt(correction.factor)
# unit information
out <- crossprod(SC) / N
# 6: inverted information h0
# 6a: inverted unit expected information h0 Mu and vech(Sigma)
# Note: this is the same as lav_samplestats_Gamma_NT()
# but where COV=Sigma and MEAN=Mu
lav_mvnorm_inverted_information_expected <- function(Y = NULL, # unused!
wt = NULL, # unused!
Mu = NULL, # unused!
Sigma = NULL,
x.idx = integer(0L),
meanstructure = TRUE) {
if (length(x.idx) > 0L) {
# cov(Y|X) = A - B C^{-1} B'
# where A = cov(Y), B = cov(Y,X), C = cov(X)
A <- Sigma[-x.idx, -x.idx, drop = FALSE]
B <- Sigma[-x.idx, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
C <- Sigma[ x.idx, x.idx, drop = FALSE]
YbarX <- A - B %*% solve(C, t(B))
# reinsert YbarX in Y+X (residual) covariance matrix
YbarX.aug <- matrix(0, nrow = NROW(Sigma), ncol = NCOL(Sigma))
YbarX.aug[-x.idx, -x.idx] <- YbarX
# take difference
R <- Sigma - YbarX.aug
SS <- 2 * lav_matrix_duplication_ginv_pre_post(Sigma %x% Sigma)
RR <- 2 * lav_matrix_duplication_ginv_pre_post(R %x% R)
I22 <- SS - RR
if (meanstructure) {
I11 <- YbarX.aug
out <- lav_matrix_bdiag(I11, I22)
} else {
out <- I22
} else {
I22 <- 2 * lav_matrix_duplication_ginv_pre_post(Sigma %x% Sigma)
if (meanstructure) {
I11 <- Sigma
out <- lav_matrix_bdiag(I11, I22)
} else {
out <- I22
# 6b: inverted unit observed information h0
# one could use the inverse of a partitioned matrix, but that does not
# seem to help much... unless we can find an expression for solve(I22)
# 6c: inverted unit first-order information h0
# /
# 7) ACOV h0 mu + vech(Sigma)
# not implemented, as too trivial
# 7a: 1/N * inverted expected information
# 7b: 1/N * inverted observed information
# 7c: 1/N * inverted first-order information
# 7d: sandwich acov
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