
Defines functions qtl.analysis

Documented in qtl.analysis

#' Performs a balanced population QTL mapping analysis.
#' Performs a balanced population QTL mapping analysis through
#' marker-regression (Haley and Knott 1992; Martinez and Curnow 1992).
#' This function could use any of the following populations: double haploid,
#' F2, recombinant inbred lines, back-cross, and 4-way crosses.
#' Performs a Single Marker Analysis, a Single Interval Mapping, or a Composite
#' Interval Mapping analysis, and then constructs a final model with of
#' relevant QTL. This function is for single environment single trait QTL
#' mapping.
#' @usage qtl.analysis(crossobj = crossobj, trait = "pred", step, method,
#'        threshold,distance,cofactors, window.size = 50)
#' @param crossobj An object of class = cross obtained from the qtl.cross
#' function from this package, or the read.cross function from r/qtl package
#' (Broman and Sen, 2009).This file contains phenotypic means, genotypic
#' marker score, and genetic map data.
#' @param trait Column name for the phenotypic trait to be analyzed.
#' @param step	Maximum distance (in cM) between positions at which the genotype
#' probabilities are calculated, though for step = 0, probabilities are
#' calculated only at the marker locations.
#' @param method "SIM" or "CIM" for simple interval (SIM) or
#' composite interval mapping (CIM).
#' @param threshold	Threshold cut-of for multi-comparison correction.
#' Value could be either a set threshold or "Li&Ji". If a fixed threshold is
#' desired, a numerical value representing the alpha level should be indicated.
#' If the threshold is set to "Li&Ji", the threshold is estimated through a
#' bonferroni correction based on the effective number of markers
#' (Li and Ji, 2005). The effective number of markers is calculated based on a
#' singular value decomposition of the molecular marker matrix and the
#' Tracy-Widom statistic (Li and Ji, 2005).
#' @param distance To avoid co-linearity, nearby markers are not allowed in the
#' same model. This is the minimum distance within which two markers are
#' allowed to stay in the model.
#' @param cofactors Vector of genetic predictors to be used as cofactors.
#' @param window.size	To avoid co-linearity, marker cofactors close to the
#' markers being tested are not allowed in the model. This is the minimum
#' distance to allow a co-factor when testing for a specific marker. Given the
#' resolution of common QTL studies, it is recommended to use a large
#' window.size (i.e. 50 cM). The default is set to 50 cM.
#' @return A list of two elements: all, a data-frame containing the markers,
#' map positions, and p-values from the marker-trait test for association for
#' all markers in the data-set; and selected, a data-frame containing selected
#' markers (i.e. putative QTL, selected based on their p-value), their map
#' position, and the p-values from the marker-trait test for association.
#' This is also written as a report to qtl_reports.
#' A profile-plot is created showing the -log(p-value) against the map position.
#' @references Broman KW, Sen S (2009) A Guide to QTL Mapping with R/qtl.
#'            Springer, New York
#'            Haley CS, Knott SA (1992) A simple regression method for mapping
#'            quantitative trait loci in line crosses using flanking markers.
#'            Heredity, 69: 315-324
#'            Li J, Ji L (2005) Adjusting multiple testing in multilocus
#'            analyses using the eigenvalues of a correlation matrix.
#'            Heredity, 95: 221-227.
#'            Martinez O, Curnow RN (1992) Estimating the locations and the
#'            sizes of the effects of quantitative trait loci using flanking
#'            markers. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 85(4): 480-488
#' @author Lucia Gutierrez
#' @details "SIM" or "CIM" could be perform.
#' @note For multi-trait or multi-environment see qtl.memq
#' @seealso qtl.cross mq.diagnostics and pq.diagnostics
#' @import qtl
#' @import lme4
#' @import lattice
#' @import graphics
#' @import utils
#' @import grDevices
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data (DHpop_pheno)
#' data (DHpop_geno)
#' data (DHpop_map)
#' G.data <- DHpop_geno
#' map.data <- DHpop_map
#' P.data <- DHpop_pheno
#' cross.data <- qtl.cross (P.data, G.data, map.data, cross='dh',
#'                          heterozygotes=FALSE)
#' summary (cross.data)
#' QTL.result <- qtl.analysis (crossobj=cross.data,step=0,
#' method='SIM', trait="height", threshold="Li&Ji", distance=30, cofactors=NULL,
#' window.size=30)
#' QTL.result <- qtl.analysis ( crossobj=cross.data, step=5,
#' method='SIM',trait="height", threshold="Li&Ji",
#' distance=30,cofactors=NULL,window.size=30)
#' cofactors <- as.vector (QTL.result$selected$marker)
#' QTL.result <- qtl.analysis ( crossobj=cross.data, step=5,
#' method='CIM', trait="height", threshold="Li&Ji", distance=30,
#' cofactors=cofactors, window.size=30)
qtl.analysis <- function(crossobj=crossobj, trait="pred", step, method,
                          threshold,distance, cofactors, window.size=50){

  dir.create("qtl_analysis_reports", showWarnings = F)
  QTL.result <- NULL
  trait <- tolower(trait)

  crossobj <- calc.genoprob (crossobj, step = step)

  #replace pseudomarkernames with proper ones

  mark.names <- c()
  for(i in 1:length(crossobj$geno)){
    mark.names <- c (mark.names,colnames (crossobj$geno[[i]]$data))
    }#make list of markernames

  #extract genotypic predictors
  probs1 <- NULL
  probs2 <- NULL

  for(i in 1:nchr(crossobj)){

    names <- dimnames (crossobj$geno[[i]]$prob)[[2]]
    sel.mark <- which (names %in% mark.names == FALSE)
    names[sel.mark] <- paste (i,names[sel.mark],sep="_")
    dimnames (crossobj$geno[[i]]$prob)[[2]] <- names
    names (attributes(crossobj$geno[[i]]$prob)$map) <- names
    p1 <- crossobj$geno[[i]]$prob

    names(p1) <- dimnames(p1)[[2]]

    probs1 <- cbind(probs1, p1[,,1])

    if (class(crossobj)[1] == "f2" | class(crossobj)[1] == "4way"){
      probs2 <- cbind(probs2, p1[,,3])

    if (class (crossobj)[1] == "dh" | class (crossobj)[1] == "bc" | class (
      crossobj)[1] == "riself" | class (crossobj)[1] == "ri4self" | class(
        crossobj)[1] == "ri8self" | class (crossobj)[1] == "risib" | class (
          crossobj)[1] == "ri4sib" | class (crossobj)[1] == "ri8sib" ) {
      probs2 <- cbind (probs2, p1[,,2])

  additive <- probs2 - probs1

  new.additive <- additive

  #Import the phenotypic data file
  P.data <- crossobj$pheno
  #use some labels...

  Gen <- "id"
  Trait <- paste(trait)
  ENV <- as.factor(rep("env",nrow(P.data)))
  GEN <- as.factor(P.data[, Gen])
  MEAN <- as.numeric(as.matrix(P.data[,Trait]))
  all.means <- data.frame(ENV,GEN,MEAN, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  b <- matrix(,0,2)

  for(i in 1:nchr(crossobj)){
    a <- paste("crossobj$geno$'", i, "'$prob", sep="")

    mp <- attributes(eval(parse(text=a)))$map
    mp <- cbind(rep(i,length(mp)),as.matrix(mp))
    b <- rbind(b,mp)

  #################For MB and SIM

    p.values <- NULL
    fixeff <- NULL
    for( i in 1:dim(new.additive)[2]){
      marker <- new.additive[,i]
      GE.data <- data.frame(all.means, marker)
      CS.Model <- lm ( MEAN ~ marker, data=GE.data)
      fstats <- as.vector(summary(CS.Model)$fstatistic)
      p.value <- 1 - pf(fstats[1],fstats[2],fstats[3])
      p.value <- data.frame(rownames(b)[i], b[i,1], b[i,2], p.value,
      p.values <- rbind (p.values, p.value)
      f <- CS.Model$coefficients[2]}
    fixeff <- cbind (fixeff, f)

#################For CIM

if(method=="CIM") {   ###CIM

  cofactor.list <- NULL
  cofactor.pos <- NULL
  cofactor.list <- as.matrix(new.additive[,match(
  cofactor.pos <- as.matrix (b[match(cofactors,row.names(b)),])

  if (ncol(cofactor.pos)==1){

  cofactor.win.f <- rep(0, dim(b)[1])

  for(j in 1:length(cofactors)){
    c <- b[,1]== as.numeric( as.character(cofactor.pos[j,1]))
    c[c==FALSE] <- 0
    c[c==TRUE] <- 1
    win <- (b[,2] > (as.numeric(as.character(
      cofactor.pos[j,2]))[1] - 0.5 * window.size) & b[,1] < (as.numeric(
        as.character(cofactor.pos[j,2]))[1] + 0.5 * window.size))

    win[win==FALSE] <- 0
    win[win==TRUE] <- 1
    cofactor.win <- c * win
    cofactor.win[cofactor.win == 1] <- j
    cofactor.win.f <- cofactor.win.f + cofactor.win

  p.values <- NULL

  fixeff <- NULL

  for( i in 1:dim(new.additive)[2]){
    marker <- new.additive[,i]

    if(unlist(cofactor.win.f[i]) > 0){
      new.list <- cofactor.list[,-c (unlist(cofactor.win.f[i]))]
      number.cofactors <- length(cofactors) - 1

    if(unlist(cofactor.win.f[i]) == 0){
      new.list <- cofactor.list
      number.cofactors <-length (cofactors)
    GE.data <- data.frame (all.means, marker)

    if(length(levels(ENV))==1 & number.cofactors>0) {
      CS.Model <- lm (MEAN ~ new.list + marker, data=GE.data)
      fstats <- c (anova (CS.Model)[2,4],anova (CS.Model)[2,1],
        anova (CS.Model)[3,1])

    if(length(levels(ENV))==1& number.cofactors==0) {
      CS.Model <- lm (MEAN ~ + marker, data=GE.data)
      fstats <- c(anova(CS.Model)[1,4],anova(CS.Model)[1,1],
    p.value <- 1 - pf (fstats[1],fstats[2],fstats[3])
    p.value <- data.frame (rownames(b)[i], b[i,1], b[i,2],
      p.value, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    p.values <- rbind(p.values, p.value)

    if(length(levels(ENV)) == 1){
      f <- CS.Model$coefficients[ncol(new.list) + 2]
    fixeff <- cbind(fixeff, f)

}  #CIM
  names(p.values) <- c ("marker", "Chr", "Pos", "-log10(p)")
  outem <- p.values

  #Threshold options

  if (threshold > 0) {
    threshold.f <- threshold

  if(threshold == "Li&Ji"){
    scores <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nchr(crossobj)){
      a <- paste("crossobj$geno$'", i, "'$data", sep="")
      s <- eval(parse(text=a))
      scores <- cbind(scores, s)
    scores[scores == 1] <- 0

    #Impute missing values with means
    average <- NULL
    for(i in 1:dim(scores)[2]){
      a <- mean(scores[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
      average <- cbind(average,a)
    for(i in 1:dim(scores)[1]){
      for(j in 1:dim(scores)[2]){
        if(is.na (scores[i,j]) == TRUE) {
          scores[i,j] <- average[1,j]

    pca.analysis1 <- prcomp(scores, scale=TRUE)

    #Tracy-Widom Statistic
    #starting values
    meff1 <- nind(crossobj) - 1
    ngeno <- nind(crossobj)
    lambda <- summary(pca.analysis1)$importance[2,]
    lambda <- lambda[1:meff1]

    #loop to test whether each axis is significant or not
    TM <- NULL
    x <- 10
    while(x > 0.9792895){
      #uses a nominal p-value=0.05 for the TW statistic
      meff <- length(lambda)
      sum.lambda <- sum (lambda, na.rm=TRUE)
      sum.lambda2 <- sum (lambda ^ 2, na.rm=TRUE)
      neff <- ( (ngeno + 1) * (sum.lambda ^ 2)) /
        ( ( (ngeno - 1) * sum.lambda2) - (sum.lambda ^ 2))
      mu <- ( (sqrt(neff - 1) + sqrt (meff)) ^ 2) / (neff)
      sigma <- ( (sqrt (neff - 1) + sqrt (meff)) / neff) * (
        ( ( 1 / (sqrt (neff - 1))) + ( 1 / sqrt (meff))) ^ (1 / 3))
      L1 <- (meff * lambda[1]) / sum.lambda
      x <- (L1 - mu) / sigma
      TM <- c (TM,x)
      lambda <- lambda [2:length (lambda) ]

    n.signif <- length (TM) - 1
    alpha.p <- 1 - ( (1 - 0.05) ^ (1 / n.signif))
    threshold.f <- (-log10 (alpha.p))

  ####New Looping function JvH

  pot.qtl <- outem[which (outem$"-log10(p)" < threshold.f),]

  res.qtl <- c()
  if (nrow(pot.qtl) > 0) {
    pot.qtl$select <- 1
    pot.qtl$eval <- 0

    #loop through chromosomes
    for(chr in unique (pot.qtl$Chr)){
      t.pot.qtl <- pot.qtl[pot.qtl$Chr == chr,]
      while (sum (t.pot.qtl$eval) < nrow (t.pot.qtl)){
        min.p <- min(t.pot.qtl$"-log10(p)"[which(t.pot.qtl$eval == 0)])
        sel.row <- which (
          t.pot.qtl$"-log10(p)" == min.p & t.pot.qtl$eval == 0)[1]
        d <- abs(t.pot.qtl$Pos - t.pot.qtl$Pos[sel.row])
        t.pot.qtl$select[d <= distance] <- 0
        t.pot.qtl$eval[d <= distance] <- 1
        t.pot.qtl$select[sel.row] <- 1
      t.pot.qtl <- t.pot.qtl[which(t.pot.qtl$select == 1),]
      res.qtl <- rbind( res.qtl,t.pot.qtl)
    res.qtl$select <- NULL
    res.qtl$eval <- NULL


  #####To plot profile
  if (max (-log10(outem[,4]),na.rm=TRUE) == "Inf") {
    max <- 10
  if (max (-log10(outem[,4]),na.rm=TRUE) != "Inf") {
    max <- (max (-log10 (outem[,4])) + 0.05)

  ######For reporting final model choose only
  ### significant markers calculate effects and R squared

  bw.sel <- function (y,X,alpha=0){
    XXX <- as.matrix(X)
    pval <- rep(0,ncol(XXX))
    names(pval) <- colnames(XXX)
    R.vec <- c()
    test <- 1
    while(test == 1){
      toss <- which (pval == max (pval) & pval > alpha)[1]
      sel <- setdiff (c (1:ncol(XXX)),toss)
      if (length(sel) == 0) {
      nms <- colnames(XXX)[sel]
      XXX <- as.matrix(XXX[,sel])
      colnames(XXX) <- nms
      CS.Model <- lm (y ~ XXX)
      pval <- summary(CS.Model)$coefficients[,4]
      pval <- pval[2:length(pval)]
      test <- ((sum(pval >= alpha) > 0) * 1)
    X <- XXX
    CS.Model <- lm (y ~ X)
    coef <- coefficients (CS.Model)
    coef <- as.vector (coef[2:length (coef)])
    qtl.names <- names (coef)
    qtl.names <- colnames(X)
    Rsq <- summary (CS.Model)$r.squared
    for(i in 1:ncol(X)){
      toss <- i
      if(ncol(X) > 1) {
        sel <- setdiff(c(1:ncol(X)),toss)
        } else {
          sel <- toss
      XXX <- as.matrix (X[,sel])
      CS.Model <- lm (y ~ XXX)
      r <- summary (CS.Model)$r.squared
      R.vec <- c (R.vec,Rsq - r)
    if(ncol(X) == 1){
      qtl.names <- colnames(X)
      R.vec <- r

    return (list(qtl.names,R.vec,coef))

  }#bw function

  if (nrow(pot.qtl) > 0){

      #backward select final model
      new.additive.final <- as.matrix (new.additive [,colnames(
        new.additive ) %in% res.qtl$marker])
      colnames( new.additive.final) <- colnames (new.additive)[colnames(
        new.additive) %in% res.qtl$marker]

      BW <- bw.sel (MEAN,new.additive.final,alpha=0.05)
      qtl.names <- BW[[1]]
      res.qtl <- res.qtl[match (qtl.names,res.qtl$marker),]
      m.eff <- BW [[3]]
      Rsq <- BW[[2]]

  if (nrow(pot.qtl) == 0){
    m.eff <- NA
    Rsq <- NA
    } #output NA if no qtl found

  QTL.result$all <- outem

  if (method == "CIM") {
    QTL.result$selected <- cbind(res.qtl,m.eff,Rsq)
  if (method == "SIM") {
    QTL.result$selected <- res.qtl
  m.eff <- NULL

  #convert p tot lod

  QTL.result$all$"-log10(p)" <- (-log10 (QTL.result$all$"-log10(p)"))

  if(nrow(pot.qtl) > 0){
    QTL.result$selected$"-log10(p)" <- (-log10(QTL.result$selected$"-log10(p)"))

    QTL.result$interaction <- NULL

    if (step == 0) {
      method <- "SMA"
  #write report

  filename.1 <- paste("qtl_analysis_reports/QTL_summary_", trait, "_", method, "_",
    ".txt", sep="")

  write.table (QTL.result$all, file = filename.1, sep = ",",
    eol = "\n",na = "-", dec = ".",col.names = T,row.names = F)

  filename.2 <- paste("qtl_analysis_reports/QTL_selected_", trait, "_",
    method, "_", ".txt", sep="")

  write.table (QTL.result$selected, file = filename.2, sep = ",",
    eol = "\n",na = "-", dec = ".",col.names = T,row.names = F)

  print (QTL.result$selected)

  ####write data to file

print (xyplot(-log10(outem[,4]) ~ outem[,3] | factor(outem[,2]),
    type="l", layout=c(nchr(crossobj),1), col="red",
    xlab="Chromosome position", ylab="-log10(P)",
    main=paste("QTL mapping", method, sep=""),
    scales = list(x = "free"),  lwd=3,
    panel = function(x,y,...) {
      panel.abline(h =-log10(threshold.f),lty=2)

  QTL.result$threshold <- threshold.f

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