
Defines functions fftinterpolate.fromSPDF fftinterpolate.fromFunction fftinterpolate.fromXYZ fftinterpolate extendspatialAtRisk fftgrid

Documented in extendspatialAtRisk fftgrid fftinterpolate fftinterpolate.fromFunction fftinterpolate.fromSPDF fftinterpolate.fromXYZ

# FFT grid handling functions

##' fftgrid function
##' ! As of lgcp version 0.9-5, this function is no longer used !
##' \bold{Advanced use only.} Computes various quantities for use in \code{lgcpPredict},
##' \code{lgcpSim} .
##' @param xyt object of class stppp
##' @param M number of centroids in x-direction 
##' @param N number of centroids in y-direction
##' @param spatial an object of class spatialAtRisk
##' @param sigma scaling paramter for spatial covariance function, see Brix and Diggle (2001) 
##' @param phi scaling paramter for spatial covariance function, see Brix and Diggle (2001)
##' @param model correlation type see ?CovarianceFct
##' @param covpars vector of additional parameters for certain classes of covariance function (eg Matern), these must be supplied in the order given in ?CovarianceFct
##' @param inclusion criterion for cells being included into observation window. Either 'touching' or 'centroid'. The former includes all cells that touch the observation window, the latter includes all cells whose centroids are inside the observation window.
##' @return fft objects for use in MALA
##' @export

fftgrid <- function(xyt,M,N,spatial,sigma,phi,model,covpars,inclusion="touching"){

    study.region <- xyt$window
	del1 <- (study.region$xrange[2]-study.region$xrange[1])/M
	del2 <- (study.region$yrange[2]-study.region$yrange[1])/N 
	M.ext <- 2*M 	
	N.ext <- 2*N ##
	mcens <- study.region$xrange[1]+.5*del1+(0:(M.ext-1))*del1
	ncens <- study.region$yrange[1]+.5*del2+(0:(N.ext-1))*del2	
	cellArea.mat <- matrix(0,M.ext,N.ext)
	cellArea.mat[1:M,1:N] <- del1*del2
        cellInside <- inside.owin(x=sort(rep(mcens,N.ext)),y=rep(ncens,M.ext),w=study.region)
    else if(inclusion=="touching"){
        cellInside <- touchingowin(x=mcens,y=ncens,w=study.region)
        stop("Invlaid choice for argument 'inclusion'.")
	cellInside <- matrix(as.logical(cellInside),M.ext,N.ext,byrow=T)[1:M,1:N]
	cellInsideBIG <- matrix(0,M.ext,N.ext)
	cellInsideBIG[1:M,1:N][cellInside] <- 1
	spatialvals <- fftinterpolate(spatial,mcens,ncens)
	spatialvals <- spatialvals / (del1*del2*sum(spatialvals))
	#setting up axis-specific torus distance matrices
	d1il.mat <- matrix(NA,M.ext,M.ext)
	d2jk.mat <- matrix(NA,N.ext,N.ext)
	for(index in 1:M.ext){
	    abs.diff <- abs(mcens[index]-mcens)
	    tor.diff <- del1*M.ext - abs.diff
	    d1il.mat[index,] <- pmin(abs.diff,tor.diff)
	for(index in 1:N.ext){
	    abs.diff <- abs(ncens[index]-ncens)
	    tor.diff <- del2*N.ext - abs.diff
	    d2jk.mat[index,] <- pmin(abs.diff,tor.diff)
	C.tilde <- t(matrix(gu(u=d.func(mat1il=d1il.mat,mat2jk=d2jk.mat,i=1,j=1,l=sort(rep(1:M.ext,N.ext)),k=rep(1:N.ext,M.ext)),sigma=sigma,phi=phi,model=model,additionalparameters=covpars),N.ext,M.ext))
	LAM.tildefft <- Re(fft(C.tilde,inverse=T))
	eigs <-  Re(fft(C.tilde[1,]))

##' extendspatialAtRisk function
##' A function to extend a spatialAtRisk object, used in interpolating the fft grid NOTE THIS DOES NOT RETURN A PROPER spatialAtRisk OBJECT SINCE THE 
##' @param spatial a spatialAtRisk object inheriting class 'fromXYZ'
##' @return the spatialAtRisk object on a slightly larger grid, with zeros appearing outside the original extent.
##' @export

extendspatialAtRisk <- function(spatial){
        stop("spatial must inherit class 'fromXYZ'")
    NC <- attr(spatial,"NC")
    x <- xvals(spatial)
    y <- yvals(spatial)
    z <- zvals(spatial)
    dx <- diff(x[1:2])
    dy <- diff(y[1:2])
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)
    newx <- c(x[1]-dx*(1:nx),x,rev(x)[1]+dx*(1:nx))
    newy <- c(y[1]-dy*(1:ny),y,rev(y)[1]+dy*(1:ny))
    newz <- matrix(0,3*nx,3*ny)
    newz[(nx+1):(2*nx),(ny+1):(2*ny)] <- z
    sar <- spatialAtRisk(list(X=newx,Y=newy,Zm=newz))
    sar$Zm <- sar$Zm * attr(sar,"NC")

##' fftinterpolate function
##' Generic function used for computing interpolations used in the function \link{fftgrid}.
##' @param spatial an object
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return method fftinterpolate
##' @seealso \link{fftgrid}
##' @export

fftinterpolate <- function(spatial,...){

##' interpolate.fromXYZ function
##' This method performs interpolation within the function \code{fftgrid} for \code{fromXYZ} objects.
##' @method fftinterpolate fromXYZ
##' @param spatial objects of class spatialAtRisk
##' @param mcens x-coordinates of interpolation grid in extended space
##' @param ncens y-coordinates of interpolation grid in extended space
##' @param ext integer multiple by which grid should be extended, default is 2. Generally this will not need to be altered, but if the spatial correlation decays slowly, increasing 'ext' may be necessary.
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return matrix of interpolated values
##' @seealso \link{fftgrid}, \link{spatialAtRisk.fromXYZ}
##' @export

#fftinterpolate.fromXYZ <- function(spatial,mcens,ncens,ext,...){
#    spatial <- extendspatialAtRisk(spatial)
#    M.ext <- length(mcens)
#    N.ext <- length(ncens)
#    M <- M.ext/ext
#    N <- N.ext/ext
#	spatialvals <- matrix(0,M.ext,N.ext)
#    spatialextend <- spatial$Zm
#	spatialextend[is.na(spatialextend)] <- 0
#	sv <- interp.im(im(t(spatialextend),xcol=spatial$X,yrow=spatial$Y),rep(mcens[1:M],N),rep(ncens[1:N],each=M))
#	sv[is.na(sv)] <- 0
#	spatialvals[1:M,1:N] <- matrix(sv,M,N)
#	return(spatialvals)

fftinterpolate.fromXYZ  <- function(spatial,mcens,ncens,ext,...){

    spatial <- extendspatialAtRisk(spatial)
    spatial$Zm[is.na(spatial$Zm)] <- 0
    xv <- xvals(spatial)
    yv <- yvals(spatial)
    dx1 <- diff(xv[1:2])
    dy1 <- diff(yv[1:2])
    rasterspatial <- raster(t(spatial$Zm[,length(yv):1]),xmn=xv[1]-dx1/2,xmx=rev(xv)[1]+dx1/2,ymn=yv[1]-dy1/2,ymx=rev(yv)[1]+dy1/2)
    M.ext <- length(mcens)
    N.ext <- length(ncens)
    M <- M.ext/ext
    N <- N.ext/ext
    dx <- diff(mcens[1:2])
    dy <- diff(ncens[1:2])
        rasterspatial <- aggregate(rasterspatial,fact=ceiling(dx/dx1))
        rasterspatial <- disaggregate(rasterspatial,fact=ceiling(dx1/dx))
    tempraster <- raster(nrows=N,ncols=M,xmn=mcens[1]-dx/2,xmx=mcens[M]+dx/2,ymn=ncens[1]-dy/2,ymx=ncens[N]+dy/2)
    pro <- resample(rasterspatial,tempraster)
    zv <- t(raster::as.matrix(pro))[,N:1] # raster:: necessary here, else package will not check
	spatialvals <- matrix(0,M.ext,N.ext)
	spatialvals[1:M,1:N] <- zv

##' fftinterpolate.fromFunction function
##' This method performs interpolation within the function \code{fftgrid} for \code{fromFunction} objects.
##' @method fftinterpolate fromFunction
##' @param spatial objects of class spatialAtRisk
##' @param mcens x-coordinates of interpolation grid in extended space
##' @param ncens y-coordinates of interpolation grid in extended space
##' @param ext integer multiple by which grid should be extended, default is 2. Generally this will not need to be altered, but if the spatial correlation decays slowly, increasing 'ext' may be necessary.
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return matrix of interpolated values
##' @seealso \link{fftgrid}, \link{spatialAtRisk.function}
##' @export

fftinterpolate.fromFunction <- function(spatial,mcens,ncens,ext,...){
    M.ext <- length(mcens)
    N.ext <- length(ncens)
    M <- M.ext/ext
    N <- N.ext/ext
    spatialvals <- matrix(0,M.ext,N.ext)
    xyvals <- matrix(cbind(rep(mcens[1:M],N),rep(ncens[1:N],each=M)),M*N,2)
    interp <- apply(xyvals,1,function(pt){return(spatial$f(pt[1],pt[2]))})
    spatialvals[1:M,1:N] <- matrix(interp,M,N)

##' fftinterpolate.fromSPDF function
##' This method performs interpolation within the function \code{fftgrid} for \code{fromSPDF} objects.
##' @method fftinterpolate fromSPDF
##' @param spatial objects of class spatialAtRisk
##' @param mcens x-coordinates of interpolation grid in extended space
##' @param ncens y-coordinates of interpolation grid in extended space
##' @param ext integer multiple by which grid should be extended, default is 2. Generally this will not need to be altered, but if the spatial correlation decays slowly, increasing 'ext' may be necessary.
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @return matrix of interpolated values
##' @seealso \link{fftgrid}, \link{spatialAtRisk.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame}
##' @export

fftinterpolate.fromSPDF<- function(spatial,mcens,ncens,ext,...){
    M.ext <- length(mcens)
    N.ext <- length(ncens)
    M <- M.ext/ext
    N <- N.ext/ext
    spatialvals <- matrix(0,M.ext,N.ext)
    xyvals <- SpatialPoints(matrix(cbind(rep(mcens[1:M],N),rep(ncens[1:N],each=M)),M*N,2))
    #EJP: interp <- overlay(spatial$spdf,xyvals)$atrisk    
    interp <- over(xyvals, spatial$spdf)$atrisk   
    spatialvals[1:M,1:N] <- matrix(interp,M,N)
    spatialvals[is.na(spatialvals)] <- 0

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