
Defines functions preview_rd

Documented in preview_rd

preview_rd <- function(Rdfile, view = TRUE, type = "html", verbose = FALSE, dark = FALSE, ...) {

   if (missing(Rdfile))
      stop("Must specify the 'Rdfile' argument.")

   type <- match.arg(type, c("html", "txt", "text", "pdf"))

   if (type == "text")
      type <- "txt"

   ddd <- list(...)

   # need to load MathJax from the CDN since the \mathjaxr macro
   # won't be able to load MathJax from the local installation
   mjcdn <- Sys.getenv("MATHJAXR_USECDN")
   on.exit(Sys.setenv(MATHJAXR_USECDN = mjcdn))
   Sys.setenv(MATHJAXR_USECDN = "TRUE")

   # temporarily set working dir to location of Rdfile
   wd <- getwd()
   dn <- dirname(Rdfile)
   on.exit(setwd(wd), add=TRUE)

   # strip path from Rdfile
   Rdfile <- basename(Rdfile)

   # list all .Rd and .rd files in the current dir
   Rdfiles <- list.files(pattern = ".*\\.Rd$")
   rdfiles <- list.files(pattern = ".*\\.rd$")

   # do the same for all files in the man subdir
   Rdfiles.man <- list.files(path = "man", pattern = ".*\\.Rd$")
   rdfiles.man <- list.files(path = "man", pattern = ".*\\.rd$")

   # check if Rdfile has an .Rd or .rd extension
   noext <- !is.element(substr(Rdfile, nchar(Rdfile)-2, nchar(Rdfile)), c(".Rd", ".rd"))

   # try to find the Rdfile first in the man subdir and then in the current dir
   if (paste0(Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".Rd", "")) %in% Rdfiles.man) {
      Rdfile.loc <- paste0("man/", Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".Rd", ""))
   } else if (paste0(Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".rd", "")) %in% rdfiles.man) {
      Rdfile.loc <- paste0("man/", Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".rd", ""))
   } else if (paste0(Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".Rd", "")) %in% Rdfiles) {
      Rdfile.loc <- paste0(Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".Rd", ""))
   } else if (paste0(Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".rd", "")) %in% rdfiles) {
      Rdfile.loc <- paste0(Rdfile, ifelse(noext, ".rd", ""))
   } else {
      stop(paste0("Cannot find the specified Rd file in the current directory or in the 'man' subdirectory."))

   if (verbose)
      message("Found Rd file: ", Rdfile.loc)

   # get environment with the mathjaxr, package, and system macros
   macros <- tools::loadPkgRdMacros(system.file(package = "mathjaxr"))
   macros <- tools::loadPkgRdMacros(ifelse(basename(getwd()) == "man", "..", "."), macros = macros)
   macros <- tools::loadRdMacros(file.path(R.home("share"), "Rd", "macros", "system.Rd"), macros = macros)

   # generate name of temp file
   tmpdir <- tempdir()
   outfile <- paste0(file.path(tmpdir, Rdfile), ".", type)

   if (verbose)
      message("Creating preview file: ", outfile)

   if (type == "html") {

      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
         prefix <- "file://"
      } else {
         prefix <- ""

      if (!is.null(ddd$css)) {
         css <- paste0(prefix, ddd$css)
      } else {
         if (dark) {
            css <- paste0(prefix, system.file("doc/R_dark.css", package = "mathjaxr"))
         } else {
            css <- paste0(prefix, system.file("html/R.css", package = "mathjaxr"))

      # copy figures to tmpdir if there are any
      if (file.exists(paste0(dirname(Rdfile.loc), "/figures"))) {
         rdtxt <- readLines(Rdfile.loc, warn = FALSE)
         figloc <- grep("\\figure{", rdtxt, fixed = TRUE)
         if (length(figloc) > 0L) {
            figs <- rdtxt[figloc]
            figs <- sapply(strsplit(figs, "\\figure{", fixed = TRUE), function(x) x[2])
            figs <- sapply(strsplit(figs, "}", fixed = TRUE), function(x) x[1])
            status <- TRUE
            if (!file.exists(paste0(tmpdir, "/figures")))
               status <- dir.create(paste0(tmpdir, "/figures"), showWarnings = FALSE)
            if (status) {
               if (verbose)
                  message("Copying figure(s) to:  ", paste0(tmpdir, "/figures"))
               file.copy(paste0(dirname(Rdfile.loc), "/figures/", figs), paste0(tmpdir, "/figures"), overwrite = TRUE)

      # convert Rd to HTML version
      html <- tools::Rd2HTML(Rdfile.loc, out = outfile,
         macros = macros, permissive = TRUE, dynamic = TRUE,
         stylesheet = css, stages = c("build", "install", "render"))

      # use viewer if available (as in RStudio); otherwise use browseURL()
      viewer <- getOption("viewer")
      if (!is.null(viewer)) {
      } else {
         if (view)


   if (type == "txt") {

      # convert Rd to text version and show file
      txt <- tools::Rd2txt(Rdfile.loc, out = outfile,
         macros = macros, permissive = TRUE)

      if (.Platform$GUI == "RStudio") {
         # RStudio tries to use its own pager for file.show(), but this doesn't work so well here
         # so we just brute-force the display on the console with readLines() and cat() ... :/
         out <- readLines(txt)
         for (i in seq_along(out)) {
            cat(out[i], "\n")
      } else {
         if (view)


   if (type == "pdf") {

      pkg <- character(0)

      # try to get the package name and RdMacros field from DESCRIPTION
      if (file.exists(ifelse(basename(getwd()) == "man", "../DESCRIPTION", "DESCRIPTION"))) {
         pkg      <- suppressWarnings(try(read.dcf(ifelse(basename(getwd()) == "man", "../DESCRIPTION", "DESCRIPTION"), fields="Package"),  silent = TRUE))
         RdMacros <- suppressWarnings(try(read.dcf(ifelse(basename(getwd()) == "man", "../DESCRIPTION", "DESCRIPTION"), fields="RdMacros"), silent = TRUE))
         if (inherits(pkg, "try-error") || is.na(pkg[1]) || !dir.exists(ifelse(basename(getwd()) == "man", "macros", "man/macros"))) # if there is no man/macros dir, the package has no macros
            pkg <- character(0)
         if (inherits(RdMacros, "try-error") || is.na(RdMacros[1]))
            RdMacros <- character(0)

      if (length(RdMacros) > 0L) {
         # remove mathjaxr from RdMacros
         RdMacros <- trimws(strsplit(RdMacros, ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]])
         RdMacros <- RdMacros[RdMacros != "mathjaxr"]
         if (length(RdMacros) > 1L)
            RdMacros <- paste0(RdMacros, collapse=",")
         if (length(RdMacros) > 0L) {
            RdMacros <- paste0("mathjaxr,", RdMacros)
         } else {
            RdMacros <- "mathjaxr"
      } else {
         RdMacros <- "mathjaxr"

      if (length(pkg) > 0L)
         RdMacros <- paste0(RdMacros, ",", pkg)

      #cmd <- paste0("CMD Rd2pdf --no-index --no-description --force --batch --RdMacros=mathjaxr ", ifelse(view, "", "--no-preview"), " --output=", outfile, " ", Rdfile.loc)
      #cmd <- paste0("CMD Rd2pdf --no-index --no-description --force --batch --RdMacros=mathjaxr --no-preview --output=", outfile, " ", Rdfile.loc)
      cmd <- paste0("CMD Rd2pdf --no-index --no-description --force --batch --RdMacros=", RdMacros, " --no-preview --output=", outfile, " ", Rdfile.loc)
      #system2("R", cmd, wait = TRUE, stderr = if (verbose >=2) "" else NULL, stdout = if (verbose >= 2) "" else tempfile("stdout"))
      system2("R", cmd, wait = TRUE, stdout = ifelse(verbose >= 2, "", tempfile("stdout")))

      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      } else {
         optb <- getOption("browser")
         if (is.function(optb)) {
         } else {
            system(paste0(optb, " '", outfile, "'"))



Try the mathjaxr package in your browser

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mathjaxr documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:39 p.m.