
Defines functions print.marginaleffects knit_print.marginaleffects

Documented in knit_print.marginaleffects print.marginaleffects

#' Print a marginaleffects object in knitr
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A string with class `knit_asis` to be printed in Rmarkdown or Quarto documents.
#' @exportS3Method knitr::knit_print
knit_print.marginaleffects <- function(x, ...) {
  if (isTRUE(getOption("marginaleffects_print_style") == "tinytable")) {
    x <- print(x, "tinytable")
    printfun <- utils::getFromNamespace("knit_print.tinytable", "tinytable")
  } else {

#' Print `marginaleffects` objects
#' @description
#' This function controls the text which is printed to the console when one of the core `marginalefffects` functions is called and the object is returned: `predictions()`, `comparisons()`, `slopes()`, `hypotheses()`, `avg_predictions()`, `avg_comparisons()`, `avg_slopes()`.
#' All of those functions return standard data frames. Columns can be extracted by name, `predictions(model)$estimate`, and all the usual data manipulation functions work out-of-the-box:  `colnames()`, `head()`, `subset()`, `dplyr::filter()`, `dplyr::arrange()`, etc.
#' Some of the data columns are not printed by default. You can disable pretty printing and print the full results as a standard data frame using the `style` argument or by applying `as.data.frame()` on the object. See examples below.
#' @param x An object produced by one of the `marginaleffects` package functions.
#' @param style "summary", "data.frame", or "tinytable"
#' @param digits The number of digits to display.
#' @param p_eps p values smaller than this number are printed in "<0.001" style.
#' @param topn The number of rows to be printed from the beginning and end of tables with more than `nrows` rows.
#' @param nrows The number of rows which will be printed before truncation.
#' @param ncols The maximum number of column names to display at the bottom of the printed output.
#' @param type boolean: should the type be printed?
#' @param column_names boolean: should the column names be printed?
#' @param ... Other arguments are currently ignored.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(marginaleffects)
#' mod <- lm(mpg ~ hp + am + factor(gear), data = mtcars)
#' p <- predictions(mod, by = c("am", "gear"))
#' p
#' subset(p, am == 1)
#' print(p, style = "data.frame")
#' data.frame(p)
print.marginaleffects <- function(x,
                                  style = getOption("marginaleffects_print_style", default = "summary"),
                                  digits = getOption("marginaleffects_print_digits", default = 3),
                                  p_eps = getOption("marginaleffects_print_p_eps", default = 0.001),
                                  topn = getOption("marginaleffects_print_topn", default = 5),
                                  nrows = getOption("marginaleffects_print_nrows", default = 30),
                                  ncols = getOption("marginaleffects_print_ncols", default = 30),
                                  type = getOption("marginaleffects_print_type", default = TRUE),
                                  column_names = getOption("marginaleffects_print_column_names", default = TRUE),
                                  ...) {

      choices = c("data.frame", "summary", "tinytable", "html", "latex", "markdown", "typst")

    if (isTRUE(style == "data.frame")) {

    out <- x

    nrows <- max(nrows, 2 * topn)

    if ("group" %in% colnames(out) &&
        all(out$group == "main_marginaleffects")) {
        out$group <- NULL
    # subset before rounding so that digits match top and bottom rows
    if (nrow(out) > nrows) {
        out <- rbind(utils::head(out, topn), utils::tail(out, topn))
        splitprint <- TRUE
    } else {
        splitprint <- FALSE

    # round and replace NAs
    ps <- c("p.value", "p.value.nonsup", "p.value.noninf", "p.value.equiv")

    for (i in seq_along(out)) {
        if (colnames(out)[i] %in% ps) {
            out[[i]] <- format.pval(out[[i]], digits = digits, eps = p_eps)
        } else if (isTRUE("s.value" == colnames(out)[i])) {
            out[[i]] <- sprintf("%.1f", out[[i]])
        } else {
            out[[i]] <- format(out[[i]], digits = digits)

    if (is.null(attr(x, "conf_level"))) {
        alpha <- NULL
    } else {
        alpha <- 100 * (1 - attr(x, "conf_level"))

    # contrast is sometimes useless
    if ("contrast" %in% colnames(out) && all(out$contrast == "")) {
        out$contrast <- NULL

    statistic_label <- attr(x, "statistic_label")
    if (is.null(statistic_label)) {
        if (any(out[["df"]] < Inf)) {
            statistic_label <- "t"
        } else {
            statistic_label <- "z"

    # rename
    dict <- c(
        "group" = "Group",
        "term" = "Term",
        "contrast" = "Contrast",
        "hypothesis" = "Hypothesis",
        "value" = "Value",
        "by" = "By",
        "estimate" = "Estimate",
        "std.error" = "Std. Error",
        "statistic" = statistic_label,
        "p.value" = sprintf("Pr(>|%s|)", statistic_label),
        "s.value" = "S",
        "conf.low" = ifelse(is.null(alpha),
            "CI low",
            sprintf("%.1f %%", alpha / 2)),
        "conf.high" = ifelse(is.null(alpha),
            "CI high",
            sprintf("%.1f %%", 100 - alpha / 2)),
        "pred.low" = ifelse(is.null(alpha),
            "Pred low",
            sprintf("Pred. %.1f %%", alpha / 2)),
        "pred.high" = ifelse(is.null(alpha),
            "Pred high",
            sprintf("Pred. %.1f %%", 100 - alpha / 2)),
        "pred.set" = ifelse(is.null(alpha),
            "Pred Set",
            sprintf("Pred Set %.1f %%", 100 - alpha / 2)),
        "p.value.nonsup" = "p (NonSup)",
        "p.value.noninf" = "p (NonInf)",
        "p.value.equiv" = "p (Equiv)",
        "df" = "Df",
        "df1" = "Df 1",
        "df2" = "Df 2"

    if (inherits(x, "marginalmeans")) {
        dict["estimate"] <- "Mean"

    # Subset columns
    idx <- c(
        grep("^contrast_", colnames(x), value = TRUE))

    # explicitly given by user in `datagrid()` or `by` or `newdata`
    nd <- attr(x, "newdata")
    if (is.null(nd)) {
        nd <- attr(x, "newdata_newdata")
    explicit <- tmp <- c("by",
        attr(x, "hypothesis_by"),
        attr(nd, "variables_datagrid"),
        attr(nd, "newdata_variables_datagrid"),
        attr(x, "variables_datagrid"),
        attr(x, "newdata_variables_datagrid")
    if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_character(attr(x, "by")))) {
        tmp <- c(tmp, attr(x, "by"))
    idx <- c(idx[1:grep("by", idx)], tmp, idx[(grep("by", idx) + 1):length(idx)])
    if (isTRUE(attr(nd, "newdata_newdata_explicit")) || isTRUE(attr(nd, "newdata_explicit"))) {
        idx <- c(idx, colnames(nd))

    # drop useless columns: rowid
    useless <- c("rowid", "rowidcf")

    # drop useless columns: dv
    dv <- tryCatch(
        unlist(insight::find_response(attr(x, "model"), combine = TRUE), use.names = FALSE),
        error = function(e) NULL)
    useless <- c(useless, dv)

    # selection style

    if ("term" %in% colnames(out) && all(out$term == "cross")) {
        out[["term"]] <- NULL
        colnames(out) <- gsub("^contrast_", "C: ", colnames(out))
        idx <- c(grep("C: .*", colnames(out), value = TRUE), idx)

    print_columns_text <- print_type_text <- print_term_text <- print_contrast_text <- NULL
    print_omit <- getOption("marginaleffects_print_omit", default = NULL)

    # contrast and term can have long labels. Drop if not unique. 
    if (length(unique(out[["contrast"]])) == 1) {
        print_contrast_text <- sprintf("Comparison: %s\n", out[["contrast"]][1])
        print_omit <- c(print_omit, "contrast")
    te <- unique(out[["term"]])
    te <- setdiff(te, explicit) # ex: polynomials where both `variables="x"` and datagrid(x)
    if (length(te) == 1) {
        print_omit <- c(print_omit, te)
        print_term_text <- sprintf("Term: %s\n", out[["term"]][1])
        print_omit <- c(print_omit, "term")

    if (ncol(x) <= ncols && isTRUE(column_names)) {
        print_columns_text <- paste("Columns:", paste(colnames(x), collapse = ", "), "\n")
    if (isTRUE(type) && !is.null(attr(x, "type"))) {
        print_type_text <- paste("Type: ", attr(x, "type"), "\n")

    # drop useless columns
    idx <- setdiff(unique(idx), c(useless, print_omit))
    idx <- intersect(idx, colnames(out))
    out <- out[, ..idx, drop = FALSE]

    for (i in seq_along(dict)) {
        colnames(out)[colnames(out) == names(dict)[i]] <- dict[i]

    # recommend avg_*()
    rec <- ""
    if (isFALSE(attr(x, "by"))) {
        if (inherits(x, "predictions")) {
            rec <- "?avg_predictions and "
        } else if (inherits(x, "comparisons")) {
            rec <- "?avg_comparisons and "
        } else if (inherits(x, "slopes")) {
            rec <- "?avg_slopes and "

    # avoid infinite recursion by stripping marginaleffect.summary class

    if (style %in% c("tinytable", "html", "latex", "typst", "markdown")) {

        tab <- as.data.frame(out)

        if (isTRUE(splitprint)) {
          tab <- rbind(utils::head(tab, topn), utils::tail(tab, topn))

        # at <- attributes(tab)
        # attributes(tab) <- at[names(at) %in% c("row.names", "names", "class")]

        args <- list(x = tab)
        notes <- c(print_type_text, print_columns_text)
        if (!is.null(notes)) args$notes <- notes
        tab <- do.call(tinytable::tt, args)
        tab <- tinytable::format_tt(i = 0, tab, escape = TRUE)

        if (isTRUE(splitprint)) {
          msg <- "%s rows omitted"
          msg <- sprintf(msg, nrow(x) - 2 * topn)
          msg <- stats::setNames(list(topn + 1), msg)
          tab <- tinytable::group_tt(tab, i = msg)
          tab <- tinytable::style_tt(tab, i = topn + 1, align = "c")

        tab@output <- style
        if (style == "tinytable") {

    # head
    print_head <- attr(x, "print_head")
    if (!is.null(print_head)) {
        cat(print_head, "\n")

    # some commands do not generate average contrasts/mfx. E.g., `lnro` with `by`
    if (splitprint) {
        print(utils::head(out, n = topn), row.names = FALSE)
        msg <- "--- %s rows omitted. See %s?print.marginaleffects ---"
        msg <- sprintf(msg, nrow(x) - 2 * topn, rec)
        cat(msg, "\n")
        # remove colnames
        tmp <- utils::capture.output(print(utils::tail(out, n = topn), row.names = FALSE))
        tmp <- paste(tmp[-1], collapse = "\n")
    } else {
        print(out, row.names = FALSE)


    ## This is tricky to extract nicely when transform_* are passed from avg_comparisons to comparisons. I could certainly figure it out, but at the same time, I don't think the print method should return information that is immediately visible from the call. This is different from `type`, where users often rely on the default value, which can change from model to model, so printing it is often
    # if (!is.null(attr(x, "comparison_label"))) {
    #     cat("Pre-transformation: ", paste(attr(x, "comparison_label"), collapse = ""), "\n")
    # }
    # if (!is.null(attr(x, "transform_label"))) {
    #     cat("Post-transformation: ", paste(attr(x, "transform_label"), collapse = ""), "\n")
    # }

    print_tail <- attr(x, "print_tail")
    if (!is.null(print_tail)) {
        cat(print_tail, "\n")


#' @noRd
#' @export
print.hypotheses <- print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @export
print.predictions <- print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @export
print.comparisons <- print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @export
print.slopes <- print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @exportS3Method knitr::knit_print
knit_print.hypotheses <- knit_print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @exportS3Method knitr::knit_print
knit_print.predictions <- knit_print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @exportS3Method knitr::knit_print
knit_print.comparisons <- knit_print.marginaleffects

#' @noRd
#' @exportS3Method knitr::knit_print
knit_print.slopes <- knit_print.marginaleffects

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marginaleffects documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:26 a.m.