
Defines functions sanitize_variables

# input: character vector or named list
# output: named list of lists where each element represents a variable with: name, value, function, label
sanitize_variables <- function(variables,
                               newdata,  # need for NumPyro where `find_variables()`` does not work
                               comparison = NULL,
                               by = NULL,
                               cross = FALSE,
                               calling_function = "comparisons",
                               eps = NULL) {

        checkmate::check_character(variables, min.len = 1, names = "unnamed"),
        checkmate::check_list(variables, min.len = 1, names = "unique"),
        combine = "or")

    # extensions with no `get_data()`
    if (is.null(modeldata) || nrow(modeldata) == 0) {
        modeldata <- set_variable_class(newdata, model)
        no_modeldata <- TRUE
    } else {
        no_modeldata <- FALSE

    # variables is NULL: get all variable names from the model
    if (is.null(variables)) {
        # mhurdle names the variables weirdly
        if (inherits(model, "mhurdle")) {
            predictors <- insight::find_predictors(model, flatten = TRUE)
            predictors <- list(conditional = predictors)
        } else {
            predictors <- insight::find_variables(model)

        # unsupported models like pytorch
        if (length(predictors) == 0 || (length(predictors) == 1 && names(predictors) == "response")) {
            dv <- hush(unlist(insight::find_response(model, combine = FALSE), use.names = FALSE))
            predictors <- setdiff(hush(colnames(newdata)), c(dv, "rowid"))
        } else {
            known <- c("fixed", "conditional", "zero_inflated", "scale", "nonlinear")
            if (any(known %in% names(predictors))) {
                predictors <- predictors[known]
            # sometimes triggered by multivariate brms models where we get nested
            # list: predictors$gear$hp
            } else {
                predictors <- unlist(predictors, recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE)
                predictors <- unique(predictors)
            # flatten
            predictors <- unique(unlist(predictors, recursive = TRUE, use.names = FALSE))

    } else {
        predictors <- variables

    # character -> list
    if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_character(predictors))) {
        predictors <- stats::setNames(rep(list(NULL), length(predictors)), predictors)

    # reserved keywords
    # Issue #697: we used to allow "group", as long as it wasn't in
    # `variables`, but this created problems with automatic `by=TRUE`. Perhaps
    # I could loosen this, but there are many interactions, and the lazy way is
    # just to forbid entirely.
    reserved <- c(
        "rowid", "group", "term", "contrast", "estimate",
        "std.error", "statistic", "conf.low", "conf.high", "p.value",
        "p.value.nonsup", "p.value.noninf", "by")
    # if no modeldata is available, we use `newdata`, but that often has a
    # `rowid` column. This used to break the extensions.Rmd vignette.
    if (no_modeldata) {
        reserved <- setdiff(reserved, "rowid")
    bad <- unique(intersect(c(names(predictors), colnames(modeldata)), reserved))
    if (length(bad) > 0) {
        msg <- c(
            "These variable names are forbidden to avoid conflicts with the outputs of `marginaleffects`:",
            sprintf("%s", paste(sprintf('"%s"', bad), collapse = ", ")),
            "Please rename your variables before fitting the model.")

    # when comparisons() only inludes one focal predictor, we don't need to specify it in `newdata`
    # when `variables` is numeric, we still need to include it, because in
    # non-linear model the contrast depend on the starting value of the focal
    # variable.
    found <- colnames(newdata)
    if (calling_function == "comparisons") {
        v  <- NULL
        if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_string(variables))) {
            v <- variables
        } else if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_list(variables, len = 1, names = "named"))) {
            v <- names(variables)[1]
        flag <- get_variable_class(modeldata, variable = v, compare = "categorical")
        if (!is.null(v) && isTRUE(flag)) {
            found <- c(found, v)

    # matrix predictors
    mc <- attr(newdata, "newdata_matrix_columns")
    if (length(mc) > 0 && any(names(predictors) %in% mc)) {
      predictors <- predictors[!names(predictors) %in% mc]
      insight::format_warning("Matrix columns are not supported. Use the `variables` argument to specify valid predictors, or use a function like `drop()` to convert your matrix columns into vectors.")

    # missing variables
    miss <- setdiff(names(predictors), found)
    predictors <- predictors[!names(predictors) %in% miss]
    if (length(miss) > 0) {
        msg <- sprintf(
            "These variables were not found: %s.  Try specifying the `newdata` argument explicitly and make sure the missing variable is included.",
            paste(miss, collapse = ", "))

    # sometimes `insight` returns interaction component as if it were a constituent variable
    idx <- !grepl(":", names(predictors))
    predictors <- predictors[idx]

    # anything left?
    if (length(predictors) == 0) {
        msg <- "There is no valid predictor variable. Please change the `variables` argument or supply a new data frame to the `newdata` argument."

    # functions to values
    # only for predictions; get_contrast_data_numeric handles this for comparisons()
    # do this before NULL-to-defaults so we can fill it in with default in case of failure
    if (calling_function == "predictions") {
        for (v in names(predictors)) {
            if (is.function(predictors[[v]])) {
                tmp <- hush(predictors[[v]](modeldata[[v]]))
                if (is.null(tmp)) {
                    msg <- sprintf("The `%s` function produced invalid output when applied to the dataset used to fit the model.", v)
                predictors[[v]] <- hush(predictors[[v]](modeldata[[v]]))

    # NULL to defaults
    for (v in names(predictors)) {
        if (is.null(predictors[[v]])) {
            if (get_variable_class(modeldata, v, "binary")) {
                predictors[[v]] <- 0:1

            } else if (get_variable_class(modeldata, v, "numeric")) {
                if (calling_function == "comparisons") {
                    predictors[[v]] <- 1
                } else if (calling_function == "predictions") {
                    v_unique <- unique(modeldata[[v]])
                    if (length(v_unique) < 6) {
                        predictors[[v]] <- v_unique
                    } else {
                        predictors[[v]] <- stats::fivenum(modeldata[[v]])

            } else {
                if (calling_function == "comparisons") {
                    predictors[[v]] <- "reference"
                } else if (calling_function == "predictions") {
                    # TODO: warning when this is too large. Here or elsewhere?
                    predictors[[v]] <- unique(modeldata[[v]])

    # shortcuts and validity
    for (v in names(predictors)) {

        if (isTRUE(checkmate::check_data_frame(predictors[[v]], nrows = nrow(newdata)))) {
            # do nothing, but don't take the other validity check branches

        } else if (get_variable_class(modeldata, v, "binary")) {
            if (!isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(predictors[[v]])) || !is_binary(predictors[[v]])) {
                msg <- sprintf("The `%s` variable is binary. The corresponding entry in the `variables` argument must be 0 or 1.", v)
            # get_contrast_data requires both levels
            if (calling_function == "comparisons") {
                if (length(predictors[[v]]) != 2) {
                    msg <- sprintf("The `%s` variable is binary. The corresponding entry in the `variables` argument must be a vector of length 2.", v)

        } else if (get_variable_class(modeldata, v, "numeric")) {
            if (calling_function == "comparisons") {
                # For comparisons(), the string shortcuts are processed in contrast_data_* functions because we need fancy labels.
                # Eventually it would be nice to consolidate, but that's a lot of work.
                valid_str <- c("iqr", "minmax", "sd", "2sd")
                flag <- isTRUE(checkmate::check_numeric(predictors[[v]], min.len = 1, max.len = 2)) ||
                        isTRUE(checkmate::check_choice(predictors[[v]], choices = valid_str)) ||
                if (!isTRUE(flag)) {
                    msg <- "The %s element of the `variables` argument is invalid."
                    msg <- sprintf(msg, v)

            } else if (calling_function == "predictions") {
                # string shortcuts
                if (identical(predictors[[v]], "iqr")) {
                    predictors[[v]] <- stats::quantile(modeldata[[v]], probs = c(0.25, 0.75), na.rm = TRUE)
                } else if (identical(predictors[[v]], "minmax")) {
                    predictors[[v]] <- c(min(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE), max(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE))
                } else if (identical(predictors[[v]], "sd")) {
                    s <- stats::sd(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE)
                    m <- mean(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE)
                    predictors[[v]] <- c(m - s / 2, m + s / 2)
                } else if (identical(predictors[[v]], "2sd")) {
                    s <- stats::sd(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE)
                    m <- mean(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE)
                    predictors[[v]] <- c(m - s, m + s)
                } else if (identical(predictors[[v]], "threenum")) {
                    s <- stats::sd(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE)
                    m <- mean(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE)
                    predictors[[v]] <- c(m - s, m, m + s)
                } else if (identical(predictors[[v]], "fivenum")) {
                    predictors[[v]] <- stats::fivenum
                } else if (is.character(predictors[[v]])) {
                    msg <- sprintf('%s is a numeric variable. The summary shortcuts supported by the variables argument are: "iqr", "minmax", "sd", "2sd", "threenum", "fivenum".', v)

        } else {
            if (calling_function == "comparisons") {
                valid <- c("reference", "sequential", "pairwise", "all", "revpairwise", "revsequential", "revreference")
                # minmax needs an actual factor in the original data to guarantee correct order of levels.
                if (is.factor(modeldata[[v]])) {
                    valid <- c(valid, "minmax")
                flag1 <- checkmate::check_choice(predictors[[v]], choices = valid)
                flag2 <- checkmate::check_vector(predictors[[v]], len = 2)
                flag3 <- checkmate::check_data_frame(predictors[[v]], nrows = nrow(newdata), ncols = 2)
                flag4 <- checkmate::check_function(predictors[[v]])
                flag5 <- checkmate::check_data_frame(predictors[[v]])
                if (!isTRUE(flag1) && !isTRUE(flag2) && !isTRUE(flag3) && !isTRUE(flag4) && !isTRUE(flag5)) {
                    msg <- "The %s element of the `variables` argument must be a vector of length 2 or one of: %s"
                    msg <- sprintf(msg, v, paste(valid, collapse = ", "))

            } else if (calling_function == "predictions") {
                if (is.character(predictors[[v]]) || is.factor(predictors[[v]])) {
                    if (!all(as.character(predictors[[v]]) %in% as.character(modeldata[[v]]))) {
                        invalid <- intersect(
                            c("pairwise", "reference", "sequential", "revpairwise", "revreference", "revsequential"))
                        if (length(invalid) > 0) {
                            msg <- "These values are only supported by the `variables` argument in the `comparisons()` function: %s"
                            msg <- sprintf(msg, paste(invalid, collapse = ", "))
                        } else {
                            msg <- "Some elements of the `variables` argument are not in their original data. Check this variable: %s"
                            msg <- sprintf(msg, v)

    # sometimes weights don't get extracted by `find_variables()`
    w <- tryCatch(insight::find_weights(model), error = function(e) NULL)
    w <- intersect(w, colnames(newdata))
    others <- w

    # goals:
    # allow multiple function types: slopes() uses both difference and dydx
    # when comparison is defined, use that if it works or turn back to defaults
    # predictors list elements: name, value, function, label

    if (is.null(comparison)) {
        fun_numeric <- fun_categorical <- comparison_function_dict[["difference"]]
        lab_numeric <- lab_categorical <- comparison_label_dict[["difference"]]

    } else if (is.function(comparison)) {
        fun_numeric <- fun_categorical <- comparison
        lab_numeric <- lab_categorical <- "custom"

    } else if (is.character(comparison)) {
        # switch to the avg version when there is a `by` function
        if ((isTRUE(checkmate::check_character(by)) || isTRUE(by)) && !isTRUE(grepl("avg$", comparison))) {
            comparison <- paste0(comparison, "avg")

        # weights if user requests `avg` or automatically switched
        if (isTRUE(grepl("avg$", comparison)) && "marginaleffects_wts_internal" %in% colnames(newdata)) {
            comparison <- paste0(comparison, "wts")

        fun_numeric <- fun_categorical <- comparison_function_dict[[comparison]]
        lab_numeric <- lab_categorical <- comparison_label_dict[[comparison]]
        if (isTRUE(grepl("dydxavgwts|eyexavgwts|dyexavgwts|eydxavgwts", comparison))) {
            fun_categorical <- comparison_function_dict[["differenceavgwts"]]
            lab_categorical <- comparison_label_dict[["differenceavgwts"]]
        } else if (isTRUE(grepl("dydxavg|eyexavg|dyexavg|eydxavg", comparison))) {
            fun_categorical <- comparison_function_dict[["differenceavg"]]
            lab_categorical <- comparison_label_dict[["differenceavg"]]
        } else if (isTRUE(grepl("dydx$|eyex$|dyex$|eydx$", comparison))) {
            fun_categorical <- comparison_function_dict[["difference"]]
            lab_categorical <- comparison_label_dict[["difference"]]


    for (v in names(predictors)) {
        if (get_variable_class(modeldata, v, "numeric") && !get_variable_class(modeldata, v, "binary")) {
            fun <- fun_numeric
            lab <- lab_numeric
        } else {
            fun <- fun_categorical
            lab <- lab_categorical
        predictors[[v]] <- list(
            "name" = v,
            "function" = fun,
            "label" = lab,
            "value" = predictors[[v]],
            "comparison" = comparison)

    # epsilon for finite difference
    for (v in names(predictors)) {
        if (!is.null(eps)) {
            predictors[[v]][["eps"]] <- eps
        } else if (is.numeric(modeldata[[v]])) {
            predictors[[v]][["eps"]] <- 1e-4 * diff(range(modeldata[[v]], na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE))
        } else {
            predictors[[v]]["eps"] <- list(NULL)

    # can't take the slope of an outcome, except in weird brms models (issue #1006)
    if (!inherits(model, "brmsfit") || !isTRUE(length(model$formula$forms) > 1)) {
        dv <- hush(unlist(insight::find_response(model, combine = FALSE), use.names = FALSE))
        # sometimes insight doesn't work
        if (length(dv) > 0) {
            predictors <- predictors[setdiff(names(predictors), dv)]
    if (length(predictors) == 0) {
        insight::format_error("There is no valid predictor variable. Please make sure your model includes predictors and use the `variables` argument.")

    # interaction: get_contrasts() assumes there is only one function when interaction=TRUE
    if (isTRUE(interaction)) {
        for (p in predictors) {
            flag <- !identical(p[["function"]], predictors[[1]][["function"]])
            if (flag) {
                stop("When `interaction=TRUE` all variables must use the same contrast function.",
                     call. = FALSE)

    # sort variables alphabetically
    predictors <- predictors[sort(names(predictors))]
    others <- others[sort(names(others))]

    # output
    out <- list(conditional = predictors, others = others)


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