
Defines functions amseLambdaSelection

Documented in amseLambdaSelection

amseLambdaSelection <- function(obj, pathIni, y, generator = c("subsampling", "montecarlo"),
								pB = 0.7, nite = 10, method = "mb", from = 1, until = NULL, 
								distF = c("correlation","shortPath"), oneByone = FALSE, 
                           		many = 3)
  ## checks 
  if (class(obj) != "huge" & class(obj) != "tiger")
   stop("obj must be a huge or tiger object")
       stop("y argument (with dataset used) needs to be specified for amseLambdaSelection")
       stop("pathIni argument (with initial path) needs to be specified for amseLambdaSelection")
       stop("pathIni dimension is not equal to object path dimensions")

   if(until < 2 | until > length(obj$path))
	stop("UNTIL must be between 2 and the length of used lambdas for estimation")
   until <- length(obj$path)
  if(from < 0 | from >= until)
   stop("from must be larger than zero and smaller than until")
  pdistF <- c("correlation", "shortPath", "degrees", "corr01")
  if(length(distF) > 1)
   warning("distF attribute length is larger than one. Only the first component will be used")
  distF <- pdistF[pmatch(distF[1], pdistF)]
  if (is.na(distF)) stop("distF is not well define. It must be selected from \"correlation\", \"shortPath\", \"corr01\" or \"degrees\" ")
  pmethod <- c("mb", "glasso", "tiger")
  if(length(method) > 1)
   warning("method attribute length is larger than one. Only the first component will be used")
  method <- pmethod[pmatch(method[1], pmethod)]
  if (is.na(method)) stop("method is not well define. It must be selected from \"mb\",  \"glasso\" or \"tiger\" ")   
  pgenerator <- c("subsampling", "montecarlo")
  if(length(generator) > 1)
   warning("generator attribute length is larger than one. Only the first component will be used")
  generator <- pgenerator[pmatch(generator[1], pgenerator)]
  if (is.na(generator)) stop("generator is not well define. It must be selected from \"subsampling\" or \"montecarlo\" ")   

  if (pB < 0 | pB > 1)
   stop("pB is not well defined. Must be between 0 and 1")
  if (nite <= 0)
   stop("nite is not well defined. Must be larger than 0")
  if(oneByone & many > (until - from + 1))
   stop("many is not well defined. Must be smaller than until-from + 2")

  ## Initialization 
  PATHS   	<- obj$path
  LAMBDA  	<- obj$lambda
  P       	<- dim(PATHS[[1]])[1]
  VAR       <- rep(0,length(LAMBDA))
  BIASS     <- rep(0,length(LAMBDA))
  BS        <- rep(0,length(LAMBDA))
  N			<- 	dim(y)[1]  
  B         <- floor(N * pB)

  if(distF == "correlation") dist2     <- graphCorr(pathIni)
  if(distF == "shortPath")   dist2     <- graphDist(pathIni)
  if(distF == "degrees")     dist2     <- degrees(pathIni)
  if(distF == "corr01")      dist2     <- ifelse(graphCorr(pathIni) == 1, 0, 1)
   if(generator == "montecarlo")
   	 D <- rep(0,P)
     COEF <- apply(as.matrix(1:P),1,function(j){
     if(sum(pathIni[j,] != 0)>0){
     	lm1 			   <- lm(y[,j] ~ y[,pathIni[j,]!=0]-1)
		D[pathIni[j,]!=0] <- lm1$coeff
		DIAG <- 1/var(lm1$resid)
   	 else DIAG <- 1
	 D   	<- -D * DIAG
     D[j]	<- DIAG
   T1 		   <- forceSymmetric(COEF,"corMatrix")
   VV 		   <- eigen(as.matrix(T1))
   M  		   <- N
   DK          <- M/(2) * (-VV$val + sqrt(VV$val^2 + 4 * 1/M))
   AA          <- t(apply(VV$vec,1,function(x) x*DK))
   T2          <- AA %*% t(VV$vec)
   MAT 		   <- cov2cor(T2)
  pb        <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nite, style = 3)

  cont    <- 1
  PATHSd  <- vector(length(LAMBDA[from:length(LAMBDA)]),mode="list")
  ## AMSE
  if(generator == "subsampling"){
	  while(cont <= nite){
		  setTxtProgressBar(pb, cont)
		  IND    <- sample(1:dim(y)[1],B)
		  if (method == "mb" || method == "glasso")
				SEQ <- seq(from, until, by = many)
				for( i in SEQ[-length(SEQ)]){
				 PATHSs <- huge(y[IND,], method = method, lambda=LAMBDA[i:min(until,(i+many-1))])$path
				 for(j in 1:many){
					if(distF == "correlation") dist1     <- graphCorr(PATHSs[[j]])
					if(distF == "shortPath")   dist1     <- graphDist(PATHSs[[j]])
					if(distF == "degrees")     dist1     <- degrees(PATHSs[[j]])
					if(distF == "corr01")      dist1     <- ifelse(graphCorr(PATHSs[[j]]) == 1,0,1)
					if(cont == 1)  PATHSd[[i+j-1]]  <- sum((dist1-dist2)^2)
					if(cont > 1)   PATHSd[[i+j-1]]  <- PATHSd[[i+j-1]] + sum((dist1-dist2)^2)
					PATHSd[[(i+j-1)]]  <- 9999
			   PATHSs <- huge(y[IND,], method = method, lambda = LAMBDA[from:until])$path
		   if (method == "tiger")
			  PATHSs <- camel.tiger(y[IND,], method = "slasso", lambda = LAMBDA[from:length(LAMBDA)])$path
		   for(i in 1:(until-from+1))
				 if(sum(PATHSs[[i]]) > 2)
					if(distF == "correlation") dist1     <- graphCorr(PATHSs[[i]])
					if(distF == "shortPath")   dist1     <- graphDist(PATHSs[[i]])
					if(distF == "degrees")     dist1     <- degrees(PATHSs[[i]])
					if(distF == "corr01")      dist1     <- ifelse(graphCorr(PATHSs[[i]]) == 1,0,1)
					if(cont == 1)  PATHSd[[i]]  <- sum((dist1-dist2)^2)
					if(cont > 1)   PATHSd[[i]]  <- PATHSd[[i]] + sum((dist1-dist2)^2)
					PATHSd[[i]]    <- 99999
		   cont <- cont+1
	   AAG.COEF <- do.call(c,lapply(PATHSd, sum))/nite
   if(generator == "montecarlo"){
      AAG.COEF <- 0
      while(cont <= nite){
   		  setTxtProgressBar(pb, cont)
		  y2 			<- mvrnorm( N, rep(0,P), MAT)
		  corrr 		<- cor(y2)
		  out4          <- huge(scale(y2), method = method, lambda=LAMBDA[from:until])
		  PATHSs        <- out4$path
		  DIST2 		<- list(length(LAMBDA[from:until]))
		  for(i in 1:length(LAMBDA[from:until])){
			if(distF == "correlation") DIST2[[i]]     <- graphCorr(PATHSs[[i]])
			if(distF == "shortPath")   DIST2[[i]]     <- graphDist(PATHSs[[i]])
			if(distF == "degrees")     DIST2[[i]]     <- degrees(PATHSs[[i]])
			if(distF == "corr01")      DIST2[[i]]     <- ifelse(graphCorr(PATHSs[[i]]) == 1,0,1)
		  AAG.COEF 		<- AAG.COEF + (unlist(lapply(DIST2, function(X) mean((X-dist2)^2))))
 		  cont 			<- cont + 1
   ret.list   					<- list(opt.lambda =  LAMBDA[which.min(AAG.COEF) + from - 1], crit.coef = AAG.COEF, criterion = "A-MSE")
   attr(ret.list, "generator") 	<- generator
   ret.list$lambda    			<- obj$lambda[from:until]
   attr(ret.list, "bestpath")   <- obj$path[[ which(obj$lambda == ret.list[[1]][1]) ]]

   class(ret.list)  			<- "lambdaSelection"


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ldstatsHD documentation built on Aug. 14, 2017, 5:06 p.m.