Man pages for ldsep
Linkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids

DprimeGet the standardized composite D'.
format_lddfFormat an element of 'mldest()' or 'sldest()' into an...
get_prob_arrayObtain the distribution of genotypes given haplotype...
glikeGenotype log-likelihoods from 'uit'
gl_to_gpNormalize genotype likelihoods to posterior probabilities.
gpPosterior probabilities from 'uit'
is.lddfTests if an argument is a 'lddf' object.
ldestPairwise LD estimation in polyploids.
ldest_compEstimates of composite pairwise LD based either on genotype...
ldest_hapEstimate haplotypic pair-wise LD using either genotypes or...
ldfastFast bias-correction for LD Estimation
ldsep-packageLinkage Disequilibrium Shrinkage Estimation for Polyploids
ldshrinkObtain shrinkage estimates of correlation from output of...
mldestEstimate all pair-wise LD's in a collection of SNPs using...
pbnorm_distReturns distribution of proportional bivariate normal.
plot.lddfPlot the output of 'mldest()' or 'sldest()' using...
pvcalcCalculate prior variances from a matrix of prior genotype...
slcorSliding window correlation
sldestSliding window LD estimation
uitUpdog fits on the data from Uitdewilligen et. al. (2013)
zshrinkShrinks Fisher-z transformed correlation estimates and...
ldsep documentation built on Oct. 19, 2022, 1:08 a.m.