
Defines functions match_df

Documented in match_df

#' Check and clean spelling or codes of multiple variables in a data frame
#' @description This function allows you to clean your data according to
#' pre-defined rules encapsulated in either a data frame or list of data frames.
#' It has application for addressing mis-spellings and recoding variables (e.g.
#' from electronic survey data).
#' @param dictionary a data frame or named list of data frames with at least two
#'   columns defining the word list to be used. If this is a data frame, a third
#'   column must be present to split the dictionary by column in `x` (see
#'   `by`).
#' @param by character or integer. If `dictionary` is a data frame,
#'   then this column in defines the columns in `x` corresponding to each
#'   section of the `dictionary` data frame. This defaults to `3`, indicating the
#'   third column is to be used.
#' @param order a character the column to be used for sorting the values in
#'   each data frame. If the incoming variables are factors, this determines how
#'   the resulting factors will be sorted.
#' @param warn if `TRUE`, warnings and errors from [match_vec()] will be
#'   shown as a single warning. Defaults to `FALSE`, which shows nothing.
#' @inheritParams match_vec
#' @details By default, this applies the function [match_vec()] to all
#'   columns specified by the column names listed in `by`, or, if a
#'   global dictionary is used, this includes all `character` and `factor`
#'   columns as well.
#' \subsection{`by` column}{
#' Spelling variables within `dictionary` represent keys that you want to match
#' to column names in `x` (the data set). These are expected to match exactly
#' with the exception of two reserved keywords that starts with a full stop:
#'  - `.regex [pattern]`: any column whose name is matched by `[pattern]`. The
#'  `[pattern]` should be an unquoted, valid, PERL-flavored regular expression.
#'  - `.global`: any column (see Section *Global dictionary*)
#' }
#' \subsection{Global dictionary}{
#' A global dictionary is a set of definitions applied to all valid columns of
#' `x` indiscriminantly.
#'  - **.global keyword in `by`**: If you want to apply a set of definitions to
#'  all valid columns in addition to specified columns, then you can include a
#'  `.global` group in the `by` column of your `dictionary` data frame. This is
#'  useful for setting up a dictionary of common spelling errors. *NOTE:
#'  specific variable definitions will override global defintions.* For
#'  example: if you have a column for cardinal directions and a definiton for
#'  `N = North`, then the global variable `N = no` will not override that. See
#'  Example.
#'  - **`by = NULL`**: If you want your data frame to be applied to
#'    all character/factor columns indiscriminantly, then setting
#'    `by = NULL` will use that dictionary globally.
#' }
#' @return a data frame with re-defined data based on the dictionary
#' @seealso [match_vec()], which this function wraps.
#' @author Zhian N. Kamvar
#' @author Patrick Barks
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Read in dictionary and coded date examples --------------------
#' dict <- read.csv(matchmaker_example("spelling-dictionary.csv"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' dat <- read.csv(matchmaker_example("coded-data.csv"),
#'   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' dat$date <- as.Date(dat$date)
#' # Clean spelling based on dictionary -----------------------------
#' dict # show the dict
#' head(dat) # show the data
#' res1 <- match_df(dat,
#'   dictionary = dict,
#'   from = "options",
#'   to = "values",
#'   by = "grp")
#' head(res1)
#' # Show warnings/errors from each column --------------------------
#' # Internally, the `match_vec()` function can be quite noisy with warnings for
#' # various reasons. Thus, by default, the `match_df()` function will keep
#' # these quiet, but you can have them printed to your console if you use the
#' # warn = TRUE option:
#' res1 <- match_df(dat,
#'   dictionary = dict,
#'   from = "options",
#'   to = "values",
#'   by = "grp",
#'   warn = TRUE)
#' head(res1)
#' # You can ensure the order of the factors are correct by specifying
#' # a column that defines order.
#' dat[] <- lapply(dat, as.factor)
#' as.list(head(dat))
#' res2 <- match_df(dat,
#'   dictionary = dict,
#'   from = "options",
#'   to = "values",
#'   by = "grp",
#'   order = "orders")
#' head(res2)
#' as.list(head(res2))
match_df <- function(x = data.frame(), dictionary = list(), from = 1, to = 2,
                     by = 3, order = NULL, warn = FALSE) {

  if (length(x) == 0 || !is.data.frame(x)) {
    stop("x must be a data frame")

  classes <- vapply(x, inherits, logical(1), c("character", "factor"))

  # Define columns viable for manipulation ------------------------------------
  # Because this is a global manipulator, only work on characters or factors
  unprotected <- names(x)[classes]

  if (length(dictionary) == 0 || !is.list(dictionary)) {
    stop("dictionary must be a list of data frames")

  # There is one big dictionary with by -----------------------------
  if (is.data.frame(dictionary)) {

    # the from and to columns exist
    from_exists <- i_check_scalar(from) && i_check_column_name(from, names(dictionary))
    to_exists   <- i_check_scalar(to)   && i_check_column_name(to, names(dictionary))

    if (!from_exists || !to_exists) {
      stop("`from` and `to` must refer to columns in the dictionary")

    # There is a by column ----------------------------------------
    by_exists <- i_check_scalar(by)

    if (by_exists) {
      valid_by <- i_check_column_name(by, names(dictionary))
      if (valid_by) {
        byname <- names(dictionary[by])

        # Discard any rows that are completely missing -----------
        norows <- apply(dictionary,
          MARGIN = 1,
          FUN    = function(i, b) !all(is.na(i[b])),
          b      = c(from, to)
        dictionary <- dictionary[norows, , drop = FALSE]

        # Split the dictionary here -------------------------------
        dictionary <- split(dictionary, dictionary[[byname]])
      } else {
        stop("`by` must be the name or position of a column in the dictionary")
    } else {
      warning("Using dictionary globally across all character/factor columns.")

  } else {
    # Not everything is a data frame :( ---------------------------------------
    if (!all(vapply(dictionary, is.data.frame, logical(1)))) {
      stop("everything in dictionary must be a data frame")

    # Not all dictionaries are named ------------------------------------
    if (any(names(dictionary) == "")) {
      stop("all dictionaries must be named")

  one_big_dictionary <- is.data.frame(dictionary)
  exists_order       <- !is.null(order)

  if (one_big_dictionary) {
    # If there is one big dictionary ------------------------------------
    if (exists_order && order %in% names(dictionary)) {
      dictionary <- dictionary[order(dictionary[[order]]), , drop = FALSE]
    # Iterate over the names of the data -------------------
    to_iterate_x <- unprotected
    to_iterate_dictionary <- unprotected
  } else {
    # If there is a list of dictionaries --------------------------------
    if (exists_order) {
      for (i in names(dictionary)) {
        di <- dictionary[[i]]
        # Only sort if there is something to sort by -------
        the_sorts  <- if (any(names(di) == order)) order(di[[order]]) else TRUE
        dictionary[[i]] <- dictionary[[i]][the_sorts, , drop = FALSE]
    global_words <- dictionary[[".global"]]
    dictionary   <- dictionary[names(dictionary) != ".global"]
    has_global   <- !is.null(global_words)

    # Identify columns of x to clean, and matching entry in dictionary ----------

    # Extract vars to check from dictionary (both plain and regex) ------------
    vars_check   <- names(dictionary)
    is_var_regex <- grepl("^\\.regex[[:space:]]", vars_check)

    # If any .regex keys... ------------
    if (any(is_var_regex)) {

      vars_check_plain <- vars_check[!is_var_regex]
      vars_check_regex <- vars_check[is_var_regex]
      vars_check_regex_extract <- gsub("\\.regex[[:space:]]", "", vars_check_regex)

      # which cols in x match each regex var (1 element for each .regex key)
      vars_regex_match_list <- lapply(
        FUN = grep,
        x = names(x), value = TRUE, perl = TRUE

      # check for dictionary variables with no match in x
      vars_regex_match_n <- lengths(vars_regex_match_list)
      vars_plain_nomatch <- vars_check_plain[!vars_check_plain %in% names(x)]
      vars_regex_nomatch <- vars_check_regex[vars_regex_match_n == 0]
      vars_nomatch <- unique(c(vars_plain_nomatch, vars_regex_nomatch))

      # all columns of x that match variable in dictionary
      cols_match_plain <- vars_check_plain[vars_check_plain %in% names(x)]
      cols_match_regex <- unlist(vars_regex_match_list, use.names = FALSE)
      cols_match <- c(cols_match_plain, cols_match_regex)

      # dictionary variable name corresponding to each matching column in x
      matching_var_plain <- cols_match_plain
      matching_var_regex <- rep(vars_check_regex, vars_regex_match_n)
      matching_var <- c(matching_var_plain, matching_var_regex)

      # columns of x to iterate over, and matching key from dictionary
      to_iterate_x <- cols_match
      to_iterate_dictionary <- matching_var

      # Else no .regex keys, column names in x and dictionary keys matched literally
    } else {

      to_iterate_x <- to_iterate_dictionary <- intersect(vars_check, names(x))
      vars_nomatch <- setdiff(vars_check, names(x))

    # Warn if any variables in dictionary don't match any columns in x ------
    if (length(vars_nomatch) > 0) {
      warning("The following variable(s) in the dictionary did not match any ",
        "columns in 'x': ", paste(vars_nomatch, collapse = ", "),
        call. = FALSE)

    # If .global keyword in dictionary, add all uprotected columns to to_iterate_
    if (has_global) {
      unprotected_to_add <- setdiff(unprotected, to_iterate_x)
      to_iterate_x <- c(to_iterate_x, unprotected_to_add)
      to_iterate_dictionary <- c(to_iterate_dictionary, unprotected_to_add)

  # check if there is a ".default" value in the global dictionary
  global_with_default <- one_big_dictionary &&
    any(dictionary[[1]] == ".default") ||
      !one_big_dictionary &&
        has_global &&
        any(global_words[[1]] == ".default")

  if (global_with_default) {

    stop("the .default keyword cannot be used with .global")


  # Prepare warning/error labels ---------------------------------------------
  warns <- errs <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(to_iterate_x))
  iter_print <- gsub(" ", "_", format(to_iterate_x))
  names(iter_print) <- names(warns) <- names(errs) <- to_iterate_x

  the_call <- match.call()
  dname    <- deparse(the_call[["dictionary"]])
  # Loop over the variables and clean spelling --------------------------------
  for (i in seq_along(to_iterate_x)) {

    i_x <- to_iterate_x[i]
    i_w <- to_iterate_dictionary[i]

    d <- if (one_big_dictionary) dictionary else dictionary[[i_w]]

    if (is.null(d)) {
      # d is null because this is a variable without a specific spelling def
      d <- global_words
    } else if (!one_big_dictionary) {
      # d is not null, but the input has specific variables
      # find the words that match the dictionary
      gw <- !global_words[[1]] %in% d[[1]]
      if (sum(gw) > 0) {
        # If there are still global words to clean, pass them through
        g <- global_words[gw, , drop = FALSE]
        w <- withWarnings({
          match_vec(x[[i_x]], g, from = from, to = to, quiet = FALSE)
        x[[i_x]] <- if (is.null(w$val)) x[[i_x]] else w$val
        if (warn) {
          warns[[i_x]] <- collect_ya_errs(w$warnings, iter_print[i_x])
          errs[[i_x]]  <- collect_ya_errs(w$errors, iter_print[i_x])
    } else {
      # There is one big, global dictionary
      d <- d
    # Evaluate and collect any warnings/errors that pop up
    w <- withWarnings({
      match_vec(x[[i_x]], d, from = from, to = to, quiet = FALSE)
    x[[i_x]] <- if (is.null(w$val)) x[[i_x]] else w$val
    if (warn) {
      warns[[i_x]] <- c(warns[[i_x]], collect_ya_errs(w$warnings, iter_print[i_x]))
      errs[[i_x]]  <- c(errs[[i_x]], collect_ya_errs(w$errors, iter_print[i_x]))

  # Process warnings and errors and give a warning if there were any
  if (warn) {
    wemsg <- process_werrors(warns, errs, dname)


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matchmaker documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 1:11 a.m.