
Defines functions as_tbl_graph.malan_pedigreelist get_nodes_edges plot.malan_pedigree plot.malan_pedigreelist pedigree_as_igraph print.malan_pedigree `[[.malan_population` `[[.malan_pedigreelist` stop_invalid_id print.malan_pedigreelist print.malan_population print.malan_population_abort

Documented in as_tbl_graph.malan_pedigreelist get_nodes_edges pedigree_as_igraph plot.malan_pedigree plot.malan_pedigreelist print.malan_pedigree print.malan_pedigreelist print.malan_population print.malan_population_abort

#' Print `malan_population_abort`
#' @param x `malan_population_abort`
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @export
print.malan_population_abort <-
  function(x, ...) {
    if (!is(x, "malan_population_abort")) stop("x must be a malan_population_abort object")
    cat("Operation was cancelled, hence the assembly was not finished.\n")    

#' Print population
#' Print `malan_population` generated by 
#' [sample_geneology()] or [sample_geneology_varying_size()].
#' @param x Population (`malan_population`)
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @export
print.malan_population <-
  function(x, ...) {
    if (!is(x, "malan_population")) stop("x must be a malan_population object")
    cat("Population with ", formatC(pop_size(x), big.mark = ","), " individuals\n", sep = "")

#' Print pedigree list
#' Print `malan_pedigreelist` generated by 
#' [build_pedigrees()].
#' @param x Pedigrees (`malan_pedigreelist`)
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @export
print.malan_pedigreelist <-
  function(x, ...) {
    if (!is(x, "malan_pedigreelist")) stop("x must be a malan_pedigreelist object")
    sizes <- unlist(lapply(1L:pedigrees_count(x), function(i) pedigree_size(x[[i]])))
    sizes_str <- ""
    max_print <- 6L
    if (length(sizes) > 0L) {
      if (length(sizes) <= max_print) {
        sizes_str <- paste0(" (of size ", paste0(sizes, collapse = ", "), ")")
      } else {
        sizes_str <- paste0(" (of size ", paste0(sizes[1L:max_print], collapse = ", "), ", ...)")
    cat("List of ", formatC(pedigrees_count(x), big.mark = ","), " pedigrees", sizes_str, "\n", sep = "")

stop_invalid_id <- function(id) {
  if (length(id) != 1L || !is.numeric(id) || id <= 0L || round(id) != id) {
    stop("Invalid id: ", id)

#' Get pedigree from pedigree list
#' Get pedigree from `malan_pedigreelist` generated by 
#' [build_pedigrees()].
#' @param x Element id
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @return Pedigree
#' @export
`[[.malan_pedigreelist` <- function(x, ...) {
  i <- ..1
  #if (length(i) != 1L || !is.integer(i) || i[1L] <= 0L || i > pedigrees_count(x)) {
  if (i > pedigrees_count(x)) {
    stop("Wrong pedigree selected (not that many pedigrees exist)")
  p <- get_pedigree(x, i - 1L) # -1 to go to 0-based indexing

#' Get individual from population by pid
#' @param x pid
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @return Individual
#' @export
`[[.malan_population` <- function(x, ...) {
  pid <- ..1
  #if (!is.integer(pid)) {
  #  pid <- as.integer(pid)
  #  warning("Converting to integer explicitely (remember L postfix)")
  p <- get_individual(x, pid)

#' Print pedigree
#' @param x Pedigree
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @export
print.malan_pedigree <-
  function(x, ...) {
    if (!is(x, "malan_pedigree")) stop("x must be a malan_pedigree object")

#' Convert pedigree to igraph
#' @param x Pedigree
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @return `igraph` object
#' @importFrom igraph graph_from_data_frame plot.igraph union layout_as_tree layout.reingold.tilford vcount V
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom graphics par
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
pedigree_as_igraph <-
  function(x, ...) {
    if (!is(x, "malan_pedigree")) stop("x must be a malan_pedigree object")
    ginfo <- get_pedigree_as_graph(x)
    g <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(ginfo$edgelist, directed = TRUE, vertices = ginfo$nodes)
    #co <- igraph::layout_nicely(g, dim = 2)
    co <- igraph::layout_as_tree(g, mode = "out")
    attr(g, "layout") <- co


#' Plot pedigree list
#' Plot `malan_pedigreelist` generated by 
#' [build_pedigrees()].
#' @param x Pedigree list
#' @param \dots ignored
#' @export  
#plot_pedigrees <-
plot.malan_pedigreelist <-
  function(x, ...) {
    pedigrees <- x
    peds_gs <- lapply(1L:pedigrees_count(pedigrees), function(i) pedigree_as_igraph(pedigrees[[i]]))
    big_graph <- do.call(igraph::union, peds_gs)

    roots <- sapply(lapply(peds_gs, igraph::topological.sort), head, n = 1)
    coords <- mapply(FUN = igraph::layout.reingold.tilford, peds_gs, root = roots, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    ## Put the graphs side by side, roots on the top
    width <- sapply(coords, function(x) { r <- range(x[, 1]); r[2] - r[1] })
    gap <- 0.5
    shift <- c(0, cumsum(width[-length(width)] + gap))
    ncoords <- mapply(FUN=function(mat, shift) {
      mat[,1] <- mat[,1] - min(mat[,1]) + shift
      mat[,2] <- mat[,2] - max(mat[,2])
    }, coords, shift, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
    ## Put together the coordinates for the original graph,
    ## based on the names of the vertices
    lay <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = igraph::vcount(big_graph))
    for (i in seq_along(peds_gs)) {
      lay[match(igraph::V(peds_gs[[i]])$name, igraph::V(big_graph)$name),] <- ncoords[[i]]
    ## Plot everything
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    igraph::plot.igraph(big_graph, layout = lay, ...)

#' Plot pedigree
#' Plot `malan_pedigree`.
#' @param x Pedigree
#' @param ids Show pids
#' @param haplotypes Show haplotypes
#' @param locus_sep Locus separator in haplotypes
#' @param mark_pids Vector of pids to highlight
#' @param label_color Label color
#' @param node_color Node color
#' @param mark_color Highlight color
#' @param \dots Passed to `igraph::plot.igraph`
#' @export  
plot.malan_pedigree <-
  function(x, ids = TRUE, 
           haplotypes = FALSE, 
           locus_sep = " ", 
           mark_pids = NULL, 
           label_color = "black", 
           node_color = "lightgray", 
           mark_color = "orange", 
           ...) {
    if (!is(x, "malan_pedigree")) stop("x must be a malan_pedigree object")
    x_pids <- get_pids_in_pedigree(x)
    vertex_label <- rep("", length(x_pids))
    if (ids) {
      vertex_label <- x_pids
    if (haplotypes) {      
      haps <- get_haplotypes_in_pedigree(x)
      vertex_label <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(haps), function(h_i) {
        h <- haps[[h_i]]
        prefix <- ""
        if (ids) {
          prefix <- paste0(x_pids[h_i], ": ")
        paste0(strwrap(paste0(prefix, paste0(h, collapse = locus_sep)), width = 15), collapse = "\n")
    vertex_colors <- rep(node_color, length(vertex_label))
    if (!is.null(mark_pids)) {
      #vertex_colors[x_pids %in% mark_pids] <- mark_color
      if (length(mark_color) == 1L) {
        #mark_color <- rep(mark_color, length(mark_pids))
        mark_color <- rep(mark_color, length(mark_pids))
      } else if (length(mark_color) != length(mark_pids)) {
        stop("Expected mark_color of length 1 or same length as mark_pids")
      for (m_id in seq_along(mark_pids)) {
        vertex_colors[which(x_pids == mark_pids[m_id])] <- mark_color[m_id]
    g <- pedigree_as_igraph(x)
    igraph::V(g)$color <- vertex_colors
    opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
                        vertex.label = vertex_label, 
                        vertex.label.cex = 0.75, 
                        vertex.label.color = label_color, 
                        layout = igraph::layout_as_tree(graph = g),


globalVariables(c("from", "to", "name"))

#' Get nodes and edges 
#' Get nodes and edges in `malan_pedigreelist`.
#' For example to plot via [as_tbl_graph()].
#' @param x `malan_pedigreelist`
#' @param \dots Ignored
#' @return List with entries `nodes` and `edges`
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @export
get_nodes_edges <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is(x, "malan_pedigreelist")) stop("x must be a malan_pedigreelist object")
  ret <- get_pedigrees_tidy(x)
  d_edges <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(seq_along(ret$ped_ids), function(i) {
    tibble(from = ret$edgelists[[i]][, 1], 
           to = ret$edgelists[[i]][, 2])
  })) %>%
  mutate(from = as.character(from),
         to = as.character(to))
  d_indv <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(seq_along(ret$ped_ids), function(i) {
    tibble(name = ret$pids[[i]], 
           gens_from_final = ret$generation[[i]], 
           ped_id = ret$ped_ids[[i]], 
           haplotype = ret$haplotypes[[i]])
  })) %>%
  mutate(name = as.character(name))
  return(list(nodes = d_indv, edges = d_edges))

#' Get tidy graph object
#' Get tidy graph object [tbl_graph()], e.g. 
#' to plot with `ggraph()`.
#' @param x `malan_pedigreelist`
#' @param \dots Ignored
#' @return [tbl_graph()] object
#' @importFrom tidygraph as_tbl_graph tbl_graph
#' @export
as_tbl_graph.malan_pedigreelist <- function(x, ...) {
  if (!is(x, "malan_pedigreelist")) stop("x must be a malan_pedigreelist object")
  VE <- get_nodes_edges(x)
  g <- tbl_graph(nodes = VE$nodes, edges = VE$edges)

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malan documentation built on July 4, 2024, 9:09 a.m.