
Defines functions Transform

Documented in Transform

Transform <-
  function(data=d, quiet=getOption("quiet"), ...) {

  message("This function is deprecated, instead use base R  transform\n",
          "or just enter the transformation formula directly\n",
          "Example,  d$Xsq <- d$X^2\n",
          "  to create a squared version of Variable X in the d data frame\n")

  # save variable labels (NULL if no labels) 
  l <- attr(data, which="variable.labels")

  # transformations done here into vector e, e[1] the first trans, etc.
  e <- eval(substitute(list(...)), data, parent.frame())

  n.tvars <- length(e)
  n.obs <- nrow(data)

  if (!quiet) {
    dname <- deparse(substitute(data))

    cat("Number of variables of", dname, "to transform:", n.tvars, "\n")
    cat("Number of cases (rows) of ", dname, ": ", n.obs, "\n", sep="")

    trs.all <- deparse(substitute(list(...)))[[1]]
    trs.all <- substr(trs.all, 6, nchar(trs.all)-1)
    no.break <- FALSE
    if (grepl("factor", trs.all)) no.break <- TRUE
    if (grepl("cut", trs.all)) no.break <- TRUE
    if (!no.break) {
      trs <- as.vector(strsplit(trs.all, ",")[[1]])
      if (n.tvars > 1) for (i in 2:n.tvars) trs[i] <- substr(trs[i], 2, nchar(trs[i]))
      trs <- trs.all  # displayed later if only one transformation

  # vector of positions of existing vars in data, NA if not existing
  inx <- match(names(e), names(data))

  if (!quiet) {
    for (i in 1:n.tvars) {
      if (!is.na(inx[i]))
        txt <- "rewrite existing"
        txt <- "      create new"
      cat(txt, "variable: ", names(e)[i], "\n")

  # logical vector, TRUE if transformed var already exists, otherwise FALSE
  existing <- !is.na(inx)

  # inx[existing], e[existing] gives only positions of existing vars in data
  # corresponding FALSE values of existing are deleted
  # add existing var transformations to data
  if (any(existing))   # at least one existing var transformed
    data[inx[existing]] <- e[existing]

  # add new var transformations to data
  if (!all(existing))  # at least one new var created
    data <- do.call("data.frame", c(list(data), e[!existing]))
  # restore any variable labels
  if (!is.null(l)) attr(data, which="variable.labels") <- l



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lessR documentation built on June 23, 2024, 1:06 a.m.