
Defines functions predict_gamlss set_coef.gamlss get_vcov.gamlss get_predict.gamlss get_coef.gamlss

Documented in get_coef.gamlss get_predict.gamlss get_vcov.gamlss set_coef.gamlss

#' @include get_coef.R
#' @rdname get_coef
#' @export
get_coef.gamlss <- function(model, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.null(dots$what))
    stop("Argument `what` indicating the parameter of interest is missing.")
  out <- stats::coef(model, what = dots$what)

#' @include get_predict.R
#' @rdname get_predict
#' @export
get_predict.gamlss <- function(
    newdata = insight::get_data(model),
    type = "response",
    ...) {

  # Get predictions
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.null(dots$what)) {
      msg <- sprintf(
          "Please specifiy a `what` argument with one of these values: %s",
          paste(model$parameter, collapse = ", "))
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  # if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_flag(vcov, null.ok = TRUE))) {
  #   msg <- "The `vcov` argument is not supported for models of this class."
  #   stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  # }
  # predict.gamlss() breaks when `newdata` includes unknown variables
  origindata <- insight::get_data(model)
  originvars <- colnames(origindata)
  index <- which(colnames(newdata) %in% originvars)
  tmp <- newdata[, index]
  hush(out <- predict_gamlss(model, newdata = tmp, type = type, data = origindata, ...))
  if ("rowid" %in% colnames(newdata)) {
    out <- data.frame(rowid = newdata$rowid, estimate = out)
  } else {
    out <- data.frame(rowid = seq_along(out), estimate = out)

#' @include get_vcov.R
#' @rdname get_vcov
#' @export
get_vcov.gamlss <- function(model, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.null(dots$what)) {
      msg <- sprintf(
          "Please specifiy a `what` argument with one of these values: %s",
          paste(model$parameter, collapse = ", "))
      stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
  p <- match(dots$what, model$parameters)
  vc <- stats::vcov(model, what = dots$what) 
  index <- which(cumsum(rownames(vc) == "(Intercept)") == p)
  out <- vc[index, index, drop = FALSE]

#' @include set_coef.R
#' @rdname set_coef
#' @export
set_coef.gamlss <- function(model, coefs, ...){
  dots <- list(...)
  if (is.null(dots$what))
    stop("Argument `what` indicating the parameter of interest is missing.")
  p <- paste0(dots$what, ".coefficients")
  model[[p]][names(coefs)] <- coefs
  out <- model

  # Modified predict method from the R-package gamlss
  # Renamed with underscore to avoid conflict with exported method from the package.
  predict_gamlss <- function(object, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter = NULL,
                             newdata = NULL, type = c("link", "response", "terms"),
                             safe = TRUE, terms = NULL,
                             se.fit = FALSE, data = NULL, ...) {
      concat <- function(..., names = NULL) {
          tmp <- list(...)
          if (is.null(names)) {
              names <- names(tmp)
          if (is.null(names)) {
              names <- sapply(as.list(match.call()), deparse)[-1]
          if (any(sapply(tmp, is.matrix) | sapply(tmp, is.data.frame))) {
              len <- sapply(tmp, function(x) c(dim(x), 1)[1])
              len[is.null(len)] <- 1
              data <- rbind(...)
          } else {
              len <- lengths(tmp)
              data <- unlist(tmp)
          namelist <- factor(rep(names, len), levels = names)
          return(data.frame(data, source = namelist))
      if (is.null(newdata)) {
          predictor <- gamlss::lpred(object,
              what = what, type = type,
              terms = terms, se.fit = se.fit, ...)
      if (se.fit) {
          warning(" se.fit = TRUE is not supported for new data values at the moment \n")
      if (!(inherits(newdata, "data.frame"))) {
          stop("newdata must be a data frame ")
      what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
          match.arg(parameter, choices = c(
              "mu", "sigma", "nu",
      } else {
      type <- match.arg(type)
      Call <- object$call
      data <- data1 <- if (is.null(data)) {
          if (!is.null(Call$data)) {
          } else {
              stop("define the original data using the option data")
      } else {

      data <- data[match(names(newdata), names(data))]
      data <- concat(data, newdata)
      parform <- stats::formula(object, what)
      if (length(parform) == 3) {
          parform[2] <- NULL
      Terms <- terms(parform)
      offsetVar <- if (!is.null(off.num <- attr(Terms, "offset"))) {
          eval(attr(Terms, "variables")[[off.num + 1]], data)
      m <- stats::model.frame(Terms, data, xlev = object[[paste(what,
          sep = ".")]])
      X <- stats::model.matrix(Terms, data, contrasts = object$contrasts)
      y <- object[[paste(what, "lp", sep = ".")]]
      w <- object[[paste(what, "wt", sep = ".")]]
      onlydata <- data$source == "data"
      smo.mat <- object[[paste(what, "s", sep = ".")]]
      if (!is.null(off.num)) {
          y <- (y - offsetVar[onlydata])
      if (!is.null(smo.mat)) {
          n.smooths <- dim(smo.mat)[2]
          y <- (y - smo.mat %*% rep(1, n.smooths))

      # Modified from the original prediction function.
      if (safe) {
          refit <- stats::lm.wfit(X[onlydata, , drop = FALSE], y, w)
          if (abs(sum(stats::resid(refit))) > 0.1 || abs(sum(stats::coef(object,
              what = what) - stats::coef(refit), na.rm = TRUE)) > 1e-05) {
              warning(paste("There is a discrepancy  between the original and the re-fit",
                  " \n used to achieve 'safe' predictions \n ",
                  sep = ""))
          coef <- refit$coef
      } else {
          coef <- stats::coef(object, what = what)

      nX <- dimnames(X)
      rownames <- nX[[1]][!onlydata]
      nrows <- sum(!onlydata)
      nac <- is.na(coef)
      assign.coef <- attr(X, "assign")
      collapse <- type != "terms"
      Xpred <- X[!onlydata, ]
      Xpred <- matrix(Xpred, nrow = nrows)
      if (!collapse) {
          aa <- attr(X, "assign")
          ll <- attr(Terms, "term.labels")
          if (attr(Terms, "intercept") > 0) {
              ll <- c("(Intercept)", ll)
          aaa <- factor(aa, labels = ll)
          asgn <- split(order(aa), aaa)
          hasintercept <- attr(Terms, "intercept") > 0
          p <- refit$qr$rank
          p1 <- seq(len = p)
          piv <- refit$qr$pivot[p1]
          if (hasintercept) {
              asgn$"(Intercept)" <- NULL
              avx <- colMeans(X[onlydata, ])
              termsconst <- sum(avx[piv] * coef[piv])
          nterms <- length(asgn)
          pred <- matrix(ncol = nterms, nrow = nrows)
          dimnames(pred) <- list(rownames(newdata), names(asgn))
          if (hasintercept) {
              Xpred <- sweep(Xpred, 2, avx)
          unpiv <- rep.int(0, NCOL(Xpred))
          unpiv[piv] <- p1
          for (i in seq(1, nterms, length = nterms)) {
              iipiv <- asgn[[i]]
              ii <- unpiv[iipiv]
              iipiv[ii == 0] <- 0
              pred[, i] <- if (any(iipiv > 0)) {
                  Xpred[, iipiv, drop = FALSE] %*% coef[iipiv]
              } else {
          attr(pred, "constant") <- if (hasintercept) {
          } else {
          if (!is.null(terms)) {
              pred <- pred[, terms, drop = FALSE]
      } else {
          pred <- drop(Xpred[, !nac, drop = FALSE] %*% coef[!nac])
          if (!is.null(off.num) && collapse) {
              pred <- pred + offsetVar[!onlydata]
      if (!is.null(smo.mat)) {
          cat("new prediction", "\n")
          smooth.labels <- dimnames(smo.mat)[[2]]
          pred.s <- array(0, c(nrows, n.smooths), list(
          smooth.calls <- lapply(m[smooth.labels], attr, "call")
          data <- subset(m, onlydata, drop = FALSE)
          attr(data, "class") <- NULL
          new.m <- subset(m, !onlydata, drop = FALSE)
          attr(new.m, "class") <- NULL
          residuals <- if (!is.null(off.num)) {
              object[[paste(what, "wv", sep = ".")]] - object[[paste(what,
                  sep = ".")]] + offsetVar[onlydata]
          } else {
              object[[paste(what, "wv", sep = ".")]] - object[[paste(what,
                  sep = ".")]]
          for (TT in smooth.labels) {
              if (is.matrix(m[[TT]])) {
                  nm <- names(attributes(m[[TT]]))
                  attributes(data[[TT]]) <- attributes(m[[TT]])[nm[-c(
              } else {
                  attributes(data[[TT]]) <- attributes(m[[TT]])
              Call <- smooth.calls[[TT]]
              Call$xeval <- substitute(new.m[[TT]], list(TT = TT))
              z <- residuals + smo.mat[, TT]
              pred.s[, TT] <- eval(Call)
          if (type == "terms") {
              pred[, smooth.labels] <- pred[, smooth.labels] +
                  pred.s[, smooth.labels]
          } else {
              pred <- drop(pred + pred.s %*% rep(1, n.smooths))
      if (type == "response") {
          if (methods::is(eval(parse(text = object$family[[1]])), "gamlss.family")) {
              pred <- eval(parse(text = object$family[[1]]))[[paste(what,
                  sep = ".")]](pred)
          } else {
              pred <- gamlss.dist::gamlss.family(eval(parse(text = paste(stats::family(object)[1], "(",
                  what, ".link=", eval(parse(text = (paste("object$", what,
                      sep = "")))), ")",
                  sep = ""))))[[paste(what,
                  sep = ".")]](pred)

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