Man pages for mRMRe
Parallelized Minimum Redundancy, Maximum Relevance (mRMR)

adjacencyMatrixAccessor function for the 'adjacencyMatrix' information in a...
causalityAccessor function for the 'causality' information in a...
cgpsPart of the large pharmacogenomic dataset published by...
correlateFunction to compute various correlation measures between two...
export_concordance_indexExport concordance index
export_filtersExport filters
export_filters_bootstrapExport filters bootstrap
export_mimExport mim
featureCountAccessor function for the 'featureCount' information in a...
featureDataAccessor function for the 'featureData' information in a...
featureNamesAccessor function for the 'featureNames' information in a...
get_thread_countopenMP Thread Count
get.thread.countopenMP Thread Count
mimAccessor function for the 'mim' information in a mRMRe.Data,...
mRMRe.Data-classClass '"mRMRe.Data"'
mRMRe.Filter-classClass '"mRMRe.Filter"'
mRMRe.Network-classClass '"mRMRe.Network"'
priorsAccessor function for the 'priors' information in a...
sampleCountAccessor function for the 'sampleCount' information in a...
sampleNamesAccessor function for the 'sampleNames' information in a...
sampleStrataAccessor function for the 'sampleStrata' information in a...
sampleWeightsAccessor function for the 'sampleWeights' information in a...
scoresmRMR Scores as per the MI gain for each feature
set_thread_countopenMP Thread Count
set.thread.countopenMP Thread Count
solutionsBasic result of the mRMR procedure
subsetDataReturns a mRMRe.Data object using a subset of the current...
targetmRMR Target(s)
visualizemRMRe Network display
mRMRe documentation built on April 25, 2023, 9:13 a.m.