
Defines functions cond_dupe_check dupe_check has_char try_formats cond_check_interactive check_interactive remove_class add_class remove_attributes add_attributes cond_check_is_vector_mode check_is_vector mark_temp charexpr catln cat0 is_atomic0 is_unique has_length no_length is_length0 that print_no_attr ept crayon_cyan crayon_green crayon_blue use_color isNA which0

Documented in ept that

which0 <- function(x) {
  which(x) %len% 0L
# isTRUE, isFALSE, ...
isNA <- function(x) { # nolint: object_name_linter.
  is.logical(x) && length(x) == 1L && is.na(x)

# modified from https://github.com/tidyverse/purrr/blob/5aca9df41452f272fcef792dbc6d584be8be7167/R/utils.R # nolint: line_length_linter.
use_color <- function() {
  rn("crayon") && crayon::has_color()

# nolint start: brace_linter.
crayon_blue  <- function(x) { if (use_color()) crayon::blue(x)  else x }
crayon_green <- function(x) { if (use_color()) crayon::green(x) else x }
crayon_cyan  <- function(x) { if (use_color()) crayon::cyan(x)  else x }
# nolint end: brace_linter.

#' Parse and evaluate text
#' A wrapper for eval(parse(text = .))
#' @param x A character string to parse
#' @param envir The environment in which to evaluate the code
#' @return The evaluation of `x` after parsing
#' @export
ept <- function(x, envir = parent.frame()) {
  eval(parse(text = x), envir = envir)

# Removes object's attributes before printing
print_no_attr <- function(x, ...) {
  print(remove_attributes(x)) # nocovr

#' That
#' Grammatical correctness
#' @details
#' See `fortunes::fortune(175)`.
#' @inheritParams base::which
#' @return see [base::which()]
#' @export
#' @seealso [base::which()]
that <- function(x, arr.ind = FALSE, useNames = TRUE) { # nolint: object_name_linter, line_length_linter.
  # TODO consider that() as #seq_along(x)[x]?
  which(x, arr.ind = arr.ind, useNames = useNames)

#' Length checkers
#' Checks lengths
#' @description
#' Several length checks exist:
#' * `is_length0`: Not `NULL` but is length `0`
#' * `no_length`: Length of `0`
#' * `has_length`: Length is not `0`
#' _NB_: `length(NULL)` is `0`
#' @param x A vector
#' @name length_check
#' @noRd
is_length0 <- function(x) {
  !is.null(x) && no_length(x)

#' @rdname length_check
#' @noRd
no_length <- function(x) {
  length(x) == 0L

#' @rdname length_check
#' @noRd
has_length <- function(x) {

is_unique <- function(x) {
  anyDuplicated(x) == 0L

is_atomic0 <- function(x) {
  is.atomic(x) && !is.null(x)

# nolint start: brace_linter.
cat0 <- function(...) { cat(..., sep = "") }
catln <- function(...) { cat(..., sep = "\n") }
charexpr <- function(x) { as.character(as.expression(x)) }
# nolint end: brace_linter.

mark_temp <- function(ext = "") {
  if (!grepl("^[.]", ext) && !identical(ext, "") && !is.na(ext)) {
    ext <- paste0(".", ext)

  # Retrieves the outer most function this was called in and save the raw
  # components to be converted when needed
  sn <- sys.nframe()
  oc <- outer_call(sn - 2L)
  oc <- substr(oc, 1, 40)
  oc <- collapse0(iconv(oc, toRaw = TRUE)[[1]])
  oc <- paste0(oc, "__")
  norm_path(tempfile(oc, fileext = ext))

check_is_vector <- function(x, mode = "any") {
  if (
    isS4(x) ||
    inherits(x, c("data.frame", "matrix", "array")) ||
    !is.vector(remove_attributes(x), mode)
  ) {
    x <- deparse1(substitute(x))
    stop(cond_check_is_vector_mode(x, mode))


cond_check_is_vector_mode <- function(x, mode) {
    paste(x, "must be a vector of mode", mode),

add_attributes <- function(x, ...) {
  attributes(x) <- c(attributes(x), rlang::list2(...))

remove_attributes <- function(x, attr = NULL) {
  if (is.null(attr)) {
    attributes(x) <- NULL
  } else {
    a <- attributes(x)
    attributes(x) <- a[names(a) %wo% attr]

add_class <- function(x, cl, pos = 1L) {
  class(x) <- append0(class(x), cl, pos = pos)

remove_class <- function(x, cl = NULL) {
  if (is.null(cl)) {
    class(x) <- NULL
  } else {
    class(x) <- class(x) %wo% cl

check_interactive <- function() {
  op <- getOption("mark.check_interactive", TRUE)

  if (isTRUE(op)) {

  if (isFALSE(op)) {

  if (isNA(op)) {


cond_check_interactive <- function() {
    "mark.check_interactive must be TRUE, FALSE, or NA",

try_formats <- function(date = FALSE) {
  x <- c(
    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS",
    "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS",
    "%Y-%m-%d %H %M %S",
    "%Y %m %d %H %M %S",
    "%Y-%m-%d %H%M%S",
    "%Y %m %d %H%M%S",
    "%Y%m%d %H %M %S",
    "%Y%m%d %H%M%S",

  c(x, if (date) c("%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d", "%Y%m%d"))

has_char <- function(x) {
  if (!is.character(x)) {
    return(rep.int(FALSE, length(x)))

  !is.na(x) & nzchar(x, keepNA = TRUE)

dupe_check <- function(x, n = getOption("mark.dupe.n", 5)) {
  n <- as.integer(n)

  dupes <- which(duplicated(x))
  n_dupes <- length(dupes)
  dupes <- utils::head(dupes, n)

  if (n_dupes) {
    stop(cond_dupe_check(x, dupes, n_dupes, n))


cond_dupe_check <- function(x, dupes, n_dupes, n) {
  msg <- paste0(
    "Duplicate values found in ", n_dupes, " location(s) :\n",
    if (n_dupes > n) sprintf("(first %i)\n", n),
    paste0("  > ", sprintf("[%s] %s", format(dupes), format(x[dupes])), "\n"),
    if (n_dupes > n) "... and ", n_dupes - n, " more"

  new_condition(msg, "dupe_check")

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