#' @title Bootstrap Estimates for a
#' `lavaan` Output
#' @description Generate bootstrap
#' estimates from the output of
#' [lavaan::sem()].
#' @details This function is for
#' advanced users. [do_boot()] is a
#' function users should try first
#' because [do_boot()] has a general
#' interface for input-specific
#' functions like this one.
#' If bootstrapping confidence intervals
#' was requested when calling
#' [lavaan::sem()] by setting `se =
#' "boot"`, [fit2boot_out()] can be used
#' to extract the stored bootstrap
#' estimates so that they can be reused
#' by [indirect_effect()],
#' [cond_indirect_effects()] and related
#' functions to form bootstrapping
#' confidence intervals for effects such
#' as indirect effects and conditional
#' indirect effects.
#' If bootstrapping confidence was not
#' requested when fitting the model by
#' [lavaan::sem()],
#' [fit2boot_out_do_boot()] can be used
#' to generate nonparametric bootstrap
#' estimates from the output of
#' [lavaan::sem()] and store them for
#' use by [indirect_effect()],
#' [cond_indirect_effects()], and
#' related functions.
#' This approach removes the need to
#' repeat bootstrapping in each call to
#' [indirect_effect()],
#' [cond_indirect_effects()], and
#' related functions. It also ensures
#' that the same set of bootstrap
#' samples is used in all subsequent
#' analyses.
#' @return A `boot_out`-class object
#' that can be used for the `boot_out`
#' argument of [indirect_effect()],
#' [cond_indirect_effects()], and
#' related functions for forming
#' bootstrapping confidence intervals.
#' The object is a list with the number
#' of elements equal to the number of
#' bootstrap samples. Each element is a
#' list of the parameter estimates and
#' sample variances and covariances of
#' the variables in each bootstrap
#' sample.
#' @param fit The fit object. This
#' function only supports a
#' [lavaan::lavaan-class] object.
#' @seealso [do_boot()], the general
#' purpose function that users should
#' try first before using this function.
#' @examples
#' library(lavaan)
#' data(data_med_mod_ab1)
#' dat <- data_med_mod_ab1
#' dat$"x:w" <- dat$x * dat$w
#' dat$"m:w" <- dat$m * dat$w
#' mod <-
#' "
#' m ~ x + w + x:w + c1 + c2
#' y ~ m + w + m:w + x + c1 + c2
#' "
#' # Bootstrapping not requested in calling lavaan::sem()
#' fit <- sem(model = mod, data = dat, fixed.x = FALSE,
#' se = "none", baseline = FALSE)
#' fit_boot_out <- fit2boot_out_do_boot(fit = fit,
#' R = 40,
#' seed = 1234,
#' progress = FALSE)
#' out <- cond_indirect_effects(wlevels = "w",
#' x = "x",
#' y = "y",
#' m = "m",
#' fit = fit,
#' boot_ci = TRUE,
#' boot_out = fit_boot_out)
#' out
#' @export
#' @describeIn fit2boot_out Process
#' stored bootstrap estimates for
#' functions such as
#' [cond_indirect_effects()].
#' @order 1
fit2boot_out <- function(fit) {
boot_est <- boot2est(fit)
boot_implied <- boot2implied(fit)
out <- mapply(function(x, y) list(est = x,
implied_stats = y),
x = boot_est,
y = boot_implied,
names(out) <- names(boot_est)
class(out) <- "boot_out"
#' @param R The number of bootstrap
#' samples. Default is 100.
#' @param seed The seed for the random
#' resampling. Default is `NULL`.
#' @param parallel Logical. Whether
#' parallel processing will be used.
#' Default is `NULL`.
#' @param ncores Integer. The number of
#' CPU cores to use when `parallel` is
#' `TRUE`. Default is the number of
#' non-logical cores minus one (one
#' minimum). Will raise an error if
#' greater than the number of cores
#' detected by
#' [parallel::detectCores()]. If
#' `ncores` is set, it will override
#' `make_cluster_args`.
#' @param make_cluster_args A named list
#' of additional arguments to be passed
#' to [parallel::makeCluster()]. For
#' advanced users. See
#' [parallel::makeCluster()] for
#' details. Default is `list()`.
#' @param progress Logical. Display
#' progress or not. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param internal A list of arguments
#' to be used internally for debugging.
#' Default is `list()`.
#' @export
#' @describeIn fit2boot_out Do
#' bootstrapping and store information
#' to be used by
#' [cond_indirect_effects()] and related
#' functions. Support parallel
#' processing.
#' @order 2
fit2boot_out_do_boot <- function(fit,
R = 100,
seed = NULL,
parallel = FALSE,
ncores = max(parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE) - 1, 1),
make_cluster_args = list(),
progress = TRUE,
internal = list()) {
if (identical(internal$gen_boot, "update")) {
environment(gen_boot_i_update) <- parent.frame()
boot_i <- gen_boot_i_update(fit)
} else {
# environment(gen_boot_i_lavaan) <- parent.frame()
boot_i <- gen_boot_i_lavaan(fit)
dat_org <- lav_data_used(fit,
drop_list_single_group = TRUE)
ngp <- lavaan::lavTech(fit, "ngroups")
if (ngp == 1) {
n <- nrow(dat_org)
} else {
n <- sapply(dat_org, nrow)
boot_test <- suppressWarnings(boot_i(dat_org,
start = lavaan::parameterTable(fit)$start))
# Increase the tolerance for mutliple group model
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(unclass(lavaan::coef(fit)),
tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps * 1e08)))) {
if (isFALSE(identical(internal$gen_boot, "update"))) {
# Try again
environment(gen_boot_i_lavaan) <- parent.frame()
boot_i <- gen_boot_i_lavaan(fit)
boot_test <- suppressWarnings(boot_i(dat_org,
start = lavaan::parameterTable(fit)$start))
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(unclass(lavaan::coef(fit)),
tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps * 1e08)))) {
stop(paste("Something is wrong with gen_boot_i_lavaan().",
"This function cannot reproduce the results.",
"Please fit the model with se = 'boot'"))
} else {
stop(paste("Something is wrong with gen_boot_i_update().",
"This function cannot reproduce the results.",
"Please fit the model with se = 'boot'"))
ft <- lavaan::lavInspect(boot_test, "timing")$total
requireNamespace("parallel", quietly = TRUE)
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
if (ngp == 1) {
ids <- replicate(R,, replace = TRUE), simplify = FALSE)
} else {
ids <- replicate(R, sapply(n,, replace = TRUE, simplify = FALSE),
simplify = FALSE)
if (parallel) {
if (is.numeric(ncores)) {
ncores0 <- parallel::detectCores()
if (ncores == ncores0) {
warning(paste0("'ncores' >= The number of detected cores (",
ncores0,"). The computer may not be responsive",
" when bootstrapping is running."),
immediate. = TRUE)
if (ncores > ncores0) {
ncores <- max(ncores0 - 1, 1L)
} else {
ncores <- 1L
} else {
ncores <- 1L
if (ncores > 1L) {
make_cluster_args <- utils::modifyList(make_cluster_args,
list(spec = ncores))
tmp <- tryCatch({cl <-,
error = function(e) e)
has_cl <- !inherits(tmp, "error")
} else {
has_cl <- FALSE
if (has_cl) {
texp <- 1.2 * R * ft[[1]] / length(cl)
message(paste0(length(cl), " processes started to run bootstrapping."))
message(paste0("The expected CPU time is about ",
round(texp, 2),
" second(s)."))
pkgs <- .packages()
pkgs <- rev(pkgs)
parallel::clusterExport(cl, "pkgs", envir = environment())
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
function(x) library(x, character.only = TRUE))
# No need. ids pregenerated.
# parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl, seed)
if (progress) {
op_old <- pbapply::pboptions(type = "timer")
tmp <- tryCatch({rt <- system.time(out <- suppressWarnings(
pbapply::pblapply(ids, boot_i,
d = dat_org,
cl = cl)))},
error = function(e) e)
} else {
tmp <- tryCatch({rt <- system.time(out <- suppressWarnings(
parallel::parLapplyLB(cl, ids, boot_i,
d = dat_org)))},
error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(tmp, "error")) {
try(parallel::stopCluster(cl), silent = TRUE)
stop("Running in parallel failed. Please set 'parallel' to FALSE.")
} else {
if (progress) {
rt <- system.time(out <- suppressWarnings(pbapply::pblapply(ids, boot_i,
d = dat_org)))
} else {
rt <- system.time(out <- suppressWarnings(lapply(ids, boot_i,
d = dat_org)))
i_ok <- sapply(out, function(x) x$ok)
out <- out[i_ok]
n_ok <- sum(i_ok)
if ((n_ok > 0) && (n_ok < R)) {
n_failed <- R - n_ok
message(paste0("Note: Estimation failed in ",
" bootstrap sample(s).",
" They were removed.",
" Effective number of bootstrap samples is ",
} else if (n_ok == 0) {
stop("Estimation failed in all bootstrap samples.")
class(out) <- "boot_out"
# Convert stored estimates to a list of
# parameter estimates tables. This is
# preferred because it is what users
# usually see.
#' @noRd
boot2est <- function(fit) {
opt <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "options")
if (opt$se != "bootstrap") {
stop("'se' not set to 'bootstrap' when fitting the model.")
boot_est0 <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "boot")
ptable <- lavaan::parameterTable(fit)
p_free <- ptable$free > 0
boot_est <- split(boot_est0, row(boot_est0))
out_all <- lapply(boot_est, set_est_i,
fit = fit,
p_free = p_free)
# Get the implied statistics from stored parameter estimates
#' @noRd
boot2implied <- function(fit) {
opt <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "options")
if (opt$se != "bootstrap") {
stop("'se' not set to 'bootstrap' when fitting the model.")
# if (opt$fixed.x) {
# stop("'fixed.x' set to TRUE is not supported.")
# }
boot_est0 <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "boot")
boot_est <- split(boot_est0, row(boot_est0))
out_all <- lapply(boot_est, get_implied_i,
fit = fit)
# Convert set the estimates in a parameter estimates tables.
#' @noRd
set_est_i <- function(est0, fit, p_free, est_df = NULL) {
type <- NA
if (inherits(fit, "lavaan")) {
type <- "lavaan"
if (inherits(fit, "lavaan.mi")) {
type <- "lavaan.mi"
if (isTRUE( {
stop("Object is not of a supported type.")
out <- switch(type,
lavaan = set_est_i_lavaan(est0 = est0,
fit = fit,
p_free = p_free,
est_df = est_df),
lavaan.mi = set_est_i_lavaan_mi(est0 = est0,
fit = fit,
p_free = p_free,
est_df = est_df))
#' @noRd
set_est_i_lavaan <- function(est0, fit, p_free, est_df = NULL) {
fit@ParTable$est[p_free] <- unname(est0)
ptable <-
if (!is.null(est_df)) {
est_df$est <- NULL
if ("group" %in% colnames(est_df)) {
est0 <- merge(est_df, ptable[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "block", "group", "est")],
sort = FALSE)
} else {
est0 <- merge(est_df, ptable[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est")],
sort = FALSE)
class(est0) <- class(est_df)
} else {
est0 <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit,
se = FALSE,
zstat = FALSE,
pvalue = FALSE,
ci = FALSE,
rsquare = FALSE,
remove.eq = FALSE,
remove.ineq = FALSE,
remove.def = FALSE,
remove.nonfree = FALSE,
remove.step1 = FALSE)
#' @noRd
set_est_i_lavaan_mi <- function(est0, fit, p_free, est_df = NULL) {
fit@ParTable$est[p_free] <- unname(est0)
est0 <- lav_est(fit,
se = FALSE,
ci = FALSE,
est_df = est_df)
# Get the implied statistics from a set of estimates
#' @noRd
get_implied_i <- function(est0, fit, fit_tmp = NULL) {
type <- NA
if (inherits(fit, "lavaan")) {
type <- "lavaan"
if (inherits(fit, "lavaan.mi")) {
type <- "lavaan.mi"
if (isTRUE( {
stop("Fit is not of a supported type.")
out <- switch(type,
lavaan = get_implied_i_lavaan(est0 = est0,
fit = fit,
fit_tmp = fit_tmp),
lavaan.mi = get_implied_i_lavaan_mi(est0 = est0,
fit = fit,
fit_tmp = fit_tmp))
#' @noRd
get_implied_i_lavaan <- function(est0, fit, fit_tmp = NULL) {
has_lv <- length(lavaan::lavNames(fit, "lv")) != 0
if (has_lv) {
p_free <- fit@ParTable$free > 0
fit@ParTable$est[p_free] <- unname(est0)
fit@Model@GLIST <- lavaan::lav_model_set_parameters(fit@Model,
implied_cov_all <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "cov.all")
mod0 <- lavaan::lav_model_set_parameters(fit@Model, est0)
implied_mean_ov <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "mean.ov")
implied_mean_ov[] <- lavaan::lav_model_implied(mod0,
delta = TRUE)$mean[[1]][, 1]
implied_mean_lv <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit, "")
implied_mean_lv[] <- NA
implied <- list(cov = list(implied_cov_all),
mean = list(c(implied_mean_ov,
mean_lv = list(implied_mean_lv))
} else {
mod0 <- lavaan::lav_model_set_parameters(fit@Model, est0)
implied <- lavaan::lav_model_implied(mod0,
delta = TRUE)
out <- lav_implied_all(fit)
ngroups <- lavaan::lavTech(fit, "ngroups")
out_names <- names(out)
implied_names <- names(implied)
out1 <- out
# For multigroup models, use the format of lavaan::lav_model_implied()
# - Estimates than groups.
for (x in out_names) {
if (x %in% implied_names) {
if (!is.null(implied[[x]][[1]])) {
if (ngroups > 1) {
for (j in seq_len(ngroups)) {
out1[[x]][[j]][] <- implied[[x]][[j]]
} else {
out1[[x]][] <- implied[[x]][[1]]
} else {
if (ngroups > 1) {
for (j in seq_len(ngroups)) {
out1[[x]][[j]][] <- NA
} else {
out1[[x]][] <- NA
} else {
if (ngroups > 1) {
for (j in seq_len(ngroups)) {
out1[[x]][[j]][] <- NA
} else {
out1[[x]][] <- NA
if (has_lv) {
if (ngroups > 1) {
for (j in seq_len(ngroups)) {
out1[["mean_lv"]][[j]][] <- NA
} else {
out1$mean_lv <- implied$mean_lv[[1]]
#' @noRd
get_implied_i_lavaan_mi <- function(est0, fit, fit_tmp = NULL) {
if (is.null(fit_tmp)) {
fit_tmp <- methods::new("lavaan",
version = as.character(utils::packageVersion("lavaan")))
fit_tmp@Model <- fit@Model
fit_tmp@Data <- fit@Data
fit_tmp@ParTable <- fit@ParTableList[[1]]
fit_tmp@pta <- fit@pta
fit_tmp@Options <- fit@Options
has_lv <- length(lavaan::lavNames(fit, "lv")) != 0
if (has_lv) {
p_free <- fit_tmp@ParTable$free > 0
fit_tmp@ParTable$est[p_free] <- unname(est0)
fit_tmp@Model@GLIST <- lavaan::lav_model_set_parameters(fit_tmp@Model,
implied_cov_all <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit_tmp, "cov.all")
mod0 <- lavaan::lav_model_set_parameters(fit_tmp@Model, est0)
# implied_mean_ov <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit_tmp, "mean.ov")
implied_mean_ov <- lavaan::lav_model_implied(mod0,
delta = TRUE)$mean[[1]][, 1]
if (is.numeric(implied_mean_ov)) {
names(implied_mean_ov) <- lavaan::lavNames(fit_tmp, "ov")
class(implied_mean_ov) <- c("lavaan.vector", class(implied_mean_ov))
# SF: `lavaan` raises an error in some cases for unknown reasons
implied_mean_lv <- tryCatch(lavaan::lavInspect(fit_tmp, ""),
error = function(e) e)
if (inherits(implied_mean_lv, "error")) {
tmp <- lavaan::lavNames(fit_tmp, "lv")
implied_mean_lv <- rep(NA, length(tmp))
names(implied_mean_lv) <- tmp
implied_mean_lv[] <- NA
implied <- list(cov = list(implied_cov_all),
mean = list(c(implied_mean_ov,
mean_lv = list(implied_mean_lv))
} else {
mod0 <- lavaan::lav_model_set_parameters(fit_tmp@Model, est0)
implied <- lavaan::lav_model_implied(mod0,
delta = TRUE)
tmpnames1 <- c(lavaan::lavNames(fit_tmp, "ov"),
lavaan::lavNames(fit_tmp, "lv"))
tmpnames2 <- lavaan::lavNames(fit_tmp, "lv")
out <- list(cov = lav_implied_all(fit_tmp)$cov,
mean = stats::setNames(rep(as.numeric(NA), length(tmpnames1)),
if (has_lv) {
tmp <- stats::setNames(rep(as.numeric(NA), length(tmpnames2)),
class(tmp) <- c("lavaan.vector", class(tmp))
out$mean_lv <- tmp
out_names <- names(out)
implied_names <- names(implied)
out1 <- out
for (x in out_names) {
if (x %in% implied_names) {
if (!is.null(implied[[x]][[1]])) {
out1[[x]][] <- implied[[x]][[1]]
} else {
out1[[x]][] <- NA
} else {
out1[[x]][] <- NA
# Create the function for bootstrapping.
# Return the parameter estimates and implied statistics.
# A new version using lavaan().
# Modelled after lavaan::lav_bootstrap_internal().
#' @noRd
gen_boot_i_lavaan <- function(fit) {
fit_org <- eval(fit)
# data_full <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit_org, "data")
fit_data <- fit_org@Data
fit_model <- fit_org@Model
fit_sampstats <- fit_org@SampleStats
fit_opts <- fit_org@Options
fit_pt <- fit_org@ParTable
fit_opts$verbose <- FALSE
fit_opts$se <- "none"
fit_opts$baseline <- FALSE
fit_opts$h1 <- FALSE
fit_opts$loglik <- FALSE
fit_opts$test <- "none"
X_old <- fit_data@X
function(d, i = NULL, start = NULL) {
fit_pt1 <- fit_pt
if (!is.null(start)) {
fit_pt1$start <- start
if (is.null(i)) {
return(lavaan::lavaan(slotData = fit_data,
slotModel = fit_model,
slotSampleStats = fit_sampstats,
slotOptions = fit_opts,
slotParTable = fit_pt1))
} else {
# 2024-03-29: Added support for multigroup models
if (!is.list(i)) {
b_i <- list(i)
} else {
b_i <- i
X_new <- X_old
for (j in seq_along(X_new)) {
X_new[[j]] <- X_new[[j]][b_i[[j]], , drop = FALSE]
fit_data_new <- lavaan::lav_data_update(
lavdata = fit_data,
newX = X_new,
BOOT.idx = b_i,
lavoptions = fit_opts)
fit_sampstats_new <- tryCatch(lavaan::lav_samplestats_from_data(
lavdata = fit_data_new,
lavoptions = fit_opts),
error = function(e) e,
warning = function(e) e)
if (inherits(fit_sampstats_new, "error") ||
inherits(fit_sampstats_new, "warning")) {
out1 <- list(est = NA,
implied_stats = NA,
ok = FALSE)
# Use the approach in lavaan::lav_bootstrap_internal
if (fit_model@fixed.x &&
length(lavaan::lavNames(fit, "ov.x")) > 0) {
fit_model_i <- NULL
} else {
fit_model_i <- fit_model
out <- tryCatch(lavaan::lavaan(
slotData = fit_data,
slotModel = fit_model_i,
slotSampleStats = fit_sampstats_new,
slotOptions = fit_opts,
slotParTable = fit_pt1),
error = function(e) e,
warning = function(e) e)
if (inherits(out, "error") || inherits(out, "warning")) {
out1 <- list(est = NA,
implied_stats = NA,
ok = FALSE)
} else {
chk <- tryCatch(lavaan::lavTech(out, what = "post.check"),
warning = function(w) w)
if (!isTRUE(chk) ||
!lavaan::lavTech(out, what = "converged")) {
out1 <- list(est = NA,
implied_stats = NA,
ok = FALSE)
# If ngroups > 1,
# cov, mean, and mean_lv are lists.
implied <- list(cov = lavaan::lavInspect(out, "cov.all"),
mean = lavaan::lavInspect(out, "mean.ov"),
mean_lv = lavaan::lavInspect(out, ""))
out1 <- list(est = lavaan::parameterEstimates(
se = FALSE,
zstat = FALSE,
pvalue = FALSE,
ci = FALSE,
rsquare = TRUE,
remove.eq = FALSE,
remove.ineq = FALSE,
remove.def = FALSE,
remove.nonfree = FALSE,
remove.step1 = FALSE),
implied_stats = implied,
ok = TRUE)
# Create the function for bootstrapping.
# Return the parameter estimates and implied statistics.
#' @noRd
gen_boot_i_update <- function(fit) {
fit_org <- eval(fit)
# data_full <- lavaan::lavInspect(fit_org, "data")
function(d, i = NULL) {
if (is.null(i)) {
data = d,
se = "none",
baseline = FALSE))
} else {
out <- tryCatch(lavaan::update(fit_org,
data = d[i, ],
se = "none",
baseline = FALSE),
error = function(e) e,
warning = function(e) e)
if (inherits(out, "error") || inherits(out, "warning")) {
out1 <- list(est = NA,
implied_stats = NA,
ok = FALSE)
} else {
chk <- tryCatch(lavaan::lavTech(out, what = "post.check"),
warning = function(w) w)
if (!isTRUE(chk) ||
!lavaan::lavTech(out, what = "converged")) {
out1 <- list(est = NA,
implied_stats = NA,
ok = FALSE)
implied <- list(cov = lavaan::lavInspect(out, "cov.all"),
mean = lavaan::lavInspect(out, "mean.ov"),
mean_lv = lavaan::lavInspect(out, ""))
out1 <- list(est = lavaan::parameterEstimates(
se = FALSE,
zstat = FALSE,
pvalue = FALSE,
ci = FALSE,
rsquare = TRUE,
remove.eq = FALSE,
remove.ineq = FALSE,
remove.def = FALSE,
remove.nonfree = FALSE,
remove.step1 = FALSE),
implied_stats = implied,
ok = TRUE)
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