geometricmean_byname: Name- and element-wise geometric mean of two matrices.

View source: R/Binary.R

geometricmean_bynameR Documentation

Name- and element-wise geometric mean of two matrices.


Gives the geometric mean of corresponding entries of a and b.


geometricmean_byname(..., .summarise = FALSE)



operands; constants, matrices, or lists of matrices


Tells whether the operation should be accomplished across lists (FALSE) or down lists (TRUE).


This function performs a union and sorting of row and column names prior to performing geometric mean. Zeroes are inserted for missing matrix elements.


name-wise geometric mean of operands


geometricmean_byname(10, 1000)
geometricmean_byname(10, 1000, 100000)
commoditynames <- c("c1", "c2")
industrynames <- "i1"
U <- matrix(c(10, 1000), ncol = 1, nrow = 2, dimnames = list(commoditynames, industrynames)) %>%
  setrowtype("Commodities") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
G <- matrix(c(1e3, 1e5), ncol = 1, nrow = 2, 
            dimnames = list(rev(commoditynames), rev(industrynames))) %>%
  setrowtype("Commodities") %>% setcoltype("Industries")
# Non-sensical. Row and column names not respected.
# Row and column names respected!
geometricmean_byname(U, G)
geometricmean_byname(1000, U)
geometricmean_byname(10, G)
# This also works with lists
geometricmean_byname(list(10, 1000), list(1000, 10))
geometricmean_byname(list(U,U), list(G,G))
DF <- data.frame(U = I(list()), G = I(list()))
DF[[1,"U"]] <- U
DF[[2,"U"]] <- U
DF[[1,"G"]] <- G
DF[[2,"G"]] <- G
geometricmean_byname(DF$U, DF$G)
DF %>% mutate(geomeans = geometricmean_byname(U, G))

matsbyname documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:10 a.m.