
log <- c("Current madrat configuration:",
'   cachefolder      -> "/my/cache/folder"',
"   debug            -> FALSE",
'Run retrieveData("Example", rev = 98.5, cachetype = "def")',
'Run calcOutput("TauTotal", years = 1995, round = 2, file = "fm_tau1995.cs4")',
'> Run readSource("Tau", source)',
">>  - writing cache readTau-Fe6e25820-f079dd0d.rds",
">>  - writing cache convertTau-Fe6e25820-f079dd0d.rds",
'> Exit readSource("Tau", source) in 2.99 seconds',
">  - writing cache calcTauTotal-F933da7d1.rds",
'Exit calcOutput("TauTotal", years = 1995, round = 2, file = "fm_tau1995.cs4") in 3.25 seconds',
'Exit retrieveData("Example", rev = 98.5, cachetype = "def") in 3.25 seconds')

test_that("cacheCopy properly detects cache files", {
  files <- c("/my/cache/folder/readTau-Fe6e25820-f079dd0d.rds", # nolint
             "/my/cache/folder/convertTau-Fe6e25820-f079dd0d.rds", # nolint
             "/my/cache/folder/calcTauTotal-F933da7d1.rds") # nolint
  tempfolder <- withr::local_tempdir()
  expect_identical(cacheCopy(log), files)
  expect_identical(cacheCopy(log, filter = "calc"), files[3])
  expect_warning(x <- cacheCopy(log, target = file.path(tempfolder, "cachetarget")), "cache files could not be found")
  expect_identical(x, character(0))
  expect_warning(x <- cacheCopy(log[-2]), "No information about cachefolder found")
  expect_identical(basename(x), basename(files))
  expect_warning(x <- cacheCopy(c("cachefolder -> /bla/blub", log)), "More than one cache folder found")
  expect_identical(x, files)
  writeLines("test", file.path(tempfolder, "calcTauTotal-F933da7d1.rds"))
  logfile <- tempfile()
  writeLines(c(log, paste0('cachefolder -> \"', tempfolder, "\"")), logfile)
    x <- cacheCopy(logfile, target = file.path(tempfolder, "cachetarget"))
  }, "More than one cache folder found")
  expect_true(file.exists(file.path(tempfolder, "cachetarget", "calcTauTotal-F933da7d1.rds")))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

madrat documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 5:10 p.m.