
Defines functions get_contrasts

get_contrasts <- function(model,
                          wts = FALSE,
                          by = NULL,
                          hypothesis = NULL,
                          cross = FALSE,
                          verbose = TRUE,
                          deltamethod = FALSE,
                          ...) {


    # some predict() methods need data frames and will convert data.tables
    # internally, which can be very expensive if done many times. we do it once
    # here.

    # brms models need to be combined to use a single seed when sample_new_levels="gaussian"
    if (inherits(model, c("brmsfit", "bart"))) {

        if (!"rowid" %in% colnames(lo)) {
            lo$rowid <- hi$rowid <- seq_len(nrow(lo))

        both <- rbindlist(list(lo, hi))

        pred_both <- myTryCatch(get_predict(
            type = type,
            newdata = both,

        # informative error in case of allow.new.levels level breakage
        if (inherits(pred_both[["error"]], "simpleError")) {
        } else {
            pred_both <- pred_both[["value"]]

        pred_both[, "lo" := seq_len(.N) <= .N / 2, by = "group"]

        pred_lo <- pred_both[pred_both$lo, .(rowid, group, estimate), drop = FALSE]
        pred_hi <- pred_both[!pred_both$lo, .(rowid, group, estimate), drop = FALSE]

        draws <- attr(pred_both, "posterior_draws")
        draws_lo <- draws[pred_both$lo, , drop = FALSE]
        draws_hi <- draws[!pred_both$lo, , drop = FALSE]

        attr(pred_lo, "posterior_draws") <- draws_lo
        attr(pred_hi, "posterior_draws") <- draws_hi

    } else {
        pred_lo <- myTryCatch(get_predict(
            type = type,
            newdata = lo,

        # tidymodels
        if (inherits(pred_lo$error, "rlang_error") &&
            isTRUE(grepl("the object should be", pred_lo$error$message))) {
        } else {
            pred_lo <- pred_lo[["value"]]

        pred_hi <- myTryCatch(get_predict(
            type = type,
            newdata = hi,

        # otherwise we keep the full error object instead of extracting the value
        if (inherits(pred_hi$value, "data.frame")) {
            pred_hi <- pred_hi$value
        } else {
            pred_hi <- pred_hi$error


    # predict() takes up 2/3 of the wall time. This call is only useful when we
    # compute elasticities, or for the main estimate, not for standard errors,
    # so we probably save 1/3 of that 2/3.
    elasticities <- c(
        # "dydx", # useless and expensive
        # "dydxavg", # useless and expensive
    fun <- function(x) {
        out <- checkmate::check_choice(x$comparison, choices = elasticities)
    tmp <- Filter(fun, variables)
    if (!isTRUE(deltamethod) || length(tmp) > 0) {
        pred_or <- myTryCatch(get_predict(
            type = type,
            newdata = original,
    } else {
        pred_or <- NULL

    # lots of indexing later requires a data.table

    if (!inherits(pred_hi, "data.frame") || 
        !inherits(pred_lo, "data.frame") || 
        !inherits(pred_or, c("data.frame", "NULL")) ||
        all(is.na(pred_lo$estimate))) {
        msg <- "Unable to compute predicted values with this model. This error can arise when `insight::get_data()` is unable to extract the dataset from the model object, or when the data frame was modified since fitting the model. You can try to supply a different dataset to the `newdata` argument."
        if (inherits(pred_hi, c("try-error", "error"))) {
            msg <-c(msg, "", "In addition, this error message was raised:", "", as.character(pred_hi)) 
        msg <- c(msg, "", "Bug Tracker: https://github.com/vincentarelbundock/marginaleffects/issues")

    # output data.frame
    out <- pred_lo

    # univariate outcome:
    # original is the "composite" data that we constructed by binding terms and
    # compute predictions. It includes a term column, which we need to
    # replicate for each group.
    out[, "marginaleffects_wts_internal" := NA_real_] # default (probably almost always overwritten)
    mult <- nrow(out) / nrow(original)
    regex <- "^term$|rowid_dedup|^group$|^contrast|^marginaleffects_wts_internal$"
    if (isTRUE(mult == 1)) {
        for (v in grep(regex, colnames(original), value = TRUE)) {
            out[, (v) := original[[v]]]

    # group or multivariate outcomes
    } else if (isTRUE(mult > 1)) {
        for (v in grep(regex, colnames(original), value = TRUE)) {
            out[, (v) := rep(original[[v]], times = mult)]

    # cross-contrasts or weird cases
    } else {
        out <- merge(out, newdata, by = "rowid", all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
        if (isTRUE(nrow(out) == nrow(lo))) {
            tmp <- data.table(lo)[, .SD, .SDcols = patterns("^contrast|marginaleffects_wts_internal")]
            out <- cbind(out, tmp)
            idx <- c("rowid", grep("^contrast", colnames(out), value = TRUE), colnames(out))
            idx <- unique(idx)
            out <- out[, ..idx]

    if (!"term" %in% colnames(out)) {
        out[, "term" := "cross"]

    # by
    if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(by))) {
        bycols <- "by"
        tmp <- setdiff(intersect(colnames(out), colnames(by)), "by")

        if (length(tmp) == 0) {
            if (all(colnames(by) %in% c("by", colnames(newdata)))) {
                nd <- c("rowid", setdiff(colnames(by), "by"))
                nd <- newdata[, nd, drop = FALSE]
                out <- merge(out, nd, by = "rowid", sort = FALSE)
                tmp <- setdiff(intersect(colnames(out), colnames(by)), "by")
            } else {
                insight::format_error("The column in `by` must be present in `newdata`.")

        # harmonize column types
        for (v in colnames(by)) {
            if (isTRUE(is.character(out[[v]])) && isTRUE(is.numeric(by[[v]]))) {
                by[[v]] <- as.character(by[[v]])
            } else if (isTRUE(is.numeric(out[[v]])) && isTRUE(is.character(by[[v]]))) {
                by[[v]] <- as.numeric(by[[v]])
        out[by, by := by, on = tmp]
        by <- "by"

    } else if (isTRUE(by)) {
        regex <- "^term$|^contrast_?|^group$"
        by <- grep(regex, colnames(out), value = TRUE)
        by <- unique(by)

    } else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_character(by))) {
        regex <- "^term$|^contrast_?|^group$"
        by <- c(by, grep(regex, colnames(out), value = TRUE))
        by <- unique(by)

    # comparison function could be different for different terms
    # sanitize_variables() ensures all functions are identical when there are cross
    fun_list <- sapply(names(variables), function(x) variables[[x]][["function"]])
    fun_list[["cross"]] <- fun_list[[1]]

    # elasticity requires the original (properly aligned) predictor values
    # this will discard factor variables which are duplicated, so in principle
    # it should be the "correct" size
    # also need `x` when `x` is in the signature of the `comparison` custom function

    FUN <- function(z) {
        (is.character(z$comparison) && z$comparison %in% elasticities) ||
        (is.function(z$comparison) && "x" %in% names(formals(z$comparison)))
    elasticities <- Filter(FUN, variables)
    elasticities <- lapply(elasticities, function(x) x$name)

    if (length(elasticities) > 0) {
        # assigning a subset of "original" to "idx1" takes time and memory
        # better to do this here for most columns and add the "v" column only
        # in the loop
        if (!is.null(original)) {
            idx1 <- c("rowid", "rowidcf", "term", "group", grep("^contrast", colnames(original), value = TRUE))
            idx1 <- intersect(idx1, colnames(original))
            idx1 <- original[, ..idx1]

        for (v in names(elasticities)) {
            idx2 <- unique(c("rowid", "term", "group", by, grep("^contrast", colnames(out), value = TRUE)))
            idx2 <- intersect(idx2, colnames(out))
            # discard other terms to get right length vector
            idx2 <- out[term == v, ..idx2]
            # original is NULL when cross=TRUE
            if (!is.null(original)) {
                # if not first iteration, need to remove previous "v" and "elast"
                if (v %in% colnames(idx1)) {
                    idx1[, (v) := NULL]
                if ("elast" %in% colnames(idx1)) {
                    idx1[, elast := NULL]
                idx1[, (v) := original[[v]]]
                setnames(idx1, old = v, new = "elast")
                on_cols <- intersect(colnames(idx1), colnames(idx2))
                idx2 <- unique(merge(idx2, idx1, by = on_cols, sort = FALSE)[, elast := elast])
            elasticities[[v]] <- idx2$elast

    draws <- attr(pred_lo, "posterior_draws")

    # frequentist
    if (is.null(draws)) {
        draws_lo <- draws_hi <- draws_or <- NULL

    # bayes
    } else {
        draws_lo <- attr(pred_lo, "posterior_draws")
        draws_hi <- attr(pred_hi, "posterior_draws")
        draws_or <- attr(pred_or, "posterior_draws")


    out[, predicted_lo := pred_lo[["estimate"]]]
    out[, predicted_hi := pred_hi[["estimate"]]]

    if (!is.null(pred_or)) {
        out[, predicted := pred_or[["estimate"]]]
    } else {
        out[, predicted := NA_real_]

    idx <- grep("^contrast|^group$|^term$|^type$|^comparison_idx$", colnames(out), value = TRUE)

    # when `by` is a character vector, we sometimes modify the comparison
    # function on the fly to use the `avg` version.  this is important and
    # convenient because some of the statistics are non-collapsible, so we can't
    # average them at the very end.  when `by` is a data frame, we do this only
    # at the very end.
    # TODO: What is the UI for this? Doesn't make sense to have different functions.
    if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_character(by))) {
        tmp <- intersect(colnames(newdata), c(by, colnames(out)))
        if (length(tmp) > 1) {
            tmp <- subset(newdata, select = tmp)
            out <- merge(out, tmp, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
            idx <- unique(c(idx, by))

    # we feed these columns to safefun(), even if they are useless for categoricals
    if (!"marginaleffects_wts_internal" %in% colnames(out))  out[, "marginaleffects_wts_internal" := NA]

    if (isTRUE(marginalmeans)) {
        out <- out[, .(
            predicted_lo = mean(predicted_lo),
            predicted_hi = mean(predicted_hi),
            predicted = mean(predicted),
            marginaleffects_wts_internal = mean(marginaleffects_wts_internal)),
        keyby = idx]

    # safe version of comparison
    # unknown arguments
    # singleton vs vector
    # different terms use different functions
    safefun <- function(hi, lo, y, n, term, cross, wts, tmp_idx, newdata) {
        tn <- term[1]
        eps <- variables[[tn]]$eps
        # when cross=TRUE, sanitize_comparison enforces a single function
        if (isTRUE(cross)) {
            fun <- fun_list[[1]]
        } else {
            fun <- fun_list[[tn]]
        args <- list(
            "hi" = hi,
            "lo" = lo,
            "y" = y,
            "eps" = eps,
            "w" = wts,
            "newdata" = newdata)

        # sometimes x is exactly the same length, but not always
        args[["x"]] <- elasticities[[tn]][tmp_idx]

        args <- args[names(args) %in% names(formals(fun))]
        con <- try(do.call("fun", args), silent = TRUE)

        if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(con, len = n)) && !isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(con, len = 1))) {
            msg <- sprintf("The function supplied to the `comparison` argument must accept two numeric vectors of predicted probabilities of length %s, and return a single numeric value or a numeric vector of length %s, with no missing value.", n, n) #nolint
        if (length(con) == 1) {
            con <- c(con, rep(NA_real_, length(hi) - 1))
            settings_set("marginaleffects_safefun_return1", TRUE)

    # need a temp index for group-by operations when elasticities is a vector of length equal to full rows of `out`
    tmp <- grep("^term$|^contrast|^group$", colnames(out), value = TRUE)
    if (length(tmp) > 0) {
        out[, tmp_idx := 1:.N, by = tmp]
    } else {
        out[, tmp_idx := 1:.N]

    # bayesian
    if (!is.null(draws)) {
        # drop missing otherwise get_averages() fails when trying to take a
        # simple mean
        idx_na <- !is.na(out$predicted_lo)
        out <- stats::na.omit(out, cols = "predicted_lo")

        # TODO: performance is probably terrrrrible here, but splitting is
        # tricky because grouping rows are not always contiguous, and the order
        # of rows is **extremely** important because draws don't have the
        # indices that would allow us to align them back with `out`
        draws <- draws[idx_na, , drop = FALSE]

        if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_character(by, min.len = 1))) {
            by_idx <- subset(out, select = intersect(by, colnames(out)))
            by_idx <- do.call(paste, c(by_idx, sep = "|"))
        } else {
            by_idx <- out$term

        # loop over columns (draws) and term names because different terms could use different functions
        for (tn in unique(by_idx)) {
            for (i in seq_len(ncol(draws))) {
                idx <- by_idx == tn
                draws[idx, i] <- safefun(
                    hi = draws_hi[idx, i],
                    lo = draws_lo[idx, i],
                    y = draws_or[idx, i],
                    n = sum(idx),
                    term = out$term[idx],
                    cross = cross,
                    wts = out$marginaleffects_wts_internal[idx],
                    tmp_idx = out$tmp_idx[idx],
                    newdata = newdata)

        # function returns unique value
        idx <- !is.na(draws[, 1])
        draws <- draws[idx, , drop = FALSE]

        # if comparison returns a single value, then we padded with NA. That
        # also means we don't want `rowid` otherwise we will merge and have
        # useless duplicates.
        if (any(!idx)) {
            if (settings_equal("marginaleffects_safefun_return1", TRUE)) {
                out[, "rowid" := NULL]
            out <- out[idx, , drop = FALSE]

        FUN_CENTER <- getOption("marginaleffects_posterior_center", default = stats::median)
        out[, "estimate" := apply(draws, 1, FUN_CENTER)]

    # frequentist
    } else {
        out <- stats::na.omit(out, cols = "predicted_lo")
        # We want to write the "estimate" column in-place because it safer
        # than group-merge; there were several bugs related to this in the past.
        # safefun() returns 1 value and NAs when the function retunrs a
        # singleton.
        idx <- intersect(idx, colnames(out))
        out[, "estimate" := safefun(
            hi = predicted_hi,
            lo = predicted_lo,
            y = predicted,
            n = .N,
            term = term,
            cross = cross,
            wts = marginaleffects_wts_internal,
            tmp_idx = tmp_idx,
            newdata = newdata),
        keyby = idx]
        out[, tmp_idx := NULL]

        # if comparison returns a single value, then we padded with NA. That
        # also means we don't want `rowid` otherwise we will merge and have
        # useless duplicates.
        if (anyNA(out$estimate)) {
            if (settings_equal("marginaleffects_safefun_return1", TRUE)) {
                out[, "rowid" := NULL]
        out <- stats::na.omit(out, cols = "estimate")

    # clean
    if ("rowid_dedup" %in% colnames(out)) {
        out[, "rowid_dedup" := NULL]

    # averaging by groups
    # sometimes this work is already done
    # if `by` is a column name, then we have merged-in a data frame earlier
    auto_mean_fun_sub <- any(grepl("^mean\\(", unique(out$contrast)))
    if (nrow(out) > 1) {
        if (!auto_mean_fun_sub && !(is.null(by) || isFALSE(by)) && any(grepl("^contrast[_]?", colnames(out)))) {
            out <- get_by(
                draws = draws,
                newdata = newdata,
                by = by,
                verbose = verbose)
            draws <- attr(out, "posterior_draws")
        } else {
            bycols <- c(by, "group", "term", "^contrast[_]?")
            bycols <- paste(bycols, collapse = "|")
            bycols <- grep(bycols, colnames(out), value = TRUE)

    # issue #531: uncertainty estimates from get_predict() sometimes get retained, but they are not overwritten later by get_ci()
    # drop by reference for speed
    bad <- intersect(
        c("conf.low", "conf.high", "std.error", "statistic", "p.value"))
    if (length(bad) > 0) {
        out[, (bad) := NULL]

    # before get_hypothesis
    attr(out, "posterior_draws") <- draws

    # hypothesis tests using the delta method
    out <- get_hypothesis(out, hypothesis, by = by, newdata = original, draws = draws)

    # reset settings

    # output
    attr(out, "original") <- original

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