
test_that("it returns the input if less than the max", {
  expect_identical(lintr:::trim_output(character()), character())
  expect_identical(lintr:::trim_output("test", max = 10L), "test")

test_that("it returns the input trimmed strictly to max if no lints found", {
  expect_identical(lintr:::trim_output("testing a longer non_lint string", max = 7L), "testing")

test_that("it returns the input trimmed to the last full lint if one exists within the max", {
  t1 <- readChar(test_path("lints"), file.size(test_path("lints")))
  if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
    # Magic numbers expect newlines to be 1 character
    t1 <- gsub("\r\n", "\n", t1, fixed = TRUE)
  expect_identical(lintr:::trim_output(t1, max = 200L), substr(t1, 1L, 195L))
  expect_identical(lintr:::trim_output(t1, max = 400L), substr(t1, 1L, 380L))
  expect_identical(lintr:::trim_output(t1, max = 2000L), substr(t1, 1L, 1930L))

test_that("as.data.frame.lints", {
  l1 <- Lint(
    line_number = 1L,
    type = "style",
    message = "",
    line = ""

  # A minimum lint
  expect_s3_class(l1, "lint")
  expect_type(l1, "list")

  # A larger lint
  l2 <- Lint(
    line_number = 2L,
    column_number = 6L,
    type = "error",
    message = "Under no circumstances is the use of foobar allowed.",
    line = "a <- 1",
    ranges = list(c(1L, 2L), c(6L, 7L))
  expect_s3_class(l2, "lint")

    Lint("dummy.R", linter = "deprecated"),
    regexp = "deprecated",
    fixed = TRUE

  # Convert lints to data.frame
  lints <- list(l1, l2)
  class(lints) <- "lints"
  df <- as.data.frame(lints)
  expect_s3_class(df, "data.frame")

  exp <- data.frame(
    filename = rep("dummy.R", 2L),
    line_number = c(1L, 2L),
    column_number = c(1L, 6L),
    type = c("style", "error"),
    message = c("", "Under no circumstances is the use of foobar allowed."),
    line = c("", "a <- 1"),
    linter = c(NA_character_, NA_character_), # These are assigned in lint() now.
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

  expect_identical(df, exp)

test_that("summary.lints() works (no lints)", {
  no_lints <- lint("x <- 1\n", linters = assignment_linter())
  no_lint_summary <- summary(no_lints)
  expect_s3_class(no_lint_summary, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(no_lint_summary), 0L)

test_that("summary.lints() works (lints found)", {
  has_lints <- lint("x = 1\n", linters = assignment_linter())
  has_lint_summary <- summary(has_lints)

  expect_s3_class(has_lint_summary, "data.frame")
  expect_identical(nrow(has_lint_summary), 1L)
  expect_gt(has_lint_summary$style, 0L)
  expect_identical(has_lint_summary$warning, 0L)
  expect_identical(has_lint_summary$error, 0L)

test_that("print.lint works", {
  # don't treat \t as width-1, #528
  l <- Lint(
    filename = "tmp", line_number = 1L, column_number = 3L,
    type = "warning", message = "this is a lint",
    line = c(`1` = "\t\t1:length(x)"), ranges = list(c(3L, 3L))
  expect_output(print(l), "  1:length(x)", fixed = TRUE)

test_that("print.lint works for inline data, even in RStudio", {

  l <- lint("x = 1\n")

  # Make sure lints print to console.
  # The full output is:
  # > <text>:1:3: style: Use <-, not =, for assignment.
  # > x = 1
  # >   ^

    list(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE),
    expect_output(print(l), "not =")

  mockery::stub(print.lints, "rstudioapi::hasFun", function(...) FALSE)
    list(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = TRUE),
    expect_output(print(l), "not =")

test_that("print.lints works", {
  withr::local_options(lintr.rstudio_source_markers = FALSE)

  tmp <- withr::local_tempfile()

test_that("split.lint works as intended", {
  tmp <- withr::local_tempfile(lines = c("1:nrow(x)", "1:ncol(x)"))
  l <- lint(tmp, seq_linter())
  expect_true(all(vapply(split(l), inherits, logical(1L), "lints")))

test_that("within.list is dispatched", {
  l <- lint(text = "a=1\nb=2", linters = infix_spaces_linter())
    # nolint next: implicit_assignment_linter. Workaround is pretty horrid.
    l <- lapply(l, within, line_number <- line_number + 1L)
  expect_identical(vapply(l, `[[`, integer(1L), "line_number"), 2L:3L)

test_that("as_tibble.list is _not_ dispatched directly", {

  lints <- lint(text = "a = 1", linters = assignment_linter())
  expect_identical(nrow(tibble::as_tibble(lints)), 1L)

test_that("as.data.table.list is _not_ dispatched directly", {

  lints <- lint(text = "a = 1", linters = assignment_linter())
  expect_identical(nrow(data.table::as.data.table(lints)), 1L)

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lintr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:31 a.m.