#' Internal function.
#' Find unique elements and their frequencies in a numeric vector. This function
#' has a similar performance as the built-in R function \code{unique}.
#' @param x Numeric vector, already sorted in ascending order.
#' @return
#' \item{unique}{A vector containing unique elements in \code{x}.}
#' \item{freq}{The frequency of each element in \code{x}.}
#' \item{index}{The last occurrence of each element in \code{x}.}
#' @keywords internal
lpdensityUnique <- function(x) {
n <- length(x)
# if x has one or no element
if (n == 0) return(list(unique=NULL, freq=c(), index=c()))
if (n == 1) return(list(unique=x, freq=1, index=1))
# else
uniqueIndex <- c(x[2:n] != x[1:(n-1)], TRUE)
unique <- x[uniqueIndex]
nUnique <- length(unique)
# all are distinct
if (nUnique == n) return(list(unique=unique, freq=rep(1,length(x)), index=1:n))
# all are the same
if (nUnique == 1) return(list(unique=unique, freq=n, index=n))
# otherwise
freq <- (cumsum(!uniqueIndex))[uniqueIndex]
freq <- freq - c(0, freq[1:(nUnique-1)]) + 1
return(list(unique=unique, freq=freq, index=(1:n)[uniqueIndex]))
#' Internal function.
#' Calculates density and higher order derivatives for Gaussian models.
#' @param x Scalar, point of evaluation.
#' @param v Nonnegative integer, the derivative order (0 indicates cdf, 1 indicates pdf, etc.).
#' @param mean Scalar, the mean of the normal distribution.
#' @param sd Strictly positive scalar, the standard deviation of the normal distribution.
#' @return
#' A scalar corresponding to the value of the normal density function or derivatives thereof.
#' @keywords internal
normal_dgps <- function(x, v, mean, sd) {
if (v == 0) {
return(pnorm(x, mean=mean, sd=sd))
} else {
temp <- expression(exp(-(x-mean)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
while(v > 1) {
temp <- D(temp, "x")
v <- v - 1
return(eval(temp, list(x=x, mean=mean, sd=sd)))
#' Internal function.
#' Generate matrix.
#' @param p Nonnegative integer, polynomial order.
#' @param low,up Scalar, between -1 and 1, the region of integration.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel function.
#' @return
#' A (p+1)-by-(p+1) matrix.
#' @keywords internal
Sgenerate <- function(p, low=-1, up=1, kernel="triangular") {
S <- matrix(rep(0, (p+1)^2), ncol=(p+1))
for (i in 1:(p+1)) {
for (j in 1:(p+1)) {
if (kernel == "uniform") {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+j-2)*0.5 }
} else if (kernel == "epanechnikov") {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+j-2)*0.75*(1-x^2) }
} else {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+j-2)*(1-abs(x)) }
S[i,j] <- (integrate(integrand, lower=low, upper=up)$value)
#' Internal function.
#' Generate matrix.
#' @param p Nonnegative integer, polynomial order.
#' @param low,up Scalar, between -1 and 1, the region of integration.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel function.
#' @return
#' A (p+1)-by-(p+1) matrix.
#' @keywords internal
Tgenerate <- function(p, low=-1, up=1, kernel="triangular") {
S <- matrix(rep(0, (p+1)^2), ncol=(p+1))
for (i in 1:(p+1)) {
for (j in 1:(p+1)) {
if (kernel == "uniform") {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+j-2) * 0.5^2 }
} else if (kernel == "epanechnikov") {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+j-2) * (0.75*(1-x^2))^2 }
} else {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+j-2) * (1-abs(x))^2 }
S[i,j] <- (integrate(integrand, lower=low, upper=up)$value)
#' Internal function.
#' Generate matrix.
#' @param k Nonnegative integer, extra order (usually p+1).
#' @param p Nonnegative integer, the polynomial order.
#' @param low,up Scalar, between -1 and 1, region of integration.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel function.
#' @return
#' A (p+1)-by-1 matrix.
#' @keywords internal
Cgenerate <- function(k, p, low=-1, up=1, kernel="triangular") {
C <- matrix(rep(0, (p+1)), ncol=1)
for (i in 1:(p+1)) {
if (kernel == "uniform") {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+k-1)*0.5 }
} else if (kernel == "epanechnikov") {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+k-1)*0.75*(1-x^2) }
else {
integrand <- function(x) { x^(i+k-1)*(1-abs(x)) }
C[i,1] <- (integrate(integrand, lower=low, upper=up)$value)
#' Internal function.
#' Generate matrix.
#' @param p Nonnegative integer, polynomial order.
#' @param low,up Scalar, between -1 and 1, the region of integration.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel function.
#' @return
#' A (p+1)-by-(p+1) matrix.
#' @keywords internal
Ggenerate <- function(p, low=-1, up=1, kernel="triangular") {
G <- matrix(rep(0, (p+1)^2), ncol=(p+1))
for (i in 1:(p+1)) {
for (j in 1:(p+1)) {
if (kernel == "uniform") {
G[i,j] <- integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x^i * y^(j-1)*0.25, low, y)$value
}, low, up)$value +
integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x^(i-1) * y^j*0.25, y, up)$value
}, low, up)$value
} else if (kernel == "epanechnikov") {
G[i,j] <- integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x^i * y^(j-1) * 0.75^2 *
(1-x^2) * (1-y^2), low, y)$value
}, low, up)$value +
integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x^(i-1) * y^j * 0.75^2 *
(1-x^2) * (1-y^2), y, up)$value
}, low, up)$value
} else {
G[i,j] <- integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x^i * y^(j-1) *
(1-abs(x)) * (1-abs(y)), low, y)$value
}, low, up)$value +
integrate(function(y) {
sapply(y, function(y) {
integrate(function(x) x^(i-1) * y^j *
(1-abs(x)) * (1-abs(y)), y, up)$value
}, low, up)$value
#' Internal function.
#' Calculates rule-of-thumb bandwidth
#' @param data Numeric vector, the data.
#' @param grid Numeric vector, the evaluation points.
#' @param p Integer, polynomial order.
#' @param v Integer, order of derivative.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel.
#' @param Cweights Numeric vector, the counterfactual weights.
#' @param Pweights Numeric vector, the survey sampling weights.
#' @param massPoints Boolean, whether whether point estimates and standard errors
#' should be corrected if there are mass points in the data.
#' @param stdVar Boolean, whether the data should be standardized for bandwidth selection.
#' @param regularize Boolean, whether the bandwidth should be regularized.
#' @param nLocalMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of observations in each local
#' neighborhood.
#' @param nUniqueMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of unique observations in
#' each local neighborhood.
#' @return
#' Numeric vector: a bandwidth sequence.
#' @keywords internal
bw_ROT <- function(data, grid, p, v, kernel, Cweights, Pweights, massPoints, stdVar, regularize, nLocalMin, nUniqueMin) {
n <- length(data)
ng <- length(grid)
dataUnique <- unique(data)
nUnique <- length(dataUnique)
if (stdVar) {
center_temp <- mean(data)
scale_temp <- sd(data)
data <- (data - center_temp) / scale_temp
dataUnique <- (dataUnique - center_temp) / scale_temp
grid <- (grid - center_temp) / scale_temp
# estimate a normal reference model
mean_hat <- sum(Cweights * Pweights * data) / sum(Cweights * Pweights)
sd_hat <- sqrt(sum(Cweights * Pweights * (data - mean_hat)^2) / sum(Cweights * Pweights))
# normal quantities
temp_1 <- expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
temp_2 <- D(expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2)), "x")
temp_3 <- expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
temp_4 <- expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
j <- p + 1
while(j > 1) {
temp_3 <- D(temp_3, "x")
j <- j - 1
j <- p + 2
while(j > 1) {
temp_4 <- D(temp_4, "x")
j <- j - 1
# bias estimate, no rate added, DGP constant
bias_dgp <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=ng)
for (j in 1:ng) {
# this comes from a higher-order bias expansion. See Lemma 5 in the Appendix of Cattaneo, Jansson and Ma (2022a)
bias_dgp[j, 1] <- eval(temp_3, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / factorial(p+1) * factorial(v)
bias_dgp[j, 2] <- eval(temp_4, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / factorial(p+2) * factorial(v) +
bias_dgp[j, 1] * eval(temp_2, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / eval(temp_1, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat))
# bias estimate, no rate added, kernel constant
S <- Sgenerate( p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
C1 <- Cgenerate(k=p+1, p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
C2 <- Cgenerate(k=p+2, p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
G <- Ggenerate( p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
S2 <- Tgenerate( p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
bias_dgp[, 1] <- bias_dgp[, 1] * (solve(S) %*% C1)[v+1, ]
bias_dgp[, 2] <- bias_dgp[, 2] * (solve(S) %*% C2)[v+1, ]
# variance estimate, sample size added
sd_dgp <- matrix(NA, ncol=1, nrow=ng)
if (v > 0) {
for (j in 1:ng) {
sd_dgp[j, 1] <- factorial(v) * sqrt(eval(temp_1, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / n)
sd_dgp <- sd_dgp * sqrt(abs((solve(S) %*% G %*% solve(S))[v+1, v+1]))
} else {
for (j in 1:ng) {
# this comes from a higher-order variance expansion. See Lemma 4 in the Appendix of Cattaneo, Jansson and Ma (2022a)
sd_dgp[j, 1] <- sqrt(
pnorm(grid[j], mean=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat) * pnorm(grid[j], mean=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat, lower.tail=FALSE) /
dnorm(grid[j], mean=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat) / (0.5*n^2))
sd_dgp <- sd_dgp * sqrt(abs((solve(S) %*% S2 %*% solve(S))[v+1, v+1]))
# bandwidth
h <- rep(NA, ng)
for (j in 1:ng) {
if (v > 0) {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * (bias_dgp[j, 1] + a * bias_dgp[j, 2])^2 + sd_dgp[j, 1]^2 / a^(2*v - 1)
} else {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * (bias_dgp[j, 1] + a * bias_dgp[j, 2])^2 + sd_dgp[j, 1]^2 / a
h[j] <- optimize(opt.f, interval=c(.Machine$double.eps, max(data) - min(data)), maximum=FALSE)$minimum
for (j in 1:ng) {
if ([j])) {
h[j] <- sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, max(nLocalMin, 20+p+1))]
if (regularize) {
if (nLocalMin > 0) { h[j] <- max(h[j], sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, nLocalMin)]) }
if (nUniqueMin > 0) { h[j] <- max(h[j], sort(abs(dataUnique-grid[j]))[min(nUnique, nUniqueMin)]) }
h[j] <- min(h[j], max(abs(dataUnique-grid[j])))
if (stdVar) {
h <- h * scale_temp
#' Internal function.
#' Calculates integrated rule-of-thumb bandwidth
#' @param data Numeric vector, the data.
#' @param grid Numeric vector, the evaluation points.
#' @param p Integer, polynomial order.
#' @param v Integer, order of derivative.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel.
#' @param Cweights Numeric vector, the counterfactual weights.
#' @param Pweights Numeric vector, the survey sampling weights.
#' @param massPoints Boolean, whether point estimates and standard errors
#' should be corrected if there are mass points in the data.
#' @param stdVar Boolean, whether the data should be standardized for bandwidth selection.
#' @param regularize Boolean, Whether the bandwidth should be regularized.
#' @param nLocalMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of observations in each local neighborhood.
#' @param nUniqueMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of unique observations in each local neighborhood.
#' @return
#' Scalar: a single bandwidth.
#' @keywords internal
bw_IROT <- function(data, grid, p, v, kernel, Cweights, Pweights, massPoints, stdVar, regularize, nLocalMin, nUniqueMin) {
n <- length(data)
ng <- length(grid)
dataUnique <- unique(data)
nUnique <- length(dataUnique)
if (stdVar) {
center_temp <- mean(data)
scale_temp <- sd(data)
data <- (data - center_temp) / scale_temp
dataUnique <- (dataUnique - center_temp) / scale_temp
grid <- (grid - center_temp) / scale_temp
# estimate a normal reference model
mean_hat <- sum(Cweights * Pweights * data) / sum(Cweights * Pweights)
sd_hat <- sqrt(sum(Cweights * Pweights * (data - mean_hat)^2) / sum(Cweights * Pweights))
# normal quantities
temp_1 <- expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
temp_2 <- D(expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2)), "x")
temp_3 <- expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
temp_4 <- expression(exp(-(x-mu)^2/(2*sd^2))/sqrt(2*pi*sd^2))
j <- p + 1
while(j > 1) {
temp_3 <- D(temp_3, "x")
j <- j - 1
j <- p + 2
while(j > 1) {
temp_4 <- D(temp_4, "x")
j <- j - 1
# bias estimate, no rate added, DGP constant
bias_dgp <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=ng)
for (j in 1:ng) {
# this comes from a higher-order bias expansion. See Lemma 5 in the Appendix of Cattaneo, Jansson and Ma (2022a)
bias_dgp[j, 1] <- eval(temp_3, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / factorial(p+1) * factorial(v)
bias_dgp[j, 2] <- eval(temp_4, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / factorial(p+2) * factorial(v) +
bias_dgp[j, 1] * eval(temp_2, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / eval(temp_1, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat))
# bias estimate, no rate added, kernel constant
S <- Sgenerate( p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
C1 <- Cgenerate(k=p+1, p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
C2 <- Cgenerate(k=p+2, p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
S2 <- Tgenerate( p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
G <- Ggenerate( p=p, low=-1, up=1, kernel=kernel)
bias_dgp[, 1] <- bias_dgp[, 1] * (solve(S) %*% C1)[v+1, ]
bias_dgp[, 2] <- bias_dgp[, 2] * (solve(S) %*% C2)[v+1, ]
# variance estimate, sample size added
sd_dgp <- matrix(NA, ncol=1, nrow=ng)
if (v > 0) {
for (j in 1:ng) {
sd_dgp[j, 1] <- factorial(v) * sqrt(eval(temp_1, list(x=grid[j], mu=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat)) / n)
sd_dgp <- sd_dgp * sqrt(abs((solve(S) %*% G %*% solve(S))[v+1, v+1]))
} else {
for (j in 1:ng) {
# this comes from a higher-order variance expansion. See Lemma 4 in the Appendix of Cattaneo, Jansson and Ma (2022a)
sd_dgp[j, 1] <- sqrt(
pnorm(grid[j], mean=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat) * pnorm(grid[j], mean=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat, lower.tail=FALSE) /
dnorm(grid[j], mean=mean_hat, sd=sd_hat) / (0.5*n^2))
sd_dgp <- sd_dgp * sqrt(abs((solve(S) %*% S2 %*% solve(S))[v+1, v+1]))
# bandwidth
if (v > 0) {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * sum((bias_dgp[, 1] + a * bias_dgp[, 2])^2) + sum(sd_dgp[, 1]^2) / a^(2*v - 1)
} else {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * sum((bias_dgp[, 1] + a * bias_dgp[, 2])^2) + sum(sd_dgp[, 1]^2) / a
h <- optimize(opt.f, interval=c(.Machine$double.eps, max(data) - min(data)), maximum=FALSE)$minimum
if ( {
h <- 0
for (j in 1:ng) {
h <- max(h, sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, max(nLocalMin, 20+p+1))])
if (regularize) {
for (j in 1:ng) {
if (nLocalMin > 0) { h <- max(h, sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, nLocalMin)]) }
if (nUniqueMin > 0) { h <- max(h, sort(abs(dataUnique-grid[j]))[min(nUnique, nUniqueMin)]) }
h <- min(h, max(abs(max(dataUnique)-min(grid)), abs(min(dataUnique)-max(grid))))
if (stdVar) {
h <- h * scale_temp
#' Internal function.
#' Calculates MSE-optimal bandwidths.
#' @param data Numeric vector, the data.
#' @param grid Numeric vector, the evaluation points.
#' @param p Integer, polynomial order.
#' @param v Integer, order of derivative.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel.
#' @param Cweights Numeric vector, the counterfactual weights.
#' @param Pweights Numeric vector, the survey sampling weights.
#' @param massPoints Boolean, whether whether point estimates and standard errors
#' should be corrected if there are mass points in the data.
#' @param stdVar Boolean, whether the data should be standardized for bandwidth selection.
#' @param regularize Boolean, whether the bandwidth should be regularized.
#' @param nLocalMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of observations in each local neighborhood.
#' @param nUniqueMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of unique observations in each local neighborhood.
#' @return
#' Numeric vector: bandwidth sequence.
#' @keywords internal
bw_MSE <- function(data, grid, p, v, kernel, Cweights, Pweights, massPoints, stdVar, regularize, nLocalMin, nUniqueMin) {
ii <- order(data, decreasing=FALSE)
data <- data[ii]
Cweights <- Cweights[ii]
Pweights <- Pweights[ii]
n <- length(data)
ng <- length(grid)
dataUnique <- lpdensityUnique(data)
freqUnique <- dataUnique$freq
indexUnique <- dataUnique$index
dataUnique <- dataUnique$unique
nUnique <- length(dataUnique)
if (stdVar) {
center_temp <- mean(data)
scale_temp <- sd(data)
data <- (data - center_temp) / scale_temp
dataUnique <- (dataUnique - center_temp) / scale_temp
grid <- (grid - center_temp) / scale_temp
# whether considering mass points when constructing the empirical distribution function
if (massPoints) {
Fn <- rep((cumsum(Cweights * Pweights) / sum(Cweights * Pweights))[indexUnique], times=freqUnique)
} else {
Fn <- cumsum(Cweights * Pweights) / sum(Cweights * Pweights)
weights_normal <- Cweights * Pweights / sum(Cweights * Pweights) * n
Cweights <- Cweights / sum(Cweights) * n
Pweights <- Pweights / sum(Pweights) * n
weights_normalUnique <- cumsum(weights_normal)[indexUnique]
if (nUnique > 1) { weights_normalUnique <- weights_normalUnique - c(0, weights_normalUnique[1:(nUnique-1)]) }
CweightsUnique <- cumsum(Cweights)[indexUnique]
if (nUnique > 1) { CweightsUnique <- CweightsUnique - c(0, CweightsUnique[1:(nUnique-1)]) }
PweightsUnique <- cumsum(Pweights)[indexUnique]
if (nUnique > 1) { PweightsUnique <- PweightsUnique - c(0, PweightsUnique[1:(nUnique-1)]) }
# obtain preliminary bandwidth for estimating densities
# this is used for constructing preasymptotic matrices
h1 <- bw_IROT(data=data, grid=grid, p=2, v=1, kernel=kernel, Cweights=Cweights, Pweights=Pweights, massPoints=TRUE, stdVar=TRUE, regularize=TRUE, nLocalMin=20+2+1, nUniqueMin=20+2+1)
# obtain preliminary bandwidth for estimating F_p+1
# this is used for constructing F_p+1
hp1 <- bw_IROT(data=data, grid=grid, p=p+2, v=p+1, kernel=kernel, Cweights=Cweights, Pweights=Pweights, massPoints=TRUE, stdVar=TRUE, regularize=TRUE, nLocalMin=20+p+2+1, nUniqueMin=20+p+2+1)
# obtain preliminary bandwidth for estimating F_p+2
# this is used for constructing F_p+2
hp2 <- bw_IROT(data=data, grid=grid, p=p+3, v=p+2, kernel=kernel, Cweights=Cweights, Pweights=Pweights, massPoints=TRUE, stdVar=TRUE, regularize=TRUE, nLocalMin=20+p+3+1, nUniqueMin=20+p+3+1)
dgp_hat <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=ng) # Fp+1 and Fp+2 with normalization constants
const_hat <- matrix(NA, ncol=3, nrow=ng)
h <- rep(NA, ng)
for (j in 1:ng) {
# estimate F_p+2
index_temp <- abs(data-grid[j]) <= hp2
Xh_temp <- matrix(data[index_temp] - grid[j], ncol=1) / hp2
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:(p+3))))
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- (1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / hp2
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- 0.5 / hp2
} else {
Kh_temp <- 0.75 * (1 - (Xh_temp)^2) / hp2
Kh_temp <- Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn[index_temp], ncol=1)
temp <- try(
(solve(t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)) %*% t(Xh_p_temp) %*%
sweep(Y_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp))[p+3, 1] / (hp2^(p+2))
, silent=TRUE)
if(is.character(temp)) next
dgp_hat[j, 2] <- temp
# estimate F_p+1
index_temp <- abs(data-grid[j]) <= hp1
Xh_temp <- matrix(data[index_temp] - grid[j], ncol=1) / hp1
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:(p+2))))
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- (1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / hp1
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- 0.5 / hp1
} else {
Kh_temp <- 0.75 * (1 - (Xh_temp)^2) / hp1
Kh_temp <- Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn[index_temp], ncol=1)
temp <- try(
(solve(t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)) %*% t(Xh_p_temp) %*%
sweep(Y_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp))[p+2, 1] / (hp1^(p+1)),
if(is.character(temp)) next
dgp_hat[j, 1] <- temp
# prepare for estimating matrices
index_temp <- abs(data-grid[j]) <= h1
Xh_temp <- matrix(data[index_temp] - grid[j], ncol=1) / h1
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- (1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / h1
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- 0.5 / h1
} else {
Kh_temp <- 0.75*(1 - (Xh_temp)^2) / h1
#Kh_temp <- Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp
# estimate Cp matrix
if (p > 0) {
C_p_hat <- matrix(apply(
apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+1):(2*p+1))),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
} else {
C_p_hat <- matrix(apply(
matrix(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+1):(2*p+1))), nrow=1),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
# estimate Cp+1 matrix
if (p > 0) {
C_p1_hat <- matrix(apply(
apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+2):(2*p+2))),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
} else {
C_p1_hat <- matrix(apply(
matrix(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+2):(2*p+2))), nrow=1),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
# estimate S matirx
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:p)))
if (p == 0) {
Xh_p_temp <- matrix(Xh_p_temp, ncol=1)
S_hat <- t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp) / n
S_hat_inv <- try(solve(S_hat), silent=TRUE)
if (is.character(S_hat_inv)) next
# estimate G matrix
if (v == 0) {
G_hat <- t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp^2) / n
} else {
# for coding clarity, here we use the full sample and the influence function approach
if (massPoints) {
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn[indexUnique], ncol=1)
Xh_temp <- matrix((dataUnique - grid[j]), ncol=1) / h1
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:p)))
if (p == 0) {
Xh_p_temp <- matrix(Xh_p_temp, ncol=1)
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- ((1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / h1) * index_temp[indexUnique]
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- (0.5 / h1) * index_temp[indexUnique]
} else {
Kh_temp <- (0.75 * (1 - Xh_temp^2) / h1) * index_temp[indexUnique]
Xh_p_Kh_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)
Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_Kh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=PweightsUnique)
F_Xh_p_Kh_temp <- t(Y_temp) %*% Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp / n
G <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp), nrow=n)
for (jj in 1:ncol(G)) {
G[, jj] <- (rep((cumsum(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp[nUnique:1, jj]) / n)[nUnique:1], times=freqUnique) - F_Xh_p_Kh_temp[1, jj]) * weights_normal
G_hat <- t(G) %*% G / n
} else {
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn, ncol=1)
Xh_temp <- matrix((data - grid[j]), ncol=1) / h1
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:p)))
if (p == 0) {
Xh_p_temp <- matrix(Xh_p_temp, ncol=1)
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- ((1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / h1) * index_temp
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- (0.5 / h1) * index_temp
} else {
Kh_temp <- (0.75 * (1 - Xh_temp^2) / h1) * index_temp
Xh_p_Kh_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)
Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_Kh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights)
F_Xh_p_Kh_temp <- t(Y_temp) %*% Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp / n
G <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp), nrow=n)
for (jj in 1:ncol(G)) {
G[, jj] <- ((cumsum(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp[n:1, jj]) / n)[n:1] - F_Xh_p_Kh_temp[1, jj]) * weights_normal
G_hat <- t(G) %*% G / n
# now get all constants
const_hat[j, 1] <- factorial(v) * (S_hat_inv%*%C_p_hat)[v+1]
const_hat[j, 2] <- factorial(v) * (S_hat_inv%*%C_p1_hat)[v+1]
if (v > 0) {
const_hat[j, 3] <- factorial(v) * sqrt(abs((S_hat_inv%*%G_hat%*%S_hat_inv)[v+1,v+1]) / (n*h1))
} else {
temp_ii <- min( max(mean(data <= grid[j]), 1/n), 1 - 1/n )
const_hat[j, 3] <- factorial(v) * sqrt(abs((S_hat_inv%*%G_hat%*%S_hat_inv)[v+1,v+1] / (0.5*n^2) *
h1 * temp_ii * (1 - temp_ii)))
# now optimal bandwidth
if (v > 0) {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * (dgp_hat[j, 1]*const_hat[j, 1] + a * dgp_hat[j, 2]*const_hat[j, 2])^2 + const_hat[j, 3]^2 / a^(2*v - 1)
} else {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * (dgp_hat[j, 1]*const_hat[j, 1] + a * dgp_hat[j, 2]*const_hat[j, 2])^2 + const_hat[j, 3]^2 / a
h[j] <- optimize(opt.f, interval=c(.Machine$double.eps, max(data) - min(data)), maximum=FALSE)$minimum
for (j in 1:ng) {
if ([j])) {
h[j] <- sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, max(nLocalMin, 20+p+1))]
if (regularize) {
if (nLocalMin > 0) { h[j] <- max(h[j], sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, nLocalMin)]) }
if (nUniqueMin > 0) { h[j] <- max(h[j], sort(abs(dataUnique-grid[j]))[min(nUnique, nUniqueMin)]) }
h[j] <- min(h[j], max(abs(dataUnique-grid[j])))
if (stdVar) {
h <- h * scale_temp
#' Internal function.
#' Calculates integrated MSE-optimal bandwidth.
#' @param data Numeric vector, the data.
#' @param grid Numeric vector, the evaluation points.
#' @param p Integer, polynomial order.
#' @param v Integer, order of derivative.
#' @param kernel String, the kernel.
#' @param Cweights Numeric vector, the counterfactual weights.
#' @param Pweights Numeric vector, the survey sampling weights.
#' @param massPoints Boolean, whether whether point estimates and standard errors
#' should be corrected if there are mass points in the data.
#' @param stdVar Boolean, whether the data should be standardized for bandwidth selection.
#' @param regularize Boolean, Whether the bandwidth should be regularized.
#' @param nLocalMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of observations in each local neighborhood.
#' @param nUniqueMin Nonnegative integer, minimum number of unique observations in each local neighborhood.
#' @return
#' Scalar: a single bandwidth.
#' @keywords internal
bw_IMSE <- function(data, grid, p, v, kernel, Cweights, Pweights, massPoints, stdVar, regularize, nLocalMin, nUniqueMin) {
ii <- order(data, decreasing=FALSE)
data <- data[ii]
Cweights <- Cweights[ii]
Pweights <- Pweights[ii]
n <- length(data)
ng <- length(grid)
dataUnique <- lpdensityUnique(data)
freqUnique <- dataUnique$freq
indexUnique <- dataUnique$index
dataUnique <- dataUnique$unique
nUnique <- length(dataUnique)
if (stdVar) {
center_temp <- mean(data)
scale_temp <- sd(data)
data <- (data - center_temp) / scale_temp
dataUnique <- (dataUnique - center_temp) / scale_temp
grid <- (grid - center_temp) / scale_temp
# whether considering mass points when constructing the empirical distribution function
if (massPoints) {
Fn <- rep((cumsum(Cweights * Pweights) / sum(Cweights * Pweights))[indexUnique], times=freqUnique)
} else {
Fn <- cumsum(Cweights * Pweights) / sum(Cweights * Pweights)
weights_normal <- Cweights * Pweights / sum(Cweights * Pweights) * n
Cweights <- Cweights / sum(Cweights) * n
Pweights <- Pweights / sum(Pweights) * n
weights_normalUnique <- cumsum(weights_normal)[indexUnique]
if (nUnique > 1) { weights_normalUnique <- weights_normalUnique - c(0, weights_normalUnique[1:(nUnique-1)]) }
CweightsUnique <- cumsum(Cweights)[indexUnique]
if (nUnique > 1) { CweightsUnique <- CweightsUnique - c(0, CweightsUnique[1:(nUnique-1)]) }
PweightsUnique <- cumsum(Pweights)[indexUnique]
if (nUnique > 1) { PweightsUnique <- PweightsUnique - c(0, PweightsUnique[1:(nUnique-1)]) }
# obtain preliminary bandwidth for estimating densities
# this is used for constructing preasymptotic matrices
h1 <- bw_IROT(data=data, grid=grid, p=2, v=1, kernel=kernel, Cweights=Cweights, Pweights=Pweights, massPoints=TRUE, stdVar=TRUE, regularize=TRUE, nLocalMin=20+2+1, nUniqueMin=20+2+1)
# obtain preliminary bandwidth for estimating F_p+1
# this is used for constructing F_p+1
hp1 <- bw_IROT(data=data, grid=grid, p=p+2, v=p+1, kernel=kernel, Cweights=Cweights, Pweights=Pweights, massPoints=TRUE, stdVar=TRUE, regularize=TRUE, nLocalMin=20+p+2+1, nUniqueMin=20+p+2+1)
# obtain preliminary bandwidth for estimating F_p+2
# this is used for constructing F_p+2
hp2 <- bw_IROT(data=data, grid=grid, p=p+3, v=p+2, kernel=kernel, Cweights=Cweights, Pweights=Pweights, massPoints=TRUE, stdVar=TRUE, regularize=TRUE, nLocalMin=20+p+3+1, nUniqueMin=20+p+3+1)
dgp_hat <- matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=ng) # Fp+1 and Fp+2 with normalization constants
const_hat <- matrix(NA, ncol=3, nrow=ng)
h <- rep(NA, ng)
for (j in 1:ng) {
# estimate F_p+2
index_temp <- abs(data-grid[j]) <= hp2
Xh_temp <- matrix(data[index_temp] - grid[j], ncol=1) / hp2
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:(p+3))))
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- (1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / hp2
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- 0.5 / hp2
} else {
Kh_temp <- 0.75 * (1 - (Xh_temp)^2) / hp2
Kh_temp <- Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn[index_temp], ncol=1)
temp <- try(
(solve(t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)) %*% t(Xh_p_temp) %*%
sweep(Y_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp))[p+3, 1] / (hp2^(p+2))
, silent=TRUE)
if(is.character(temp)) next
dgp_hat[j, 2] <- temp
# estimate F_p+1
index_temp <- abs(data-grid[j]) <= hp1
Xh_temp <- matrix(data[index_temp] - grid[j], ncol=1) / hp1
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:(p+2))))
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- (1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / hp1
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- 0.5 / hp1
} else {
Kh_temp <- 0.75 * (1 - (Xh_temp)^2) / hp1
Kh_temp <- Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn[index_temp], ncol=1)
temp <- try(
(solve(t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)) %*% t(Xh_p_temp) %*%
sweep(Y_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp))[p+2, 1] / (hp1^(p+1)),
if(is.character(temp)) next
dgp_hat[j, 1] <- temp
# prepare for estimating matrices
index_temp <- abs(data-grid[j]) <= h1
Xh_temp <- matrix(data[index_temp] - grid[j], ncol=1) / h1
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- (1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / h1
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- 0.5 / h1
} else {
Kh_temp <- 0.75*(1 - (Xh_temp)^2) / h1
#Kh_temp <- Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp
# estimate Cp matrix
if (p > 0) {
C_p_hat <- matrix(apply(
apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+1):(2*p+1))),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
} else {
C_p_hat <- matrix(apply(
matrix(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+1):(2*p+1))), nrow=1),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
# estimate Cp+1 matrix
if (p > 0) {
C_p1_hat <- matrix(apply(
apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+2):(2*p+2))),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
} else {
C_p1_hat <- matrix(apply(
matrix(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^((p+2):(2*p+2))), nrow=1),
MARGIN=2, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp),
MARGIN=1, FUN=sum) / n, ncol=1)
# estimate S matirx
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:p)))
if (p == 0) {
Xh_p_temp <- matrix(Xh_p_temp, ncol=1)
S_hat <- t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp) / n
S_hat_inv <- try(solve(S_hat), silent=TRUE)
if (is.character(S_hat_inv)) next
# estimate G matrix
if (v == 0) {
G_hat <- t(Xh_p_temp) %*% sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights[index_temp] * Kh_temp^2) / n
} else {
# for coding clarity, here we use the full sample and the influence function approach
if (massPoints) {
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn[indexUnique], ncol=1)
Xh_temp <- matrix((data[indexUnique] - grid[j]), ncol=1) / h1
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:p)))
if (p == 0) {
Xh_p_temp <- matrix(Xh_p_temp, ncol=1)
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- ((1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / h1) * index_temp[indexUnique]
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- (0.5 / h1) * index_temp[indexUnique]
} else {
Kh_temp <- (0.75 * (1 - Xh_temp^2) / h1) * index_temp[indexUnique]
Xh_p_Kh_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)
Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_Kh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=PweightsUnique)
F_Xh_p_Kh_temp <- t(Y_temp) %*% Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp / n
G <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp), nrow=n)
for (jj in 1:ncol(G)) {
G[, jj] <- (rep((cumsum(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp[nUnique:1, jj]) / n)[nUnique:1], times=freqUnique) - F_Xh_p_Kh_temp[1, jj]) * weights_normal
G_hat <- t(G) %*% G / n
} else {
Y_temp <- matrix(Fn, ncol=1)
Xh_temp <- matrix((data - grid[j]), ncol=1) / h1
Xh_p_temp <- t(apply(Xh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) x^(0:p)))
if (p == 0) {
Xh_p_temp <- matrix(Xh_p_temp, ncol=1)
if (kernel == "triangular") {
Kh_temp <- ((1 - abs(Xh_temp)) / h1) * index_temp
} else if (kernel == "uniform") {
Kh_temp <- (0.5 / h1) * index_temp
} else {
Kh_temp <- (0.75 * (1 - Xh_temp^2) / h1) * index_temp
Xh_p_Kh_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Kh_temp)
Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp <- sweep(Xh_p_Kh_temp, MARGIN=1, FUN="*", STATS=Pweights)
F_Xh_p_Kh_temp <- t(Y_temp) %*% Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp / n
G <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp), nrow=n)
for (jj in 1:ncol(G)) {
G[, jj] <- ((cumsum(Xh_p_Kh_Pweights_temp[n:1, jj]) / n)[n:1] - F_Xh_p_Kh_temp[1, jj]) * weights_normal
G_hat <- t(G) %*% G / n
# now get all constants
const_hat[j, 1] <- factorial(v) * (S_hat_inv%*%C_p_hat)[v+1]
const_hat[j, 2] <- factorial(v) * (S_hat_inv%*%C_p1_hat)[v+1]
if (v > 0) {
const_hat[j, 3] <- factorial(v) * sqrt(abs((S_hat_inv%*%G_hat%*%S_hat_inv)[v+1,v+1]) / (n*h1))
} else {
temp_ii <- min(max(mean(data <= grid[j]), 1/n), 1 - 1/n)
const_hat[j, 3] <- factorial(v) * sqrt(abs((S_hat_inv%*%G_hat%*%S_hat_inv)[v+1,v+1] / (0.5*n^2) *
h1 * temp_ii * (1 - temp_ii)))
# now optimal bandwidth
na.index <- apply(cbind(dgp_hat, const_hat), MARGIN=1, FUN=function(x) any(
dgp_hat <- dgp_hat[!na.index, , drop=FALSE]
const_hat <- const_hat[!na.index, , drop=FALSE]
if (v > 0) {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * sum((dgp_hat[, 1]*const_hat[, 1] + a * dgp_hat[, 2]*const_hat[, 2])^2) + sum(const_hat[, 3]^2) / a^(2*v - 1)
} else {
opt.f <- function(a) {
a^(2*p+2-2*v) * sum((dgp_hat[, 1]*const_hat[, 1] + a * dgp_hat[, 2]*const_hat[, 2])^2) + sum(const_hat[, 3]^2) / a
h <- optimize(opt.f, interval=c(.Machine$double.eps, max(data) - min(data)), maximum=FALSE)$minimum
if ( {
h <- 0
for (j in 1:ng) {
h <- max(h, sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, max(nLocalMin, 20+p+1))])
if (regularize) {
for (j in 1:ng) {
if (nLocalMin > 0) { h <- max(h, sort(abs(data-grid[j]))[min(n, nLocalMin)]) }
if (nUniqueMin > 0) { h <- max(h, sort(abs(dataUnique-grid[j]))[min(nUnique, nUniqueMin)]) }
h <- min(h, max(abs(max(dataUnique)-min(grid)), abs(min(dataUnique)-max(grid))))
if (stdVar) {
h <- h * scale_temp
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