#' Merge a list of lists into one list
#' @description merges list of lists specifying source and variables from each
#' source into one list
#' @param list_of_lists list of lists, each with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @return one list, with structure list(source1 = c(var1, var2),
#' source2 = c(var3, var4)),
#' where variables from the same source have been grouped in that
#' source's sublist
#' @export
#' @examples
#' variables = list("fitbit_intraday" = c("steps"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration"),
#' "util" = c("day_of_week", "day_type", "month"))
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" = c("distance", "restingHeartRate"))
#' all_variables <- merge_lists(list(variables, measures))
merge_lists <- function(list_of_lists){
merged_list = list()
existing_sources = list()
for (l in list_of_lists){
sources <- names(l)
for (source in sources){
if(source %in% existing_sources){
merged_list[[source]] <- c(merged_list[[source]], l[[source]])
else {
merged_list[[source]] <- l[[source]]
existing_sources <- c(existing_sources, source)
#' Do the specified analysis of the impact of the variables on the measure
#' @description Performs the analysis specified on the variables (X) and
#' measures (Y).
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param variables list of variables in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param measures list of measures in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param analysis list of ways in which to analyze the relationship between
#' each variable and each measure - options are "plot",
#' "correlation", "anova", "compare_groups", "regression"
#' @param time_var the time variable that variables and measures are
#' observed in (time, date, or datetime)
#' @return NULL - results of analysis chosen are printed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' experiment(person = EX, variables = list("fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration"),
#' "util" = c("day_of_week")),
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" =
#' c("restingHeartRate")),
#' analysis = c("plot"), time_var = c("date"))
experiment <- function(person, variables, measures,
analysis = c("plot", "correlation",
"anova", "compare_groups", "regression"),
time_var) {
# create dataset
dataset <- create_dataset(person, all_variables = merge_lists(list(variables,
time_var = time_var)
# call the type of analysis requested
for (type in analysis){
"plot" = l_plot(dataset, person, variables, measures, time_var),
"correlation" = correlation(dataset, person, variables, measures,
"anova" = l_anova(dataset, person, variables, measures, time_var),
"compare_groups" = compare_groups(dataset, person, variables,
"regression" = l_regression(dataset, person, variables, measures,
stop("your type of analysis did not match an available options")
#' Creates a dataset across data sources in a Person object
#' @description Joins all variables (across sources) by time_var into one
#' dataframe, which is returned
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param all_variables list of variables in person to join, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param time_var the time variable to join the datasets across (time, date,
#' or datetime)
#' as a character
#' @return one dataframe with all variables in all_variables, joined by time_var
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' dataset <- create_dataset(person = EX,
#' all_variables = list("util" = c("month"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("steps")),
#' time_var = c("date"))
create_dataset <- function(person, all_variables, time_var){
stop("time_var must be 'time', 'date', or 'datetime'")
if(!(time_var %in% c("time", "date", "datetime"))){
stop("time_var must be 'time', 'date', or 'datetime'")
all_dfs <- list()
# for each source (name of a df), grab columns from that source + time_var
for (source in names(all_variables)){
all_dfs[[source]] <-
person[[source]][, c(time_var, all_variables[[source]])]
dataset <- Reduce(function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE, by = time_var),
#' Plot each variable vs each measure of interest
#' @description Plots each variable vs each measure listed. Can pass in a
#' dataset from create_dataset, or function calls create_dataset itself.
#' @param dataset dataset from create_dataset that contains all variables
#' and measures of interest
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param variables list of variables in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param measures list of measures in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param time_var the time variable that variables and measures are
#' observed in (time, date, or datetime) - only needed if
#' dataset is not passed in
#' @return NULL - plots for each variable vs each measure are printed
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' l_plot(person = EX, variables = list("fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration",
#' "steps", "distance"),
#' "util" = c("day_of_week", "day_type")),
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" = c("restingHeartRate")),
#' time_var = c("date"))
#' dataset <- create_dataset(person = EX, all_variables = list(
#' "util" = c("month"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("steps")),
#' time_var = c("date"))
#' l_plot(dataset, person = EX, variables = list("util" = c("month")),
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" = c("steps")))
l_plot <- function(dataset = NA, person, variables, measures, time_var = NA) {
# plot each variable against each measure
if (!{
dataset <- create_dataset(person, all_variables = merge_lists(
list(variables, measures)),
time_var = time_var)
for (meas.source in names(measures)) {
for (measure in measures[[meas.source]]) {
for (var.source in names(variables)) {
for (variable in variables[[var.source]]) {
print(ggplot2::ggplot(dataset) +
ggplot2::aes_string(x = variable, y = measure) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::ggtitle(paste(variable, "vs", measure)))
#' Correlation between each variable vs each measure
#' @description Prints and returns Pearson's correlation between each variable
#' and each measure listed. Can pass in a
#' dataset from create_dataset, or function calls create_dataset itself.
#' @param dataset dataset from create_dataset that contains all variables
#' and measures of interest
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param variables list of variables in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param measures list of measures in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param time_var the time variable that variables and measures are
#' observed in (time, date, or datetime) - only needed if
#' dataset is not passed in
#' @return Pearson's correlation between each variable and each measure
#' @section Note:
#' `correlation` uses "pairwise.complete.obs", which only computes the
#' correlation between all complete pairs of observations.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' dataset <- create_dataset(person = EX,
#' all_variables = list("fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration",
#' "steps")),
#' time_var = c("date"))
#' correlation_df <- correlation(dataset, person = EX,
#' variables = list("fitbit_daily" =
#' c("sleepDuration")),
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" = c("steps")),
#' time_var = "date")
correlation <- function(dataset = NA, person, variables, measures,
time_var = NA){
if (!{
dataset <- create_dataset(person, all_variables = merge_lists(
list(variables, measures)),
time_var = time_var)
pearson_corr <- cor(dataset[, unlist(variables)], dataset[, unlist(measures)],
method = "pearson",
use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
#' ANOVA test to assess impact of all variables (together) upon each measure
#' @description Prints and returns ANOVA test on all variables and
#' interactions for each measure. Can pass in a
#' dataset from create_dataset, or function calls create_dataset itself.
#' @param dataset dataset from create_dataset that contains all variables
#' and measures of interest
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param variables list of variables in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param measures list of measures in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param time_var the time variable that variables and measures are
#' observed in (time, date, or datetime) - only needed if
#' dataset is not passed in
#' @return list of ANOVAs for each measure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' dataset <- create_dataset(person = EX,
#' all_variables = list("util" = c("day_of_week"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration",
#' "steps",
#' "restingHeartRate")),
#' time_var = c("date"))
#' all_anovas <- l_anova(dataset, person = EX, variables = list("util" = c("day_of_week"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration",
#' "steps")),
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" = c("restingHeartRate")))
l_anova <- function(dataset = NA, person, variables, measures, time_var = NA){
anovas <- list()
if (!{
dataset <- create_dataset(person, all_variables = merge_lists(list(variables,
time_var = time_var)
measures_flat <- unlist(measures)
variables_flat <- unlist(variables)
# for each measure, fit linear model with interactions, run anova
for (i in 1:length(measures_flat)) {
f <- paste0(measures_flat[[i]], " ~ ",
"(", paste(variables_flat, collapse = " + "), ")^2")
lin_model <-"lm", list(as.formula(f), data ="dataset")))
lin_anova <- anova(lin_model)
anovas <- c(anovas, lin_anova)
#' Prints statistics on dataset, grouped by group assignments
#' @description Groups the dataset by each group assignment named in
#' names_of_groupings (must be found in person$groupings,
#' or passed in as a dataframe
#' in the list of addl_grouping_assignments). Prints statistics by group.
#' @param dataset dataset from create_dataset that contains all variables
#' and measures of interest
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param names_of_groupings names of groupings to test (default is groupings
#' in person$groupings)
#' @param addl_grouping_assignments list of named dataframes, where each data
#' frame provides a mapping from a value of a
#' specified variable to group on to the group
#' assignment for observations with that value
#' for that variable
#' @param variables_to_compare variables to print grouped statistics on
#' @return NULL - prints statistics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' dataset <- create_dataset(person = EX, all_variables = list("util" = c("month"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration", "steps",
#' "restingHeartRate")), time_var = c("date"))
#' indiv_months <- data.frame("month"= c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May",
#' "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct",
#' "Nov", "Dec"),
#' "group" = c(1:12))
#'compare_groups(dataset, person = EX,
#' addl_grouping_assignments = list("indiv_months" = indiv_months),
#' names_of_groupings = c("indiv_months"),
#' variables_to_compare = c("steps", "restingHeartRate"))
compare_groups <- function(dataset, person, names_of_groupings = NA,
addl_grouping_assignments = NA, variables_to_compare){
if (all( {
names_of_groupings <- names(person$groupings)
# append addl_grouping_assignments to person's grouping assignments
all_group_maps <- c(person$groupings, addl_grouping_assignments)
# From the dataset, keep the variables to compare, join on each groupings
# assignment with the column labeled by the groupings name
for (grouping in names_of_groupings){
# join this grouping onto the dataset
merge_var <- names(all_group_maps[[grouping]])[names(all_group_maps[[grouping]]) != "group"]
g_dataset <- merge(dataset, all_group_maps[[grouping]], by = merge_var)
# for each variable in variables to compare
group_stats <- function(variable){
print(dplyr::summarise_(dplyr::group_by(g_dataset, group),
mean = lazyeval::interp(~mean(v), v =,
sd = lazyeval::interp(~sd(v), v =
lapply(variables_to_compare, group_stats)
#' Performs linear regression with all variables and interactions upon each measure
#' @description Prints and returns linear regression on all variables and
#' interactions for each measure. Can pass in a
#' dataset from create_dataset, or function calls create_dataset itself.
#' @param dataset dataset from create_dataset that contains all variables
#' and measures of interest
#' @param person an instantiated Person object
#' @param variables list of variables in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param measures list of measures in person of interest, with structure
#' list(source1 = c(var1, var2), source2 = c(var3, var4))
#' where source is a source of data as defined in a Person
#' object, and var1 and var2 are variables from source1,
#' while var3 and var4 are variables from source2
#' @param time_var the time variable that variables and measures are
#' observed in (time, date, or datetime) - only needed if dataset
#' is not passed in
#' @return list of linear models for each measure
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(EX)
#' dataset <- create_dataset(person = EX,
#' all_variables = list("util" = c("day_of_week"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration",
#' "steps",
#' "restingHeartRate")),
#' time_var = c("date"))
#' all_models <- l_regression(dataset, person = EX, variables = list("util" = c("day_of_week"),
#' "fitbit_daily" = c("sleepDuration",
#' "steps")),
#' measures = list("fitbit_daily" = c("restingHeartRate")))
l_regression <- function(dataset = NA, person, variables, measures,
time_var = NA){
if (!{
dataset <- create_dataset(person, all_variables = merge_lists(list(variables,
time_var = time_var)
models <- list()
measures_flat <- unlist(measures)
variables_flat <- unlist(variables)
# for each measure, fit linear model with interactions, run anova
for (i in 1:length(measures_flat)) {
f <- paste0(measures_flat[[i]], " ~ ",
"(", paste(variables_flat, collapse=" + "), ")^2", sep="")
lin_model <-"lm", list(as.formula(f), data ="dataset")))
models <- c(models, lin_model)
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