
Defines functions data_dict_expand

Documented in data_dict_expand

#' @title
#' Transform single-row category information to multiple rows as element 
#' @description
#' Expands data dictionary column(s) in a element (the parameter 'from'),
#' into another element (the parameter 'to').
#' If the element `from` contains any column starting with 'prefix', (xx,yy),
#' these columns will be added as 'xx' and 'yy' in the element identified by
#' `to`. This data frame will be created if necessary, and columns will be 
#' added, from left to right. (unique names will be generated if necessary).
#' Separator of each element is the following structure :
#' 'name = xx1 ; name = xx2'.
#' This function is mainly used to expand the column(s) 'Categories::xx' in 
#' "Variables" to "Categories" element with column(s) xx.
#' This function is the reversed operation of [data_dict_collapse()]
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [data_dict_collapse()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed. 
#' @param from A symbol identifying the name of the element (data frame) to take
#' column(s) from. Default is 'Variables'.
#' @param to A symbol identifying the name of the element (data frame) to create
#' column(s) to. Default is 'Categories'.
#' @param name_prefix Character string of the prefix of columns of interest.
#' This prefix will be used to select columns, and to rename them in the 'to'
#' element. Default is 'Categories::'.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$`data_dict_PARIS - collapsed`
#' data_dict_expand(data_dict)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr fabR
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_expand <- function(
    from = 'Variables',
    name_prefix = 'Categories::',
    to = 'Categories'){

  # test

  from <- substitute(from)
  if(typeof(from) == "character") from <- as.symbol(from)
  if(typeof(from) == "symbol")    from <- substitute(from)
  if(typeof(from) == "language")  from <- as.symbol(from)

  to <- substitute(to)
  if(typeof(to) == "character") to <- as.symbol(to)
  if(typeof(to) == "symbol")    to <- substitute(to)
  if(typeof(to) == "language")  to <- as.symbol(to)

    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "Your data dictionary contains no '",from,"' element.")}

  names_col <-
    data_dict[[from]] %>%
    select(starts_with(name_prefix), - any_of(name_prefix)) %>% names

  if(length(names_col) == 0){
      "Your data dictionary contains no column starting with '",
      name_prefix,"' in ",from)

  rename_col <- make.unique(str_remove(names_col,name_prefix))

  data_dict[[to]] <-
    tibble(name = as.character(),variable = as.character()) %>%

  for(i in names_col){
    # stop()}

      {to_temp <-
        data_dict[[from]] %>%
        select(variable = "name", col_to = !! i ) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`col_to`)) %>%
          col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "_="),
                          str_replace_all(.data$`col_to`, "_=", "__SEP_IN__"),
          col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "_;"),
                          str_replace_all(.data$`col_to`, "_;", "__SEP_OUT__"),
          col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "__SEP_IN__"),
                          str_replace_all(.data$`col_to`, "=", "__SEP_IN__")),
          col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "__SEP_OUT__"),
                          str_replace_all(.data$`col_to`, ";", "__SEP_OUT__"))
          ) %>%
        separate_rows("col_to", sep="__SEP_OUT__") %>%
        separate(.data$`col_to`, into = c("name",i), sep = "__SEP_IN__") %>%
        mutate_all(~ str_squish(.)) %>%
        rename_with(.cols = !! i ,.fn =  ~ rename_col[which(names_col == i)])

      data_dict[[to]] <-
        data_dict[[to]] %>%
        full_join(to_temp,by = c("name","variable"))}
      warning=function(w) {
        # Choose a return value in case of warning
        error_vars <-
            data_dict[[from]] %>%
              select(variable = "name", col_to = !! i ) %>%
              dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`col_to`)) %>%
                col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "_="),
                                  .data$`col_to`, "_=", "__SEP_IN__"),
                col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "_;"),
                                  .data$`col_to`, "_;", "__SEP_OUT__"),
                col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "__SEP_IN__"),
                                  .data$`col_to`, "=", "__SEP_IN__")),
                col_to = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`col_to`, "__SEP_OUT__"),
                                  .data$`col_to`, ";", "__SEP_OUT__"))) %>%
              separate_rows("col_to", sep="__SEP_OUT__") %>%
                       into = c("name", i),
                       sep = "__SEP_IN__") %>%
              dplyr::filter(is.na(!! i)) %>% 
              pull(.data$`variable`) %>% toString)


        stop(call. = FALSE,
          "\n\nParsing elements failures in your data dictionary.",
          "\nVariables affected:\n",
          "Column affected:  ",i,"\n",
          bold("\n\nUseful tip:"),
" If your colums contains ',' or '=' in
its labels, replace the separators by '_;' and '_=' and reprocess.
  > wrong: '0 = No alcohol  ; 1 = Alcohol(red ; white)'
  > good : '0 = No alcohol ",bold("_;")," 1 = Alcohol(red ; white)'\n")


  data_dict[[from]] <- data_dict[[from]] %>% select(- !! names_col)

  data_dict <- as_data_dict_shape(data_dict)


#' @title
#' Transform multi-row category column(s) to single rows and join to "Variables"
#' @description
#' Collapses a data dictionary element (the parameter 'from'),
#' into column(s) in another element (the parameter 'to')
#' If the element 'to' exists, and contains any column 'xx' or 'yy', these
#' columns will be added to the element 'from' under the names 'to:xx'
#' and 'to:yy'. (unique names will be generated if necessary). Each element
#' of these column will gather all information to process the reverse operation.
#' Separator of each element is the following structure :
#' 'name = xx1 ; name = xx2'.
#' This function is mainly used to collapse the 'Categories' element into 
#' columns in 'Variables'.
#' This function is the reversed operation of [data_dict_expand()]
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [data_dict_expand()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed. 
#' @param from A symbol identifying the name of the element (data frame) to take
#' column(s) from. Default is 'Categories'.
#' @param to A symbol identifying the name of the element (data frame) to create
#' column(s) to. Default is 'Variables'.
#' @param name_prefix A character string of the prefix of columns of interest.
#' This prefix will be used to select columns, and to rename them in the 'to'
#' element. Default is 'Categories::'.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE
#' data_dict_collapse(data_dict)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_collapse <- function(
    from = 'Categories',
    to = 'Variables',
    name_prefix = 'Categories::'){

  # test

  from <- substitute(from)
  if(typeof(from) == "character") from <- as.symbol(from)
  if(typeof(from) == "symbol")    from <- substitute(from)
  if(typeof(from) == "language")  from <- as.symbol(from)

  to <- substitute(to)
  if(typeof(to) == "character") to <- as.symbol(to)
  if(typeof(to) == "symbol")    to <- substitute(to)
  if(typeof(to) == "language")  to <- as.symbol(to)

    warning("Your data dictionary contains no '",from,"' element.")

    warning("Your data dictionary contains no '",to,"' element.")

  # add categories content
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[[from]])) > 0){

    col_from <- tibble(name = as.character())

    for(i in names(data_dict[[from]] %>% select(-c("name","variable")))){
      # stop()}

      cat_temp <-
        data_dict[[from]] %>%
        select("variable","name",!! i) %>%
        unite("from", .data$`name`, !! i, sep = " __SEP_IN__ ") %>%
        group_by(.data$`variable`) %>%
        summarise(from = paste0(.data$`from`,collapse = " __SEP_OUT__ \n"),
                  .groups = "drop") %>%
          from = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`from`, ";"),
                        str_replace_all(.data$`from`, "__SEP_OUT__", "_;"),
          from = ifelse(str_detect(.data$`from`, "="),
                        str_replace_all(.data$`from`, "__SEP_IN__", "_="),
          from =   str_replace_all(.data$`from`, "__SEP_OUT__", ";"),
          from =   str_replace_all(.data$`from`, "__SEP_IN__", "="))

      names(cat_temp) <- c("name",paste0(name_prefix,i))

      col_from <- full_join(col_from,cat_temp, by = "name")


    data_dict[[to]] <-
      data_dict[[to]] %>%
      full_join(col_from, by = c("name"))

    data_dict[[from]] <- NULL

  data_dict <- as_data_dict_shape(data_dict)


#' @title
#' Transform column(s) of a data dictionary from long format to wide format
#' @description
#' Transforms column(s) of a data dictionary from long format to wide format. 
#' If a taxonomy is provided, the corresponding columns in the data
#' dictionary will be converted to a format with the taxonomy expanded.
#' This operation is equivalent to performing a [tidyr::pivot_wider()] on these 
#' columns following the taxonomy structure provided. Variable names in the  
#' data dictionary must be unique.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' A taxonomy is a classification schema that can be defined for variable 
#' attributes. A taxonomy is usually extracted from an 
#' [Opal environment](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/), and a 
#' taxonomy object is a data frame that must contain at least the columns 
#' `taxonomy`, `vocabulary`, and `terms`. Additional details about Opal 
#' taxonomies are 
#' [available online](https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/administration/taxonomies.html).
#' @seealso
#' [tidyr::pivot_wider()], [as_data_dict()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed.
#' @param taxonomy An optional data frame identifying a variable classification 
#' schema.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$`data_dict_PARIS - collapsed`
#' taxonomy  <- madshapR_DEMO$taxonomy_PARIS
#' data_dict_pivot_wider(data_dict, taxonomy)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr fabR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_pivot_wider <- function(data_dict, taxonomy = NULL){

  # test
  if(is.null(taxonomy)) return(data_dict)

  data_dict_init <- data_dict
  data_dict_unique_name <-

  data_dict[['Variables']]$`name` <- data_dict_unique_name

  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%

  taxonomy <- as_taxonomy(taxonomy)
  taxonomy_id <-
    taxonomy  %>%
      col = "taxonomy_id",
      c("taxonomy", "vocabulary"),
      na.rm = TRUE,
      sep = "::",
      remove = FALSE) %>%
    arrange("index_taxonomy", "index_vocabulary", "index_term")

  taxonomy_id <-
            c('index_vocabulary','taxonomy_id','taxonomy','vocabulary')] %>%
    distinct() %>%
      name_col = str_replace(
      name_term = paste0(.data$`name_col`,".term"))

  taxonomy_id <- taxonomy_id[,c('name_col','name_term','taxonomy')]

  taxonomy_id <-
      taxonomy_id$`name_col`%in% names(data_dict[["Variables"]]) &
      taxonomy_id$`name_term` %in% names(data_dict[["Variables"]]),]

  if(nrow(taxonomy_id) > 0){

    for(i in seq_len(nrow(taxonomy_id))){
      # stop()}

      name_col   <- taxonomy_id$`name_col`[i]
      name_term  <- taxonomy_id$`name_term`[i]
      col_final  <- taxonomy_id$`taxonomy`[i]

      data_dict_colnames <-
          c('name', name_col, name_term))

      data_dict_temp <-
        data_dict[['Variables']][,data_dict_colnames] %>%
          names_from = all_of(name_col),
          values_from = all_of(name_term),
          names_prefix = paste0("__temp__.",col_final,"::"))

      data_dict_temp <-
        data_dict_temp[vapply(X = data_dict_temp,
                              FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
                              FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]

      col_temp  <- names(data_dict_temp)[-1]
      col_final <- str_remove(col_temp,"^__temp__\\.")


        for(j in seq_len(length(col_temp))){
          # stop()}

          col_temp_j  <- col_temp[j]
          col_final_j <- col_final[j]

          if(col_temp_j %in% names(data_dict[['Variables']])){
            stop(call. = FALSE,
"Column name ",col_temp_j, " already exists in your data dictionary")}

          data_dict[['Variables']] <-
            data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
              data_dict_temp[,c('name',col_temp_j)] ,
              by = c("name"))

          if(sum(names(data_dict[['Variables']]) %in% col_final_j) == 1){

            data_dict[['Variables']] <-
              data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
              unite(!! col_final_j,
                    !! col_final_j,
                    !! col_temp_j, sep = "|", na.rm = TRUE) %>%
              mutate(across(!! col_final_j, ~ na_if(.,"")))

            data_dict[['Variables']] <-
              data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
              rename_with(.cols = any_of(col_temp_j), .fn = ~ col_final_j)

      data_dict[['Variables']][,c(name_col,name_term)] <- NULL

    if(paste0(attributes(taxonomy)$`madshapR::class`,"") == "taxonomy_mlstr"){

      keys <-
                 c('vocabulary','vocabulary_short')] %>%
        distinct %>%
          vocabulary_short =
            paste0("Mlstr_area::",.data$`vocabulary_short`)) %>%
        mutate(vocabulary = paste0("Mlstr_area::",.data$`vocabulary`))

      col_area <-

      for(i in col_area){
        # stop()}

        data_dict[['Variables']] <-
          data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
            .cols = any_of(i),
            .fn =  ~ keys[keys$`vocabulary_short` == i,][['vocabulary']])

      taxo_scales <-
        taxonomy %>%
          col = "area_scale_id",
          c("taxonomy_scale", "vocabulary_scale"),
          na.rm = TRUE,
          sep = "::",
          remove = FALSE) %>%
        mutate(area_scale_id = na_if(.data$`area_scale_id`, ""))

      taxo_scales <-
          c('area_scale_id','term_scale')] %>%
        distinct %>%
        rename("___area_scale_id___" = "area_scale_id") %>%
        rename("Mlstr_area::1.scale" = "term_scale")

      if(!is.null(data_dict[['Variables']][['Mlstr_area::1.scale']]) &
        data_dict[['Variables']][['Mlstr_area::1.scale']] <- NULL}
      if(!is.null(data_dict[['Variables']][['Mlstr_area::1.scale']]) &

          stop(call. = FALSE,
"Column name '___area_scale_id___' already exists in your data dictionary")}

          data_dict[['Variables']] <-
            data_dict[['Variables']] %>%

                c('name','Mlstr_area::1.scale')] %>%
                left_join(taxo_scales, by = "Mlstr_area::1.scale") %>%
                  names_from = "___area_scale_id___",
                  values_from = "Mlstr_area::1.scale") ,

              by = c("name") )

          data_dict[['Variables']]['Mlstr_area::1.scale'] <- NULL

" scale(s) not in your taxonomy but present in your data dictionary")}

  # verification of the taxonomy, terms and vocabularies
  new_names <- 
    !names(data_dict[['Variables']]) %in% 

  authorized_names <-
    taxonomy  %>%
    select("taxonomy", "vocabulary") %>% distinct %>%
    unite(col = "taxonomy_id", c("taxonomy", "vocabulary"),
          na.rm = TRUE, sep = "::", remove = FALSE) %>%
  if(paste0(attributes(taxonomy)$`madshapR::class`,"") == "taxonomy_mlstr"){
    authorized_names <- 
      c(authorized_names ,
        taxonomy  %>%
          select("taxonomy_scale", "vocabulary_scale") %>% distinct %>%
          unite(col = "area_scale_id", 
                c("taxonomy_scale", "vocabulary_scale"),
                na.rm = TRUE, sep = "::", remove = FALSE) %>%
          dplyr::filter(.data$`area_scale_id` != "") %>%
  wrong_names <- new_names[! new_names %in% authorized_names]

  if(length(wrong_names) > 0){
    warning(wrong_names %>% toString,
" column name(s) not in your taxonomy but present in your data dictionary")}

  data_dict[['Variables']]$`name` <- data_dict_init[['Variables']]$`name`


#' @title
#' Transform column(s) of a data dictionary from wide format to long format
#' @description
#' Transforms column(s) of a data dictionary from wide format to long format. 
#' If a taxonomy is provided, the corresponding columns in the data
#' dictionary will be converted to a standardized format with fewer columns.
#' This operation is equivalent to performing a [tidyr::pivot_longer()] on 
#' these columns following the taxonomy structure provided. Variable names in 
#' the data dictionary must be unique.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' A taxonomy is a classification schema that can be defined for variable 
#' attributes. A taxonomy is usually extracted from an 
#' [Opal environment](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/), and a 
#' taxonomy object is a data frame that must contain at least the columns 
#' `taxonomy`, `vocabulary`, and `terms`. Additional details about Opal 
#' taxonomies are 
#' [available online](https://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/web-user-guide/administration/taxonomies.html).
#' @seealso
#' [tidyr::pivot_longer()], [as_data_dict()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed.
#' @param taxonomy An optional data frame identifying a variable classification 
#' schema.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$`data_dict_PARIS - collapsed`
#' taxonomy <- madshapR_DEMO$taxonomy_PARIS
#' data_dict_pivot_longer(data_dict,taxonomy)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr fabR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_pivot_longer <- function(data_dict, taxonomy = NULL){

  # test

  if(is.null(taxonomy)) { return(data_dict) }else{

  # make unique names for names in data dictionary 
  data_dict_init <- data_dict

  data_dict[['Variables']] <- 
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    add_index("madshapR::index", .force = TRUE)
  data_dict[['Variables']]$`name` <-

  order_taxonomy <-
    taxonomy %>%
    select('taxonomy') %>%
    distinct() %>% pull('taxonomy')

  taxonomy_id <-
    taxonomy  %>%
      col = "taxonomy_id", c('taxonomy', 'vocabulary'),
      na.rm = TRUE, sep = "::", remove = FALSE) %>%
      col = "voc_term", c('vocabulary', 'term'),
      na.rm = TRUE, sep = "::", remove = FALSE) %>%
            .data$`index_term`) %>%
    group_by(.data$`taxonomy`) %>%

  names(taxonomy_id) <- sort(order_taxonomy)
  taxonomy_id <- taxonomy_id[order_taxonomy]

  for(i in names(taxonomy_id)){
    # stop()}

    taxonomy_i <-
      taxonomy_id[[i]] %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$`taxonomy_id` %in% 
                      names(data_dict[['Variables']])) %>%
             'index_term','vocabulary') %>%

    if(taxonomy_i %>% nrow > 0){

        data_dict_temp <-
          data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
          select('name',matches(paste0('^',taxonomy_i$`taxonomy_id`,'$'))) %>%
          # pivoting area of information
            cols = starts_with(i),
            names_to = i,
            names_prefix = paste0(i,"::"),
            values_to = "term",
            values_drop_na = TRUE) %>%
            col = "voc_term", c(!! i, 'term'),
            na.rm = TRUE, sep = "::", remove = FALSE) %>%
                    ,by = 'voc_term') %>%
          arrange(!! i, .data$`index_vocabulary`, .data$`index_term`) %>% 
            across(!! i,
                   ~ ifelse(is.na(.data$`taxonomy_id`),NA_character_,.))) %>%
                 -matches('taxonomy_id')) %>%
          group_by(.data$`name`) %>%
      }, silent = TRUE)

      group_max_size <- data_dict_temp %>% group_size() %>% max()
      arrange_taxonomy <-
        paste0(i,"::",rep(1:group_max_size,2) %>% sort(),c("",".term"))


          data_dict_temp <-
            data_dict_temp %>%
              across(c(any_of(i), .data$`term`),
                     ~ paste0(.,collapse = "|")),
              .groups = "drop") %>%
              col = i,
              into = arrange_taxonomy[seq_len(length(arrange_taxonomy))%% 2==1],
              sep = "\\|") %>%
              col = .data$`term`,
              into = arrange_taxonomy[seq_len(length(arrange_taxonomy))%% 2==0],
              sep = "\\|") %>%
            ungroup() %>%
          data_dict[['Variables']] <-
            data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
            select(-matches(paste0("^",i,"::",taxonomy_i$`vocabulary`,"$"))) %>%
            full_join(data_dict_temp, by = c("name"))
      }, silent = TRUE)}
  if(paste0(attributes(taxonomy)$`madshapR::class`,"") == "taxonomy_mlstr"){
    keys <-
      taxonomy %>%
      select(.data$`vocabulary`, .data$`vocabulary_short`) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`vocabulary_short`)) %>% distinct
    col_area <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
      select(matches("Mlstr_area::[0-9]+$")) %>% names
    for(i in col_area){
      key <-
        keys %>%
          .cols = .data$`vocabulary`,
          .fn =  ~ paste0(i)) %>%
          .cols = .data$`vocabulary_short`,
          .fn =  ~ paste0(i,".vocabulary_short"))
      # re-arrange things (can do better)
      if(is.null(data_dict[['Variables']][['___Mlstr_temp___']]) |
          data_dict[['Variables']] <-
            data_dict[['Variables']] %>% left_join(key) %>%
              .cols = all_of(i),
              .fn =  ~ "___Mlstr_temp___") %>%
              .cols = paste0(i,".vocabulary_short"),
              .fn =  ~ "___Mlstr_temp___vocabulary") %>%
            mutate(`___Mlstr_temp___` = .data$`___Mlstr_temp___vocabulary`) %>%
            rename_with(.cols = .data$`___Mlstr_temp___`, .fn =  ~ i) %>%
        stop(call. = FALSE,
             "Your data dictionary cannot be processed into Maelstrom format.
(presence of `___Mlstr_temp___` column")
    cols_scales <-
      taxonomy %>%
      unite("area_scale_id", .data$`taxonomy_scale`, .data$`vocabulary_scale`,
            na.rm = TRUE, sep = "::", remove = FALSE) %>%
      select(.data$`area_scale_id`) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$`area_scale_id`)) %>% distinct %>%
      pull(.data$`area_scale_id`) %>%
    if(length(cols_scales) > 0){
      data_dict[['Variables']] <-
        data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
          "Mlstr_area::1.scale",all_of(cols_scales),sep=" | ",na.rm = TRUE) %>%
        mutate(`Mlstr_area::1.scale` = na_if(.data$`Mlstr_area::1.scale`,""))}
    arrange_taxonomy <-
             rep(seq_len(length(col_area)),2) %>% sort(),
    # re-arrange things (can do better)
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
        everything()) %>%
        .cols = any_of("Mlstr_additional::1.term"),
        .fn = ~ "Mlstr_additional::Source") %>%
        .cols = any_of("Mlstr_additional::2.term"),
        .fn = ~ "Mlstr_additional::Target") %>%
  if(sum(data_dict[["Variables"]][['madshapR::index']]) != 
     nrow(data_dict[["Variables"]]) * (nrow(data_dict[["Variables"]]) + 1)/2){
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "An error occured in data_dict_pivot_longer(). Please contact us.")
  data_dict[["Variables"]] <- 
    data_dict[["Variables"]] %>% arrange(.data$`madshapR::index`) %>%
  data_dict[["Variables"]]$`name` <- data_dict_init[["Variables"]]$`name`

#' @title
#' Subset data dictionary by row values
#' @description
#' Subsets either or both the 'Variables' and 'Categories' elements of a data
#' dictionary. Rows are conserved if their values satisfy the condition.
#' This is a wrapper function analogous to [dplyr::filter()].
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [dplyr::filter()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' filtered.
#' @param filter_var Expressions that are defined in the element 'Variables' in
#' the data dictionary.
#' @param filter_cat Expressions that are defined in the element 'Categories' in
#' the data dictionary.
#' @param filter_all Expressions that are defined both in the 'Categories' and
#' 'Variables' in the data dictionary.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a workable data dictionary structure.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' # Create a list of data dictionaries where the column 'table' is added to 
#' # refer to the associated dataset. The object created is not a 
#' # data dictionary per say, but can be used as a structure which can be 
#' # shaped into a data dictionary.
#' library(dplyr)
#' data_dict_list <- list(
#'   data_dict_1 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_TOKYO ,
#'   data_dict_2 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' names(data_dict_list) = c("dataset_TOKYO","dataset_MELBOURNE")
#' data_dict_nest <- data_dict_list_nest(data_dict_list, name_group = 'table')
#' ###### Example 1 search and filter through a column in 'Variables' element
#' data_dict_filter(data_dict_nest,filter_var = "valueType == 'text'")
#' ###### Example 2 search and filter through a column in 'Categories' element
#' data_dict_filter(data_dict_nest,filter_cat = "missing == TRUE")
#' ###### Example 3 search and filter through* a column in 'Variables' element.
#' # The column must exist in both 'Variables' and 'Categories' and have the
#' # same meaning
#' data_dict_filter(data_dict_nest,filter_all = "table == 'dataset_TOKYO'")
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_filter <- function(
    filter_var = NULL,
    filter_cat = NULL,
    filter_all = NULL){
  # test if enough data_dict
  if(!is.null(filter_all) & (!is.null(filter_var) | !is.null(filter_cat)))
    stop(call. = FALSE,"Too many argments entered")
  if( is.null(filter_all) &   is.null(filter_var) &  is.null(filter_cat))
    filter_var <- filter_cat <- filter_all
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      text = paste(
        "data_dict[['Variables']] %>% dplyr::filter(",filter_var,")")))
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$`variable` %in% data_dict[['Variables']]$`name`)
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
            "data_dict[['Categories']] %>% dplyr::filter(",filter_cat,")")))}
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) == 0)
    data_dict[['Categories']] <- NULL

#' @title
#' Split grouped data dictionaries into a named list
#' @description
#' Divides data dictionary element(s) into the groups defined by the query.
#' This function divides both the 'Variables' and 'Categories' elements (if 
#' the group exists under the same definition in in both) into a list of 
#' data dictionaries, each with the rows of the associated group and all the 
#' original columns, including grouping variables. This function is analogous 
#' to running [dplyr::group_by()] and [dplyr::group_split()]. Each element is 
#' named using the group values. [data_dict_list_nest()] reverses the effect.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [dplyr::group_by()], [dplyr::group_split()] ,
#' [data_dict_group_by()], [data_dict_list_nest()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed.
#' @param ... Column in the data dictionary to split it by. If not provided, the
#' splitting will be done on the grouping element of a grouped data dictionary.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a list of workable data dictionary structure.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Create a list of data dictionaries where the column 'table' is added to 
#' # refer to the associated dataset. The object created is not a 
#' # data dictionary per say, but can be used as a structure which can be 
#' # shaped into a data dictionary.
#' data_dict_list <- list(
#'   data_dict_1 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_TOKYO ,
#'   data_dict_2 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' names(data_dict_list) = c("dataset_TOKYO","dataset_MELBOURNE")
#' data_dict_nest <- 
#'   data_dict_list_nest(data_dict_list, name_group = 'table') %>%
#'   data_dict_group_by(col = "table")
#' glimpse(data_dict_group_split(data_dict_nest,col = "table"))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_group_split <- function(data_dict, ...){
  # test if enough data_dict
    data_dict <- data_dict_group_by(data_dict, ...)
    stop(call. = FALSE,
"\n\nThe data dictionary list must be grouped to be split. Please group them
using data_dict_group_by(data_dict, col)")
  col <- as.symbol(names(group_keys(data_dict[['Variables']])))
  group_names_var <- pull(group_keys(data_dict[['Variables']]))
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) == 0){
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      tibble(col = as.character()) %>%
      rename_with(.cols = "col", ~ deparse(col)) %>%
      group_by(!! col)
  names_var <- names(group_keys(data_dict[['Variables']]))[1]
  names_cat <- names(group_keys(data_dict[['Categories']]))[1]
  if(names_var != names_cat){
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "Grouping column must be the same in 'Variables' and 'Categories'.")}
  group_names_cat <- pull(group_keys(data_dict[['Categories']]))
  if(!all(group_names_cat %in% group_names_var)) stop(call. = FALSE,
"\nThese data dictionaries contain group of variables in 'Categories' which
cannot be found accross the variables declared in 'Variables'.")
  # if(length(group_names_var) == 1) return(data_dict)
  data_dicts_var <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    group_split() %>% as.list()
  names(data_dicts_var) <- group_names_var
  data_dicts_cat <-
    data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
    group_split() %>% as.list()
  names(data_dicts_cat) <- group_names_cat
  if(length(data_dicts_cat) == 0) data_dicts_cat <- NULL
  data_dict_list <-
    vector(mode = "list", length = length(group_names_var))
  names(data_dict_list) <- group_names_var
  for(i in group_names_var){
    # stop()}
    data_dict_list[[i]] <- list(Variables  = NULL, Categories = NULL)
    data_dict_list[[i]] <-
        Variables  =
          bind_rows(data_dict_list[[i]][['Variables']], data_dicts_var[[i]]),
        Categories =
          bind_rows(data_dict_list[[i]][['Categories']], data_dicts_cat[[i]]))
    if(sum(nrow(data_dict_list[[i]][['Categories']])) == 0){
      data_dict_list[[i]][['Categories']] <- NULL }

#' @title
#' Bind listed data dictionaries
#' @description
#' Binds a list of data dictionaries into one data dictionary.
#' This is a wrapper function analogous to [dplyr::bind_rows()].
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [dplyr::bind_rows()]
#' @param data_dict_list A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed.
#' @param name_group A character string of one column in the dataset that can be
#' taken as a grouping column.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a workable data dictionary structure.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' library(dplyr)
#' # Create a list of data dictionaries where the column 'table' is added to 
#' # refer to the associated dataset. The object created is not a 
#' # data dictionary per say, but can be used as a structure which can be 
#' # shaped into a data dictionary.
#' data_dict_list <- list(
#'   data_dict_1 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_TOKYO ,
#'   data_dict_2 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' names(data_dict_list) = c("dataset_TOKYO","dataset_MELBOURNE")
#' glimpse(data_dict_list_nest(data_dict_list, name_group = 'table'))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_list_nest <- function(data_dict_list, name_group = NULL){
  # test if enough data_dict
  data_dict_list %>%
  data_dict <- list(Variables = tibble(), Categories = tibble())
  for(i in seq_len(length(data_dict_list))){
    # stop()}
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
        data_dict_list[[i]][['Variables']] %>%
          mutate(across(everything(), as.character)))
    if(sum(nrow(data_dict_list[[i]][['Categories']])) > 0){
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
          data_dict_list[[i]][['Categories']] %>%
            mutate(across(everything(), as.character)))
    if(name_group %in%
        "The column '",name_group,
        "' already exists in data dictionary and will not be added.")
      name_group_col_var <- tibble()
      name_group_col_cat <- tibble()
      for(i in names(data_dict_list)){
        # stop()}
        name_group_col_var <-
            data_dict_list[[i]][['Variables']][1] %>%
              mutate(name_list_group = names(data_dict_list[i])) %>%
              select(.data$`name_list_group`) %>%
              rename_with(.cols = .data$`name_list_group`,~ name_group))
          name_group_col_cat <-
              data_dict_list[[i]][['Categories']][1] %>%
                mutate(name_list_group = names(data_dict_list[i])) %>%
                select(.data$`name_list_group`) %>%
                rename_with(.cols = .data$`name_list_group`,~ name_group))
      data_dict[['Variables']]  <-
        name_group_col_var %>% bind_cols(data_dict[['Variables']])
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        name_group_col_cat %>% bind_cols(data_dict[['Categories']])
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) == 0){
    data_dict[['Categories']] <- NULL

#' @title
#' Group listed data dictionaries by specified column names
#' @description
#' Groups the data dictionary element(s) by the groups defined by the query.
#' This function groups both the 'Variables' and 'Categories' elements (if 
#' the group exists under the same definition in in both). This function is 
#' analogous to running [dplyr::group_by()]. Each element is named using the 
#' group values. [data_dict_ungroup()] reverses the effect.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [dplyr::group_by()], [data_dict_ungroup()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed.
#' @param col variable to group by.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a workable data dictionary structure.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' # Create a list of data dictionaries where the column 'table' is added to 
#' # refer to the associated dataset. The object created is not a 
#' # data dictionary per say, but can be used as a structure which can be 
#' # shaped into a data dictionary.
#' data_dict_list <- list(
#'   data_dict_1 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_TOKYO ,
#'   data_dict_2 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' names(data_dict_list) = c("dataset_TOKYO","dataset_MELBOURNE")
#' data_dict_nest <- data_dict_list_nest(data_dict_list, name_group = 'table')
#' data_dict_group_by(data_dict_nest, col = "table")
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_group_by <- function(data_dict, col){
  # test if enough data_dict
  col <- substitute(col)
  if(typeof(col) == "character") col <- as.symbol(col)
  if(typeof(col) == "symbol")    col <- substitute(col)
  if(typeof(col) == "language")  col <- as.symbol(col)
  if(is.null(col)) return(data_dict)
  group_names_var <-
    c(sort(unique(data_dict[['Variables']][[col]]),na.last = TRUE))
  categories <- TRUE
  if(is.null(data_dict[['Categories']])) categories <- FALSE
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) == 0){
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      tibble(col = as.character()) %>%
      rename_with(.cols = "col", ~ deparse(col))}
  group_names_cat <-
    c(sort(unique(data_dict[['Categories']][[col]]),na.last = TRUE))
    stop(call. = FALSE,
paste0("Column '",col,"' not found in Categories."))
  if(!all(group_names_cat %in% group_names_var)) 
    stop(call. = FALSE,
"\n\nThese data dictionaries contain group of variables in 'Categories' which
cannot be found accross the variables declared in 'Variables'.")
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    arrange(!! col) %>%
    group_by(!! col)
  data_dict[['Categories']] <-
    data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
    arrange(!! col) %>%
    group_by(!! col)
  if(categories == FALSE) data_dict[['Categories']] <- NULL

#' @title
#' Ungroup data dictionary
#' @description
#' Ungroups the data dictionary element(s). This function ungroups both the
#' 'Variables' and 'Categories' elements (if both are grouped data frames). 
#' This function is analogous to running [dplyr::ungroup()].
#' [data_dict_group_by()] allows to group a data dictionary and this function 
#' reverses the effect.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [dplyr::ungroup()]
#' [data_dict_group_by()]
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata to be
#' transformed.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) identifying a workable data dictionary structure.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' # Create a list of data dictionaries where the column 'table' is added to 
#' # refer to the associated dataset. The object created is not a 
#' # data dictionary per say, but can be used as a structure which can be 
#' # shaped into a data dictionary.
#' library(dplyr)
#' data_dict_list <- list(
#'   data_dict_1 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_TOKYO ,
#'   data_dict_2 <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' names(data_dict_list) = c("dataset_TOKYO","dataset_MELBOURNE")
#' data_dict_nest <-
#'   data_dict_list_nest(data_dict_list, name_group = 'table') %>%
#'   data_dict_group_by(col = "table")
#'  data_dict_ungroup(data_dict_nest)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_ungroup <- function(data_dict){
  # test if enough data_dict
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
    data_dict[['Categories']] %>%

#' @title
#' Apply a data dictionary to a dataset
#' @description
#' Applies a data dictionary to a dataset, creating a labelled dataset with 
#' variable attributes. Any previous attributes will be preserved. For 
#' variables that are factors, variables will be transformed into 
#' haven-labelled variables.
#' @details
#' A dataset is a data table containing variables. A dataset object is a 
#' data frame and can be associated with a data dictionary. If no 
#' data dictionary is provided with a dataset, a minimum workable 
#' data dictionary will be generated as needed within relevant functions.
#' Identifier variable(s) for indexing can be specified by the user. 
#' The id values must be non-missing and will be used in functions that 
#' require it. If no identifier variable is specified, indexing is 
#' handled automatically by the function.
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' [attributes()], [haven::labelled()]
#' @param dataset A dataset object.
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata of the input 
#' dataset. Automatically generated if not provided. 
#' @returns
#' A labelled data frame with metadata as attributes, specified for each 
#' variable from the input data dictionary.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' dataset <- madshapR_DEMO$dataset_MELBOURNE
#' data_dict <- as_data_dict_mlstr(madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' head(data_dict_apply(dataset, data_dict))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr haven
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_apply <- function(dataset, data_dict = NULL){
  # if data_dict empty
  if(is.null(data_dict)) data_dict <- data_dict_extract(dataset)
  # test
  as_dataset(dataset, attributes(dataset)$`madshapR::col_id`)
  preserve_attributes <- attributes(dataset)$`madshapR::col_id`
  if(toString(attributes(data_dict)$`madshapR::class`) == 'data_dict_mlstr'){
    data_dict <- 
      as_data_dict_mlstr(data_dict,as_data_dict = TRUE, name_standard = FALSE)
  }else{data_dict <- as_data_dict(data_dict)}
  # names must exist both in dataset and data dictionary
  # data dictionary is not applied to dataset, since it may come from an
  # automated datadict (text by default).
  if(suppressWarnings(check_dataset_variables(dataset, data_dict)) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$`condition`,"\\[ERR\\]")) %>% nrow > 0){
    stop(call. = FALSE,
"Names across your data dictionary differ from names across the dataset.",
         bold("\n\nUseful tip:"),
" Use dataset_evaluate(dataset, data_dict) to get a full assessment of
your dataset")}
  # set cleaning prefix of Variables element
  # (addition of Variables:: before all variables except name)
  names(data_dict[['Variables']])  <-
          which(names(data_dict[['Variables']])=='name')] <-
  # set cleaning prefix of Categories element
  # (addition of Categories:: before all variables
  # except variable, name, labels and na_values)
    names(data_dict[['Categories']]) <-
          which(names(data_dict[['Categories']]) %in%
          c('variable','name','labels', 'na_values'))] <-
          which(names(data_dict[['Categories']]) %in%
  names_data <- names(dataset)
  names_data_dict <- data_dict[['Variables']]$`name`
  for(i in names_data) {
  #   stop()}
    vT_list <- madshapR::valueType_list
    vT <- valueType_of(x = dataset[[i]])
    dataset[[i]] <- as_valueType(x = dataset[[i]],valueType = vT)
    attrs_init <- attributes(dataset[[i]])
    attrs_var <-
      data_dict[['Variables']][which(data_dict[['Variables']]$`name` == i),]
    attrs_var <- attrs_var[vapply(X = attrs_var,
                                  FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
                                  FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
    attrs_var <- c(attrs_var) %>% unlist %>% as.list()
    attrs_var <- attrs_var[names(attrs_var) != 'name']
    attrs_cat <- list()
    attrs_fct <- list()
    attrs_na <- list(na_values = c())
    if(!is.null(data_dict[['Categories']])) {
      cat_i <-
          which(data_dict[['Categories']]$`variable` == i),]
      cat_i <- cat_i[vapply(X = cat_i,
                            FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
                            FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
      if(is.null(cat_i[['na_values']])) cat_i[['na_values']] <- NA
      if(nrow(cat_i) > 0) {
        # create vector of dataset
        attributes(dataset[[i]])$`class` <- NULL
        vec_data <-
          try({as_valueType(x = cat_i$`name`, valueType = vT)},silent = TRUE)
        if(class(vec_data)[1] == 'try-error') {
          vT_cat <- valueType_guess(x = cat_i$`name`)
          vec_data <- as_valueType(x = cat_i$`name`, valueType = vT_cat)}
        names(vec_data) <- cat_i$`labels`
        attrs_na <- list(na_values = vec_data[which(!is.na(cat_i$`na_values`))])
        cat_i$`name`        <- NULL
        cat_i$`labels`      <- NULL
        cat_i$`variable`  <- NULL
        cat_i$`na_values` <- NULL
        if(ncol(cat_i) > 0) {
          for(j in seq_len(length(cat_i))){
            # stop()}
            vec_attr <- vec_data
            names(vec_attr) <-  cat_i[[j]]
            vec_attr <- vec_attr[which(!is.na(cat_i[[j]]))]
            attrs_cat[[names(cat_i[j])]] <- vec_attr
        # val_labels(dataset[[i]]) <- vec_data
        attributes(dataset[[i]])$`labels` <- vec_data
        attributes(dataset[[i]])$`class` <-
            vT_list[[which(vT_list$`valueType` == vT),"class"]])
        attrs_fct <- attributes(dataset[[i]])
    attrs_total <- c(attrs_fct,attrs_na, attrs_init, attrs_var,attrs_cat)
    attributes(dataset[[i]]) <- attrs_total
    # suppression of na_values if empty
    if(length(attrs_na[[1]]) == 0) attributes(dataset[[i]])$`na_values` <- NULL
  dataset <-
    dataset[names_data_dict] %>%
    as_tibble() %>%
    as_dataset(col_id = preserve_attributes)

#' @title
#' Generate a data dictionary from a dataset
#' @description
#' Generates a data dictionary from a dataset. If the dataset variables have no 
#' associated metadata, a minimum data dictionary is created by using variable 
#' attributes.
#' @details
#' A dataset is a data table containing variables. A dataset object is a 
#' data frame and can be associated with a data dictionary. If no 
#' data dictionary is provided with a dataset, a minimum workable 
#' data dictionary will be generated as needed within relevant functions.
#' Identifier variable(s) for indexing can be specified by the user. 
#' The id values must be non-missing and will be used in functions that 
#' require it. If no identifier variable is specified, indexing is 
#' handled automatically by the function.
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' The object may be specifically formatted to be compatible with additional 
#' [Maelstrom Research software](https://maelstrom-research.org/page/software), 
#' in particular [Opal environments](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/).
#' @param dataset A dataset object.
#' @param as_data_dict_mlstr Whether the input data dictionary should be coerced 
#' with specific format restrictions for compatibility with other 
#' Maelstrom Research software. TRUE by default.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) representing metadata of the dataset variables.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' ###### Example 2: extract data dictionary from any dataset (the 
#' # data dictionary will be created upon attributes of the dataset. Factors 
#' # will be considered as categorical variables)
#' data_dict_extract(iris)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr fabR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_extract <- function(dataset, as_data_dict_mlstr = TRUE){
  # test
  as_dataset(dataset) # no col_id
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`as_data_dict_mlstr` must be TRUE or FALSE (TRUE by default)')
  dataset <- ungroup(dataset)
  data_dict <-
      Variables = tibble(name = as.character()),
      Categories = tibble(variable = as.character(), name = as.character()))
  for(i in names(dataset)){
    # stop()}
    attrs_i <- attributes(dataset[[i]])
    attrs_i$`tzone` <- NULL
    attrs_i$`class` <- NULL
      names(attrs_i$`levels`) <- make.unique(attrs_i$`levels`)
    data_dict_var <- tibble(name = i)
    data_dict_cat <- tibble(variable = as.character())
    if(length(attrs_i) > 0){
      for(j in seq_len(length(attrs_i))){
        # stop()}
        attr_col_name     <- attrs_i[j] %>% names
        attr_content_col  <- attrs_i[[j]] %>% names
        attr_name_cat     <- attrs_i[[j]] %>% as.character()
        if(is.null(attr_content_col)) {
          data_dict_var[attr_col_name] <-
            paste0(attr_name_cat,collapse = " _; ")
          cat_attr <- tibble(variable = i, name = attr_name_cat)
          cat_attr[[attr_col_name]] <- attr_content_col
          data_dict_cat <- 
            data_dict_cat %>%
                      by = intersect(names(data_dict_cat),names(cat_attr)))
    data_dict[['Variables']]  <-
      data_dict[['Variables']]  %>% bind_rows(data_dict_var)
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>% bind_rows(data_dict_cat)
  names(data_dict[['Variables']])  <-
  names(data_dict[['Categories']]) <-
 if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) == 0) data_dict[['Categories']] <- NULL

  # if(is.null(data_dict$Variables[['valueType']]) &
  #    is.null(data_dict$Variables[['typeof']])){
  #   data_dict <-  silently_run(valueType_adjust(from = dataset, to = data_dict))
  # }

      data_dict$Variables[['valueType']] <- NA
      data_dict <- valueType_self_adjust(data_dict)
  #   data_dict <-  silently_run(valueType_adjust(from = dataset, to = data_dict))
  data_dict <-  
    valueType_adjust(from = dataset, to = data_dict) %>%
      as_data_dict = !as_data_dict_mlstr,
      name_standard = FALSE)

#' @title
#' Inner join between a dataset and its associated data dictionary
#' @description
#' Performs an inner join between a dataset and its associated data dictionary, 
#' keeping only variables present in both. This function returns the matched
#' dataset rows, the matched data dictionary rows, or both, in a list.
#' @details
#' A dataset is a data table containing variables. A dataset object is a 
#' data frame and can be associated with a data dictionary. If no 
#' data dictionary is provided with a dataset, a minimum workable 
#' data dictionary will be generated as needed within relevant functions.
#' Identifier variable(s) for indexing can be specified by the user. 
#' The id values must be non-missing and will be used in functions that 
#' require it. If no identifier variable is specified, indexing is 
#' handled automatically by the function.
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @param dataset A dataset object.
#' @param data_dict A list of data frame(s) representing metadata of the input 
#' dataset.
#' @param data_dict_apply Whether data dictionary(ies) should be applied to 
#' associated dataset(s), creating labelled dataset(s) with variable attributes. 
#' Any previous attributes will be preserved. FALSE by default.
#' @param output A vector of character string which indicates if the function
#' returns a dataset ('dataset'), data dictionary ('data_dict') of both.
#' Default is c('dataset','data_dict').
#' @returns
#' Either a data frame, identifying the dataset, or a list of data frame(s)
#' identifying a data dictionary. Returns both in a list by default.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' library(dplyr)
#' dataset <- madshapR_DEMO$dataset_MELBOURNE %>% select(-1)
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE
#' head(data_dict_match_dataset(dataset, data_dict, out = 'dataset'))
#' glimpse(data_dict_match_dataset(dataset, data_dict, out = 'data_dict'))
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
data_dict_match_dataset <- function(
    data_dict_apply = FALSE,
    output = c("dataset","data_dict")){
  # test
  as_dataset(dataset) # no col_id
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`data_dict_apply` must be TRUE of FALSE (FALSE by default)')
  names_data <-
    paste0("name %in% c('",paste0(names(dataset),collapse = "','"),"')")
  data_dict <- data_dict_filter(data_dict, filter_var = names_data)
  dataset <- dataset %>% select(data_dict[['Variables']]$`name`)
  if(length(dataset) == 0)
    warning("No match found between dataset and data dictionary")
  if(data_dict_apply == TRUE)
    return(data_dict_apply(dataset, data_dict))
  if(all(output[2:1] %in% c("dataset","data_dict")))
    return(list(dataset = dataset, data_dict = data_dict))
  if(output[1] == c("dataset"))
  if(output[1] == c("data_dict"))
  # else
  stop(call. = FALSE,
"`output` parameter must be either 'dataset' or 'data_dict'.
Leave blank to get both in a list.")

#' @title
#' Validate and coerce any object as a workable data dictionary structure
#' @description
#' Validates the input object as a workable data dictionary structure and 
#' returns it with the appropriate `madshapR::class` attribute. This function 
#' mainly helps validate input within other functions of the package but could 
#' be used to check if a data dictionary is valid for use in a function.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' For a better assessment, please use [data_dict_evaluate()].
#' @param object A potential valid data dictionary to be coerced.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) with `madshapR::class` 'data_dict_shape'.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_PARIS
#' as_data_dict_shape(data_dict)
#' @import dplyr tidyr
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
as_data_dict_shape <- function(object){
  # if the Variables sheet is input in parameter
  if(sum(names(object) %in% c('Variables')) == 1 & !is.data.frame(object)){
    # name column must exist
      stop(call. = FALSE,
           "Column 'name' in 'Variables' is missing in your data dictionary.")}
    # if Categories exists
      #, variable column must exist
        stop(call. = FALSE,
"Column 'variable' in 'Categories' is missing in your data dictionary.")}
      #, name column must exist
        stop(call. = FALSE,
"Column 'name' in 'Categories' is missing in your data dictionary.")}
    # if all test pass:
    attributes(object)$`madshapR::class` <- "data_dict_structure"
  # else
  stop(call. = FALSE,
"\n\nThis object is not a data dictionary as defined by Maelstrom standards, 
which must be a list containing at least 'Variables' list of elements.
Please refer to documentation.")

#' @title
#' Validate and coerce any object as a data dictionary
#' @description
#' Checks if an object is a valid data dictionary and returns it with the 
#' appropriate `madshapR::class` attribute. This function mainly helps validate 
#' inputs within other functions of the package but could be used to check if 
#' an object is valid for use in a function.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' For a better assessment, please use [data_dict_evaluate()].
#' @param object A potential data dictionary object to be coerced.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) with `madshapR::class` 'data_dict'.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_PARIS
#' as_data_dict(data_dict)
#' @import dplyr tidyr stringr fabR
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
as_data_dict <- function(object){
  data_dict <- as_data_dict_shape(object)
  # variable names must be unique and non-null
  if(check_data_dict_variables(data_dict) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$`condition`,"\\[ERR\\]")) %>% nrow > 0){
    stop(call. = FALSE,
"Variable names must exist and be unique in your data dictionary.",
         bold("\n\nUseful tip:"),
" Use data_dict_evaluate(data_dict) to get a full assessment of your
data dictionary")}
  # variable names must be unique and non-null
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    if(check_data_dict_categories(data_dict) %>% 
       dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$`condition`,"\\[ERR\\]")) %>% nrow > 0){
      stop(call. = FALSE,
"Variable names in categories must exist and be unique in the data dictionary.",
           bold("\n\nUseful tip:"),
" Use data_dict_evaluate(data_dict) to get a full assessment of your
data dictionary")}}
  if(nrow(data_dict[['Variables']]) == 0){
    data_dict <-
      list(Variables = tibble(name = as.character(),typeof = as.character()))
    attributes(data_dict)$`madshapR::class` <- "data_dict"
    return(data_dict) }
  # dataset shaping
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    mutate(across(everything() ,~str_squish(.))) %>%
    mutate(across(everything() ,~na_if(.,"")))
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(across(everything(),~str_squish(.))) %>%
  # if not exists, addition of typeof for categorical variables, text else
  if(length(data_dict[['Variables']][['typeof']]) == 0){
    # test if vT exists and is good
    if(length(data_dict[['Variables']][['valueType']]) > 0){
      test_vT <-
        data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
        select('name', 'valueType') %>%
        mutate(`valueType` = replace_na(.data$`valueType`,"character")) %>%
          madshapR::valueType_list %>%
              valueType = 'valueType',
              typeof = 'typeof') %>%
          by = "valueType")
        data_dict[['Variables']] <-
          data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
          left_join(test_vT %>% select('name','typeof'), by = 'name')
      }else if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
        category_outcomes <-
          data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          select('name') %>% distinct %>%
          rowwise() %>%
          mutate(valueType = valueType_guess(.data$`name`))
        category_outcomes <-
          data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          select('variable','name') %>%
          left_join(category_outcomes, by = "name") %>%
          select('variable','valueType') %>%
          distinct %>%
          group_by(.data$`variable`) %>%
          summarise(valueType = paste0(.data$`valueType`,collapse = "|"))
        category_outcomes <-
          data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          select('variable','name') %>%
          left_join(category_outcomes, by = "variable") %>%
          group_by(.data$`variable`) %>% group_split() %>% as.list() %>%
            test_vT <- str_detect(x$valueType[1], "\\|")
            if(test_vT) x <- x %>% mutate(
              valueType = valueType_guess(unique(x$name)))
          }) %>%
          bind_rows() %>%
          select('variable','valueType') %>% distinct %>%
          left_join(madshapR::valueType_list, by = "valueType") %>%
          select(name = 'variable','typeof')
        data_dict[['Variables']] <-
          left_join(data_dict[['Variables']],category_outcomes,by = "name") %>%
          mutate(`typeof` = replace_na(.data$`typeof`,'character'))
      }else{data_dict[['Variables']][['typeof']] <- 'character'}
    }else{data_dict[['Variables']][['typeof']] <- 'character'}
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    # addition of valueType for sorting elements

    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
      select('variable','name') %>% 
      add_index('madshapR::index', .force = TRUE) %>%
      left_join(data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
                  select(variable = 'name', 'typeof'), by = "variable") %>%
      group_by(typeof) %>% group_split() %>% as.list %>%
      lapply(function(x) {
        test_name <- as_valueType(x$`name`, valueType_guess(unique(x$`name`)))
        if(all(as.character(test_name) == as.character(x$name))){
          x$name <- test_name}
        x <- x %>% arrange(.data$`variable`, .data$`name`) %>%
          mutate(name = as.character(.data$`name`))
        return(x)}) %>% 
      bind_rows() %>%
      select(-'typeof') %>%
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          add_index('madshapR::index',.force = TRUE) %>%
          select(-'name'),by = c('madshapR::index', 'variable')) %>%
    # add labels if not exists
    if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['labels']]) == 0){
      if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['levels']]) > 0){
        # check if levels equals name (that means the levels are factors)
        if(all(data_dict[['Categories']][['levels']] ==
               data_dict[['Categories']][['name']],na.rm = TRUE)){
          data_dict[['Categories']]['levels'] <- NULL}}
      # name label as names
      data_dict[['Categories']]['labels'] <- data_dict[['Categories']]['name']
    } # else do nothing
    # add na_values (as NA, will be removed anyway) if not exists
    if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['na_values']]) == 0){
      # name label as names
      data_dict[['Categories']]['na_values'] <- NA_character_
    } # else do nothing
    # gather haven and factors if levels remain
    if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['levels']]) > 0){
      # check if levels isnt NA when labels is (recip.) and
      # check if na_values is NA when levels is (recip.)
      # (that means labels and levels are factors)
      if(all(!is.na(data_dict[['Categories']][['levels']]) ==
        data_dict[['Categories']] <-
          data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
            labels =
                !is.na(.data$`levels`) & is.na(.data$`na_values`),
                .data$`levels`, .data$`labels`),
            levels =
                !is.na(.data$`levels`) & (.data$`levels` == .data$`labels`),
                NA_character_ , .data$`levels`))}
    # rearrange elements by missingness, then name, then variable
    new_name <-
    names(data_dict[['Categories']]) <-
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        missing = !is.na(.data$`na_values`),
        missing = ifelse(is.na(.data$`missing`),FALSE,.data$`missing`)) %>%
        missing =
            (.data$`name` < 0 & .data$`missing` == TRUE),
            2, .data$`missing`)) %>%
      group_by(.data$`variable`) %>%
      arrange(.data$`variable`,.data$`missing`) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(missing = ifelse(.data$`missing` == 2, 1, .data$`missing`)) %>%
      mutate(missing = as.logical(.data$`missing`)) %>%
    if(length(new_name) > 0)
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
      rename_with(.cols = any_of(new_name) , .fn = ~ paste0('missing'))
  # reorder things
  # dataset shaping
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>% select('name','typeof',everything())
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      vapply(X = data_dict[['Variables']],
             FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
             FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
          select(variable = 'name'), data_dict[['Categories']],
        by = "variable",multiple = "all") %>%
      select('variable','name','labels',matches("^na_values$"), everything())
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        X = data_dict[['Categories']],
        FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
        FUN.VALUE = logical(1))]
  # if all test pass:
  attributes(data_dict)$`madshapR::class` <- "data_dict"

#' @title
#' Validate and coerce any object as an Opal data dictionary format
#' @description
#' Validates the input object as a valid data dictionary compliant with formats 
#' used in Maelstrom Research ecosystem, including Opal, and returns it with 
#' the appropriate `madshapR::class` attribute. This function mainly helps 
#' validate input within other functions of the package but could be used to 
#' check if an object is valid for use in a function.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' The object may be specifically formatted to be compatible with additional 
#' [Maelstrom Research software](https://maelstrom-research.org/page/software), 
#' in particular [Opal environments](https://www.obiba.org/pages/products/opal/).
#' @seealso
#' For a better assessment, please use [data_dict_evaluate()].
#' @param object A potential valid data dictionary to be coerced.
#' @param as_data_dict Whether the input data dictionary should not be coerced 
#' with specific format restrictions for compatibility with other 
#' Maelstrom Research software. FALSE by default.
#' @param name_standard Whether the input data dictionary has variable names
#' compatible with Maelstrom Research ecosystem, including Opal)or not. 
#' FALSE by default.
#' @returns
#' A list of data frame(s) with `madshapR::class` 'data_dict_mlstr'.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE
#' as_data_dict_mlstr(madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE)
#' }
#' @import dplyr tidyr fabR
#' @importFrom crayon bold
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
as_data_dict_mlstr <- function(
    as_data_dict = FALSE, 
    name_standard = FALSE){
  # test if data_dict is already data dictionary
  data_dict <- as_data_dict(object)
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         '`as_data_dict` must be TRUE of FALSE (FALSE by default)')
  # if valueType exists, vT must be valid
  if(suppressWarnings(check_data_dict_valueType(data_dict))  %>%
     dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$`condition`,"\\[ERR\\]")) %>% nrow > 0){
    stop(call. = FALSE,
         "valueType are incompatible with Maelstrom standards.",
         bold("\n\nUseful tip:"),
         " Use data_dict_evaluate(data_dict) to get a full assessment of your
data dictionary")}
  # check missing validity
  if(suppressWarnings(check_data_dict_missing_categories(data_dict)) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(str_detect(.data$`condition`,"\\[ERR\\]")) %>% nrow > 0){
    stop(call. = FALSE,
Incompatible missing value in the missing columns with Maelstrom standards",
"\n\nUseful tip:"),
" Use data_dict_evaluate(data_dict) to get a full assessment of your
data dictionary")}
  # Check standard for names
  if(name_standard == TRUE){
    if(nrow(check_name_standards(data_dict[['Variables']][['name']])) > 0){
      stop(call. = FALSE,
"names are incompatible with Maelstrom standards.",
bold("\n\nUseful tip:"),
" Use data_dict_evaluate(data_dict) to get a full assessment of your
data dictionary")}
  # assess if tO is good
  test_vT <-
    data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    select('name', 'typeof') %>%
    mutate(`typeof` = replace_na(.data$`typeof`,"character")) %>%
      madshapR::valueType_list %>%
          valueType = 'toValueType',
          typeof = 'toTypeof') %>%
      by = "typeof")
  # si pas bon de base, mettre un message et garder tO
      "The column 'typeof' in your data dictionary contains values that were
impossible to coerce in valueType. This column can be kept for further
      "\n\nVariable(s) name : ",
  }else{data_dict[['Variables']][['typeof']] <- NULL}
  # si vT existe
  # add valueType if not exists
  if(length(data_dict[['Variables']][['valueType']]) == 0){
    # sinon on rajoute vT au dd
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
      left_join(test_vT %>% select('name','valueType'), by = 'name')
  } # else do nothing
  # add label(:xx) if not present
  lab_name_var <-
    names(data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
  # add label if does not exists
  if(length(lab_name_var) == 0){
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>% mutate(label = .data$`name`)}
  # fill labels if some are empty
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>% 
                    ~ ifelse(is.na(.),.data$`name`,.)))
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    # addition of label(:xx) if not present
    lab_name_var <-
      names(data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
    lab_name_cat <-
        names(data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
    if(length(lab_name_cat) == 0){
      # check presence of labels, if identical to name, NULL, rename else

      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        rename_with(.cols = "labels", ~ lab_name_var)
    }else if(all(data_dict[['Categories']][['labels']] ==
                 data_dict[['Categories']][['name']])) {
      # preserve information from labels into label:xx
      data_dict[['Categories']] <- 
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        mutate(across(all_of(lab_name_cat), ~ ifelse(is.na(.),.data$`labels`,.)))
      data_dict[['Categories']][['labels']] <- NULL}
    # addition of missing if not present
    missing_name <-
      names(data_dict[['Categories']] %>% select(matches(c("^missing$"))))
    if(length(missing_name) == 0){
      # check presence of na_values, if identical to label, NULL, rename else
      if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['na_values']]) == 0){
        data_dict[['Categories']]$`missing` <- FALSE
      }else if(all(data_dict[['Categories']][['na_values']] ==
                   data_dict[['Categories']][['label']],na.rm = TRUE)){
        data_dict[['Categories']]$`missing` <-
        data_dict[['Categories']]$`na_values` <- NULL
      }else{data_dict[['Categories']]$`missing` <- FALSE}
      # check if missings and na_values are duplicated
    }else if(all(!is.na(data_dict[['Categories']][['na_values']]) ==
      data_dict[['Categories']]$`na_values` <- NULL
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        missing = as_any_boolean(.data$`missing`),
        missing = ifelse(is.na(.data$`missing`),FALSE,.data$`missing`)) %>%
        missing =
            .data$`name` < 0 & .data$`missing` == TRUE),
            2, .data$`missing`)) %>%
      group_by(.data$`variable`) %>%
      arrange(.data$`variable`,.data$`missing`) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(missing = ifelse(.data$`missing` == 2, 1, .data$`missing`)) %>%
      mutate(missing = as.logical(.data$`missing`))
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) == 0)
    data_dict[['Categories']] <- NULL
  if(as_data_dict == TRUE){
    # # check if label and name are duplicated
    # if(length(data_dict[['Variables']][['label']]) > 0){
    #   if(all(data_dict[['Variables']][['name']] ==
    #          data_dict[['Variables']][['label']])){
    #     data_dict[['Variables']]$`label` <- NULL}}
    # valueType as typeof
    if(length(data_dict[['Variables']][['typeof']]) == 0){
      data_dict[['Variables']] <-
        data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
          madshapR::valueType_list %>%
              valueType = "valueType",
              typeof = "toTypeof") %>%
          by = "valueType") %>%
    if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
      # protection of labels if already exists
      if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['labels']]) > 0){
        new_name <-
"The data dictionary contains 'labels' column, which usage is protected in R.
new name: ",new_name)
        names(data_dict[['Categories']]) <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        rename_with(.cols = starts_with("label")[1], ~ 'labels')
      # protection of na_values if already exists
      if(length(data_dict[['Categories']][['na_values']]) > 0){
        new_name <-
"The data dictionary contains 'na_values' column, which usage is protected in R.
New name: ",new_name)
        names(data_dict[['Categories']]) <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
        rename_with(.cols = "missing", ~ 'na_values') %>%
          na_values =
            ifelse(.data$`na_values` == TRUE,.data$`labels`, NA_character_))
      data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
    data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
  # reorder things
  data_dict[['Variables']] <-
      data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
        X = data_dict[['Variables']],
        FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
        FUN.VALUE = logical(1))] %>% 
        bind_rows(tibble(name = as.character())))})
  if(sum(nrow(data_dict[['Categories']])) > 0){
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
      data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
      left_join(data_dict[['Variables']] %>%
                  select(variable =  'name') %>%
                by = join_by('variable')) %>%
      arrange(.data$`madshapR::index`) %>%
    data_dict[['Categories']] <-
        data_dict[['Categories']] %>%
          X = data_dict[['Categories']],
          FUN = function(x) !all(is.na(x)),
          FUN.VALUE = logical(1))] %>% 
          bind_rows(tibble(variable = as.character())))})
  if(as_data_dict == TRUE) {
    attributes(data_dict)$`madshapR::class` <- "data_dict"
    attributes(data_dict)$`madshapR::class` <- "data_dict_mlstr"}

#' @title
#' Test if an object is a workable data dictionary structure
#' @description
#' Tests if the input object has adequate structure to work with functions 
#' involving data dictionary shaping. This function mainly helps validate input 
#' within other functions of the package but could be used to check if an 
#' object is valid for use in a function.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' For a better assessment, please use [data_dict_evaluate()].
#' @param object A potential data dictionary structure to be evaluated.
#' @returns
#' A logical.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE
#' is_data_dict_shape(data_dict)
#' is_data_dict_shape(iris)
#' @import dplyr tidyr fabR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
is_data_dict_shape <- function(object){
  # if only the data dictionary shape is given in parameter
  test <- silently_run(try(as_data_dict_shape(object),silent = TRUE))
  if(class(test)[1] == 'try-error')    return(FALSE)

#' @title
#' Test if an object is a valid data dictionary
#' @description
#' Tests if the input object is a valid data dictionary. This function mainly 
#' helps validate input within other functions of the package but could be used 
#' to check if an object is valid for use in a function.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' For a better assessment, please use [data_dict_evaluate()].
#' @param object A potential data dictionary to be evaluated.
#' @returns
#' A logical.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE
#' is_data_dict(data_dict)
#' is_data_dict(iris)
#' @import dplyr tidyr fabR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
is_data_dict <- function(object){
  object <- object
  # if only the data frame is given in parameter
  test <- silently_run(try(as_data_dict(object),silent = TRUE))
  if(class(test)[1] == 'try-error')    return(FALSE)

#' @title
#' Test if an object is a valid Maelstrom data dictionary
#' @description
#' Tests if the input object is a valid data dictionary compliant with formats 
#' used in Maelstrom Research ecosystem, including Opal. This function mainly 
#' helps validate input within other functions of the package but could be used 
#' to check if an object is valid for use in a function.
#' @details
#' A data dictionary contains the list of variables in a dataset and metadata 
#' about the variables and can be associated with a dataset. A data dictionary 
#' object is a list of data frame(s) named 'Variables' (required) and 
#' 'Categories' (if any). To be usable in any function, the data frame 
#' 'Variables' must contain at least the `name` column, with all unique and 
#' non-missing entries, and the data frame 'Categories' must contain at least 
#' the `variable` and `name` columns, with unique combination of 
#' `variable` and `name`.
#' @seealso
#' For a better assessment, please use [data_dict_evaluate()].
#' @param object A potential Maelstrom formatted data dictionary to be
#' evaluated.
#' @returns
#' A logical.
#' @examples
#' {
#' # use madshapR_DEMO provided by the package
#' data_dict <- madshapR_DEMO$data_dict_MELBOURNE
#' is_data_dict_mlstr(data_dict)
#' is_data_dict_mlstr(iris)
#' @import dplyr tidyr fabR
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
is_data_dict_mlstr <- function(object){
  object <- object
  # if only the data frame is given in parameter
  test <- silently_run(try(as_data_dict_mlstr(object),silent = TRUE))
  if(class(test)[1] == 'try-error')    return(FALSE)

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madshapR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:43 a.m.