
Defines functions independentSamplesTTest

Documented in independentSamplesTTest

#' Independent samples t-test
#' @description Convenience function that runs an independent samples t-test.
#' This is a wrapper function intended to be used for pedagogical purposes only.
#' @param formula Formula specifying the outcome and the groups (required).
#' @param data Optional data frame containing the variables.
#' @param var.equal Should the test assume equal variances (default = \code{FALSE}).
#' @param one.sided One sided or two sided hypothesis test (default = \code{FALSE})
#' @param conf.level The confidence level for the confidence interval (default = .95).
#' @details The \code{independentSamplesTTest} function runs an
#' independent-samples t-test and prints the results in a format that is
#' easier for novices to handle than the output of \code{t.test}. All the
#' actual calculations are done by the \code{t.test} and \code{cohensD}
#' functions. The \code{formula} argument must be a two-sided formula of
#' the form \code{outcome ~ group}. When \code{var.equal=TRUE}, a Student's
#' t-test is run and the estimate of Cohen's d uses a pooled estimate of
#' standard deviation. When \code{var.equal=FALSE}, the Welch test is used,
#' and the estimate of Cohen's d uses the "unequal" method.
#' As with the \code{t.test} function, the default test is two sided,
#' corresponding to a default value of \code{one.sided = FALSE}. To specify
#' a one sided test, the \code{one.sided} argument must specify the name of
#'  the factor level that is hypothesised (under the alternative) to have
#'  the larger mean. For instance, if the outcome for "group2" is expected
#'  to be higher than for "group1", then the corresponding one sided test
#'  is specified by \code{one.sided = "group2"}.
#' @return An object of class 'TTest'. When printed, the output is organised
#' into five short sections. The first section lists the name of the test and
#' the variables included. The second provides means and standard deviations.
#' The third states explicitly what the null and alternative hypotheses were.
#' The fourth contains the test results: t-statistic, degrees of freedom and
#' p-value. The final section includes the relevant confidence interval and
#' an estimate of the effect size (i.e., Cohen's d)
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{t.test}},
#' \code{\link{oneSampleTTest}},
#' \code{\link{pairedSamplesTTest}},
#' \code{\link{cohensD}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   rt = c(451, 562, 704, 324, 505, 600, 829),
#'   cond = factor( x=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2), labels=c("group1","group2")))
#' # Welch t-test
#' independentSamplesTTest( rt ~ cond, df )
#' # Student t-test
#' independentSamplesTTest( rt ~ cond, df, var.equal=TRUE )
#' # one sided test
#' independentSamplesTTest( rt ~ cond, df, one.sided="group1" )
#' # missing data
#' df$rt[1] <- NA
#' df$cond[7] <- NA
#' independentSamplesTTest( rt ~ cond, df )
independentSamplesTTest <- function(
) {

  ############ check  formula ############

  # check that the user has input a formula
  if( missing(formula) ) { stop( '"formula" argument is missing, with no default')}
  if( !methods::is( formula, "formula")) { stop( '"formula" argument must be a formula')}

  # the formula must be of the form DV ~ IV
  if( length( formula ) !=3 ) stop( 'invalid value for "formula" argument' )
  vars <- all.vars( formula )
  if( length( vars) !=2 ) stop( 'invalid value for "formula" argument' )

  # read off the names of the variables
  outcome <- vars[1]
  group <- vars[2]

  ############ check data frame ############

  if( !missing(data) ) {

    # it needs to be data frame, because a matrix can't
    # contain both factors and numeric variables
    if( !methods::is(data,"data.frame") ) stop ( "'data' is not a data frame")

    # check that all three variables are in the data frame
    if( !( outcome %in% names(data)) ) {
      stop( paste0( "'", outcome, "' is not the name of a variable in '", deparse(substitute(data)), "'" ))
    if( !( group %in% names(data)) ) {
      stop( paste0( "'",group,"' is not the name of a variable in '", deparse(substitute(data)), "'" ))

  } else {

    # check that all variables exist in the workspace
    workspace <- objects( parent.frame())

    # check that all three variables are in the data frame
    if( !( outcome %in% workspace) ) {
      stop( paste0( "'", outcome, "' is not the name of a variable in the workspace" ))
    if( !( group %in% workspace) ) {
      stop( paste0( "'",group,"' is not the name of a variable in the workspace" ))

    # copy variables into a data frame if none is specified, and
    # check that the variables are appropriate for a data frame
    data <- try( eval( stats::model.frame( formula = formula, na.action = stats::na.pass ),
                       envir=parent.frame() ), silent=TRUE)
    if( methods::is(data,"try-error") ) {
      stop( "specified variables cannot be coerced to data frame")

  # subset the data frame
  data <- data[, c(outcome,group) ]

  ############ check classes for outcome, group and id ############

  # at this point we have a data frame that is known to contain
  # outcome and group. Now check that they are of the appropriate
  # type to run a t-test

  # outcome must be numeric
  if( !methods::is(data[,outcome],"numeric") ) stop( "outcome variable must be numeric")

  # group should be a factor with two-levels. issue warnings if it only
  # has two unique values but isn't a factor, or is a factor with more
  # than two levels but only uses two of them.

  if( methods::is(data[,group], "factor") ) { # it's a factor

    if( nlevels( data[,group]) <2 ) { # fewer than two levels
      stop( "grouping variable does not have two distinct levels")

    if( nlevels( data[,group]) >2 ) { # more than two levels
      if( length( unique( data[,group] ))==2 ) { # but only two of them are used...
        warning( "grouping variable has unused factor levels")
        data[,group] <- droplevels( data[,group])

      } else { # too many levels in use
        stop( "grouping variable has more than two distinct values")

  } else { # it's not a factor

    if( length( unique( data[,group] ))==2 ) { # if it happens to have 2 unique values...
      warning( "group variable is not a factor" ) # warn the user
      data[,group] <- as.factor( data[,group]) # coerce and continue...

    } else {
      stop( "grouping variable must contain only two unique values (and should be a factor)")


  ############ check other inputs ############

  # group names
  gp.names <- levels(data[,group])

  # check alternative
  if( length(one.sided) !=1 ) stop( "invalid value for 'one.sided'" )
  if( one.sided == FALSE ) { # two sided
    alternative <- "two.sided"
  } else {
    if( one.sided == gp.names[1] ) { # first factor level
      alternative <- "greater"
    } else {
      if( one.sided == gp.names[2] ) { # second factor level
        alternative <- "less"
      } else {
        stop( "invalid value for 'one.sided'" )

  # check conf.level
  if( !methods::is(conf.level,"numeric") |
        length( conf.level) != 1 |
        conf.level < 0 |
        conf.level > 1
  ) {
    stop( '"conf.level" must be a number between 0 and 1')

  ############ do the statistical calculations ############

  # find cases with missing data
  missing <- apply( is.na(data), 1, any)
  if( any( missing) ) warning( paste(sum(missing)), " case(s) removed due to missingness")
  data <- data[ !missing, ]

  # pass to t.test
  htest <- stats::t.test( formula, data=data, var.equal=var.equal,
                   alternative=alternative, conf.level=conf.level )

  # group means
  gp.means <- htest$estimate
  names( gp.means ) <- gp.names

  # group standard deviations
  gp.sd <- stats::aggregate( formula, data, FUN=stats::sd)[[2]]

  # pass to cohens d
  if( var.equal ) {
    var.method <- "pooled"
  } else {
    var.method <- "unequal"
  d <- cohensD( formula=formula, data=data, method=var.method )

  ############ output ############

  # create output structure
  TT <- list(
    t.statistic = htest$statistic,
    df = htest$parameter,
    p.value = htest$p.value,
    conf.int = htest$conf.int,
    conf = conf.level,
    mean = gp.means,
    sd = gp.sd,
    outcome = outcome,
    group = group,
    group.names = gp.names,
    id = NULL,
    mu = NULL,
    alternative = alternative,
    method = ifelse( var.equal,
                     yes="Student's independent samples t-test",
                     no="Welch's independent samples t-test" ),
    effect.size = d

  # specify the class and ouput
  class(TT) <- "TTest"


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