# miscellaneous routines including utilities used throughout the package.
# demoSets() return names of text files with ID sets
# buildDemoSets() create the .rda of "biom" objects included as package data
# set-1.tsv 7 metagenomes (in three groups)
# set-2.tsv 24 metagenomes (in two groups)
# set-3.tsv 32 metagenomes (in three groups)
# set-4.tsv 16 metagenomes (in three groups)
# do not use these for now:
# set-5.tsv 1606 metagenomes (HMP)
# set-6.tsv 4 projects of various sizes
# set-7.tsv 10 metagenomes and 3 projects
demoSets <- function () {
dir (file.path (path.package ("matR"), "extdata"), pattern="set-*", full.names=TRUE)
buildDemoSets <- function (n=TRUE, file="demoObjects.rda") {
setParams <- list(
list (request="function", group_level="level2"), # set-1
list (request="organism", group_level="phylum"), # set-2
list (request="function", group_level="level1", evalue=1), # set-3
list (request="organism", group_level="domain", source="Greengenes")) # set-4
buildArgs <- mapply (
file = demoSets() [which],
setParams [which],
objects <- lapply (
names (objects) <- paste0 ("xx", 1:length (objects))
#### fix up non-ASCII characters in metadata
for (j in 1:length (objects))
objects [[j]] $ columns <- rapply (
objects [[j]] $ columns,
save (list = names(objects), file = file, envir = list2env (objects))
"Created file \"", file, "\" in ", getwd(),
".\nFor package build move to \"matR/data\"")
# readSet() read ids/metadata from a tsv file (character or data.frame)
# scrubSet() clean up a specification of "ids" (character)
# scrapeSet() return "resources" per specification (character)
# expandSet() expand projects to metagenomes (character or data.frame)
readSet <- function (file) {
df <- read.table(file, header=F, sep="\t", colClasses="character", stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
if(ncol(df) > 1) {
colnames(df) <- df[1, , drop=TRUE]
rownames(df) <- df[, 1, drop=TRUE]
df[-1, -1, drop=FALSE]
} else df[, , drop=TRUE]
scrubSet <- function (x, resources = "metagenome") {
if ( (x)) {
scrubSet (rownames (x), resources)
} else {
y <- strsplit (collapse (as.character (x)), "[[:space:]+]") [[1]]
y <- y [y != ""]
pfx <- match.arg(
rep(resources, len=length(y)),
c("metagenome", "project"),
several.ok = TRUE)
ifelse (substr(y,1,3) %in% c("mgm", "mgp"),
c (metagenome="mgm", project="mgp") [pfx]),
scrapeSet <- function (x) {
if ( (x)) {
scrapeSet (rownames (x))
} else
c("metagenome", "project") [match (substr(x, 1, 3), c("mgm", "mgp"), nomatch=1)]
expandSet <- function (x) {
if ( (x)) {
rownames (x) <- scrubSet (rownames (x))
y <- scrapeSet (rownames (x))
if (!any (y == "project")) return (x)
z <- as.list (rownames (x))
z [y == "project"] <- metadata (rownames (x) [y == "project"])
j <- rep (1:length(z), sapply(z, length))
x <- x [j, , drop=FALSE]
rownames (x) <- unlist (z)
} else {
x <- scrubSet (x)
y <- scrapeSet (x)
if (!any (y == "project")) return (x)
z <- as.list (x)
z [y == "project"] <- metadata (x [y == "project"])
unlist (z)
# handling of "suggested dependencies".
# official dependencies are minimized to remove obstacles to installation.
hazPackages <- function() {
me <- packageDescription ("matR")
need <- unlist (strsplit (c (me$Imports, me$Suggests), "[^[:alnum:]\\.]+"))
sapply (need, function (x) length (find.package (x, quiet = TRUE)) > 0)
dependencies <- function (prompt = TRUE) {
need <- !hazPackages()
if (any (need)) {
message("matR uses other software.. blah blah blah.. here is what we\'ll do")
message("Suggested package(s) missing: ", collapse (names(need) [need]), "\n")
if (prompt) {
chooseBioCmirror (graphics = FALSE)
cat ("\n")
chooseCRANmirror (graphics = FALSE)
cat ("\n")
setRepositories (graphics = FALSE)
cat ("\n")
install.packages (names (need) [need])
haz <- hazPackages()
if (all (haz)) {
message("\nAll suggested packages have been installed.\nNow quit and restart R.")
} else message("\nPackage(s) could not be installed: ", collapse (names(haz) [!haz]))
} else
message ("All suggested packages appear to be installed.")
# 'step.through()' to help with demos.
# stepper():
# read the file as text and echoes each line exactly.
# each command must fit on a line, and blank lines are simply echoed.
# stepper2():
# parses the whole file first. commands may span lines.
# comments are not displayed. commands are reformatted to standard appearance.
step.through <- function (demo, file) {
stepper (if (!missing (file)) {
} else
file.path (path.package ("matR"), "demo", paste0 (demo, ".R")))
stepper <- function (file) {
lines <- readLines (file)
for (j in 1:length (lines))
if (lines [j] != "") {
cat (getOption ("prompt"), lines [j], sep = "")
readLines (n = 1, warn = FALSE)
R <- withVisible (eval.parent (parse (text = lines [j])))
if (R$visible && !is.null (R$value)) print (R$value)
else cat ("\n")
stepper2 <- function (file) {
exprs <- parse (file = file)
for (j in 1:length (exprs)) {
cat (getOption ("prompt"), as.character (exprs [j]), sep = "")
readLines (n = 1, warn = FALSE)
eval (exprs [j])
# utilities for docs.
seeDoc <- function (f) {
outfile <- tempfile (fileext = ".html")
browseURL (tools::Rd2HTML (f, outfile))
buildHTMLDocs <- function (docs) {
for (d in docs) tools::Rd2HTML (d, paste ("./html/", unlist (strsplit (d, ".", fixed = TRUE)) [1], ".html", sep=""), Links = tools::findHTMLlinks ())
list2df <- function (li) {
# support for bringing nested list structures into a data.frame with NAs where needed
# unlist to depth one, while keeping names of top-level list entries
# the df variables will be the union of all names
# data.frame has one row per element of the original list; one column per variable
# don't apply t() in case of a single variable
# final result: NA placed wherever a variable is missing from a list entry
li <- sapply (li, unlist, simplify=FALSE)
vars <- sort (unique (unlist (lapply (li, names))))
y <- sapply (li, "[", vars)
if (is.matrix (y)) y <- t(y) (y, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
tagline <- function () {
# package name.
# preprocess source with:
# sed s/XXXBUILDXXX/$commit/g matR/R/init.R > init.Rtemp
# mv init.Rtemp matR/R/init.R
if (substr (ss, 2, 9) == "XXXBUILD") ss <- ""
paste0 ("matR: metagenomics analysis tools for R (", packageVersion("matR"), ss, ")")
warning <- function (...) {
# stylish warnings
base::warning ("matR: ", ..., call.=FALSE)
collapse <- function (x, ..., sep = " ") {
# make length-one string from a character vector
paste(x, ..., sep = sep, collapse = sep)
abbrev <- function (s, n, where = "right") {
# abbreviates each element of a character vector to fit a given width
# adds "..." where text is omitted (left, middle, or right)
# -->still need abbrev from middle and left ...
toolong <- function (s, n) sapply (s, function (x) { nchar (x) > n - 3 }, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
paste (strtrim (s, width = n - 3),
ifelse (toolong (s, n), "...", ""),
sep = "")
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