
Defines functions .ss.factor

.ss.factor <-
function(x, by=NULL, brief=FALSE, digits_d=NULL, x.name, y.name=NULL,
         x.lbl=NULL, y.lbl=NULL, label_max=20,
         x.miss=NULL, by.miss=NULL,
         out_size=NULL, is.smry_tbl=FALSE, ...)  {

.prnfreq <- function(x, type, max.ln, max.c1, n.dash, ttl, msg=FALSE) {
  tx <- character(length = 0)

  # title
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- ttl 
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- .dash2(n.dash)
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- ""

  # col labels
  if (!is.null(x.name))
    tx[length(tx)+1] <-  .fmtc(x.name, w=max.c1+3)
  tx[length(tx)+1] <- format(y.name, width=max.c1, justify="left")

  buf1 <- ifelse (type == "r", digits_d-3, 0)  # adjust for decimal digits
  for (i in 1:ncol(x))
    tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmtc(colnames(x)[i],
       w=max.ln[i]+buf1), sep="")

  # horizontal layout
  if (max(nchar(tx)) < getOption("width")) {

    # values
    for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
      rwnm <- paste(" ", rownames(x)[i])
      tx[length(tx)+1] <-  format(rwnm, width=max.c1, justify="left")
      for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
        if (type=="r") {
          tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)],
             .fmt(x[i,j], d=digits_d, w=max.ln[j]+buf1), sep="")
        else if (type=="i")
          tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmti(x[i,j], w=max.ln[j]),

  # vertical layout
  else {

    tx <- ""

    if (nrow(x) * (ncol(x)-1) > 50) { 
      if (msg  &&  getOption("note"))
        message("Table output is vertical to fit in window, but > 50 rows\n",
                "To view the complete table, save the output\n",
                "  to an object, e.g., b <- BarChart(...)\n",
                "  then b$freq\n")

    else {  # write
      mx.cx <- max(nchar(x.name), max(nchar(colnames(x))))
      mx.c3 <- max(nchar(.fmt(x, d=3))) + 1
      by.name <- getOption("byname")

      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(
         .fmtc(x.name, w=mx.cx, j="left"),
         .fmtc(by.name, w=max.c1+1, j="left"),
         .fmtc("Count", w=mx.c3, j="right"))
        for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
          for (j in 1:nrow(x)) {
             tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(
                .fmtc(colnames(x)[i], w=mx.cx, j="left"), 
                .fmtc(rownames(x)[j], w=max.c1, j="left"))
               # .fmt(x[j,i], d=digits_d, w=max.ln-3))
          if (type=="r") {
            tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)],
               .fmt(x[j,i], d=digits_d, w=mx.c3), sep="")
          else if (type=="i")
            tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmti(x[j,i], w=mx.c3),
          }  # end j
        }  # end i
      }  # write
    }  # end vertical layout

}  # end .prnfreq

  # ---------------------------------
  # begin
  # ---------------------------------

  if (is.null(digits_d)) digits_d <- getOption("digits_d")

  # maximum number of output text columns
  c.nm <- NULL  # storage for full value labels when they are abbreviated

  # convert to table with variable names if needed 
  if (!is.table(x) && !is.matrix(x)) {  # bc could send a table or matrix
    if (is.null(by)) 
      x <- table(x, dnn=NULL)  # if missing data
      x <- table(by, x, dnn=c(y.name, x.name)) 

  # title only if one var and var labels
  txttl <- ""
  dims <- length(dim(x))
  if (dims == 1 || (!is.null(x.lbl) || !is.null(y.lbl))) {  #  one var or labels
    txttl <- .title2(x.name, y.name, x.lbl, y.lbl, is.null(by), new.ln=FALSE)

  # two variables 
  # print table, chi-square analysis
  # -------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(by) || is.matrix(x)) { 
    n.dim <- 2

    # potential abbreviation of column labels
    mx.chr <- max(nchar(colnames(x)))
    if (mx.chr > label_max) {
      c.nm <- colnames(x)  # store for later use
      colnames(x) <- .abbrev(colnames(x), label_max)
    # use for returned output, x is a 2-way table
    freq_df <- data.frame(t(x), stringsAsFactors=TRUE)

    xx <- addmargins(x)

    # width of column 1
    if (!is.null(y.name))
      max.c1 <- nchar(y.name)
      max.c1 <- 0
    for (i in 1:nrow(xx)) {
      c1 <- nchar(rownames(xx)[i])
      if (c1 > max.c1) max.c1 <- c1
    max.c1 <- max.c1 + 2
    if (max.c1 < 5) max.c1 <- 5

    # width of data columns
    max.ln <- integer(length=0)
    for (i in 1:ncol(xx)) {
        ln.nm <- nchar(colnames(xx)[i])
      for (j in 1:nrow(xx)) {
        ln.vl <- nchar(as.character(xx[j,i]))
        max.ln[i] <- max(ln.nm, ln.vl) + 1
        if (max.ln[i] < 4) max.ln[i] <- 4

    # cell frequencies
    txfrq <- .prnfreq(xx, "i", max.ln, max.c1, n.dash=30,
                      ttl="Joint and Marginal Frequencies", msg=TRUE)

    tx <- character(length = 0)
    ch <- summary(as.table(x))
    if (!is.nan(ch$statistic)) {
      min_rc <- min(nrow(x)-1, ncol(x)-1)
      V <- sqrt(ch$statistic / (min_rc * ch$n.cases))
      txt <- ifelse(ch$parameter == 1, " (phi)", "") 
      txt <- paste("Cramer\'s V", txt, ":", sep="")
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(txt, .fmt(V,3))
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- ""
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste("Chi-square Test of Independence:\n", 
          "     Chisq = ", .fmt(ch$statistic,3), ", df = ", ch$parameter,
          ", p-value = ", .fmt(ch$p.value,3), sep="")
      if (!ch$approx.ok) 
        tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(">>> Low cell expected frequencies,",
            "chi-squared approximation may not be accurate")
      #tx[length(tx)+1] <- ""
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(
          "Cross-tabulation table not well-formed, usually too many zeros\n",
          "Cramer's V and the chi-squared analysis not possible\n\n", sep="")
    txXV <- tx

    if (brief)
      return(list(n.dim=n.dim, txttl=txttl, txfrq=txfrq, txXV=txXV,
                  freq_df=freq_df, pvalue=ch$p.value))

    # full analysis
    nan.flag <- FALSE

    for (i in 1:ncol(xx)) {
      if (max.ln[i] < 6) max.ln[i] <- 6

    # cell proportions and marginals
    xx <- round(addmargins(prop.table(x)),3)
    mx.ln <- max(max.ln)
    buf <- digits_d - 3  # 3 decimal digits already accounted for
    if (buf < max.c1) buf <- mx.ln - 4
    txprp <- .prnfreq(xx, "r", max.ln+buf, max.c1, n.dash=30,
                      ttl="Cell Proportions and Marginals")

    # cell proportions within each column
    x.col <- prop.table(x, margin=2)
    Sum <- numeric(ncol(x.col))
    for (i in 1:ncol(x.col)) {
      Sum[i] <- sum(x.col[,i])
      if (is.nan(Sum[i])) nan.flag <- TRUE
    x.col2 <- round(rbind(x.col,Sum),digits_d)
    names(dimnames(x.col2)) <- names(dimnames(x.col))

    buf <- digits_d - 3  # 3 decimal digits already accounted for
    mx.ln <- max(max.ln)
    if (buf < max.c1) buf <- mx.ln - 4
    txcol <- .prnfreq(x.col2, "r", max.ln+buf, max.c1, n.dash=35,
                      ttl="Cell Proportions within Each Column")

    # cell proportions within each row
    x.row <- prop.table(x, margin=1)
    Sum <- numeric(nrow(x.row))
    for (i in 1:nrow(x.row)) {
      Sum[i] <- sum(x.row[i,])
      if (is.nan(Sum[i])) nan.flag <- TRUE
    x.row2 <- round(cbind(x.row,Sum),3)
    names(dimnames(x.row2)) <- names(dimnames(x.row))

    txrow <- .prnfreq(x.row2, "r", max.ln, max.c1, n.dash=32,
                      ttl="Cell Proportions within Each Row")

    if (nan.flag)
      cat("\nNote: NaN results from all values missing for that cell or margin.\n",
                 "     so any division to compute a proportion is undefined.\n")
    txlbl <- ""
    tx <- character(length = 0)
    if (!is.null(c.nm)) {
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- "Labels"
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- "--------------------"
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(.fmtc(colnames(x), w=max(nchar(colnames(x))),
                                   j="left"), "  ", c.nm, sep="", collapse="\n")
      txlbl <- tx

    # back to ss or ss data frame
    return(list(n.dim=n.dim, txttl=txttl, txlbl=txlbl, txfrq=txfrq,
                txXV=txXV, txprp=txprp, txcol=txrow, txrow=txcol,
                freq_df=freq_df, pvalue=ch$p.value))
    # end full analysis

  }  # end two variable

  # one variable
  else { 
    lnx <- length(names(x))
    if (lnx == sum(x)  &&  is.smry_tbl) {  # x is vector of counts, if unique
      if (length(x) > 100)
        cat("\nOnly the first 100 value out of", lnx, "listed.\n\n")
      nms <- character(length=0)
      for (i in 1:min(length(x), 100)) nms[i] <- names(x)[i]
      cat("Values:", nms, "\n")
      cat("\n",  #; stop(call.=FALSE, "\n","------\n",
          "All values for ", x.name, " are unique\n",
          "Perhaps a row ID instead of a variable for analysis\n",
          "If so, use  row.names=n  option for Read, where n refers to the ",
          "nth column\n\n", sep="")
      return(list(n.dim=1, title="", counts="", miss="", 
                  chi="", lbl="", freq=x, freq_df="", prop="",

    # table not of unique values, so proceed
    n.dim <- 1

    # potential abbreviation of column labels
    #  if (is.na(names(x)[length(x)])) names(x)[length(x)] <- "missing"
    mx.chr <- max(nchar(names(x)))

    c.nm <- NULL
    if (mx.chr > label_max) {
      c.nm <- names(x)  # store for later use
      names(x) <- .abbrev(names(x), label_max)

     max.ln <- integer(length=0)      
     for (i in 1:length(x)) {
       ln.nm <- nchar(names(x[i]))
       ln.vl <- nchar(as.character(x[i]))
       max.ln[i] <- max(ln.nm, ln.vl) + 1
       if (max.ln[i] < 6) max.ln[i] <- 6

    tx <- character(length=0)

    tx[length(tx)+1] <- format("", width=13)
    w <- nchar(as.character(sum(x)))

    for (i in 1:length(x))  # level names + Total
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmtc(names(x[i]), w=max.ln[i]))
    tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmtc("Total", w=w+6))
    col.width <- nchar(tx[length(tx)])

    tx[length(tx)+1] <- "Frequencies: "
    for (i in 1:length(x))
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmti(x[i], w=max.ln[i]))
    tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmti(sum(x), w=w+6))

    tx[length(tx)+1] <- "Proportions: "
    sum.x <- sum(x)
    xp <- numeric(length=0)
    xp <- x / sum.x
    for (i in 1:length(x))
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmt(xp[i], 3, max.ln[i]))
    tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmtc("1.000", w=w+6))
    txcnt <- tx

    # potential vertical display
    max.clmns <- ifelse (is.null(out_size), getOption("width"), out_size)
    if (col.width > max.clmns) {
      mx.nm <- max(nchar(names(x)), nchar("Total"))
      mx.fr <- nchar(sum(x)) + 2
      tx <- character(length=0)
      xnm <- ifelse (nchar(x.name) > 13, .abbrev(x.name, 13), x.name)
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- .fmtc(xnm, w=mx.nm)
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmtc("Count", w=mx.fr))
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmtc("Prop", w=6))

      tx[length(tx)+1] <- .dash2(mx.nm + mx.fr + 9)
      for (i in 1:length(x)) {
        tx[length(tx)+1] <- .fmtc(names(x[i]), w=mx.nm)
        tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmti(x[i], w=mx.fr)) 
        tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmt(xp[i], 3, w=7)) 
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- .dash2(mx.nm + mx.fr + 9)
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- .fmtc("Total", w=mx.nm)
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)], .fmti(sum(x), w=mx.fr))
      tx[length(tx)] <- paste(tx[length(tx)],  .fmtc("1.000", w=7))
      txcnt <- tx

    txmis <- NULL
    if (!is.null(x.miss)) {
      tx <- character(length = 0)
#     txt <- paste("Missing Values of ", x.name, ":", sep="")
      txt <- paste("Missing Values:")
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(txt, x.miss) 
      txmis <- tx    

    txchi <- ""
    txlbl <- ""
    ch <- NULL

    if (nrow(x) > 1) {  # nrow(x) is the number of levels of table x
      tx <- character(length = 0)
      ch <- suppressWarnings(chisq.test(x))  # provide own warning of small n
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- 
        "Chi-squared test of null hypothesis of equal probabilities"
      tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste("  Chisq = ", .fmt(ch$statistic,3), ", df = ",
        ch$parameter, ", p-value = ", .fmt(ch$p.value,3), sep="")
      if (any(ch$expected < 5)) 
        tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(">>> Low cell expected frequencies,",
            "so chi-squared approximation may not be accurate", "\n")
      txchi <- tx
      txlbl <- ""
      tx <- character(length = 0)
      if (!is.null(c.nm)) {
        tx[length(tx)+1] <- "Unabbreviated labels"
        tx[length(tx)+1] <- "--------------------"
        tx[length(tx)+1] <- paste(c.nm, sep="", collapse="\n")
        txlbl <- tx

    freq_df <- data.frame(x)  #  a pivot result, two vars, Cats and Freq
    names(freq_df)[1] <- x.name

    return(list(n.dim=n.dim, title=txttl, counts=txcnt, miss=txmis, 
                chi=txchi, lbl=txlbl, freq=x, freq_df=freq_df, prop=xp,
  }  # one variable


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