binaryapply_byname: Apply a binary function "by name"

View source: R/Apply.R

binaryapply_bynameR Documentation

Apply a binary function "by name"


If either a or b is missing or NULL, 0 is passed to FUN in its place. Note that if either a and b are lists, elements must be named the same. The names of list elements of a are applied to the output.


  .FUNdots = NULL,
  match_type = c("all", "matmult", "none"),
  set_rowcoltypes = TRUE,
  .organize = TRUE



a binary function to be applied "by name" to a and b.


the first operand for FUN.


the second operand for FUN.


a list of additional named arguments passed to FUN.


one of "all", "matmult", or "none". When both a and b are matrices, "all" (the default) indicates that rowtypes of a must match rowtypes of b and coltypes of a must match coltypes of b. If "matmult", coltypes of a must match rowtypes of b. If "none", neither coltypes nor rowtypes are checked.


tells whether to apply row and column types from a and b to the output. Set TRUE (the default) to apply row and column types to the output. Set FALSE, to not apply row and column types to the output.


a boolean that tells whether or not to automatically complete a and b relative to each other and sort the rows and columns of the completed matrices. Normally, this should be TRUE (the default). However, if FUN takes over this responsibility, set to FALSE.


the result of applying FUN "by name" to a and b.


productnames <- c("p1", "p2")
industrynames <- c("i1", "i2")
U <- matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(productnames, industrynames)) %>%
  setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
Y <- matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(rev(productnames), rev(industrynames))) %>%
  setrowtype("Products") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
sum_byname(U, Y)
binaryapply_byname(`+`, U, Y)

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.