
##' @title marima
##' @description Estimate multivariate arima and arima-x models.
##' Setting up the proper model for (especially) arima-x estimation
##' can be accomplished using the routine 'define.model' that can
##' assist in setting up the necessary autoregressive and moving average
##' patterns used as input to 'marima'.
##' A more elaborate description of 'marima' and how it is used
##' can be downloaded from:
##' http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~hspl/marima.use.pdf
##' @param DATA time series matrix, dim(DATA) = c(kvar, n), 
##' where 'kvar' is the dimension of the time series and 'n' is the
##' length of the series. If DATA is organized (n, kvar) (as a data.frame
##' e.g.) it is automatically transposed in marima, and the user need
##' not care about it. Also, and consequently, the output residuals and
##' fitted values matrices are both organised c(kvar, n) at return from marima.
##' The DATA is checked for completeness. Cases which include 'NA's or 'NaN's
##' are initially left out. A message is given (on the console) and the active
##' cases are given in the output object (...$used.cases). If DATA is a time
##' series object it is transformed to a matrix and a warning is given
##' ( if(is.ts(DATA)) { DATA <- as.matrix(data.frame(DATA)) } and a message
##' is given (on the console).
##' @param ar.pattern autoregressive pattern for model (see define.model).
##' If ar.pattern is not specified a pure ma-model is estimated.
##' @param ma.pattern moving average pattern for model (see define.model).
##' If ma.pattern is not specified a pure ar-model is estimated. In this case
##' the estimation is carried out by regression analysis in a few steps.
##' @param max.iter max. number of iterations in estimation (max.iter=50
##' is default which, generally, is more than enough).
##' @param means 0/1 indicator vector of length kvar, indicating
##' which variables in the analysis should be means adjusted or not.
##' Default: means=1 and all variables are means adjusted.
##' If means=0 is used, no variables are means adjusted.
##' @param weight weighting factor for smoothing the repeated
##' estimation procedure. Default is weight=0.33 which often works
##' well. If weight>0.33 (e.g. weight=0.66) is specified more damping
##' will result. If a large damping factor is used, the successive
##' estimations are more cautious, and a slower (but safer)
##' convergence (if possible) may result (max.iter may have to be
##' increased to, say, max.iter=75.
##' @param Plot 'none' or 'trace' or 'log.det' indicates a plot that shows
##' how the residual covariance matrix (resid.cov) develops with the
##' iterations.
##' If Plot= 'none' no plot is generated.
##' If Plot= 'trace' a plot of the trace of the residual
##' covariance matrix versus iterations is generated.
##' If Plot='log.det' the log(determinant) of the residual
##' covariance matrix (resid.cov) is generated. Default is Plot= 'none'.
##' @param Check (TRUE/FALSE) results (if TRUE) in a printout of some
##' controls of the call to arima. Useful in the first attemp(s) to use
##' marima. Default=FALSE.
##' @param penalty parameter used in the R function 'step' for
##' stepwise model reduction. If penalty=2, the conventional
##' AIC criterion is used. If penalty=0, no stepwise reduction of model is
##' performed. Generally 0<=penalty<=2 works well (especially penalty=1).
##' The level of
##' significance of the individual parameter estimates in the final
##' model can be checked by considering the (approximate) 'ar.pvalues'
##' and the 'ma.pvalues' calculated by marima.
##' @return Object of class marima containing:
##'  N            = N length of analysed series
##'  kvar         = dimension of time series (all random and
##'    non-random variables).
##'  ar.estimates = ar-estimates
##'  ma.estimates = ma-estimates
##'  ar.fvalues   = ar-fvalues (approximate)
##'  ma.fvalues   = ma-fvalues (approximate)
##'  ar.stdv      = standard devaitions of ar-estimates (approximate)
##'  ma.stdv      = standard deviations of ma-estimates (approximate)
##'  ar.pvalues   = ar.estimate p-values (approximate). If in the input data two
##'  series are identical or one (or more) series is (are)
##'  linearly dependent of the
##'  the other series the routine lm(...) generates "NA" for estimates
##'  t-values, p-values and and parameter standard deviations. In
##'  marima the corresponding estimates, F-values and
##'  parameter standard deviations
##'  are set to 0 (zero) while the p-value(s) are set to "NaN". Can happen
##'  only for ar-parameters.
##'  ma.pvalues   = ma.estimate p-values (approximate)
##' residuals = estimated residuals (for used.cases), leading values
##'  (not estimated values) are put equal to NA
##'  fitted    = estimated/fitted values for all data
##' (including non random variables) (for used.cases), leading values
##' (not estimated values) are put equal to NA
##'  resid.cov = covariance matrix of residuals
##' (including non random variables) (computed for used.cases)
##'  data.cov  = covariance matrix of (all)
##'  input data (for used.cases)
##'  averages  = averages of input variables
##'  Constant  = estimated model constant =
##'                             (sum_i(ar[, , i])) x averages
##'  call.ar.pattern = calling ar.pattern
##'  call.ma.pattern = calling ma.pattern
##'  out.ar.pattern = resulting ar.pattern
##'             (after possible model reduction)
##'  out.ma.pattern = resulting ar.pattern
##'             (after possible model reduction)
##'  max.iter = max no. of iterations in call
##'  penalty = factor used in AIC model reduction, if penalty=0, no AIC
##'     model redukction is performed (default).
##'  weight  = weighting of successive residuals
##'                     updating (default=0.33)
##'  used.cases = cases in input which are analysed
##'  trace   = trace(random part of resid.cov)
##'  log.det = log(det(random part of resid.cov))
##'  randoms = which are random variables in problem?
##'  one.step = one step ahead prediction (for time = N+1)
##'  based on whole series from obs. 1 to N. The computation
##'  is based on the marima residuals (as taken from the last
##'  regression step in the repeated pseudo-regression algorithm).
##' @source The code is an R code which is based on the
##' article (below) by Spliid (1983). A repeated (socalled) pseudo
##' regression procedure is used in order to estimate the multivariate
##' arma model.
##' @examples
##' # Example 1:
##' library(marima)
##' # Generate a 4-variate time series (in this example):
##' #
##' kvar<-4 ; set.seed(4711)
##' y4<-matrix(round(100*rnorm(4*1000, mean=2.0)), nrow=kvar)
##' # If wanted define differencing of variable 4 (lag=1)
##' # and variable 3 (lag=6), for example:
##' y4.dif<-define.dif(y4, difference=c(4, 1, 3, 6))
##' # The differenced series will be in y4.dif$y.dif, the observations
##' # lost by differencing being excluded.
##' #
##' y4.dif.analysis<-y4.dif$y.dif
##' # Give lags the be included in ar- and ma-parts of model:
##' #
##' ar<-c(1, 2, 4)
##' ma<-c(1)
##' # Define the multivariate arma model using 'define.model' procedure.
##' # Output from 'define.model' will be the patterns of the ar- and ma-
##' # parts of the model specified.
##' #
##' Mod <- define.model(kvar=4, ar=ar, ma=ma, reg.var=3)
##' arp<-Mod$ar.pattern
##' map<-Mod$ma.pattern
##' # Print out model in 'short form':
##' #
##' short.form(arp)
##' short.form(map)
##' # Now call marima:
##' Model <- marima(y4.dif.analysis, ar.pattern=arp, ma.pattern=map, 
##'                 penalty=0.0)
##' # The estimated model is in the object 'Model':
##' #
##' ar.model<-Model$ar.estimates
##' ma.model<-Model$ma.estimates
##' dif.poly<-y4.dif$dif.poly  # = difference polynomial in ar-form.
##' # Multiply the estimated ar-polynomial with difference polynomial
##' # to compute the aggregated ar-part of the arma model:
##' #
##' ar.aggregated <- pol.mul(ar.model, dif.poly, L=12)
##' # and print everything out in 'short form':
##' #
##' short.form(ar.aggregated, leading=FALSE)
##' short.form(ma.model, leading=FALSE)
##' @references
##' Jenkins, G.M. & Alavi, A. (1981): Some aspects of modelling and forecasting
##'     multivariate time series, Journal of Time Series Analysis, 
##'     Vol. 2, issue 1, Jan. 1981, pp. 1-47.
##' Madsen, H. (2008) Time Series Analysis, Chapmann \& Hall (in particular
##' chapter 9: Multivariate time series).
##' Reinsel, G.C. (2003) Elements of Multivariate Time Series Analysis, 
##' Springer Verlag, 2$^{nd}$ ed. pp. 106-114.
##' Shumway, R.H. & Stoffer, D.S. (2000). Time Series Analysis and
##' Its Applications, Springer Verlag, (4$^{th}$ ed. 2016).
##' Spliid, H.: A Fast Estimation Method for the Vector
##'    Autoregressive Moving Average Model With Exogenous Variables, Journal
##'    of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 78, No. 384, Dec. 1983, 
##'    pp. 843-849.
##' Spliid, H.: Estimation of Multivariate Time Series
##' with Regression Variables:
##' http://www.imm.dtu.dk/~hspl/marima.use.pdf
##' www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pmc/section4/pmc45.htm
##' @importFrom stats arima complete.cases cov lm step var is.ts
##' @export

marima <- function(DATA = NULL, ar.pattern = NULL, 
                   ma.pattern = NULL, means = 1, 
                   max.iter = 50, penalty = 0, weight = 0.33, 
                   Plot = 'none', Check = FALSE) {
    "[" <- function(x, ...) .Primitive("[")(x, ..., drop = FALSE)

    if(is.ts(DATA)) {
        DATA <- as.matrix(data.frame(DATA))
        cat("Input data is transformed from type = 'time series' (is.ts)
        to matrix).")
        cat("Sampling information is ignored. One line is one sample at a
        certain time point.")

    DATA <- as.matrix(DATA)
    Test <- FALSE
    kvar <- min(dim(DATA))
    till = 6
    ## Check if ar- and/or ma-pattern specified when calling marima. If not
    ## set pattern to the correct unity-matrix (kvar by kvar): 
    if (is.null(ar.pattern) & is.null(ma.pattern)) {
        cat("Neither ar- nor ma-part of model specified. \n")
    if (is.null(ar.pattern)) {
        ar.pattern = array(c(diag(kvar), 0 * diag(kvar)), 
            dim = c(kvar, kvar, 2))
    if (is.null(ma.pattern)) {
        ma.pattern = array(c(diag(kvar), 0 * diag(kvar)), 
            dim = c(kvar, kvar, 2))
        max.iter <- 3
        till <- 1
        weight <- 0
    AR <- ar.pattern
    MA <- ma.pattern
    max.iter <- round(max.iter)
    D <- dim(DATA)
    if (D[1] < D[2]) {
        DATA <- t(DATA)
    case <- which(complete.cases(DATA))
    All <- 1:max(dim(DATA))
    DATA <- DATA[case, ]
    Leftout <- setdiff(All, case)
    if (length(Leftout) <= 0) {
        cat("All cases in data, ", min(case), " to ", max(case), 
            " accepted for completeness.\n")
    if (length(Leftout) > 0) {
        cat("Cases ", Leftout, " left out for marima analysis. \n")
    D <- dim(DATA)
    N <- D[1]
    kvar <- D[2]
    rownames(DATA) <- as.character(1:N)
    ## Determine which variables are random and which are not:
    randoms <- which(rowSums(matrix(abs(c(AR, MA)), nrow = kvar)) > 2)
    non.randoms <- which(rowSums(matrix(abs(c(AR, MA)), nrow = kvar)) == 2)

    ## Check how averages for variables is to be handled:
    xmean <- means
    if (length(xmean) == 1) {
        if (xmean == 1) {
            means <- rep(1, kvar)
    if (length(xmean) == 1) {
        if (xmean != 1) {
            means <- rep(0, kvar)

    ## If specified (by setting Check=TRUE) if control output is wanted:  
    if (Check) {
        cat("Control printout (Check=TRUE (default)). \n")
        cat("Calling marima. Data dimensions (kvar, N) = ", kvar, N, "\n")
        cat("Coefficient polynomial dimensions = ", dim(AR), " and ", 
            dim(MA), "\n")
        cat("including leading unity matrix. \n")
        if (is.null(ar.pattern)) {
            cat("no ar.pattern specified \n")
        if (is.null(ma.pattern)) {
            cat("no ma.pattern specified \n")
        if (!is.null(AR)) {
            cat("ar.pattern= \n")
        if (!is.null(MA)) {
            cat("ma.pattern= \n")
        cat("Start of data (5 first observations): \n")
        print(DATA[1:5, ])
        cat(" ... \n")
        cat("End of data (5 last observations): \n")
        print(DATA[(N - 4):N, ])
        cat("\n Calling parameters in use: \n")
        cat(" max.iter = ", max.iter, ", means = ", means, ", 
        penalty = ", penalty, ", \n")
        cat(" weight = ", weight, ", Plot = ", Plot, 
            ", Check = ", Check, " \n")
        cat(" The above printout can be suppressed ", 
         "by calling with Check = FALSE. \n ")
    # End-of-control output

    ## Construct ar- and ma-polynomial arrays:
    ARmodel <- matrix(0, nrow = kvar, ncol = (kvar * dim(AR)[3]))
    MAmodel <- matrix(0, nrow = kvar, ncol = (kvar * dim(MA)[3]))
    for (i in 1:kvar) {
        ARmodel[i, which(AR[i, , ] > 0)] <- which(AR[i, , ] > 0)
        MAmodel[i, which(MA[i, , ] > 0)] <- which(MA[i, , ] > 0)
    if(Test) {
             cat("ARmodel & MAmodel as constructed: \n")
             readline("0.4: Press <return to continue")
    ## Construct proper names:
    arnam <- matrix(paste("ar", ARmodel, sep = ""), nrow = kvar)
    manam <- matrix(paste("ma", MAmodel, sep = ""), nrow = kvar)
    if(Test) {
             cat("arnam & manam as constructed: \n")
             cat("dim(arnam), dim(manam) \n")
             readline("0.5: Press >return to continue ") 

    On <- rep(0, kvar)
    for (i in 1:kvar) {
        if (sum(AR[i, , ]) > 1) {
            On[i] <- i
        if (sum(AR[, i, ]) > 1) {
            On[i] <- i
    On <- On[On > 0]
    cases1 <- which(complete.cases(DATA[, On]))
    rownames(DATA) <- as.character(1:dim(DATA)[1])
    DATA <- DATA[cases1, ]
    D <- dim(DATA)
    X <- lagged.data(DATA = DATA, AR = AR, MA = MA, 
                     init = TRUE, means = xmean)
    averages <- X$averages

    if(Test) { cat("About X \n")
               cat(names(X), " \n")
               cat("Averages =", X$averages, "\n")
               cat("X$ardata og X$madata = \n")
               print(X$ardata[c((1:8), ((na-7):na)), ])
               print(X$madata[c((1:8), ((nm-7):nm)), ])
               readline("1.5: Press <return to continue")
    N <- dim(X$ardata)[1]
    SAR <- short.form(AR, "", tail = TRUE)
    ARlags <- as.numeric(dimnames(SAR)[[3]][])
    L <- dim(SAR)[3]
    SAM <- short.form(MA, "", tail = TRUE)
    MAlags <- as.numeric(dimnames(SAM)[[3]][])
    M <- dim(SAM)[3]

    if(Test) { 
        cat("SAR , ARlags , SAM , MAlags: \n")
        readline("2.0: Press >return to continue")
    stt <- ARlags * kvar + 1
    stp <- ARlags * kvar + kvar
    for (i in 1:length(stt)) {
        if (i == 1) {
            arcols <- c(stt[i]:stp[i])
        if (i > 1) {
            arcols <- c(arcols, c(stt[i]:stp[i]))
    stt <- MAlags * kvar + 1
    stp <- MAlags * kvar + kvar
    for (i in 1:length(stt)) {
        if (i == 1) {
            macols <- c(stt[i]:stp[i])
        if (i > 1) {
            macols <- c(macols, c(stt[i]:stp[i]))

    if (Test) {
        cat("arcols = ", arcols, "\n")
        cat("macols = ", macols, "\n")
        readline("2.5: Press <-return to continue")

    ARDATA <- fill.out(DATAarray = array(X$ardata, 
                           dim = c(N, kvar, L)), SAR = SAR)
    MADATA <- fill.out(DATAarray = array(X$madata, 
                           dim = c(N, kvar, M)), SAR = SAM)
    ARDATA <- matrix(ARDATA, nrow = N)
    MADATA <- matrix(MADATA, nrow = N)
    rownames(ARDATA) <- rownames(DATA)
    rownames(MADATA) <- rownames(DATA)
    colnames(ARDATA) <- paste("ar", arcols, sep = "")
    colnames(MADATA) <- paste("ma", macols, sep = "")

    if( Test ) {
             cat("SAR and SAM \n")
             cat(dim(SAR), "..", dim(SAM), " \n")
             readline( "3.14: Press <return to continue")           
             cat("ARDATA & MADATA \n")
             na <- dim(ARDATA)[1]
             nm <- dim(MADATA)[1]
             print(ARDATA[c((1:8), ((na-7):na)), ])
             cat("..... \n")
             print(MADATA[c((1:8), ((nm-7):nm)), ])
             readline( "3.15: Press <return to continue")

    On2 <- matrix(rep(On, L), ncol = L)
    if (L > 1) {
        for (i in 2:L) {
            On2[, i] <- On2[, 1] + (i - 1) * kvar
    cases <- which(complete.cases(ARDATA[, c(On2)]))
    ARDATA <- ARDATA[cases, ]
    MADATA <- MADATA[cases, ]
    N <- length(cases)
    if( Test) {
        cat('colnames ARDATA', colnames(ARDATA), '\n')
        cat('colnames MADATA', colnames(MADATA), '\n')
        readline( "4.0: Press <return to continue")
    DA <- get.models(ARDATA = ARDATA, AR = AR)
    DM <- get.models(ARDATA = MADATA, AR = MA)

    if( Test) {
        cat( "DA  and  DM \n")
        readline( "4.5: Press <return to continue")
    randoms <- randoms
    trace <- 0
    log.det <- 0
    NAM = ""
    Iter1 <- round(max.iter/3)
    Iter3 <- Iter1 + till
    for (iterate in 1:max.iter) {
        for (i in 1:kvar) {
            # iterate=1 i=2
            colar <- colnames(ARDATA)
            colma <- colnames(MADATA)
            varx <- DA[i, ]
            varx <- varx[varx > 1]
            vare <- DM[i, ]
            vare <- vare[vare > 1]
            MO <- lm.form(i, colnames(ARDATA), zero = T)
            if ( Test & iterate==3 ) {
            cat(as.character(MO), "\n")
            readline("4.7: Press <return to continue")
            MO <- lm.adds(MO, varx, colar)
            if ( Test & iterate==3 ) {
            cat(as.character(MO), "\n")
            readline("4.80: Press <return to continue")
            MO <- lm.adds(MO, vare, colma)
            if ( Test & iterate==3 ) {
               cat(as.character(MO), "\n")
            readline("4.90: Press <return to continue")
            # cat(i, M=, '\n')
            if ( iterate > Iter3 & penalty > 0 ) {
                MO <- NAM[i]
                if( Test & iterate== Iter3 + 3 ){
                cat("NAM[i]= ", as.character(NAM[i]), "\n")
                cat("MO=     ", as.character(MO)    , "\n")
                readline("4.92: Press <return to continue")
            MOD <- lm(MO, data = data.frame(ARDATA, MADATA))

            if ( Test & iterate==3 ) {
                    cat("ar-colnames=", colar, "\n")
                    cat("ma-colnames=", colma, "\n")
                    cat("iterate, i", iterate, i, "\n")
                    cat(as.character(MO), "\n")
                    readline("5: Press <return to continue")
            # print(summary(MOD))
            if (penalty > 1e-06) {
                if (iterate > Iter1) {
                  # cat('Stepwise Regression')
                  if (iterate >= Iter1 & iterate <= Iter3 & penalty > 0) {
                    MOD <- step(MOD, direction = "backward", 
                                k = penalty, trace = FALSE)
                  if (iterate == Iter3) {
                    # cat('iterate and i: ', iterate, ' , ', i, '\n')
                    NAM[i] <- as.character(MOD$call[2])
                    # cat('Model form i = ', NAM[i], ' \n')
            if (iterate == max.iter) {
                if (i == 1) {
                  ar.estimates <- matrix(AR * 0, nrow = kvar)
                  ar.estimates[1:kvar, 1:kvar] <- diag(kvar)
                  ma.estimates <- matrix(MA * 0, nrow = kvar)
                  ma.estimates[1:kvar, 1:kvar] <- diag(kvar)
                  ar.fvalues <- ar.estimates
                  ma.fvalues <- ma.estimates
                  ar.pvalues <- ar.estimates
                  ma.pvalues <- ma.estimates
                  ar.stdv    <- ar.estimates
                  ma.stdv    <- ma.estimates
                varia <- names(MOD$coefficients)
                    cat('varia=names(MOD$coefficients=', varia, '\n')
                    readline("6: Press <return to continue")
                if (length(varia) > 0) {
                  types <- substr(varia, 1, 2)
                  numbers <- as.numeric(substr(varia, 3, 10))
                  ars <- which(types == "ar")
                  mas <- which(types == "ma")

                  Summar <- Results(Model=MOD)

                  # cat("Summary = ","\n")
                  # print(Summar)

                  # print(MOD$coefficients)

                  t <- which(is.na(MOD$coefficients[ars]))
                  MOD$coefficients[ars][t] <- 0

                  # print(MOD$coefficients)
                  ar.estimates[i, numbers[ars]] <- -MOD$coefficients[ars]
                  ma.estimates[i, numbers[mas]] <- +MOD$coefficients[mas]

                  f.values <- summary(MOD)[[4]][, 3]
                  f.values <- Summar[, 3]
                  f.values <- f.values^2
                  ar.fvalues[i, numbers[ars]] <- f.values[ars]
                  ma.fvalues[i, numbers[mas]] <- f.values[mas]

                  p.values     <- summary(MOD)[[4]][, 4]
                  p.values     <- Summar[, 4]
                  ar.pvalues[i, numbers[ars]] <- p.values[ars]
                  ma.pvalues[i, numbers[mas]] <- p.values[mas]
                  stdv.values  <- summary(MOD)[[4]][, 2]
                  stdv.values  <- Summar[ ,2]
                  ar.stdv[i,numbers[ars]]  <- stdv.values[ars]
                  ma.stdv[i,numbers[mas]]  <- stdv.values[mas]
                if (iterate == max.iter) {
                  # if(i==1){MOD1<-MOD} if(i==2){MOD2<-MOD}
                  # if(i==3){MOD3<-MOD} if(i==4){MOD4<-MOD}
                  if (i == kvar) {
                    ar.estimates <- array(ar.estimates, dim = dim(AR))
                    ma.estimates <- array(ma.estimates, dim = dim(MA))
                    ar.fvalues   <- array(ar.fvalues,   dim = dim(AR))
                    ma.fvalues   <- array(ma.fvalues,   dim = dim(MA))
                    ar.pvalues   <- array(ar.pvalues,   dim = dim(AR))
                    ma.pvalues   <- array(ma.pvalues,   dim = dim(MA))
                    ar.stdv      <- array(ar.stdv,      dim = dim(AR))
                    ma.stdv      <- array(ma.stdv,      dim = dim(MA))
            res <- MOD$residual
            # cat('i=', i, ' , length(MADATA[, i])=', length(MADATA[, i]), 
            # 'length(residual)=', length(res), '\n')
            MADATA[, i] <- weight * MADATA[, i] + (1 - weight) * res
            # cat('Compute Trace', iterate, '\n')

#            if (length(randoms) == 1) { Var <- var(MADATA[, randoms])
#            log.det[iterate] <- log(Var)
#            trace[iterate]   <- Var
#                                    }
#            if (length(randoms) > 1 ) {  
#            log.det[iterate] <- log(det(cov(MADATA[, randoms])))
#             trace[iterate]  <- sum(diag(cov(MADATA[, 1:kvar])))
#                                    }
          log.det[iterate] <- log(det(cov(as.matrix(MADATA[, randoms]))))
          trace[iterate]   <- sum(diag(cov(as.matrix(MADATA[, 1:kvar]))))
            MADATA <- fill.out(DATAarray = array(MADATA, 
                                   dim = c(N, kvar, M)), SAR = SAM)
            MADATA <- matrix(MADATA, nrow = N)
            colnames(MADATA) <- colma
    rownames(MADATA) <- rownames(ARDATA)
    # cat('Data analysed: .... \n') #
    # print(ARDATA[1:10, 1:kvar])
    # print(MADATA[1:10, 1:kvar])
    # cat('Dimensions are:', dim(ARDATA[, 1:kvar]), ' og ', 
    # dim(MADATA[, 1:kvar]), '\n')
    fitted <- ARDATA[, 1:kvar] - MADATA[, 1:kvar]
    # cat('Fitted = (1) \n') print(fitted[1:10, ])
    # cat('averages= ', averages, '\n')
    # cat('means = ', means, '\n')
    for (i in 1:kvar) {
        fitted[, i] <- fitted[, i] + averages[i] * means[i]
    colnames(fitted) <- paste("y", 1:kvar, sep = "")
    # cat('Fitted = (2) ... \n') print(fitted[1:10, ])
    # cat('Iteration shift values', Iter1, ' and ', Iter3, '.\n')
    fitted <- t(fitted)
    residuals <- t(MADATA[, 1:kvar])
    rownames(residuals) <- paste("u", 1:kvar, sep = "")
    covu <- cov(as.matrix(MADATA[, 1:kvar]))
    covy <- cov(as.matrix(ARDATA[, 1:kvar]))

    colnames(covu) <- rownames(residuals)
    rownames(covu) <- rownames(residuals)
    colnames(covy) <- paste("y", c(1:kvar), sep = "")
    rownames(covy) <- colnames(covy)
    mains = "Residual covariance matrix trace"
    if (Plot == "trace" & iterate >= 3) {
        plot(trace[1:max.iter], main = mains, 
             xlab = "No. of iterations", 
             ylab = "Computed trace", type = "l")
        grid(col = "blue")
    # cat('Iteration shift at :', Iter1, ' and ', Iter3, '\n')
    mains = "log(det(residual covariance matrix))"
    if (Plot == "log.det" & iterate >= 3) {
             main = mains, 
             xlab = "No. of iterations", 
             ylab = "log(det(residual covariance matrix))", 
             type = "l")
        grid(col = "blue")
    used.cases <- as.numeric(colnames(residuals))
    out.ar.pattern <- abs(ar.estimates)
    out.ar.pattern[which(out.ar.pattern > 0)] <- 1
    out.ma.pattern <- abs(ma.estimates)
    out.ma.pattern[which(out.ma.pattern > 0)] <- 1

    am<-averages * means
    Constant <- am
    lar <- length(c(ar.estimates))/(kvar*kvar)
    if (lar > 1) {
        for (i in 2:lar) {
        Constant <- Constant + matrix(ar.estimates[, , i], nrow=kvar) %*% am

  #       cat("variable am", am, "\n")
  #       cat("Control output from marima \n")
  #       cat("Constant =", Constant, "\n")


cat(dim(DATA), " = MARIMA - dimension of data \n")
N <- dim(DATA)[1]
kvar <- dim(DATA)[2]
one.step <- c(DATA[N, ]*0)

# cat(one.step, "MARIMA: one.step \n")
# Revision <- arma.filter(series = DATA, ar.poly=ar.estimates, 
#                          ma.poly=ma.estimates)
# residuals <- Revision$residuals

nc <- N-dim(residuals)[2]
    if(nc > 0) {
    Fill      <- matrix(NA, nrow=kvar, ncol=nc)
    fitted    <- cbind(Fill, fitted)
    residuals <- cbind(Fill, residuals)
    colnames(fitted)    <- 1:N
    colnames(residuals) <- 1:N

p <- dim(ar.estimates)
q <- dim(ma.estimates)
one.step <- Constant

# cat("dimensions of estimates= ", p, q, "\n")
# cat("   one.step = Constant = ", one.step, " \n")
#     print(ar.estimates)

    if( p[3] >= 2 ) { 
        for (i in 2:p[3]) {
        AA <- matrix(ar.estimates[, , i] , nrow=kvar)
        BB <- matrix(DATA[(N-i+2), ]     , nrow=kvar)
#  cat("AA og BB \n")
#         print(AA)
#         print(BB)
     one.step <- one.step - AA %*% BB
# cat(" p: i = ", i, one.step, "\n")
     }   }
    if( q[3] >= 2 ) {
        for (i in 2:q[3]) {
        AA <- matrix(ma.estimates[, , i]  , nrow=kvar)
        BB <- matrix(residuals[, (N-i+2)] , nrow=kvar)
# cat("AA og BB \n")
#    print(AA)
#    print(BB)
        one.step <- one.step + AA %*% BB
# cat(" q: i = ", i, one.step, "\n")
     }   }

   obj <- list( N = N, 
                DATA = t(DATA), 
                kvar = kvar, 
                ar.estimates = ar.estimates, 
                ma.estimates = ma.estimates, 
                Constant     = Constant, 
                ar.fvalues = ar.fvalues, 
                ma.fvalues = ma.fvalues, 
                ar.pvalues = ar.pvalues, 
                ma.pvalues = ma.pvalues,
                ar.stdv    = ar.stdv,
                ma.stdv    = ma.stdv,
                residuals = residuals, 
                fitted = fitted, 
                resid.cov = covu, 
                data.cov = covy, 
                averages = averages, 
                mean.pattern = means, 
                call.ar.pattern = AR, 
                call.ma.pattern = MA, 
                out.ar.pattern = out.ar.pattern, 
                out.ma.pattern = out.ma.pattern, 
                max.iter = max.iter, 
                penalty = penalty, 
                weight = weight, 
                used.cases = used.cases, 
                trace = trace, 
                log.det = log.det, 
                randoms = randoms, 
                one.step = one.step )
    class(obj) <- "marima"

    # cat(one.step, " = MARIMA: one.step \n")


########### END OF MARIMA ################

fill.out <- function(DATAarray = NULL, SAR = NULL) {
    Lags <- as.numeric(dimnames(SAR)[[3]])
    # cat("Input=\n")
    # print(DATAarray[1:10, , ])
    # print(SAR)
    # cat(dim(SAR), dim(DATAarray), "\n")
    # cat('Lags=', Lags, '\n')
    N <- dim(DATAarray)[1]
    # cat('fill.out: dim=', dim(DATAarray), '\n')
    if (length(Lags) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:length(Lags)) {
            use <- (N + 1 - (1:(N - Lags[i])))
            DATAarray[use, , i] <- DATAarray[use - Lags[i], , 1]
    # cat("Output=\n")
    # cat(dim(SAR), dim(DATAarray), "\n")
    # print(DATAarray[1:10, , ])

get.models <- function(ARDATA = NULL, AR = NULL) {
    SAR <- short.form(AR, "", tail = TRUE)
    # cat('ARDATA= \n') print(ARDATA)
    kvar <- dim(AR)[1]
    DA <- matrix(0, nrow = kvar, ncol = dim(ARDATA)[2])
    # print(DA) cat('kvar=', kvar, '\n') print(SAR)
    for (i in 1:kvar) {
        P <- SAR[i, , ]
        # cat('i, P', i, P, '\n')
        LP <- dim(P)[2]
        SP <- sum(P)
        if (SP > 1) {
            order = LP - 1
        if (SP == 1) {
            order = 0
        # cat('order=', order, '\n')
        P <- c(P)
        # print(P)
        DA[i, ] <- P
        # cat('length(P)=', length(P), '\n')
        for (j in (kvar + 1):length(P)) {
            DA[i, j] = j * P[j]

lm.adds <- function(formula, varx, arnames) {
    formul <- formula
    if (length(varx) > 0) {
        for (i in 1:length(varx)) {
            formul <- paste(formul, "+", arnames[varx[i]], sep = "")
    if (length(varx) > 0) {
        formula <- formul

lm.form <- function(y, arnames, zero) {
    if (zero) {
        formula <- paste(arnames[y], " ~ -1 ", sep = "")
    if (!zero) {
        formula <- paste(arnames[y], " ~    ", sep = "")

lagged.data <- function(DATA = NULL, AR = NULL, MA = NULL, 
                        init = FALSE, means = 1)
    xmean <- means
    N <- dim(DATA)[1]
    kvar <- dim(DATA)[2]
    # cat('N, kvar=', N, kvar, '\n')
    if (length(xmean) == 1) {
        if (xmean == 1) {
            means <- rep(1, kvar)
    if (length(xmean) == 1) {
        if (xmean != 1) {
            means <- rep(0, kvar)
    averages <- rep(0, kvar)
    for (i in 1:kvar) {
        t <- which(!is.na(DATA[, i]))
        averages[i] <- mean(DATA[t, i])
        if (means[i] == 1) {
            DATA[, i] <- DATA[, i] - averages[i]
        # cat('i', i, 'mean', averages[i], '\n')
    AR <- check.one(AR)
    MA <- check.one(MA)
    L <- dim(AR)
    M <- dim(MA)
    # cat('L=', L, 'M=', M, '\n')
    ar.pos <- rep(0, L[3])
    j <- 0
    for (i in 1:L[3]) {
        coef <- sum(abs(AR[, , i]))
        # cat('i=', i, 'ar.coef.sum=', coef, '\n')
        if (coef > 0) {
            j <- j + 1
            ar.pos[i] <- j
    ma.pos <- rep(0, M[3])
    j <- 0
    for (i in 1:M[3]) {
        coef <- sum(abs(MA[, , i]))
        # # cat('i=', i, 'ma.coef.sum=', coef, '\n')
        if (coef > 0) {
            j <- j + 1
            ma.pos[i] <- j
    pr <- dim(short.form(AR, tail = TRUE))[3]
    qr <- dim(short.form(MA, tail = TRUE))[3]
    ardata <- array(rep(DATA, pr), dim = c(N, kvar, pr))
    madata <- array(rep(DATA, qr), dim = c(N, kvar, qr))
    rownames(ardata) <- rownames(DATA)
    rownames(madata) <- rownames(DATA)
    # cat('dim(ardata):', dim(ardata), '\n')
    if (pr > 1) 
        ardata[, , 2:pr] <- NA
    madata[, , 1:qr] <- 0
    ardata <- matrix(ardata, nrow = N)
    madata <- matrix(madata, nrow = N)
    rownames(ardata) <- rownames(DATA)
    rownames(madata) <- rownames(DATA)
    # cat('rownames(DATA)', rownames(DATA)[1:10])
    # cat('pr=', pr, 'qr=', qr, '\n')
    # cat('ar-data & ma-data \n')
    # print(ardata) print(madata)
    # Start by initialising residuals for 'active' variables:
    # print(AR)
    if (init) {
        vars <- 1:kvar
        # cat('variables:', vars, '\n')
        for (i in 1:kvar) {
            if (sum(AR[i, , ]) == 1) {
                vars[i] = 0
        for (i in 1:kvar) {
            S <- sum(AR[i, , ])
            E <- rep(0, N)
            if (S > 1) {
                Y <- vars
                # cat('Y', Y, '\n')
                X <- Y[-i]
                X <- X[which(X != 0)]
                # cat('X', X, '\n') cat('i=', i, ' Extra=', X, '\n')
                E <- arima(ardata[, i], 
                      order = c(3, 0, 0), 
                            xreg = ardata[, X])$residuals
                madata[, i] <- E
    # cat('pr=', pr, 'qr=', qr, '\n')
    # cat('ar-data \n')
    # print(ardata)
    # cat('ma-data \n')
    # print(madata)
    return(list(ardata = ardata, 
                madata = madata, 
                averages = averages))

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marima documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:10 p.m.