
Defines functions beta.parms.from.quantiles

beta.parms.from.quantiles <- function(q, p=c(0.025,0.975),
                                      precision=0.001, derivative.epsilon=1e-3, start.with.normal.approx=T, start=c(1, 1))
  f <- function(x, theta){dbeta(x, shape1=theta[1], shape2=theta[2])}
  F.inv <- function(x, theta){qbeta(x, shape1=theta[1], shape2=theta[2])}
  f.cum <- function(x, theta){pbeta(x, shape1=theta[1], shape2=theta[2])}
  f.mode <- function(theta){a <- theta[1]; b <- theta[2]; mode <- ifelse(a>1, (a-1)/(a+b-2), NA); mode}
  theta.from.moments <- function(m, v){a <- m*m*(1-m)/v-m; b <- a*(1/m-1); c(a, b)}
  plot.xlim <- c(0, 1)
  dens.label <- 'dbeta'
  parms.names <- c('a', 'b')
  if (length(p) != 2) stop("Vector of probabilities p must be of length 2.")
  if (length(q) != 2) stop("Vector of quantiles q must be of length 2.")
  p <- sort(p); q <- sort(q)
  print.area.text <- function(p, p.check, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, theta, mode, cex, plot.xlim, M=30, M0=50)
    par.usr <- par('usr')
    par.din <- par('din')
    p.string <- as.character(round(c(0,1) + c(1,-1)*p.check, digits=4))
    str.width <- strwidth(p.string, cex=cex)
    str.height <- strheight("0", cex=cex)
    J <- matrix(1, nrow=M0, ncol=1)
    x.units.1in <- diff(par.usr[c(1,2)])/par.din[1]
    y.units.1in <- diff(par.usr[c(3,4)])/par.din[2]
    aspect.ratio <- y.units.1in/x.units.1in
    scatter.xlim <- c(max(plot.xlim[1], par.usr[1]), q[1])
    scatter.ylim <- c(0, par.usr[4])
    x <- seq(from=scatter.xlim[1], to=scatter.xlim[2], length=M)
    y <- seq(from=scatter.ylim[1], to=scatter.ylim[2], length=M)
    x.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), M)
    y.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), rep(M, M))
    grid.df <- f(x, theta)
    tmp.p <- seq(from=0, to=p[1], length=M0)
    tmp.x <- F.inv(tmp.p, theta)
    h <- f(tmp.x, theta)
    mass.center <- c(mean(tmp.x), sum(h[-1]*diff(tmp.x))/diff(range(tmp.x)))
    gridpoint.under.the.curve <- y[y.grid.index] <= grid.df[x.grid.index]
    w <- which(gridpoint.under.the.curve)
    x <- x[x.grid.index]; y <- y[y.grid.index]
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    w <- which(x>mode)
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    w <- which((par.usr[1]+str.width[1]) <= x & (y + str.height) <= par.usr[4])
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    w <- which(!duplicated(y, fromLast=T))
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    d <- ((x-mass.center[1])^2) + ((y-mass.center[2])/aspect.ratio)^2
    w <- which.min(d)
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    if (length(x))
      text(x, y, labels=p.string[1], adj=c(1,0), col='gray', cex=cex)
      text(plot.xlim[1], mean(par.usr[c(3,4)]), labels=p.string[1], col='gray', cex=cex, srt=90, adj=c(1,0))
    scatter.xlim <- c(q[2], plot.xlim[2])
    scatter.ylim <- c(0, par.usr[4])
    x <- seq(from=scatter.xlim[1], to=scatter.xlim[2], length=M)
    y <- seq(from=scatter.ylim[1], to=scatter.ylim[2], length=M)
    x.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), M)
    y.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), rep(M, M))
    grid.df <- f(x, theta)
    tmp.p <- seq(from=p[2], to=f.cum(plot.xlim[2], theta), length=M0)
    tmp.x <- F.inv(tmp.p, theta)
    h <- f(tmp.x, theta)
    mass.center <- c(mean(tmp.x), sum(h[-length(h)]*diff(tmp.x))/diff(range(tmp.x)))
    gridpoint.under.the.curve <- y[y.grid.index] <= grid.df[x.grid.index]
    w <- which(gridpoint.under.the.curve)
    x <- x[x.grid.index]; y <- y[y.grid.index]
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    w <- which(x<mode)
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    w <- which((par.usr[2]-str.width[2]) >= x & (y + str.height) <= par.usr[4])
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    w <- which(!duplicated(y))
    if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}
    d <- ((x-mass.center[1])^2) + ((y-mass.center[2])/aspect.ratio)^2
    w <- which.min(d)
    x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]
    if (length(x))
      text(x, y, labels=p.string[2], adj=c(0,0), col='gray', cex=cex)
      text(plot.xlim[2], mean(par.usr[c(3,4)]), labels=p.string[2], col='gray', cex=cex, srt=-90, adj=c(1,0))
  Newton.Raphson <- function(derivative.epsilon, precision, f.cum, p, q, theta.from.moments, start.with.normal.approx, start)
    Hessian <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
    if (start.with.normal.approx)
      m <-  diff(q)/diff(p)*(0.5-p[1]) + q[1]
      v <- (diff(q)/diff(qnorm(p)))^2
      theta <- theta.from.moments(m, v)
    else theta <- start
    change <- precision + 1
    niter <- 0
    while (max(abs(change)) > precision)
      Hessian[,1] <- (f.cum(q, theta) - f.cum(q, theta - c(derivative.epsilon, 0))) / derivative.epsilon
      Hessian[,2] <- (f.cum(q, theta) - f.cum(q, theta - c(0, derivative.epsilon))) / derivative.epsilon
      f <- f.cum(q, theta) - p
      change <- solve(Hessian) %*% f
      last.theta <- theta
      theta <- last.theta - change
      if (any(theta<0))
        w <- which(theta<0)
        k <- min(last.theta[w]/change[w])
        theta <- last.theta - k/2*change
      niter <- niter + 1
    list(theta=as.vector(theta), niter=niter, last.change=as.vector(change))
  parms <- Newton.Raphson(derivative.epsilon, precision, f.cum, p, q, theta.from.moments, start.with.normal.approx, start=start)
  p.check <- f.cum(q, parms$theta)
  list(a=parms$theta[1], b=parms$theta[2], last.change=parms$last.change, niter=parms$niter, q=q, p=p, p.check=p.check)

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