aggregate_pieces_byname: Aggregate a matrix by pieces of row and/or column names

View source: R/aggregates.R

aggregate_pieces_bynameR Documentation

Aggregate a matrix by pieces of row and/or column names


Aggregate a matrix (or list of matrices or a column in a matsindf data frame) by pieces of the row and column names.


  margin = list(c(1, 2)),
  inf_notation = TRUE,
  notation = list(RCLabels::notations_list),
  choose_most_specific = FALSE,
  prepositions = list(RCLabels::prepositions_list),
  aggregation_map = NULL,
  pattern_type = "exact"



A matrix or list of matrices.


A character string indicating which piece of the row or column names to retain, one of "noun", "pps", "pref" or "suff", or a preposition, indicating which part of the row or column name is to be retained.


As a character, the row type or column type to be renamed. As an integer, the margin to be renamed. Default is c(1, 2), meaning that both rows (margin = 1) and columns (margin = 2) will be renamed.


A boolean that tells whether to infer notation. Default is TRUE.


The notation used for row and column labels. Default is list(RCLabels::notations_list). The default value is wrapped in a list, because RCLabels::notations_list is, itself, a list. See RCLabels.


A boolean that indicates whether the most-specific notation will be inferred when more than one of notation matches a row or column label and allow_multiple = FALSE. When FALSE, the first matching notation in notations is returned when allow_multiple = FALSE. Default is FALSE.


Prepositions that can be used in the row and column label. Default is RCLabels::prepositions_list.


A named list of rows or columns to be aggregated (or NULL). See details.


See RCLabels::make_or_pattern(). Default is "exact".


This is a convenience function that bundles two others for common use cases: rename_to_piece_byname() followed by aggregate_byname(). Note that after renaming to the piece, there may be rows or columns that are identically named. If those identically named names aren't included in the aggregation_map, an error will result. So, aggregate_byname() is called twice; first with aggregation_map = NULL to sweep up any rows or columns that are identically named after renaming and second with aggregation_map = aggregation_map to sum the desired rows or columns. See examples.

When aggregation_map is NULL (the default), rows (or columns or both) of same name are aggregated together.

If aggregation_map is not NULL, it must be a named list. The name of each aggregation_map item is the name of a row or column in output that will contain the specified aggregation. The value of each item in aggregation_map must be a vector of names of rows or columns in a. The names in the value are aggregated and inserted into the output with the name of the value. For example aggregation_map = list(new_row = c("r1", "r2")) will aggregate rows "r1" and "r2", delete rows "r1" and "r2", and insert a new row whose name is "new_row" and whose value is the sum of rows "r1" and "r2'.

The values in the aggregation_map are interpreted as regular expressions, and they are escaped using Hmisc::escapeRegex() prior to use.

aggregation_map should aggregate by pieces, not by the full, original row and/or column names.


A version of a with rows and/or columns aggregated according to aggregation_map.


a <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 
              4, 5, 6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, 
            dimnames = list(c("a [from b]", "c [from d]"), 
                            c("e [from f]", "g [from h]", "i [from j]")))
a %>%
  aggregate_pieces_byname(piece = "suff", 
                          notation = RCLabels::from_notation,
                          aggregation_map = list(rows = c("b", "d"), 
                                                 cols = c("h", "j")))
m <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0, 
              0, 1, 1, 
              0, 1, 1), nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, 
            dimnames = list(c("Gasoline [from Oil refineries]", 
                              "Electricity [from Main activity producer electricity plants]", 
                              "Electricity [from Hydro]"),
                            c("Automobiles", "LED lamps", "CFL lamps"))) %>%
  setrowtype("Product") %>% setcoltype("Industry")
mT <- transpose_byname(m)
# Aggregate the "Electricity" rows.
aggregate_pieces_byname(m, piece = "noun", margin = "Product",
                        notation = RCLabels::bracket_notation)
# Also works in a list.
aggregate_pieces_byname(a = list(m, mT), piece = "noun", 
                        margin = "Product",
                        notation = RCLabels::bracket_notation)
# Use an aggregation map
aggregate_pieces_byname(a = list(m, mT), piece = "noun", 
                        margin = "Product",
                        aggregation_map = list(list(final = c("Electricity", "Gasoline"))),
                        notation = RCLabels::bracket_notation)
# Also works in a data frame.
df <- tibble::tibble(m = list(m, mT), 
                     pce = "noun",
                     mgn = "Product",
                     agg_map = list(list(final = c("Electricity", "Gasoline"))), 
                     notn = list(RCLabels::bracket_notation)) %>%
    agg = aggregate_pieces_byname(a = m, piece = pce, margin = mgn, 
                                  aggregation_map = agg_map,
                                  notation = notn)
# Works when renaming to the piece results in identical row or col names.
b <- matrix(1:6, nrow = 3, ncol = 2, 
            dimnames = list(c("a [from b]", "c [from d]", "c [from e]"), 
                            c("c1", "c2")))
# This aggregation works, because the "c" rows
# are aggregated before applying the aggregation_map,
# which, itself, does NOT aggregate the "c" rows.
b %>% 
  aggregate_pieces_byname(piece = "noun",
                          margin = 1,
                          inf_notation = FALSE, 
                          notation = RCLabels::bracket_notation, 
                          aggregation_map = list(f = c("a", "b")))

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.