#' .cvRegularizeSEMInternal
#' Combination of regularized structural equation model and cross-validation
#' Internal function: This function computes the regularized models
#' for all penalty functions which are implemented for glmnet and gist.
#' Use the dedicated penalty functions (e.g., lessSEM::cvLasso) to penalize
#' the model.
#' @param lavaanModel model of class lavaan
#' @param k the number of cross-validation folds. Alternatively, a matrix with pre-defined subsets can be passed to the function.
#' See ?lessSEM::cvLasso for an example
#' @param standardize should training and test sets be standardized?
#' @param returnSubsetParameters if set to TRUE, the parameter estimates of the individual cross-validation training sets will be returned
#' @param penalty string: name of the penalty used in the model
#' @param weights labeled vector with weights for each of the parameters in the
#' model.
#' @param tuningParameters data.frame with tuning parameter values
#' @param method which optimizer should be used? Currently implemented are ista
#' and glmnet. With ista, the control argument can be used to switch to related procedures
#' (currently gist).
#' @param modifyModel used to modify the lavaanModel. See ?modifyModel.
#' @param control used to control the optimizer. This element is generated with
#' the controlIsta() and controlGlmnet() functions.
#' @returns model of class cvRegularizedSEM
#' @keywords internal
.cvRegularizeSEMInternal <- function(lavaanModel,
inputArguments <- as.list(environment())
notes <- c("Notes:")
if(! method %in% c("ista", "glmnet"))
stop("Currently ony methods = 'ista' and methods = 'glmnet' are supported")
if(method == "glmnet" & !penalty %in% c("ridge", "lasso", "adaptiveLasso", "elasticNet", "scad", "cappedL1", "mcp", "lsp"))
"glmnet only supports the following penalty functions: ",
paste0(c("ridge", "lasso", "adaptiveLasso", "elasticNet", "scad", "cappedL1", "mcp", "lsp"), collapse = ", ")
if(method == "ista" && !is(control, "controlIsta"))
stop("control must be of class controlIsta. See ?controlIsta.")
if(method == "glmnet" && !is(control, "controlGlmnet"))
stop("control must be of class controlGlmnet See ?controlGlmnet")
if(method == "glmnet" && any(control$initialHessian == "lavaan")){
notes <- c(notes, "Switching initialHessian from 'lavaan' to 'compute'.")
control$initialHessian <- "compute"
if(!is(lavaanModel, "lavaan"))
stop("lavaanModel must be of class lavaan")
control$breakOuter <- .adaptBreakingForWls(lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
currentBreaking = control$breakOuter,
selectedDefault = ifelse(method == "ista",
control$breakOuter == controlIsta()$breakOuter,
control$breakOuter == controlGlmnet()$breakOuter
rawData <- try(.getRawData(lavaanModel, NULL, "fiml")$rawData)
if(is(rawData, "try-error"))
stop("Error while extracting raw data from lavaanModel. Please fit the model using the raw data set, not the covariance matrix.")
N <- nrow(rawData)
misc <- list()
# we have to set up the model once to find the parameters
tmpSEM <- .SEMFromLavaan(lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
whichPars = "est",
addMeans = modifyModel$addMeans,
activeSet = modifyModel$activeSet,
dataSet = modifyModel$dataSet,
transformations = modifyModel$transformations,
transformationList = modifyModel$transformationList,
transformationGradientStepSize = modifyModel$transformationGradientStepSize)
misc$estimator <- tmpSEM$getEstimator()
parameterLabels <- names(.getParameters(SEM = tmpSEM,
raw = TRUE,
transformations = FALSE))
# check if the data was standardized:
if(all(apply(rawData, 2, function(x) abs(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)) <= 1e-5)))
warning(paste0("It seems that you standardized your data before fitting your lavaan model. ",
"Note that this can undermine the results of the cross-validation due to dependencies between ",
"the subsets. Consider re-fitting your model with unstandardized data and use standardize = TRUE ",
"to automatically standardize the subsets.")
# create subsets
subsets <- k
if(!is.logical(subsets)) stop("k must be a matrix with booleans (TRUE, FALSE)")
if(nrow(subsets) != N) stop(paste0("k must have as many rows as there are subjects in your data set (", N, ")."))
k <- ncol(subsets)
subsets <- createSubsets(N = N, k = k)
if(penalty == "adaptiveLasso")
notes <- c(notes,
paste0("Automatic cross-validation for adaptiveLasso requested. ",
"Note that using weights which are based on the full sample ",
"may undermine cross-validation. If the default is used (weights = NULL), ",
"weights for each subset will be computed using the inverse of the absolute MLE. ",
"Alternatively, pass a matrix as weights argument with weights for each subset.")
cvfits <- data.frame(
cvfit = NA
cvfitsDetails <-,nrow = nrow(cvfits), ncol = k))
colnames(cvfitsDetails) <- paste0("testSet", 1:k)
cvfitsDetails <- cbind(
# Holger Brandl at
subsetParameters <- merge(tuningParameters,
trainSet = 1:k
subsetParameters <- cbind(
nrow = nrow(subsetParameters),
ncol = length(parameterLabels),
dimnames = list(NULL, parameterLabels)
subsetParameters <- data.frame(NA)
if(penalty == "adaptiveLasso"){
# save weights for inspection
misc$newWeights <- data.frame(
trainSet = 1:k)
misc$newWeights <- cbind(misc$newWeights,
nrow = k,
ncol = length(parameterLabels),
dimnames = list(NULL, parameterLabels)
for(s in 1:k){
cat("\n[",s, "/",k,"]\n")
control_s <- control
# we need to pass the subset as our data set;
# if scaling is used, this must also be applied here
trainSet <- rawData[!subsets[,s],,drop = FALSE]
testSet <- rawData[subsets[,s],,drop = FALSE]
if(!tolower(lavaanModel@Options$estimator) %in% c("ml", "fiml","mlm", "mlmv", "mlmvs", "mlf", "mlr"))
stop("Automatic standardization is currently only implemented for maximum likelihood estimation.")
if(sum(subsets[,s]) < 2 || sum(!subsets[,s]) < 2){
warning("Subsets too small for standardization Skipping standardization.")
# It is important to not scale the data prior to the splitting
# Otherwise the data sets are not truly independent!
notes <- c(notes,
"Using automatic standardization for cross-validation data sets."
trainSet <- scale(trainSet, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
means <- attr(trainSet, "scaled:center")
standardDeviations <- attr(trainSet, "scaled:scale")
testSet <- cvScaler(testSet = testSet,
means = means,
standardDeviations = standardDeviations)
# We update the lavaan models to set up our regularized model
if(tolower(lavaanModel@Options$estimator) %in% c("ml", "fiml","mlm", "mlmv", "mlmvs", "mlf", "mlr")){
# Note: lavaan will throw an error if N < p and missing != "ml", which we don't really care about
# in case of ml-estimation because N does not have to be larger than p. In fact,
# we can even use N = 1.
# See e.g., p. 334 in
# Voelkle, M. C., Oud, J. H. L., von Oertzen, T., & Lindenberger, U. (2012).
# Maximum Likelihood Dynamic Factor Modeling for Arbitrary N and T Using SEM.
# Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19(3), 329–350.
lavaanModelTrain <- lavaanModel
lavaanModelTest <- lavaanModel
# replace data
lavaanModelTrain@Data@X[[1]] <- as.matrix(trainSet)
lavaanModelTrain@Options$ <- FALSE # set to FALSE because otherwise lessSEM will
# try to compare the fit of the model using only the train set to the fit of the
# lavaanModelTrain, which was not fitted.
lavaanModelTest@Data@X[[1]] <- as.matrix(testSet)
lavaanModelTest@Options$ <- FALSE
# If any other estimator is used, we need lavaan to set up the weight
# matrices, etc for the WLS
lavaanModelTrain <- lavaanModelTest <- lavaanModel
lavaanModelTrain@Options$ <- FALSE
lavaanModelTest@Options$ <- FALSE
lavaanModelTrain <- suppressWarnings(.updateLavaan(lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
key = "data",
value = trainSet))
lavaanModelTest <- suppressWarnings(.updateLavaan(lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
key = "data",
value = testSet))
# check weights for adaptive Lasso
## option one: user provided weights
if(penalty == "adaptiveLasso" && is.numeric(weights)){
warning("Using the same weights for all cv folds.")
weights_s <- weights
if(is.matrix(weights) && nrow(weights) == k){
weights_s <- weights[s,]
stop("Could not set the weights. Expected either a vector or a matrix with k rows")
# option 2: the default
if(penalty == "adaptiveLasso" && is.character(weights)){
# weights are only specifying the names of the regularized parameters
# use default;
print(paste0("Computing new weights for sample ", s, "."))
control_s$startingValues <- "start" # will result in new weights
weights_s <- weights
if(penalty != "adaptiveLasso"){
weights_s <- weights
regularizedSEM_s <- .regularizeSEMInternal(lavaanModel = lavaanModelTrain,
penalty = penalty,
weights = weights_s,
tuningParameters = tuningParameters,
method = method,
modifyModel = modifyModel,
control = control_s
notes <- c(notes,
if(penalty == "adaptiveLasso"){
misc$newWeights[misc$newWeights$trainSet == s,
names(regularizedSEM_s@weights)] <- regularizedSEM_s@weights
for(ro in 1:nrow(tuningParameters)){
sel <- apply(subsetParameters[,colnames(tuningParameters)], 1, function(x) all(x == tuningParameters[ro,]))
sel <- sel & subsetParameters$trainSet == s
if(sum(sel) != 1) stop("Something went wrong while saving the subset parameters")
subsetParameters[sel,parameterLabels] <-
# to compute the out of sample fit, we also need a SEM with all individuals
# if the test set
SEM_s <- .SEMFromLavaan(
lavaanModel = lavaanModelTest,
whichPars = "start",
fit = FALSE,
addMeans = modifyModel$addMeans,
activeSet = modifyModel$activeSet,
transformations = modifyModel$transformations,
transformationList = modifyModel$transformationList
for(p in 1:nrow(regularizedSEM_s@parameters)){
SEM_s <- .setParameters(
SEM = SEM_s,
labels =
values = unlist(regularizedSEM_s@parameters[p,regularizedSEM_s@parameterLabels]),
raw = FALSE)
cvfitsDetails[p, paste0("testSet",s)] <- SEM_s$fit()
cvfits$cvfit <- apply(cvfitsDetails[,paste0("testSet",1:k)],1,sum)
# now, fit the full model
tp <- tuningParameters[which.min(cvfits$cvfit)[1],]
if(tolower(lavaanModel@Options$estimator) %in% c("ml", "fiml","mlm", "mlmv", "mlmvs", "mlf", "mlr"))
if(standardize) rawData <- scale(rawData)
modifyModel$dataSet <- rawData
modifyModel$dataSet <- NULL
regularizedSEM_full <- .regularizeSEMInternal(lavaanModel = lavaanModel,
penalty = penalty,
weights = weights_s,
tuningParameters = tp,
method = method,
modifyModel = modifyModel,
control = control
notes <- unique(notes)
if(length(notes) > 1){
transformations = regularizedSEM_full@transformations,
cvfits = cvfits,
parameterLabels = regularizedSEM_full@parameterLabels,
regularized = regularizedSEM_full@regularized,
cvfitsDetails = cvfitsDetails,
subsets = subsets,
subsetParameters = subsetParameters,
misc = misc,
notes = notes)
#' cvScaler
#' uses the means and standard deviations of the training set to standardize
#' the test set. See, e.g., .
#' @param testSet test data set
#' @param means means of the training set
#' @param standardDeviations standard deviations of the training set
#' @examples
#' library(lessSEM)
#' data <- matrix(rnorm(50),10,5)
#' cvScaler(testSet = data,
#' means = 1:5,
#' standardDeviations = 1:5)
#' @returns scaled test set
#' @export
cvScaler <- function(testSet, means, standardDeviations){
if(any(names(means) != colnames(testSet))) stop("Mismatch in names of means and testSet.")
if(any(names(standardDeviations) != colnames(testSet))) stop("Mismatch in names of standardDeviations and testSet.")
centered <- t(apply(testSet, 1, function(x) x-means))
scaled <- t(apply(centered, 1, function(x) x/standardDeviations))
colnames(scaled) <- colnames(testSet)
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