
test_that("svd works", {
  dtm <- matrix(rpois(100, 1), 10)
  colnames(dtm) <- letters[1:10]
  lss <- lma_lspace(dtm)
    lma_simets(lma_lspace(dtm, lma_lspace(dtm)), "cos") -
      lma_simets(lma_lspace(dtm, keep.dim = TRUE), "cos") < 1e-13
    lma_simets(lma_lspace(dtm, lma_lspace(dtm, dim.cutoff = .1)), "can") -
      lma_simets(lma_lspace(dtm, dim.cutoff = .1, keep.dim = TRUE), "can") < 1e-13

dir <- path.expand("~/Latent Semantic Spaces")
map <- paste0(dir, "/lma_term_map.rda")
files <- list.files(dir, "\\.dat$", full.names = TRUE)
  is.null(dir) || !dir.exists(dir) || !file.exists(map) ||
    !length(files), "embeddings files not downloaded"

spaces <- select.lspace()
names <- gsub("^.+/|\\.dat$", "", files)
name <- names[which(names %in% rownames(spaces$info))[1]]

skip_if(is.na(name), "no recognized .dat file")

terms <- names(which(spaces$term_map[, name] != 0))[1:5000]
space <- matrix(scan(
  paste0(dir, "/", name, ".dat"),
  nlines = 5000,
  quiet = TRUE, quote = "", comment.char = "", na.strings = ""
), 5000, spaces$info[name, "dimensions"], byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(terms))

test_that("random reads align", {
  sel <- sample(terms, 1000)
  read_c <- as.numeric(lma_lspace(sel, name))
  read_r <- lma_lspace(sel, name, use.scan = TRUE)
  expect_equal(read_c, as.numeric(read_r))
  expect_equal(read_c, as.numeric(space[sel, ]))

texts <- vapply(seq_len(50), function(d) {
  paste0(c(sample(c("aaaa", "bbbb"), 1), sample(
    terms, sample(100, 1), TRUE,
    prob = sort(rbeta(length(terms), .01, 1), TRUE)
  )), collapse = " ")
}, "")
dtm <- lma_dtm(texts)

test_that("mapping works", {
  overlap <- colnames(dtm)[colnames(dtm) %in% terms]
  mapped <- lma_lspace(dtm, name)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(mapped), as.numeric(dtm[, overlap] %*% space[overlap, ]))
  mapped_sim <- as.numeric(lma_simets(mapped, "cosine"))
  expect_equal(mapped_sim, as.numeric(lingmatch(dtm, space = name)$sim))
  expect_equal(mapped_sim, as.numeric(lingmatch(texts, space = space)$sim))
  expect_equal(mapped_sim, as.numeric(lingmatch(dtm, space = space)$sim))
  expect_equal(mapped_sim, as.numeric(lingmatch(mapped, space = space)$sim))
  expect_identical(space, lma_lspace(name)[1:5000, ])

test_that("fill.missing works", {
  terms <- sample(c(rownames(spaces$term_map)[1:100], rep("xxxx", 100)), 100)
  compact <- lma_lspace(terms, name)
  filled <- lma_lspace(terms, name, fill.missing = TRUE)
  filled_map <- lma_lspace(terms, name, term.map = spaces$term_map, fill.missing = TRUE)
  filled_scan <- lma_lspace(terms, name, fill.missing = TRUE, use.scan = TRUE)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(compact), as.numeric(filled[rownames(compact), ]))
  expect_equal(filled, filled_map)
  expect_equal(filled, filled_scan)

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lingmatch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:48 a.m.