
Defines functions GFreturnvalue.dump2dir GFreturnvalue.nullFunction GFfinalise.dump2dir GFfinalise.nullFunction GFupdate.dump2dir GFupdate.nullFunction GFinitialise.dump2dir GFinitialise.nullFunction print.dump2dir dump2dir nullFunction GFreturnvalue GFfinalise GFupdate GFinitialise

Documented in dump2dir GFfinalise GFfinalise.dump2dir GFfinalise.nullFunction GFinitialise GFinitialise.dump2dir GFinitialise.nullFunction GFreturnvalue GFreturnvalue.dump2dir GFreturnvalue.nullFunction GFupdate GFupdate.dump2dir GFupdate.nullFunction nullFunction print.dump2dir

# Generic functions for the class gridFunction    

##' GFinitialise function
##' Generic function defining the the initialisation step for the \code{gridFunction} class of objects. 
##' The function is called invisibly within \code{MALAlgcp} and facilitates the dumping of data to disk
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments  
##' @return method GFinitialise
##' @seealso \link{setoutput}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue} 
##' @export

GFinitialise <- function(F,...){

##' GFupdate function
##' Generic function defining the the update step for the \code{gridFunction} class of objects. 
##' The function is called invisibly within \code{MALAlgcp} and facilitates the dumping of data to disk
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments  
##' @return method GFupdate
##' @seealso \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFupdate <- function(F,...){

##' GFfinalise function
##' Generic function defining the the finalisation step for the \code{gridFunction} class of objects. 
##' The function is called invisibly within \code{MALAlgcp} and facilitates the dumping of data to disk
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments  
##' @return method GFfinalise
##' @seealso \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFfinalise <- function(F,...){

##' GFreturnvalue function
##' Generic function defining the the returned value for the \code{gridFunction} class of objects. 
##' The function is called invisibly within \code{MALAlgcp} and facilitates the dumping of data to disk
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments  
##' @return method GFreturnvalue
##' @seealso \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}
##' @export

GFreturnvalue <- function(F,...){

# Functions to facilitate dumping of mcmc output to a directory

##' nullFunction function
##' This is a null function and performs no action.
##' @return object of class nullFunction
##' @seealso \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

nullFunction <- function(){
    obj <- "NULL"
    class(obj) <- c("nullFunction","gridFunction")

##' dump2dir function
##' This function, when set by the \code{gridfunction} argument of \link{setoutput}, in turn called by the argument 
##' \code{output.control} of \code{lgcpPredict} facilitates the dumping of data to disk. Data is dumped to a
##' netCDF file, \code{simout.nc}, stored in the directory specified by the user. If the directory does not exist, 
##' then it will be created. Since the requested data dumped to disk may be very large in a run of \code{lgcpPredict}, 
##' by default, the user is prompted as to whether to proceed with prediction, this can be turned off by setting 
##' the option \code{forceSave=TRUE} detailed here. To save space, or increase the number of simulations that can be
##' stored for a fixed disk space the option to only save the last time point is also available (\code{lastonly=TRUE}, 
##' which is the default setting).
##' @param dirname character vector of length 1 containing the name of the directory to create
##' @param lastonly only save output from time T? (see ?lgcpPredict for definition of T)
##' @param forceSave option to override display of menu
##' @return object of class dump2dir
##' @seealso \link{setoutput}, \ \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

dump2dir <- function(dirname,lastonly=TRUE,forceSave=FALSE){
        stop("dirname must have length 1")
    obj <- list()
    if (substr(dirname,nchar(dirname),nchar(dirname))!="/"){
        dirname <- paste(dirname,"/",sep="")
    obj$dirname <- path.expand(dirname)
    obj$lastonly <- lastonly
    obj$forceSave <- forceSave
    obj$runid <- as.numeric(Sys.time())
    dumpidx <- 0
    incridx <- function(){
        dumpidx <<- dumpidx + 1
    retidx <- function(){
    obj$incr <- incridx
    obj$ret <- retidx
    class(obj) <- c("dump2dir","gridFunction")

##' print.dump2dir function
##' Display function for dump2dir objects.
##' @method print dump2dir
##' @param x an object of class dump2dir    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return nothing
##' @seealso \link{dump2dir}, 
##' @export

print.dump2dir <- function(x,...){
    cat("dump2dir object.\n")
    cat(paste("           Run ID: ",x$runid,"\n",sep=""))
    cat(paste("        Last only? ",x$lastonly,"\n",sep=""))
    cat(paste("        Directory: ",x$dirname,"\n",sep=""))

##' GFinitialise.nullFunction function
##' This is a null function and performs no action.
##' @method GFinitialise nullFunction
##' @param F an object of class dump2dir    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return nothing
##' @seealso \link{nullFunction}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFinitialise.nullFunction <- function(F,...){

##' GFinitialise.dump2dir function
##' Creates a directory (if necessary) and allocates space for a netCDF dump.
##' @method GFinitialise dump2dir
##' @param F an object of class dump2dir    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return creates initialisation file and folder
##' @seealso \link{dump2dir}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFinitialise.dump2dir <- function(F,...){
    # Create directory for dumping files
    runid <- F$runid
    gridsize <- c(get("M",envir=parent.frame()),get("N",envir=parent.frame()),length(get("temporal.fitted",envir=parent.frame())))
    mLoop <- get("mcmcloop",envir=parent.frame())
    nsamp <- floor((mLoop$N-mLoop$burnin)/mLoop$thin)
    fn <- paste(F$dirname,"simulationinfo.RData",sep="")
    # now prepare and open the netcdf file
    M <-get("M",envir=parent.frame())
    N <-get("N",envir=parent.frame())
    tlen <- length(get("temporal.fitted",envir=parent.frame()))
    nlevs <- get("nlevs",envir=parent.frame())
    MTmode <- get("MultiTypeMode",envir=parent.frame())
    fn <- paste(F$dirname,"simout.nc",sep="")  
    x <- ncdim_def( "X", "x coordinates", 1:M) 
    y <- ncdim_def( "Y", "y coordinates", 1:N)
    if (F$lastonly){
        t <- ncdim_def( "T", "time index", 1) 
        t <- ncdim_def( "T", "time index", 1:tlen) 
    iter <- ncdim_def( "iter", "iteration", 1:nsamp)
        proc <- ncdim_def( "P", "processes", 1:(nlevs+1)) # gives space for one common field and 'nlevs' other fields
        sout <- ncvar_def("simrun","none", list(x,y,t,proc,iter), missval=1.e30,prec="double")
        sout <- ncvar_def("simrun","none", list(x,y,t,iter), missval=1.e30,prec="double")
    ncdata <- nc_create(fn,sout) # allocates the disk space to be written
    cat(paste("Netcdf file: ",fn," created\n",sep=""))

##' GFupdate.nullFunction function
##' This is a null function and performs no action.
##' @method GFupdate nullFunction
##' @param F an object of class dump2dir    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return nothing
##' @seealso \link{nullFunction}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFupdate.nullFunction <- function(F,...){

##' GFupdate.dump2dir function
##' This function gets the required information from \code{MALAlgcp} and writes the data to the netCDF file.
##' @method GFupdate dump2dir
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return saves latent field
##' @seealso \link{dump2dir}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFupdate.dump2dir <- function(F,...){
    mLoop <- get("mcmcloop",envir=parent.frame())
    nsamp <- floor((mLoop$N-mLoop$burnin)/mLoop$thin)
    runid <- F$runid
    M <- get("M",envir=parent.frame())
    N <- get("N",envir=parent.frame())
    tfit <- get("temporal.fitted",envir=parent.frame())
    tlen <- length(tfit)
    ncdata <- nc_open(paste(F$dirname,"simout.nc",sep=""),write=TRUE)
            Y <- list(get("oldtags",envir=parent.frame())$Y[1:M,1:N])
                Y <- list(get("GP",envir=parent.frame())$Y[1:M,1:N])
            else if(get("SpatialPlusParameters",envir=parent.frame())&get("MultiTypeMode",envir=parent.frame())){
                Y <- list(get("Y",envir=parent.frame())[1:M,1:N,])
                nfields <- dim(Y[[length(Y)]])[3]
                stop("unidentified MCMC method in GFupdate.dump2dir")            
    else{ # in spatiotemporal mode
            Y <- get("GP",envir=parent.frame())$Y
            Y <- lapply(Y,function(x){x[1:M,1:N]})
            Y <- get("oldtags",envir=parent.frame())$Y
            Y <- lapply(Y,function(x){x[1:M,1:N]})

    if (F$lastonly){
        for (i in 1:tlen){ 

##' GFfinalise.nullFunction function
##' This is a null function and performs no action. 
##' @method GFfinalise nullFunction
##' @param F an object of class dump2dir    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return nothing
##' @seealso \link{nullFunction}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFfinalise.nullFunction <- function(F,...){

##' GFfinalise.dump2dir function
##' This function finalises the dumping of data to a netCDF file.
##' @method GFfinalise dump2dir
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return nothing
##' @seealso \link{dump2dir}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFfinalise.dump2dir <- function(F,...){

##' GFreturnvalue.nullFunction function
##' This is a null function and performs no action. 
##' @method GFreturnvalue nullFunction
##' @param F an object of class dump2dir    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return nothing
##' @seealso \link{nullFunction}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFreturnvalue.nullFunction <- function(F,...){

##' GFreturnvalue.dump2dir function
##' This function returns the name of the directory the netCDF file was written to.
##' @method GFreturnvalue dump2dir
##' @param F an object    
##' @param ... additional arguments 
##' @return display where files have been written to
##' @seealso \link{dump2dir}, \link{setoutput}, \link{GFinitialise}, \link{GFupdate}, \link{GFfinalise}, \link{GFreturnvalue}
##' @export

GFreturnvalue.dump2dir <- function(F,...){
    cat(paste("Files written to ",F$dirname,"\n",sep=""))

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lgcp documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 5:08 p.m.